Section 6.1 State Law.
Except as this charter or a city ordinance prescribes to the contrary, a city election shall conform to state law applicable to the election.
Section 6.2 Nominations.
Any qualified elector may be qualified to be a candidate for elective office if the elector has resided in the city for 12 months immediately preceding the election to office. The name of such an elector shall be printed on the ballot whenever a written acceptance of nomination and a fee or a nominating petition as prescribed by general ordinance is timely filed with the city in advance of the election. If a nomination petition is used it shall be signed by not fewer than 10 nor more than 20 electors. The nomination petition for a successful candidate for election shall be preserved by the custodian of city records until the expiration of the term of office for which the candidate is elected.
Section 6.3 Oath of Office.
Before assuming city office, an officer shall take an oath of office or shall affirm that he or she will faithfully perform the duties of the office and support the constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Oregon.