Section 4.1 Rules.
The council shall, by ordinance, prescribe rules to govern its meetings and proceedings.
Section 4.2 Meetings.
The council shall meet on the second Monday in January next following any general election and such meeting is appointed by this charter, and no notice thereof is necessary. The council shall meet in the city regularly at least once a month at a time and place designated by council’s rules, and may meet at other times in accordance with the rules.
Section 4.3 Quorum.
Except as otherwise provided, four elected officers or their replacements appointed as provided in Section 7.2 constitute a quorum for the conduct of council business, but a smaller number of the elected officers or their replacements may meet and compel attendance of absent officers as prescribed by council rules.
Section 4.4 Record of Proceedings.
A record of council proceedings shall be kept and authenticated in a manner prescribed by the council.
Section 4.5 Mayor’s Function at Council Meetings.
4.5.1 When present at council meetings the mayor shall: Preside over deliberations of the council, Preserve order, Enforce council rules, and Determine the order of business under the rules.
4.5.2 The mayor is not a member of the council. The mayor may vote on matters before the council only when necessary to break a tie in the council vote.
Section 4.6 President of the Council.
At its first meeting of each odd-numbered year, the council shall elect a president from its councilors. Except in voting on questions before the council and except the president shall not have the power to veto, the president shall function as mayor when the mayor is:
4.6.1 Absent from a council meeting, or
4.6.2 Unable to function as mayor.
The president shall not lose his or her vote by reason of assuming the duties of the mayor.
Section 4.7 Vote Required.
Except when a different vote is prescribed in this charter, when a quorum is present the concurrence of a majority of the council present and able to vote shall be necessary to decide any question before the council.