References to Resolutions
Res. No. | Date Passed | Description | |
1955 |
| |
01 | 07/11/55 | Designate U.S. National Bank as depository for all funds | |
1956 | |||
01 | 03/28/56 | Authorize $150 balance in General emergency fund for civil defense supplies | |
02 | 06/06/56 | Transfer $20,903.75 water/sewer bond and interest surplus to general sinking fund | |
03 | 06/06/56 | Apply $1,000 drainage sinking funds to storm sewer pipe on 7th (between Orchard and Highland) | |
04 | 06/06/56 | Transfer $13,000 from construction fund to street fund (Orchard Avenue Project) | |
05 | 07/18/56 | Apply $1,000 water emergency fund to meters and boxes, office equipment, etc. | |
06 | 07/18/56 | Transfer $1,200 police department funds to sinking funds for remodeling police department | |
07 | 07/18/56 | Transfer $2,000 CRC surplus and $1,700 emergency general fund surplus to overexpended items | |
08 | 07/18/56 | Transfer $1,500 from street emergency fund to equipment maintenance | |
09 | 07/18/56 | Apply $943 new car balance to auto and radio repair items | |
10 | 07/18/56 | Transfer $945 from sewer labor to lift Station No. 3 | |
11 | 07/18/56 | Transfer funds from sinking fund to equipment and supplies items | |
12 | 07/18/56 | Transfer state street funds to labor, paving and oil, material and supplies items | |
13 | 07/18/56 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign quit claim deed to O.M. and Jessie Marlow for Lot 16, Block 4, Newport Addition, less N. 42' | |
14 | 08/01/56 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign bargain and sale deed to O.M. and Jessie Marlow for N. 42' of Lot 16, Block 4, Newport Addition | |
15 | 08/15/56 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign correction deed from Horace M. and Millie B. Smith to City | |
16 | 08/15/56 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign correction deed from Horace M. and Millie B. Smith to City | |
1957 | |||
01 | 01/10/57 | Designate U.S. National Bank as depository for all funds | |
02 | 02/14/57 | Heart Association proclamation | |
03 | 02/27/57 | Place outstanding water accounts in inactive file | |
04 | 05/22/57 | City civil defense accept State Industrial Accident coverage | |
05 | 06/12/57 | Transfer $13,000 construction fund to Orchard Avenue project preparation | |
06 | 06/00/57 | Water rates | |
07 | 06/26/57 | Transfer $275 from insurance and bonds to airport legal fund | |
08 | 06/26/57 | Transfer 1956-57 sinking fund items to sinking fund as of 06/30/57 | |
09 | 06/26/57 | Allow funds for general government emergency, sewer engineering water emergency | |
10 | 06/26/57 | Transfer $2,000 to sinking fund for new water/sewer billing machine | |
11 | 06/28/57 | $300 to Library Board from library budget for books | |
12 | 07/23/57 | Place outstanding ambulance accounts in inactive file | |
13 | 08/15/57 | Transfer $808.50 from billing machine sinking fund to engineer costs for new official map | |
14 | 11/14/57 | Designate areas for parking meters | |
1958 | |||
01 | 01/22/58 | Establish commercial, residential sewer rates (Provided in Ordinance No. 374) | |
02 | 01/22/58 | Rescinded by Res. No. 335 | |
03 | 03/26/58 | Establish residential, commercial, commercial special sewer rates (Ordinance No. 374) | |
04 | 05/28/58 | Transfer $14,000 from construction fund to street fund (Re: Orchard Avenue project) | |
05 | 06/25/58 | Transfer funds to sinking fund authorized by special election | |
06 | 07/09/58 | Pay $435 balance library fund to Library Board for books | |
07 | 07/15/58 | Budgeted $4,000 to sinking fund for Butte Drive lift station project | |
08 | 08/13/58 | Re-appropriate emergency fund - Main Street crossing and labor | |
09 | 08/13/58 | Re-allocate $1,500 of emergency fund to parking meter fund and $500 to building, maintenance fund | |
10 | 09/10/58 | Replace $14,000 in construction fund (see Res. No. 4 passed 05/28/58) | |
11 | 09/10/58 | Designate stop streets - east Newport at 2nd, east-west Highland at W. 7th | |
12 | 10/30/58 | Grant year extension to Eastern Oregon Natural Gas (see Ordinance 377) | |
1959 | |||
01 | 1959 | Adopt accident prevention program | |
02 | 06/10/59 | Transfer funds to sinking fund | |
03 | 06/24/59 | Transfer $400 balance library fund to Library Board for books | |
04 | 06/59 | Not signed - void | |
05 | 07/01/59 | Designate U.S. National Bank as depository for irrigation, cash working and revolving funds | |
06 | 07/08/59 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with State Highway Department to install flashing beacon at N. First and Main Streets | |
07 | 08/05/59 | Invest surplus bond sinking and general sinking funds in treasury bonds and notes | |
08 | 08/26/59 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign applications to construct crossing at UPRR tracks | |
09 | 11/28/59 | Re-invest money received from Treasury Bill #1341519 | |
10 | 11/18/59 | Designate Inland Empire Bank as depository for water, sewer, revolving, cash working funds | |
11 | 11/25/59 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign refuse collection and disposal contract | |
12 | 12/01/59 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign lease agreement with Empire Implement for rental of landfill equipment | |
13 | 12/01/59 | Designate Inland Empire Bank as depository sanitary landfill funds | |
1960 | |||
01 | 1960 | (suggested resolution) apply for planning assistance from State Board of Higher Education [701] | |
02 | 02/02/60 | Re-invest money received from Treasury Bill #1341520 | |
03 | 04/13/60 | Retire Police Badge #3 in memory of Patrolman Ronald Glenn Kilby | |
04 | 04/27/60 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute consent to assignment by Eastern Oregon Natural Gas to Cascade Natural Gas | |
05 | 05/11/60 | Proceed with extension of Elm over UPRR crossing (City and County project) | |
06 | 06/08/60 | Authorize agreement with State to improve First Street west from Maple to Highland | |
07 | 07/13/60 | Re-invest money received from Treasury Bill #1341523 | |
08 | 09/14/60 | Advise County Court not to grant license to Max Schultz for junk and 2nd hand business at S.E. 7th and Newport | |
09 | 09/28/60 | Provide for manager-council form of government (adopted by election 11/08/60) | |
10 | 10/26/60 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute contract with O-WRR and UPRR and county for crossing at Elm | |
11 | 10/28/60 | Invest $10,000 from General Sinking Fund surplus in Treasury Bonds or notes | |
12 | 10/28/60 | Re-invest monies received on $5,000 U.S. Certificate of Indebtedness #501 | |
Resolutions Numbered Consecutively from 1961 on | |||
01 | 02/08/61 | Invest approximately $3,500 surplus in bonds and interest to 1950 issue sewer bonds | |
02 | 05/10/61 | Designate Inland Empire Bank as depository for water/sewer, cash working, landfill, water/sewer extensions and revolving funds | |
03 | 05/10/61 | Designate U.S. National Bank as depository for general, general sinking, irrigation, payroll construction and bond and interest sinking funds | |
04 | 05/24/61 | S. First and Highland sewer system - call for feasibility report | |
05 | 06/01/61 | Allow $987.65 from sinking fund to repair motor at well #3 | |
06 | 06/01/61 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign option with State Highway Commission for park area as building site | |
07 | 06/14/61 | Authorize $275 from sinking fund for Cadillac ambulance (from State) | |
08 | 06/14/61 | Apply for special street funds for Hermiston Avenue (3rd west to Butter Creek Highway) | |
09 | 06/28/61 | Re-allocate funds for city manager's salary and bills incidental to position | |
10 | 06/28/61 | Transfer $9,200 to sinking fund for ambulance equipment, street drainage and equipment, fire truck, cemetery mower and pickup, water system equipment, sewer paint and repairs, sewer plant equipment | |
11 | 06/30/61 | Transfer $1,000 from street funds to part payment on Michigan Loader | |
12 | 07/12/61 | Initiate proceedings - vacate alley in Block 1, Lobaugh and Storer Addition | |
13 | 08/18/61 | Allow $9,042 for Michigan tractor-shovel; transfer $2,000 from Street Equipment Sinking Fund to sinking fund | |
14 | 09/13/61 | FAILED | |
15 | 09/13/61 | FAILED | |
16 | 09/13/61 | Allow $419 from Water Equipment Sinking Fund to repair motor | |
17 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
18 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
19 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
20 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
21 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
22 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
23 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
24 | 10/11/61 | FAILED | |
25 | 10/11/61 | N.W. 11th (Ridgeway north) water main - call for feasibility report (LID 6) | |
26 | 10/11/61 | N.W. 11th water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 6) | |
27 | 10/11/61 | E. Main sewer lateral #2 - call for feasibility report (LID 7) | |
28 | 10/11/61 | E. Main sewer lateral #2 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 7) | |
29 | 10/11/61 | S.W. #1 sewer lateral #1 - call for feasibility report (LID 8) | |
30 | 10/11/61 | S.W. #1 sewer lateral #1 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 8) | |
31 | 11/08/61 | E. Catherine Avenue paving - LID 9 FAILED | |
32 | 11/08/61 | E. Catherine Avenue paving - LID 9 FAILED | |
33 | 11/08/61 | North Street paving - LID 10 FAILED | |
34 | 11/08/61 | North Street paving - LID 10 FAILED | |
35 | 11/08/61 | E. Jennie Avenue (First to E. of 4th) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 11) | |
36 | 11/08/61 | E. Jennie Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 11) | |
37 | 11/08/61 | Allow $1,966.02 from water equipment sinking fund to repair burned out control equipment | |
38 | 11/08/61 | Issue temporary use permit for construction of home for aged (Valle Vista) | |
39 | 11/08/61 | Authorize "then" mayor (Belt) to sign reciprocal fire protection agreement with U.A.D. dated 8/60 | |
40 | 11/22/61 | Brewer's sewer lateral #4 - call for feasibility report (LID 12) | |
41 | 11/22/61 | Brewer's sewer lateral #4 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 12) | |
42 | 11/22/61 | S.W. #2 sewer lateral #5 - call for feasibility report (LID 13) | |
43 | 11/22/61 | S.W. #2 sewer lateral #5 - accept feasibility report call for hearing (LID 13) | |
44 | 02/14/62 | W. Pine Avenue (7th to 9th Streets) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 14) | |
45 | 02/14/62 | W. Pine Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 14) | |
46 | 02/14/62 | Surplus pipe, etc. given as payment in kind as part of City's portion for said pipe to other participating parties | |
47 | 02/28/62 | FAILED | |
48 | 03/28/62 | FAILED | |
49 | 03/14/62 | Transfer $1,000 from sewage treatment plant painting repair sinking fund to E. Ridgeway lift station | |
50 | 03/14/62 | Transfer $7,100 from lift station sinking fund to E. Ridgeway lift station | |
51 | 03/28/62 | Superceded by Res. No. 268 | |
52 | 03/28/62 | Superceded by Res. No. 269 | |
53 | 03/28/62 | Provide for investigating O.L.C.C. applications and charging $10 fee for such investigations | |
54 | 03/28/62 | E. Catherine Avenue (First to 4th) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 9) | |
55 | 03/28/62 | E. Catherine Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 9) | |
M-F | 04/09/62 | Resolution from Milton-Freewater re: All-American City | |
56 | 05/02/62 | FAILED | |
57 | 05/23/62 | Approve Housing Authority application to Public Housing Administration for preliminary loan for low-rent public housing | |
58 | NOT USED | ||
59 | 06/27/62 | Designate U.S. National Bank as depository for Bancroft Bond and Interest Fund | |
60 | 07/11/62 | Designate Inland Empire Bank as depository for Special Assessment Account | |
61 | 07/11/62 | Transfer $2,602.49 General Funds to Special Assessment Fund for street improvement projects | |
62 | 07/11/62 | Deposit $4,298.50 to Special Assessment Fund for W/S improvement projects | |
63 | 07/11/62 | Transfer $1,100 from W/S Contingent Fund to plumbing supplies and fixed machinery and equipment repair account | |
64 | 07/11/62 | Transfer $1,500 construction funds to Sewer Lateral #4 and water line west of S.W. 7th (Brewer's) | |
65 | 07/11/62 | Transfer $4,000 from General Contingent Fund for Rockwell Parking meter contract and $2,225 to Wayne Street Sweeper | |
66 | 07/11/62 | Pay Library Board $645 budgeted balance for books | |
67 | 07/25/62 | Purchase playground equipment for Newport Park with Co-op Laundry and Cannery assets ($375.53) | |
68 | 08/22/62 | Request Urban Planning assistance from Bureau of Municipal Research | |
69 | 10/10/62 | W. Madrona sewer lateral - call for feasibility report (LID 3) | |
70 | 11/07/62 | W. Madrona sewer lateral - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 3) | |
71 | 10/10/62 | S.W. 10th (Highland to Duane) water main - call for feasibility report (LID 1) | |
72 | 10/10/62 | S.W. 10th water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 1) | |
73 | 10/10/62 | W. Madrona Avenue water main - call for feasibility report (LID 2) | |
74 | 10/10/62 | W. Madrona Avenue water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 2) | |
75 | 12/12/62 | W. Hartley Avenue sewer lateral #7 - call for feasibility report (LID 4) | |
76 | 12/12/62 | W. Hartley Avenue sewer lateral #7 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 4) | |
77 | 11/28/62 | Initiate proceeding - vacate Block 16, Original Town alley and portion of W. Locust Avenue | |
78 | 11/28/62 | North Street (Catherine to Jennie) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 10) | |
79 | 11/28/62 | North Street paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 10) | |
80 | 12/12/62 | W. Ridgeway (6th to 135' west of Butte Drive) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 18) | |
81 | 12/12/62 | W. Ridgeway paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 18) | |
82 | 12/12/62 | S.W. 9th Street (Orchard to Pine) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 19) | |
83 | 12/12/62 | S.W. 9th Street paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 19) | |
84 | 02/13/63 | Superceded by Res. No. 131 | |
85 | 02/13/63 | W. Jennie (First to First Place) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 20) | |
86 | 02/13/63 | W. Jennie paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 20) | |
87 | NOT USED | ||
88 | NOT USED | ||
89 | 03/14/63 | Apply for 1964 special street moneys (S.E. 4th) | |
90 | 04/10/63 | W. Hemlock Avenue paving - call for feasibility report (LID 21) | |
91 | 04/10/63 | W. Quince Avenue (7th to 9th) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 22) | |
92 | 04/10/63 | W. Juniper (9th Street west) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 23) | |
93 | 04/10/63 | W. Hemlock Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 21) | |
94 | 04/10/63 | W. Quince Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 22) | |
95 | 04/10/63 | W. Juniper Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 23) | |
96 | NOT USED | ||
97 | 04/24/63 | S.W. 10th Place water main - call for feasibility report (LID 25) | |
98 | 04/24/63 | S.W. 10th Place water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 25) | |
99 | 04/24/63 | S.W. 9th Street (Orchard to Hermiston) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 24) | |
100 | 04/24/63 | S.W. 9th Street - accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving (LID 24) | |
101 | 05/22/63 | FAILED | |
102 | 05/22/63 | FAILED | |
103 | 05/22/63 | FAILED | |
104 | 05/22/63 | FAILED | |
105 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
106 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
107 | 06/12/63 | W. Highland paving - call for feasibility report (LID 30) | |
108 | 06/12/63 | W Highland paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 31) | |
109 | 06/12/63 | W. Tamarack (7th to 9th) overlay - call for feasibility report (LID 31) | |
110 | 06/12/63 | W. Tamarack (7th to 9th) overlay - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 31) | |
111 | 06/12/63 | S.W. Butte Drive overlay - call for feasibility report (LID 32) | |
112 | 06/12/63 | S.W. Butte Drive overlay - accept feasibility report call for hearing (LID 32) | |
113 | 06/26/63 | Enter Public Employees Retirement System(effective 07/01 | |
114 | 07/10/63 | Miscellaneous rates apply to police, firemen (state retirement program) | |
115 | 07/10/63 | W. Tamarack (7th to 9th) overlay - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 31) | |
116 | 07/24/63 | E. Hurlburt paving (6th to 7th) - call for feasibility report (LID 33) | |
117 | 08/14/63 | E. Hurlburt paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 33) | |
118 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
119 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
120 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
121 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
122 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
123 | 08/14/63 | FAILED | |
124 | 08/14/63 | Fire agreement - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | |
125-126 | NOT USED | ||
127 | 12/11/63 | J.C. Nye 4th sewer lateral #13, call for feasibility report (LID 41) | |
128 | 12/11/63 | J.C. Nye 4th sewer lateral #13 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 41) | |
129 | 11/27/63 | Establish cemetery rates - cemetery lots, grave preparation | |
130 | NOT USED | ||
131 | 01/08/64 | E. Highland sewer lateral #11 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 42) | |
132 | 01/15/64 | Execute documents - bring Hermiston-Hinkle section of Highway 333 (Hermiston Avenue) to state standards | |
133 | 02/12/64 | Osburn Tract sewer lateral #14 - call for feasibility report (LID 43) | |
134 | 02/12/64 | Osburn Tract sewer lateral #14 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 43) | |
135 | 02/12/64 | Interpose defense governmental immunity (Horning vs Graham) | |
136 | 04/29/64 | McKenzie water main - call for feasibility report (LID 44) | |
137 | 04/29/64 | McKenzie water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 44) | |
138 | 04/22/64 | Apply for right to Butte - Bureau of Land Management | |
139 | 04/22/64 | Newport paving (4th to 5th) - call for feasibility report (LID 45) | |
140 | 04/22/64 | Newport paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 45) | |
141 -142 | NOT USED | ||
143 | 05/13/64 | W. Highland paving (Laird Addition) - call for feasibility report (LID 47) | |
144 | 05/13/64 | W. Highland paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 47) | |
145-146 | NOT USED | ||
147-148 | 06/10/64 | FAILED | |
149 | NOT USED | ||
150 | NOT USED | ||
151 | NOT USED | ||
152 | NOT USED | ||
153 | 06/24/64 | W. Highland (700 Block) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 40) | |
154 | 06/24/64 | W. Highland paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 40) | |
155 | 06/10/64 | Grant license to Commtronix for location of building and radio tower | |
156 | 06/24/64 | Transfer funds for council chairs and street sprayer to General Sinking Fund | |
157 | 07/08/64 | Allow permissive zoning use (Stewart's) | |
158 | 07/22/64 | Issue permit for non-conforming use (Roller Rink) | |
159 | 08/12/64 | Urge Highway Commission to adopt Umatilla Bridge route for U.S. 82-N | |
160 | NOT USED | ||
161 | 11/25/64 | Initiate proceedings - vacate alley between Newport and Warner, 4th Street west | |
162 | 11/25/64 | Continuance of City Planning and "701" Program | |
163 | 01/13/65 | Council procedure | |
164 | 12/09/64 | Transfer funds from w/s extensions revolving fund to w/s construction sinking fund | |
165 | 02/11/65 | Apply for 1966 special street moneys - S.E. 4th Street | |
166A | 02/10/65 | E. Beebe water main (1st to McNary) - call for feasibility report (LID 48) | |
166B | 02/10/65 | E. Beebe water main - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 48) | |
167 | 03/24/65 | E. Beech sewer lateral #15 (1st to 4th) - call for feasibility report (LID 49) | |
168 | 02/24/65 | FAILED | |
169 | 02/24/65 | McKenzie (1st to 4th), S.W. 4th (McKenzie north ) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 51) | |
170 | 03/24/65 | E. Beech sewer lateral # 15 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 49) | |
171 | 02/24/65 | McKenzie, S.W. 4th paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 51) | |
172 | 02/24/65 | FAILED | |
173 | 03/10/65 | S.W. 9th Street paving (Pine to Highland) - call for feasibility report (LID 52) | |
174 | 03/10/65 | S.W. 9th Street paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 52) | |
175 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 4th Street (easement north of McKenzie to easement south thereof) sewer lateral # 16 - call for feasibility report (LID 53) | |
176 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 4th Street sewer lateral #16 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 53) | |
177 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 6th Street (Hermiston to Locust) paving - call for feasibility report (LID 46) | |
178 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 6th Street paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 46) | |
179 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 6th Street (Locust to Orchard) curb/gutter/paving - call for feasibility report (LID 54) | |
180 | 03/24/65 | S.W. 6th Street curb/gutter/paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 54) | |
181 | 04/05/65 | Columbia TV, Inc. Franchise - 60 days extension | |
182 | 05/11/65 | Hermiston Development Corporation (develop area north of city) | |
183 | 05/26/65 | Authorize installation of traffic signals - First and Gladys, First and Main | |
184 | 06/23/65 | Initiate proceedings - vacate utility easement, S.W. 9th and Pine | |
185 | 06/23/65 | Transfer funds to Sinking Fund | |
186 | 07/14/65 | UPRR - W. Elm water main, mayor and recorder sign agreement | |
187 | 09/08/65 | Execute agreement with State Highway Commission for Hermiston Avenue improvement (LID 55) | |
188 | 09/22/65 | Establish new sewer rates (Rescinded by Res. No. 332) | |
189 | 09/22/65 | Hermiston Avenue paving - call for feasibility report (LID 55) | |
190 | 09/22/65 | Hermiston Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 55) | |
191 | 09/22/65 | Hook on 12" loop water main, northwest segment | |
192 | 10/13/65 | Workable Program for Community Improvement | |
193 | 11/17/65 | N.E. 8th Place paving - call for feasibility report | |
194 | 11/24/65 | N.E. 8th Place paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 56) | |
195 | 11/24/65 | Install stop signs | |
196 | 12/08/65 | Authorize state to audit | |
197 | 12/22/65 | FAILED | |
198 | NOT USED | ||
199 | NOT USED | ||
200 | 01/12/66 | FAILED | |
201 | 12/22/65 | 701 Program | |
202 | 01/12/66 | S.W. 7th Place paving - call for feasibility report | |
203 | 01/12/66 | S.W. 7th Place paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 59) | |
204 | 01/12/66 | W. Highland Avenue - call for feasibility report (paving) | |
205 | 01/12/66 | W. Highland Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 60) | |
206 | 01/26/66 | Special street money - S.E. 4th Street | |
207 | 01/26/66 | Refuse franchise transfer - Econo to Sullivan | |
208 | 02/23/66 | Lakeview Tract curb/gutter - call for feasibility report | |
209 | 02/23/66 | Lakeview Tract curb/gutter - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 61) | |
210 | 02/23/66 | Lakeview Tract sewer lateral 18 - call for feasibility report | |
211 | 02/23/66 | Lakeview Tract sewer lateral 18 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 62) | |
212 | 02/09/66 | Off-street parking lots acquisition - call for feasibility report | |
213 | 02/09/66 | Off-street parking lots acquisition - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 63) | |
214 | 04/13/66 | Vacate alley - initiate proceedings (Lanham) | |
215 | 04/20/66 | Transfer funds - drainage expenses, Hermiston Avenue (LID 55) | |
216 | 04/27/66 | Approve application for low-rent public housing | |
217 | 05/11/66 | N.W. Butte paving - call for feasibility report | |
218 | 05/11/66 | N.W. Butte paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 64) | |
219 | 05/11/66 | Vacate portion W. Jennie - initiate proceedings | |
220 | 06/08/66 | Rescinded by Res. No. 262 | |
220A | 05/25/66 | Install restricted parking sign N. 1st and E. Beebe | |
221 | 05/25/66 | Install street lights, N.E. 4th at E. Beech, Highway 32 | |
222 | 06/08/66 | Authorize signatures, maintenance agreement on Hermiston Avenue (RR and State) | |
223 | 06/22/66 | Transfer funds, 701 Program to sinking fund | |
224 | 06/22/66 | Transfer funds, general contingent to irrigation | |
225 | 06/22/66 | Transfer funds, office equipment to sinking fund | |
226 | 09/28/66 | Taxi franchise transfer - Goodwin to Wells | |
227 | 10/26/66 | Authorize filing application with HUD for water construction projects | |
228 | 11/09/66 | Adopt comprehensive 701 Plan and 20 Year Needs Study of domestic water as parts of overall comprehensive plan for development | |
229 | 11/09/66 | Accept designation as planning agency responsible for preparation of comprehensive plan of development | |
230 | 11/09/66 | Submit application to HUD for annual renewal of certification of Workable Program and authorize city manager to complete and sign all documents in connection with such application | |
231 | 11/09/66 | Adopt policy on acquisition of real property for new water well, reservoir and distribution system | |
232 | 11/09/66 | Authorize Attorney Corey to interpose defense for City (Charles Bruce) | |
233 | 11/17/66 | Continue long-range planning of land use, transportation, etc. aspects of physical, economic and social development of significance to urban area | |
234 | 11/23/66 | Stop signs on S.W. 9th Street | |
235 | 12/28/66 | Establish bus loading zones on S.E. 2nd Street | |
236 | 01/25/67 | Special Street Moneys - S.E. 4th - 1968 | |
237 | 02/08/67 | Support NE Ore. Rds Association action | |
238 | 02/08/67 | Authorize entering into and appearing in proceedings before Circuit Court of Marion County and PUC Commissioner re: limiting utilities franchises | |
239 | 02/22/67 | Destruction of bonds | |
240 | 03/08/67 | Authorize execution of water grant agreement between federal government and City | |
241 | 03/14/67 | Approve, endorse county road levy | |
242 | 03/22/67 | Laird Addition sewer lateral 19 (LID 66) - call for feasibility report | |
243 | 03/22/67 | Laird Addition sewer lateral 19 (LID 66) - accept feasibility report, call for hearing | |
244 | 04/26/67 | Street markings at Schwab's and Car Wash, Enforce Ordinances and Statutes, Discontinue U-turns between intersections and reversing direction on public and private property | |
245 | 05/10/67 | Restrict parking on S.E. 3rd Street from Main Street to Hurlburt Avenue | |
246 | 06/09/67 | Mayor and Recorder sign agreement with Ore./Wash. RR and Navigation and U.P.R.R. granting City right of construct 12" water line | |
247 | 06/28/67 | Signs at Car Wash at 4th and E. Main Streets | |
248 | 07/12/67 | Direct and authorize city manager to execute agreements with HUD for drilling well, erecting water tank, laying 12" main, etc. | |
249 | 07/12/67 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alley (PGG) | |
250 | 07/26/67 | Transfer funds, General Contingent to Police, Attorney, Airport, Museum and Insurance Departments | |
251 | 08/09/67 | Alley paving - call for feasibility report | |
252 | 08/09/67 | Alley paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 09/27 at 8:15 p.m. (LID 67) | |
253 | 09/13/67 | S.W. 10th St., Pl. paving - call for feasibility report | |
254 | 09/13/67 | S.W. 10th St., Pl. paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 09/27 at 8:30 p.m. (LID 68) | |
255 | 09/13/67 | W. Ridgeway paving (3rd to 6th) - call for feasibility report | |
256 | 09/13/67 | W. Ridgeway paving (3rd to 6th) - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 09/27 at 8:45 p.m. (LID 69) | |
257 | 09/13/67 | FAILED | |
258 | 09/13/67 | FAILED | |
259 | 09/13/67 | Accede to application of West End Development Co. to purchase land in Butte area to locate microwave antenna tower and building | |
260 | 10/11/67 | Authorize loan from federal government for sewer study | |
261 | 10/11/67 | Approve agreement establishing planning coordinating council for local governments of county | |
262 | 05/10/67 | Rescinded by Res. No. 421 | |
263 | 11/08/67 | Authorize street light installation | |
264 | 11/22/67 | Authorize street light installation (UECA) | |
265 | 12/13/67 | Establish sinking fund for airport funds | |
266 | 02/28/68 | Request County assistance in enforcing junk regulations and Highway Department for regulations to enforce removal of unsightly conditions and prohibit further expansion | |
267 | 02/28/68 | Establish 10 minute parking time limit at post office | |
268 | 04/24/68 | Superceded by Res. No. 459 | |
269 | 04/24/68 | Superceded by Res. No. 317 | |
270 | 04/10/68 | Workable Program - renew certification | |
271 | 04/24/68 | Establish 2 hour parking zone - W. Hermiston Avenue between 1st Place and 2nd Street | |
272 | 05/08/68 | FAILED | |
273 | 05/08/68 | FAILED | |
274 | 06/05/68 | Mayor and Recorder sign agreement with Ore./Wash./ RR and Navigation and U.P.R.R. granting City right to construct, maintain and operate 12" water line | |
275 | 06/12/68 | Extend R.J. Strasser Drilling Co. contract on Well #4 | |
276 | 06/26/68 | N.W. 9th Street (Hermiston to Madrona) paving - call for feasibility report | |
277 | 06/26/68 | N.W. 9th Street (Hermiston to Madrona) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 07/24 at 8:00 p.m. (LID 72) | |
278 | 06/26/68 | N.E. 4th Street (Ridgeway to Jennie) paving - call for feasibility report | |
279 | 06/26/68 | N.E. 4th Street (Ridgeway to Jennie) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 07/24 at 8:15 (LID 73) | |
280 | 06/26/68 | E. Hurlburt (5th to 6th) paving - call for feasibility report | |
281 | 06/26/68 | E. Hurlburt (5th to 6th) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 07/24 at 8:30 p.m. (LID 74) | |
282 | 07/24/68 | W. Ridgeway (10th to 11th) paving - call for feasibility report (Re-done, see Res. No. 308) | |
283 | 07/24/68 | W. Ridgeway (10th to 11th) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 75) (Re-done, see Res. No. 309) | |
284 | 07/24/68 | Establish no parking area on west side of S. First Street between Main and Hurlburt | |
285 | 08/14/68 | Re-appropriate budget items in 67-68 budget | |
286 | 08/07/68 | Oppose changing route of Interstate Highway 82 | |
287 | 08/28/68 | Pave SW 5th from Orchard to Hermiston and Locust from 4th to 5th. (LID 76) Call for feasibility report | |
288 | 08/28/68 | Approve feasibility report and call for hearing 08/25/68 at 8:00 p.m. | |
289 | 10/09/68 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alley and public right-of-way in Block 15, Original Town West (Myrick) | |
290 | 09/22/68 | Establish one way traffic in east-west downtown alleys | |
291 | 11/27/68 | FAILED | |
292 | 11/27/68 | FAILED | |
293 | 11/27/68 | FAILED | |
294 | 11/27/68 | FAILED | |
295 | 12/11/68 | W. Madrona (10th to 11th) paving - call for feasibility report | |
296 | 12/11/68 | W. Madrona (10th to 11th) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 01/08/69 at 8:30 p.m.(LID 80) | |
297 | 12/11/68 | E. Newport (800 Block) sewer lateral #20 - call for feasibility report | |
298 | 12/11/68 | E. Newport (800 Block) sewer lateral #20 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 01/08/69 at 8:45 p.m. (LID 81) | |
299 | 12/18/68 | Establish 30 minute parking in front of library | |
300 | 12/18/68 | Approve application for preliminary loan for low-rent public housing (elderly) | |
301 | 01/22/69 | Establish dog pound for Cities of Hermiston, Echo, Stanfield, Umatilla; Constructed and maintained by County Court | |
302 | 02/12/69 | Designate District 12 enforcement agency | |
303 | 02/12/69 | Initiate proceedings to annex Butte area and Well #4 area to City | |
304 | 02/26/69 | Railroad lease - 1st and Main | |
305 | 03/10/69 | Eliminate parking between driveways in 4 downtown parking lots | |
306 | 03/24/69 | Eliminate loading zone, establish parking meter zone, 200 Block, N. side Main Street | |
307 | 03/24/69 | Establish parking meter zone in front of Lot 6, Block 7, Original Town East (Amended by Res. No. 331 12/08/69) | |
308 | 03/24/69 | FAILED | |
309 | 03/24/69 | FAILED | |
310 | 03/24/69 | Approve cooperation agreement for low-rent public housing for the elderly | |
311 | 04/02/69 | Approve extension of agreement with UPRR for 4" water pipe line encroachment on RR property to August 2,1974 | |
312 | 04/16/69 | Irrigation expenditures be met by funds from Contingent Fund until irrigation income becomes available | |
313 | 06/09/69 | W. Ridgeway (9th to 11th) paving - call for feasibility report | |
314 | 06/09/69 | W. Ridgeway (9th to 11th) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 06/23/69, 8:00 (LID 83) | |
315 | 06/09/69 | Extend contract completion dates for Stadeli | |
316 | 06/09/69 | Extend contract completion dates for GATX | |
317 | 06/25/69 | Superceded by Res. No. 338 | |
318 | 06/25/69 | N. First sewer lateral #22 - call for feasibility report | |
319 | 06/25/69 | N. First sewer lateral #22 - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 07/28/69, 8:00 (LID 84) | |
320 | 07/28/69 | Re-appropriate budget items in General Fund, 68-69 budget | |
321 | 07/28/69 | Transfer Airport income during 68-69 to Airport Improvement Sinking Fund | |
322 | 07/28/69 | Grant airport manager free occupancy of living quarters at airport | |
323 | 07/28/69 | N.E. 2nd (Gladys to Ridgeway) and E. Ridgeway (2nd to 3rd) overlay - call for feasibility report | |
324 | 07/28/70 | N.E. 2nd (Gladys to Ridgeway) and E. Ridgeway (2nd to 3rd) overlay - accept feasibility report, call for hearing 08/11/69, 8:00 (LID 86) | |
325 | 07/28/69 | Superceded by Res. No. 397 | |
326 | 07/28/69 | Superceded by Res. No. 398 | |
327 | 09/08/69 | E. Dogwood (First to McNary) water line - call for feasibility report | |
328 | 09/08/69 | E. Dogwood (First to McNary) water line - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 87) | |
329 | 11/24/69 | Superceded by Res. No. 754 | |
330 | 11/24/69 | Approve agreement establishing District Council for Local Governments of State Administrative District 12 and become participating unit | |
331 | 12/08/69 | Establish 10 minute parking in front of Lot 6, Block 7, Original Town (P P & L Building) (Amends Res. No 307) | |
332 | 12/22/69 | Rescinded by Res. No. 509 | |
333 | 01/26/70 | Contingent Fund expenditures (for Police Car) | |
334 | 03/09/70 | Favor examination of causes of accidents on Highway 32 between Umatilla and Stanfield Junction | |
335 | 03/23/70 | Rescinded by Res. No. 510 | |
336 | 04/13/70 | Initiate vacation proceedings - strip of land (Gettmann) | |
337 | 04/13/70 | Execute agreement with State for improvement of Highway 32 through city | |
338 | 05/25/70 | Superceded by Res. No. 376 | |
339 | 05/11/70 | E. Cherry water/sewer line - call for feasibility report | |
340 | 05/11/70 | E. Cherry water/sewer - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 88) | |
341 | 06/08/70 | Establish Elm Avenue as truck route | |
342 | 06/08/70 | Adopt fees for fence permits | |
343 | 06/22/70 | S.W. 10th Street (Lathrop S.) paving - call for feasibility report | |
344 | 06/22/70 | S.W. 10th Street (Lathrop S.) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 90) | |
345 | 06/22/70 | N.E. 2nd Street (Catherine/Jennie) paving - call for feasibility report | |
346 | 06/22/70 | N.E. 2nd Street (Catherine/Jennie) paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 91) | |
347 | 07/27/70 | W. Division Avenue paving/water - call for feasibility report | |
348 | 07/27/70 | W. Division Avenue paving/water - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 92) | |
349 | 07/27/70 | Transfer airport income during 69-70 to airport improvement sinking fund | |
350 | 07/27/70 | Re-appropriate budget items in 69-70 budget | |
351 | 08/24/70 | Appropriate funds for payment to architect - new fire station | |
352 | 10/26/70 | E. Beech Avenue paving - call for feasibility report | |
353 | 10/26/70 | E. Beech Avenue paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing (LID 94) | |
354 | 11/23/70 | In support of captured American and allied fighting men and those missing in action in Vietnam conflict | |
355 | 12/28/70 | S. First paving - call for feasibility report | |
356 | 12/28/70 | S. First paving - accept feasibility report, call for hearing January 25,1971 (LID 95) | |
357 | 12/28/70 | Install stop signs | |
358 | 01/11/71 | Establish certain traffic control signals | |
359 | 01/11/71 | Establish certain on-street passenger loading zones | |
360 | 01/25/71 | Establish certain prohibited parking areas | |
361 | 01/11/71 | Install parking meters (Amended by Res. No. 391) | |
362 | 02/03/71 | In support of the retention of the N-Reactor operation at Hanford, Washington | |
363 | 02/08/71 | E. Wilshire Avenue sewer lateral - call for feasibility report | |
364 | 02/08/71 | E. Wilshire Avenue sewer lateral #26 - Accept feasibility report, call for hearing 02/22/71 (LID 96) | |
365 | 02/22/71 | Cooperative construction/finance agreement of June 1970 between City and State for Highway 32 improvement to remain in force except as modified by this resolution | |
366 | 02/22/71 | Accept Roberta Dickens offer of $1,200 to purchase City property -Hermiston Park Plat #1, Block 6, Lots 7 and 8 (4N28 11BD 3500) | |
367 | 03/22/71 | Call for feasibility report on Highway 32 from S.E. 4th to Elm improvement | |
368 | 03/22/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing 3/29 on Highway 32 from S.E. 4th to Elm improvement (LID 97) | |
369 | 03/22/71 | Approve 701 Program | |
370 | 04/12/71 | Consider adequate pedestrian crossings | |
371 | 04/12/71 | Endorse and support Baseball Commission effort to secure N.W. Regional Babe Ruth Tournament in 1972 | |
372 | 04/26/71 | Modify statements pertaining to participation of cost in Construction-Finance Agreement for Highway 32 (City/State) | |
373 | 05/24/71 | Call for feasibility report on W. Madrona Avenue paving (4th to 7th) | |
374 | 05/24/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Madrona Avenue paving (4th to 7th) (LID 98) | |
375 | 05/20/71 | Begin condemnation proceedings in connection with the improvement of Highway 32 within the city limits | |
376 | 06/28/71 | Superceded by Res. No. 408 | |
377 | 06/01/71 | Accept State's anticipated project costs for Highway 32 improvement | |
378 | 06/01/71 | Apply for State Highway special funds to improve E. 4th Street from Ridgeway to Newport Avenues | |
379 | 06/28/71 | Install stop sign at SW Butte Drive and W. Park Avenue | |
380 | 06/28/71 | Approve agreement establishing county intergovernmental council and become participating unit | |
381 | 07/12/71 | Call for feasibility report, N.W. 5th Street paving | |
382 | 07/12/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.W. 5th Street paving (LID 99) | |
383 | 07/12/71 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 3rd Street paving (Catherine to Jennie) | |
384 | 07/12/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.E. 3rd Street paving (LID 100) | |
385 | 08/23/71 | Call for feasibility report on W. Orchard sewer | |
386 | 08/23/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Orchard sewer (800 Block) (LID 101) | |
387 | 09/13/71 | Terminate water bond construction fund, transfer money to general water construction fund ($3,869.74) | |
388 | 10/11/71 | Participate in Federal Rent Supplement Program | |
389 | 09/27/71 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 7th paving | |
390 | 09/27/71 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 7th paving (LID 102) | |
391 | 10/27/71 | Remove parking meters (Amends Res. No. 361) | |
392 | 10/27/71 | Establish certain prohibited parking areas | |
393 | 11/08/71 | Support Columbia Cable T.V. proposal to add channels | |
394 | 12/13/71 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with State Highway Commission for S.E. 4th Street improvement (Main to Newport) | |
395 | 01/10/72 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. 9th paving | |
396 | 01/10/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing January 24 on N.W.9thpaving (LID 104) | |
397 | 01/10/72 | Call for feasibility report on Hartley Addition sewer lateral #23 (Supercedes Res. No. 325) | |
398 | 01/10/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing January 24 on Hartley Addition sewer lateral #23 (LID 85) (Supercedes Res. No. 326 | |
399 | 02/14/72 | Terminate irrigation fund, transfer remaining money to General Fund | |
400 | 02/28/72 | Call for feasibility report on Newport Avenue sewer lateral #29 | |
401 | 02/28/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on Newport Avenue sewer lateral #29 (LID 105) | |
402 | 04/10/72 | Terminate water/sewer bond and interest fund, transfer remaining money to sinking fund | |
403 | 04/24/72 | Vacate water line easement across E. 20' of Lot 6, Block 15, Osburn Tract to James Taggert (under Sands Motel parking lot) | |
404 | 05/15/72 | Initiate proceedings to vacate N.W. 2nd from W. Beebe south approximately 125' to south line of Osburn Tract Addition (Hearing June 12) | |
405 | 05/22/72 | Consent to assignment of refuse collection franchise (Sullivan to Kik and Jewett) | |
406 | 05/22/72 | Call for feasibility report on Hermiston Orchards water main | |
407 | 05/22/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing June 12 on Hermiston Orchards water main (LID 106) | |
408 | 06/26/72 | Superceded by Res. No. 441 | |
409 | 06/26/72 | Install 4-way stop signs at S. First/W. Highland intersection | |
410 | 07/10/72 | Call for feasibility report on E. Dogwood sewer lateral #28 | |
411 | 07/10/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Dogwood sewer lateral #28 (LID 103) | |
412 | 09/11/72 | Call for feasibility report on Hartley Addition water main | |
413 | 09/11/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on Hartley Addition water main (LID 107) | |
414 | 09/11/72 | Install 4-way stop signs at W. Ridgeway Avenue and N.W. 6th Street | |
415 | 09/11/72 | Initiate proceedings to vacate certain streets in Hartley Addition | |
416 | 09/25/72 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 4th paving | |
417 | 09/25/72 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing 10/09 on S.E. 4th paving (LID 108) | |
418 | 10/09/72 | Accept Alleman Subdivision | |
419 | 01/08/73 | Install stop signs | |
420 | 01/22/73 | Establish one-way street on Hermiston Avenue from N. First Street to N. First Place | |
421 | 02/12/73 | Rescinded by Res. No. 517 | |
422 | 02/12/73 | Endorsement for routing of I-82 N | |
423 | 02/12/73 | Parking restrictions at schools | |
424 | 02/26/73 | Initiate proceedings to vacate utility easement in Laird Addition | |
425 | 02/26/73 | Call for feasibility report on Hartley Addition paving | |
426 | 02/26/73 | Accept feasibility report on Hartley Addition paving (LID 109) | |
427 | 03/19/73 | Rail passenger service (support Amtrak) | |
428 | 03/19/73 | Support the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Planning Study | |
429 | 04/02/73 | Oppose Senate Bill 665 | |
430 | 04/23/73 | Authorize signing extension rider covering water pipe crossing railroad tracks | |
431 | 04/23/73 | Call for feasibility report on Ekleberry Tracts sewer lateral #30 | |
432 | 04/23/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on Ekleberry Tracts sewer lateral #30 (LID 110) | |
433 | 04/23/73 | Call for feasibility report on S. Highway 395 sewer lateral #31 | |
434 | 04/23/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S. Highway 395 sewer lateral #31 (LID 111) | |
435 | 04/23/73 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 4th Street sewer lateral #32 | |
436 | 04/23/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 4th Street sewer lateral #32 (LID 112) | |
437 | 04/23/73 | Call for feasibility report on W. Moore Avenue sewer lateral #33 | |
438 | 04/23/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Moore Avenue sewer lateral #33 (LID 113) | |
439 | 04/23/73 | Call for feasibility report on E. Newport sewer lateral #34 (500 Block) | |
440 | 04/23/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Newport sewer lateral #34 (500 Block) (LID 114) | |
441 | 06/20/73 | Superceded by Res. No. 503 | |
442 | 05/14/73 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 7th/Tamarack paving (West Park Baptist Church) | |
443 | 05/14/73 | Accept feasibility report on S.W. 7th/Tamarack paving (West Park Baptist Church) (LID 115) | |
444 | 05/28/73 | Authorize city manager to sign revenue sharing documents | |
445 | 06/11/73 | Install stop signs on S.E. 5th at Hurlburt Avenue | |
446 | 06/11/73 | Initiate procedure to vacate portion of alley (PGG) | |
447 | 06/20/73 | Transfer monies to sinking fund (72-73 budget) | |
448 | 06/25/73 | Support efforts to construct bicycle path along Diagonal (Highway 207 E.) | |
449 | 07/11/73 | Accept title from Board of Aeronautics to property 500' either side of center-line of existing runway at airport | |
450 | 08/13/73 | Authorize filing application with U.S. for planning funds for airport | |
451 | 08/27/73 | Transfer funds from utility contingent account to water commodity account ($1,411.00) | |
452 | 10/08/73 | Call for feasibility report on Main Street widening (4th to 7th) | |
453 | 10/08/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on Main Street widening (LID 116) | |
454 | 10/08/73 | FAILED | |
455 | 10/08/73 | FAILED | |
456 | 10/08/73 | Call for feasibility report on E. Jennie Avenue sewer lateral #35 | |
457 | 10/08/73 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Jennie sewer lateral #35 )LID 118) | |
458 | 10/22/73 | Change street name - W. "Mae" Avenue to W. "Fulton" Avenue | |
459 | 06/17/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 709 | |
460 | 11/26/73 | "No parking" signs on south side E. Hurlburt Avenue between S.E. 5th and S.E. 6th by Newport Park | |
461 | 11/26/73 | Accept grant for airport study | |
462 | 11/26/73 | Superceded by Res. No. 493 | |
463 | 11/26/73 | Superceded by Res. No. 494 | |
464 | 01/14/74 | Authorize mayor to sign pipe line crossing agreement with U.P.R.R. | |
465 | 01/14/74 | Transfer cemetery deed to Hermiston Cemetery District | |
466 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility on paving S.E. 2nd Street from Hurlburt to Highway 395 | |
467 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 2nd Street from Hurlburt to Highway 395 (LID 120) | |
468 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Newport Avenue From Highway 395 to S.E. 3rd | |
469 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Newport Avenue from Highway 395 to S.E. 3rd (LID 121) | |
470 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving east-west alley from. 1st Place to N.W. 2nd between Hermiston and Ridgeway Avenues | |
471 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving east-west alley from N. 1st Place to N.W. 2nd between Hermiston and Ridgeway Avenues (LID 122) | |
472 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving east-west alley from N.W. 2nd Street to N.W. 3rd Street between Hermiston and madrona Avenues | |
473 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving east-west alley from N.W. 2nd to N.W. 3rd between Hermiston and Madrona Avenues (LID 123) | |
474 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 2nd Street from Hermiston to Ridgeway Avenues | |
475 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 2nd Street from Hermiston to Ridgeway Avenues (LID 124) | |
476 | 01/14/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Ridgeway Avenue from N. 1st Place to N.W. 3rd | |
477 | 01/14/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Ridgeway Avenue from N. 1st Place to N.W. 3rd (LID 125) | |
478 | 01/14/74 | Establish traffic control installations | |
479 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on E. Dogwood water main (4th to McNary) | |
480 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Dogwood water main (4th to McNary) LID 126 | |
481 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Dogwood Avenue from 4th to McNary | |
482 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Dogwood Avenue from 4th to McNary (LID 127) | |
483 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Hurlburt Avenue from 2nd to 3rd | |
484 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Hurlburt Avenue from 2nd to 3rd (LID 128) | |
485 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.W. 3rd Street from Orchard to Hermiston | |
486 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S. W. 3rd Street from Orchard to Hermiston (LID 129) | |
487 | 01/38/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.E. 7th Street from Main to Ridgeway | |
488 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.E. 7th Street from Main to Ridgeway (LID 130) | |
489 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on pavement overlay on E. Hurlburt avenue from S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th | |
490 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report on pavement overlay on E. Hurlburt Avenue from S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th | |
491 | 01/28/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 3rd Street from the alley north of Hermiston Avenue to W. Ridgeway | |
492 | 01/28/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 3rd Street from the alley north of Hermiston Avenue to W. Ridgeway (LID 131) | |
493 | 02/11/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Moore Avenue from S. First Street west 565' (supercedes Res. No. 462) | |
494 | 02/11/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W Moore Avenue from S. First Street west 565' (supercedes Res. No. 463) | |
495 | 02/11/74 | Authorize mayor to sign lease agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for parking lot at First and Main Streets | |
496 | 02/25/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.E. 4th Street from Elm to Jennie Avenues | |
497 | 02/25/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.E. 4th Street from Elm to Jennie Avenues (LID 132) | |
498 | 02/25/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 6th Street from Hermiston to Standard Avenues | |
499 | 02/25/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N. W. 6th Street from Hermiston to Standard Avenues (LID 133) | |
500 | 02/25/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Standard Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th Street | |
501 | 02/25/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Standard Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th Street (LID 134) | |
502 | 03/11/74 | Authorize mayor to sign pipe line encroachment agreement with Union Pacific Railroad | |
503 | 06/17/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 549 | |
504 | 05/13/74 | Transfer cemetery sinking fund monies to street construction sinking fund | |
505 | 05/20/74 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. 7th Street sewer lateral #36 | |
506 | 05/20/74 | Accept feasibility report on N.W. 7th Street sewer lateral #36 (LID 135) | |
507 | 05/20/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 508 | |
508 | 06/10/74 | Initiate procedure to vacate W. Madrona between 2nd and 3rd | |
509 | 06/17/74 | Adopt new sewer rates (Rescinds Res. No. 332) | |
510 | 06/17/74 | Rescinded by Res. No. 692 | |
511 | 07/08/74 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute supplemental agreement with U.P.R.R. (underground cable crossings) | |
512 | 07/08/74 | Transfer funds to sinking fund (73-74 budget) | |
513 | 08/12/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 521 | |
514 | 08/12/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 522 | |
515 | 08/12/74 | Policy statement on implementation of federal-aid highway act of 1973 | |
516 | 08/26/74 | Superceded by Res. No. 836 | |
517 | 08/26/74 | Rescinded by Res. No. 583 | |
518 | 08/26/74 | Regulate and limit parking in off-street parking lots | |
519 | 08/26/74 | Call for feasibility report on E. View Drive sewer lateral #37 | |
520 | 08/26/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. View Drive sewer lateral #37 (LID 136) | |
521 | 08/26/74 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 6th Street from Hermiston Avenue to Standard Avenue | |
522 | 08/26/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 6th Street from Hermiston Avenue to Standard Avenue (LID 138) | |
523 | 08/26/74 | Call for feasibility report on N. First Place/Standard sewer lateral #38 | |
524 | 08/26/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N. First Place/Standard sewer lateral #38 (LID 139) | |
525 | 08/26/74 | Call for feasibility report on sewer lateral #39 between E. Highland and E. Quince | |
526 | 08/26/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on sewer lateral #39 between E. Highland and E. Quince (LID 140) | |
527 | 09/09/74 | Establish loading zone on W. Orchard Avenue in front of CRC | |
528 | 09/23/74 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk on E. Gladys Avenue from 6th to 7th Streets | |
529 | 09/23/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/sidewalk on E. Gladys Avenue from 6th to 7th Streets (LID 141) | |
530 | 09/23/74 | Authorize FAA ADAP grant application | |
531 | 10/14/74 | Request to Federal Insurance Administration for City certification in National Flood Insurance program | |
532 | 10/14/74 | City certification of adoption of building code and enforcement | |
533 | 10/28/74 | Establish 3 hour parking on Gladys Avenue from First to 2nd Streets | |
534 | 10/28/74 | Establish on-street loading zone on Gladys Avenue and on N.E. 2nd Street in front of Methodist Church entrances | |
535 | 11/11/74 | Call for feasibility report on sewer lateral #40 in W. Moore Avenue from S.W. 4th Street | |
536 | 11/11/74 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on sewer lateral #40 in W. Moore Avenue from S.W. 4th east (LID 142) | |
537 | 02/10/75 | Install stop signs on S.E. 8th Street at E. Highland Avenue and on E. Quince Avenue at S.E. 7th Street | |
538 | 04/14/75 | Rescinded by Res. No.627 | |
539 | NOT USED | ||
540 | 04/14/75 | Call for feasibility report on E. Pine Avenue water main from S.E. 7th to S.E. 8th Streets | |
541 | 06/23/75 | Accept feasibility report on E. Pine Avenue water main from S.E. 7th to S.E. 8th Streets (LID 144) | |
542 | 06/23/75 | Call for feasibility report on sewer lateral #42 to serve benefited property on W. Standard Avenue from N.W. 7th east to N.W. 3rd Street | |
543 | 06/23/75 | Accept feasibility report and call for hearing on sewer lateral #42 to serve benefited property on W. Standard Avenue from N.W. 7th east to N. W. 3rd Street (LID 145) | |
544 | 05/12/75 | Establish 2 hour parking S.E. 2nd and Hurlburt area | |
545 | 05/12/75 | Install "dead-end street" sign on W. Beebe Avenue | |
546 | 05/12/75 | Establish 10 minute parking zone on N.E. 3rd in front of business (Bud's Tac-N-Sew) | |
547 | 05/19/75 | Direct mayor and recorder to execute agreement with State Highway Division to provide for abandonment of highway (Ore 207) from Highway 395 South to south city limits | |
548 | NOT USED | ||
549 | 06/09/75 | Superceded by Res. No. 619 | |
550 | 06/23/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving on W. Standard Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th | |
551 | 06/23/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving on W. Standard Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th (LID 146) | |
552 | 06/23/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/paving on S.W. 4th Street from W. McKenzie to W. Moore Avenues and on W. Moore Avenue from the west line of Laird Addition east to Lot 7, Block 5 of said addition | |
553 | 06/23/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/paving on S.W. 4th Street from W. McKenzie to W. Moore Avenue and on W. Moore Avenue from the west line of Laird Addition east to Lot 7, Block 5 of said addition (LID 148) | |
554 | 06/30/75 | Transfer revenue sharing monies to sinking fund | |
555 | 07/14/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving on E. Quince Avenue from S.E. 7th to S.E. 8th Streets | |
556 | 07/14/75 | Accept feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving on E. Quince from S.E. 7th to S.E. 8th Streets (LID 147) | |
557 | 07/14/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/paving on E. Beebe Avenue from N. First to N. McNary Streets | |
558 | 07/14/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/paving on E. Beebe Avenue from N. First to N. McNary Streets (LID 149) | |
559 | 07/28/75 | Reappropriate funds 1974-75 budget | |
560 | 07/28/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/paving on S.E. 7th Street | |
561 | 07/28/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 7th Street paving (LID 150) | |
562 | 08/11/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/paving of E. Hurlburt Avenue from S.E. 2nd to S.E. 3rd Streets | |
563 | 08/11/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/paving of Hurlburt Avenue from S.E. 2nd to S.E. 3rd (LID 151) | |
564 | 08/11/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/sidewalk/paving of S.W. 7th Street from Hermiston to Orchard Avenues | |
565 | 08/11/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/sidewalk/paving of S.W. 7th Street from Hermiston to Orchard Avenues (LID 152) | |
566 | 08/11/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/sidewalk/paving of S.W. 7th Place from Park to Orchard Avenues | |
567 | 08/11/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/sidewalk/paving of S.W. 7th Place from Park to Orchard Avenues (LID 153) | |
568 | 08/25/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving of E. Quince Avenue from S.E. 8th to S.E. 9th | |
569 | 08/25/75 | Accept feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving of E. Quince Avenue from S.E. 8th to S.E. 9th (LID 154) | |
570 | 11/10/75 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving of S.E. 8th from E. Quince to E. Highland | |
571 | 11/10/75 | Accept feasibility report on curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving of S.E. 8th Street from E. Quince to E. Highland (LID 155) | |
572 | 11/10/75 | Call for feasibility report on water main in N. First from Elm Avenue to Theater Road | |
573 | 11/10/75 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on water main in N. First Street from Elm Avenue to Theater Road (LID 156) | |
574 | 11/10/75 | Establish traffic control installation (right turn only at S.E. 2nd and Highway 395 from Safeway parking lot) | |
575 | 11/10/75 | Grant Housing Authority permission to operate within city | |
576 | 11/24/75 | Establish traffic controls on Highway 395 through city | |
577 | 11/24/75 | Designate size of planning commission (9 members) | |
578 | 12/08/75 | Establish traffic control (right turn only from alley) | |
579 | 12/08/75 | Approve procedure for amending UCIC by-laws | |
580 | 12/15/75 | Designate street names in newly annexed area along N. First Street | |
581 | 01/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on Birch Drive curb/gutter/paving | |
582 | 01/12/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on Birch Drive curb/gutter/paving (LID 157) | |
583 | 01/26/76 | Rescinded by Res. No. 653 | |
584 | 01/26/76 | Install stop signs on S.E. 5th Street at E. Highland Avenue, W. Linda Avenue and W. Juanita Avenue at N.W. 11th Street | |
585 | 02/09/76 | Call for feasibility report on sanitary sewer lateral #43 in N. First Street from Elm Avenue to Theater Road | |
586 | 02/09/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on sanitary sewer lateral #43 in N. First Street from Elm Avenue to Theater Road (LID 158) | |
587 | 02/23/76 | Initiate proceeding to vacate street easement (N. of Birch Drive) | |
588 | 02/23/76 | Eliminate parking stall on E. Gladys (front of PPL), establish 10 minute parking zone in off-street parking lot | |
589 | 02/23/76 | Establish "no parking" zone south side W. Main from N. First west 75 feet | |
590 | 03/08/76 | Call for feasibility report on Turner Addition water/sewer lateral #44 | |
591 | 03/08/76 | Accept feasibility report on Turner Addition water/sewer lateral #44 (LID 159) | |
592 | 03/22/76 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alley (east-west alley south of E. Newport between 5th and 6th) | |
593 | 04/12/76 | Transfer general funds for office equipment and ordinance codification to sinking fund | |
594 | 04/12/76 | Transfer 41,000 from reserve for w/s B and I redemption fund to utilities fund (75-76 budget) | |
595 | 04/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on Sunnyvale Heights sewer lateral #45 | |
596 | 04/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on Sunnyvale Heights sewer lateral #45 (LID 160) | |
597 | 04/12/76 | Support effort for new and larger post office facilities | |
598 | 04/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on Sunland Estates water main - Phase I | |
599 | 04/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on Sunland Estates water main - Phase I (LID 162) | |
600 | 04/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on Sunland Estates paving - Phase I | |
601 | 04/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on Sunland Estates paving - Phase I(LID 163) I | |
602 | 04/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on Sunland Estates sewer lateral #46- Phase I | |
603 | 04/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on Sunland Estates sewer lateral #46 - Phase I (LID 161) | |
604 | 04/26/76 | Superceded by Res. No. 865 | |
605 | 04/26/76 | Establish 15 minute parking zone on S.W. 7th Street in front of West Park Elementary School | |
606 | 04/26/76 | Call for feasibility report on Prairie House Development (Phase 1) water/sewer lateral #47 | |
607 | 04/26/76 | Accept feasibility report on Prairie House Development (Phase 1) water/sewer lateral #47 (LID 164) | |
608 | 05/10/76 | Initiate proceedings to vacate street rights-of-way (Gass Prairie House Development | |
609 | 05/24/76 | Install stop signs on W. Madrona Avenue at N.W. 6th Street | |
610 | 05/24/76 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 9th Place curb/gutter/paving (Turner Addition) | |
611 | 05/24/76 | Accept feasibility report on S.W. 9th Place curb/gutter/paving (LID 165) Turner Addition | |
612 | 06/14/76 | Call for feasibility report on DeGroff Mobile Village water main | |
613 | 06/14/76 | Accept feasibility report on DeGroff Mobile Village water main (LID 166) | |
614 | 06/14/76 | Request Oregon Transportation Commission to consider the improvement of S.E. 4th Street from Newport to Highway 395 South eligible for special highway funds | |
615 | 06/14/76 | Call for feasibility report on S. First Street water main | |
616 | 06/14/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S. First Street water main (LID 167) | |
617 | 06/14/76 | Call for feasibility report on S. First Street sewer lateral #48 | |
618 | 06/14/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S. First Street sewer lateral #48 (LID 168) | |
619 | 06/28/76 | Superceded by Res. No. 710 | |
620 | 06/28/76 | Grant state right to install advance railroad warning signs | |
621 | 06/28/76 | Call for feasibility report on E. Ridgeway sidewalk | |
622 | 06/28/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Ridgeway sidewalk (LID 169) | |
623 | 06/28/76 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 9th Street paving | |
624 | 06/28/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 9th Street paving (LID 170) | |
625 | 06/28/76 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. McNary Street paving | |
626 | 06/28/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N. E. McNary Street paving (LID 171) | |
627 | 06/28/76 | Call for feasibility report on E. Pine sewer lateral #41 and rescind Res. No. 538 | |
628 | 06/28/76 | Accept feasibility report on E. Pine sewer lateral #41 (LID 143) | |
629 | 07/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. Butte Drive sewer lateral #50 | |
630 | 07/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on N.W. Butte Drive sewer lateral #50 (LID 172) | |
631 | 07/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on W. Juniper Avenue curb/sidewalk/and overlay | |
632 | 07/12/76 | Accept feasibility report on W. Juniper Avenue curb/sidewalk/overlay (LID 173) | |
633 | 07/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on W. Oak Avenue paving | |
634 | 07/12/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Oak Avenue paving (LID 174) | |
635 | 07/12/76 | Call for feasibility report on W. Park Avenue paving | |
636 | 07/12/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Park Avenue paving (LID 175) | |
637 | 07/12/76 | Petition State to enter into program for sharing state income tax revenues with Oregon cities | |
638 | 07/26/76 | Authorize mayor to sign documents pertaining to sewer project | |
639 | 08/09/76 | General fund transfers (1975-76 budget) | |
640 | 08/23/76 | Call for feasibility report on Water Pressure System, Part A - Pump Station | |
641 | 08/23/76 | Accept feasibility report on Water Pressure System, Part A - Pump Station (LID 176) | |
642 | 08/23/76 | Call for feasibility report on Water Pressure System, Part B- 10" Water Main | |
643 | 08/23/76 | Accept feasibility report on Water Pressure System, Part B - 10" Water Main (LID 177) | |
644 | 08/30/76 | Install stop signs | |
645 | 09/13/76 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alley (east-west between E. Ridgeway and E. Wilshire from N.E. 3rd to N.E. 4th | |
646 | 09/13/76 | Call for feasibility report on Campbell Drive paving | |
647 | 09/13/76 | Accept feasibility report and call for hearing on Campbell Drive paving (LID 178) | |
648 | 09/15/76 | Call for feasibility report on curb/gutter/paving on W. Lathrop Avenue from S.W. 9th to S.W. 10th | |
649 | 09/15/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/paving on W. Lathrop Avenue from S.W. 9th To S.W. 10th (LID 179) | |
650 | 09/15/76 | Call for feasibility report on curb, gutter & paving on N.W. 7th Street from Standard Avenue north 660 feet (FAILED) | |
651 | 09/15/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb/gutter/paving on N.W. 7th Street from Standard Avenue north 660 feet (LID 180) (FAILED) | |
652 | 09/27/76 | Accept FAA grant offer for airport construction project (ADAP Project 5-1-0024-01) | |
653 | 09/27/76 | Rescinded by Res. No. 762 | |
654 | 09/27/76 | Initiate proceedings to vacate utility easement (12' E. of NW corner of Lot 7, Bl. 3, Berg's Addition, thence S. and parallel to W. line of said Lot 7 108' to N. line thereof) Rob't Montgomery | |
655 | 10/11/76 | Accept $25,000 allocation from Special City Allotment, State Highway Division (S.E. 4th, Newport to 395) | |
656 | 10/11/76 | Accept grant offer of EPA for $105,284 to be used in sewer project, step 1 and authorize signatures (Project #c-410517-01-0) | |
657 | 10/18/76 | Enter into option with Ben and Dovie Connor to purchase 28 acres of land at $110,000 for new sewage treatment plant | |
658 | 10/25/76 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 9th Street paving | |
659 | 10/25/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 9th Street paving (LID 181) | |
660 | 10/25/76 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 10th Street paving | |
661 | 10/25/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 10th Street paving (LID 183) | |
662 | 10/25/76 | Call for feasibility report on W. Duane Avenue paving | |
663 | 10/25/76 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Duane Avenue paving (LID 182) | |
664 | 10/25/76 | Call for feasibility report on Creamery Annex sidewalk | |
665 | 10/25/76 | Accept feasibility report on Creamery Annex sidewalk (LID 184) | |
666 | 10/25/76 | Apply for assistance under Public Works Employment Act of 1976, Title I, and authorize mayor to sign application for public works building | |
667 | 11/08/76 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alleys in Hermiston Orchards Addition, Blocks H and I and portion of S. E. 9th Street | |
668 | 11/08/76 | Install stop signs on N.W. Butte Drive at W. Ridgeway | |
669 | 11/08/76 | Apply for assistance under Public Works Employment Act of 1976, Title I and authorize mayor to sign applications | |
670 | 11/22/76 | Install dead-end street sign on S.W. 7th Place at W. Highland Avenue | |
671 | 12/13/76 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 10th Street paving (from south line of Turner Addition south approximately 370 feet - DeGroff) | |
672 | 12/13/76 | Accept feasibility report on S.W. 10th Street paving (DeGroff) LID 185 | |
673 | 12/20/76 | Accept PP&L proposal to relocate 69 KV transmission line from airport clear zone (ADAP Project 5-41-0024-01) | |
674 | 12/27/76 | Designate one-way alleys | |
675 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on Lathrop/Block 4 sewer lateral #51 | |
676 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on Lathrop/Block 4 sewer lateral #51 (LID 186) | |
677 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Division (8th/9th) paving | |
678 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on W. Division (8th/9th) paving (LID 187) | |
679 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Johns (8th/9th) paving | |
680 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on W. Johns (8th/9th) paving (LID 188) | |
681 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on curb and gutter on west side S.W. 8th Street (Division/Johns) | |
682 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on curb and gutter on west side S.W. 8th Street (Division/Johns) (LID 189) | |
683 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Division water main (8th/9th) | |
684 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on W. Division water main (8th/9th) (LID 190) | |
685 | 01/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Johns water main (8th/9th) | |
686 | 01/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on W. Johns water main (8th/9th) (LID 191) | |
687 | 01/10/77 | Initiate proceedings to vacate alleys in Dodd Addition | |
688 | 01/24/77 | Call for feasibility report on Meyer Subdivision improvements | |
689 | 01/24/77 | Accept feasibility report on Meyer Subdivision improvements (LID 193) | |
690 | 01/24/77 | Rescinded by Res. No. 696 | |
691 | 01/24/77 | Rescinded by Res. No. 697 | |
692 | 02/14/77 | Rescinded by Res. No. 941 | |
693 | 02/14/77 | Participate in ECOAC excess property program for one year beginning December 1, 1976 | |
694 | 03/14/77 | Call for feasibility report on Village Port water/sewer lateral #53 | |
695 | 03/14/77 | Accept feasibility report on Village Port water/sewer lateral #53 (LID 195) | |
696 | 03/28/77 | Call for feasibility report on off-street parking lot acquisition, rescind Res. No. 690 | |
697 | 03/28/77 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing April 18 on off-street parking lot acquisition, rescind Res. No. 691 (LID 192) | |
698 | 04/11/77 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 9th Street paving | |
699 | 04/11/77 | Accept feasibility report on S.E. 9th Street paving (LID 196) | |
700 | 04/25/77 | Transfer planning monies from general fund to sinking fund | |
701 | 05/09/77 | Call for feasibility report on E. Pine paving (7th/8th) | |
702 | 05/09/77 | Accept feasibility report on E. Pine paving (LID 194) | |
703 | 06/13/77 | Call for feasibility report on Village Port paving (Port Drive/S.E. 9th/Columbia Drive) | |
704 | 06/13/77 | Accept feasibility report on Village Port paving (Port Drive/S.E. 9th/Columbia Drive) LID 197 | |
705 | 06/27/77 | Call for feasibility report on airport water/sewer lateral #54 | |
706 | 06/27/77 | Accept feasibility report on airport water/sewer lateral #54 (LID 198) | |
707 | 06/20/77 | Water/sewer pipeline crossing agreement with UPRR (to airport) | |
708 | 06/27/77 | Transfer planning monies to sinking fund | |
709 | 08/22/77 | Superceded by Res. No. 868 | |
710 | 06/27/77 | Superceded by Res. No. 768 | |
711 | 06/27/77 | Install traffic signals at Highway 395 and Highland Avenue | |
712 | 06/27/77 | Adopt CIP and amend work program adopted September 1, 1976 (Comp Plan Update to meet LCDC guidelines) | |
713 | 07/11/77 | Initiate proceedings to vacate street easement in Marshall Addition | |
714 | 07/11/77 | Establish "no parking" zone on S.W. 11th and Hermiston Avenue adjacent to Dean Holmes Plaza | |
715 | 07/11/77 | Install traffic signals at Highway 395 at Elm, Jennie, Hurlburt | |
716 | 07/11/77 | Accept bid for Series 9 Bancroft Bonds (Charles N. Tripp) | |
717 | 07/25/77 | Reappropriate 1976-77 budgeted items | |
718 | 07/25/77 | Project Failed | |
719 | 07/25/77 | Project Failed (LID 199) | |
720 | 07/25/77 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 8th Street paving (Quince /Pine) | |
721 | 07/25/77 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 8th Street paving - Quince to Pine (LID 200) | |
722 | 07/25/77 | Call for feasibility report on Village Port improvements - Phase 2 - (water/sewer/paving) | |
723 | 07/25/77 | Accept feasibility report on Village Port improvements - Phase 2 - (water/sewer lateral #55/paving) LID 201 | |
724 | 08/22/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Highland Avenue paving (395/S.W. 11th) | |
725 | 08/22/77 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Highland Avenue paving from 395 west to 11th (LID 202) | |
726 | 08/29/77 | Amend agreement with State Highway Division for construction and operation of traffic signals on First Street at Main and Gladys (State to maintain) | |
727 | 08/29/77 | Authorize mayor to execute LCDC planning assistance grant agreement | |
728 | 09/12/77 | Change street name (E. Ketel Avenue to E. Catherine Avenue) | |
729 | 09/12/77 | Designate no truck parking areas on Hurlburt at 395 and no parking area on S. First Street from W. Highland north 300 feet | |
730 | 09/12/77 | Change street name (E. Monkman Avenue from S.E. 8th to S.E. 9th to E. View Drive) | |
731 | 09/26/77 | Restrict parking by mail drop boxes on Main near 4th | |
732 | 09/26/77 | Call for feasibility report on E. Monkman (View) sewer lateral #56 | |
733 | 09/26/77 | Accept feasibility report on E. Monkman (View) sewer lateral #56 (LID 203) | |
734 | 10/10/77 | Call for feasibility report on W. Orchard water main | |
735 | 10/10/77 | Accept feasibility report on W. Orchard water main | |
736 | 10/10/77 | Direct mayor and recorder to execute agreement with UPRR for sewer pipeline crossing railroad tracks at S. First Street | |
737 | 11/28/77 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 4th curb/gutter/sidewalk (Beech to Cherry) | |
738 | 11/28/77 | Accept feasibility report on N.E. 4th curb/gutter/sidewalk (Beech to Cherry) LID 205 | |
739 | 11/28/78 | Call for feasibility report on E. Pine Avenue paving from 8th to 9th | |
740 | 11/28/77 | Accept feasibility report on E. Pine Avenue paving from 8th to 9th (LID 206) | |
741 | 12/12/77 | Install stop signs on N.E. North, N.E. 2nd and N.E. 3rd Streets at Jennie Avenue and on N.W. 6th Street at Standard Avenue | |
742 | 12/21/77 | Establish 10 minute parking zone on Main Street in front of City Hall | |
743 | 01/09/78 | Rescinded by Res. No. 861 | |
744 | 01/09/78 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with State Highway Division for preliminary engineering and construction finance for S.E. 4th Off-System Roads Project | |
745 | 01/16/78 | Request Transportation Commission to consider the improvement of N.E. 4th Street from Main to Ridgeway and from Jennie to Elm eligible for special cities allotment | |
746 | 02/13/78 | Install stop signs on S.E. 9th Drive at E. Highland Avenue and at E. Newport Avenue and on Carter Drive at E. Newport Avenue | |
747 | 03/13/78 | Direct city manager to execute agreement with State Parks Branch for Newport Park sprinklers project | |
748 | 03/13/78 | Call for feasibility report on Sagebrush Plaza sidewalks | |
749 | 03/13/78 | Accept feasibility report on Sagebrush Plaza sidewalks (LID 207) | |
750 | 03/13/78 | Install stop sign on S.W. Birch Drive at W. Highland Avenue | |
751 | 03/13/78 | Project failed | |
752 | 03/13/78 | Project failed (LID 208) | |
753 | 03/27/78 | Accept FAA amended grant offer for airport construction project - ADAP Project | |
754 | 03/27/78 | Raise water deposit from $15 to $25 (supercedes Res. No. 329) (superseded by Res. 1467) | |
755 | 03/27/78 | Accept bid for purchases of $3,000,000 G.O. sewer bonds, direct execution, delivery, sale | |
756 | 04/10/78 | Initiate proceedings to vacate portion of alley in Original Town West | |
757 | 04/10/78 | Authorize mayor and recorder to enter into agreement with State Highway Division for installation of traffic signal at 395 and Highland | |
758 | 04/10/78 | Accept bid for purchase of Bancroft Bonds, Series 10 | |
759 | 04/24/78 | Accept FAA grant offer for airport construction project (phase 2) ADAP Project 5-41--0024-02 | |
760 | 04/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on View Drive sewer #2 lateral #117 | |
761 | 04/24/78 | Accept feasibility report on View Drive sewer #2 lateral #117 (LID 209) | |
762 | 05/08/78 | Rescinded by Res. No. 875 | |
763 | 05/22/78 | Initiate proceedings to vacate portion of alley lying between Cornecl and Hermiston Orchards Addition | |
764 | 05/22/78 | Call for feasibility report on E. Pine water main (S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th) | |
765 | 05/22/78 | Accept feasibility report on E. Pine water main (S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th) (LID 210) | |
766 | 05/22/78 | Reaffirm support for Amtrak | |
767 | 06/26/78 | Install stop signs on S.W. 4th Street and W. Moore Avenue | |
768 | 06/26/78 | Superceded by Res. No. 830 | |
769 | 07/10/78 | Call for feasibility report on land acquisition for Westview Park | |
770 | 07/10/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on land acquisition for Westview Park (LID 211) | |
771 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on First Place curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from Hermiston to Orchard Avenues | |
772 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on First Place curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from Hermiston to Orchard Avenues (LID 212) | |
773 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 2nd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from Hermiston to Locust Avenues | |
774 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 2nd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from Hermiston to Locust Avenues (LID 213) | |
775 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 2nd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from Locust to Orchard Avenues | |
776 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 2nd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from Locust to Orchard Avenues (LID 214) | |
777 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on W. Locust Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from First Place to S.W. 2nd Street | |
778 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Locust Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from First Place to S.W. 2nd Street (LID 215) | |
779 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on W. Locust Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from S.W. 2nd to S.W. 3rd Streets | |
780 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Locust Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from S.W. 2nd to S.W. 3rd Streets (LID 216) | |
781 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on E. 3rd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from E. Gladys to E. Hurlburt Avenues | |
782 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. 3rd Street curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving (overlay) from E. Gladys to E. Hurlburt Avenues (LID 217) | |
783 | 07/24/78 | Call for feasibility report on E. 2nd Street paving (overlay) (E. Gladys to E. Hurlburt Avenues) | |
784 | 07/24/78 | Accept feasibility report on E. 2nd Street paving (overlay) (E. Gladys to E. Hurlburt Avenues) | |
785 | 07/24/78 | Reappropriate 1977-78 budgeted items | |
786 | 08/28/78 | Call for feasibility report on E. Cherry Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from N.E. McNary to N.E. 4th Streets | |
787 | 08/28/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Cherry Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk/paving from N.E. McNary to N.E. 4th Streets (LID 218) | |
788 | 08/28/78 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1131 | |
789 | 09/25/78 | Accept FAA lease for remote communications outlet at airport | |
790 | 10/09/78 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement for railroad crossing at E. Highland Avenue | |
791 | 10/09/78 | Establish "no parking" on west side of S.E. 6th Street from E. Highland Avenue north 600 feet | |
792 | 10/23/78 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. Kelli Boulevard and Shannon Way | |
793 | 10/23/78 | Accept feasibility report on S.E. Kelli Boulevard and Shannon Way (LID 219) | |
794 | 11/09/78 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign joint support agreement for water supply outlet in proposed dam expansion project | |
795 | 11/09/78 | Authorize city to arrange with BLM for continuation of cable t.v. facilities on Butte | |
796 | 11/27/78 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute lease with Micro-Cable Communications Corporation for site on Butte for Home Box Office receiving station | |
797 | 12/11/78 | Accept FAA grant agreement amendment #1, ADAP Project 5-41-0024-02 (2nd phase, airport construction) | |
799 | 12/18/78 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on installation of metal street light poles in Highland Hills Addition (LID 220) | |
798 | 12/18/78 | Call for feasibility report on installation of metal street light poles in Highland Hills Addition | |
800 | 12/27/78 | Remove uncollectible ambulance and cemetery bills from current accounts receivable (keep in inactive file for possible future collection) | |
801 | 01/08/79 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign lease agreement with UPRR for parking and tree planting | |
802 | 01/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Tamarack Avenue from S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th Streets | |
803 | 01/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Tamarack Avenue from S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th Streets (LID 221) | |
804 | 01/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Pine Avenue from S. E. 3rd to S. E. 4th Streets | |
805 | 01/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Pine Avenue from S.E. 3rd to S.E. 4th Streets (LID 222) | |
806 | 01/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Tamarack to E. Pine Avenues | |
807 | 01/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Tamarack to E. Pine Avenues (LID 223) | |
808 | 01/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Pine to E. Quince Avenues | |
809 | 01/08/79 | Accept feasibility, call for hearing on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Pine to E. Quince Avenues (LID 224) | |
810 | 01/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Newport to E. Tamarack Avenues | |
811 | 01/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 3rd Street from E. Newport to E. Tamarack Avenues (LID 226) | |
812 | 01/22/79 | Initiate proceedings to vacate walkway and street right-of-way easements in Highland Hills | |
813 | 02/26/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 4th Street from E. Newport Avenue to Highway 395 | |
814 | 02/2679 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 4th Street from E. Newport Avenue to Highway 395 (LID 227) | |
815 | 04/23/79 | Establish loading zone at S.W. 7th and W. Juniper | |
816 | 05/14/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.W. 7th Street from Highland to Division | |
817 | 05/14/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.W. 7th Street from Highland to Division (LID 229) | |
818 | 05/14/79 | Install dead-end street sign at northwest corner of S.E. 8th Street and Cassen Court | |
819 | 05/29/79 | Call for feasibility report on curb, gutter, sidewalk on north side Diagonal Boulevard from N.E. 7th Street east | |
820 | 05/29/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on curb, gutter, sidewalk on north side Diagonal Boulevard from N.E. 7th Street east (LID 232) | |
821 | 06/04/79 | Direct administration to acquire easements for sewer project, make offer to compensate owners, prepare and file for condemnation if necessary | |
822 | 06/11/79 | Develop and adopt industrial cost recovery system acceptable to EPA | |
823 | 06/11/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Hurlburt Avenue from 7th to 8th | |
824 | 06/11/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Hurlburt Avenue from 7th to 8th (LID 225) | |
825 | 06/11/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Cherry Avenue from Highway 395 to N.W. Spruce | |
826 | 06/11/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Cherry Avenue from Highway 395 to N.W. Spruce (LID 230) | |
827 | 06/11/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Dogwood Avenue from Highway 395 to N.W. 2nd | |
828 | 06/11/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Dogwood Avenue from Highway 395 to N.W. 2nd (LID 231) | |
829 | 06/11/79 | Direct mayor and recorder to execute agreement with UPRR for sewer pipeline crossing railroad tracks between milepost 4.91 and milepost 5.39 | |
830 | 06/25/79 | Superceded by Res. No. 869 | |
831 | 06/25/79 | Reappropriate 1978-79 budgeted items | |
832 | 06/25/79 | Call for feasibility report on Alora Heights improvements | |
833 | 06/25/79 | Accept feasibility report on Alora Heights improvements (LID 233) | |
834 | 06/25/79 | Initiate proceedings to vacate W. Duane Avenue from 7th to 8th | |
835 | 07/10/79 | Install stop signs in Hermiston Park Plats 1 and 2 and on W. Moore Avenue at S.W. 4th Street | |
836 | 07/10/79 | Superceded by Res. No. 894 | |
837 | 07/10/79 | Call for feasibility report on South Hill improvements | |
838 | 07/10/79 | Accept feasibility report on South Hill improvements (LID 234) | |
839 | 07/23/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Park Avenue from S.W. 7th to S.W. Butte Drive | |
840 | 07/23/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing 08/13 on paving W. Park Avenue from S.W. 7th to S.W. Butte Drive (LID 235) | |
841 | 07/23/79 | Name north-south street off Harper Road - N.W. 6th Street | |
842 | 08/13/79 | Call for feasibility report on W. Sunland/17th Street water | |
843 | 08/13/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Sunland/17th Street water (LID 236) | |
844 | 08/13/79 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 7th Street paving from Hurlburt to Newport Avenues | |
845 | 08/13/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 7th Street paving from Hurlburt to Newport Avenues | |
846 | 08/13/79 | Call for feasibility report on W. Standard Avenue paving from N.W. 7th Street to N.W. Butte Drive | |
847 | 08/13/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Standard Avenue paving from N.W. 7th Street to N.W. Butte Drive (LID 238) | |
848 | 08/13/79 | Dust control | |
849 | 08/13/79 | Request Highway Division to study retention of Westland Interchange (Exit 180) on 80-N & I-82 | |
850 | 08/27/79 | Install stop signs on S.W. 2nd & S.W. 3rd at W. Locust | |
851 | 08/27/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Sunland Avenue from west line Sunland Estates to S.W. 17th Street | |
852 | 08/27/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Sunland Avenue from west line Sunland Estates to S.W. 17th Street (LID 239) | |
853 | 09/10/79 | Initiate proceedings to vacate utility (sewer) easement in River Hill Addition, Phase II | |
854 | 09/10/79 | Initiate proceedings to vacate east-west alley from N. First Place to N.W. 3rd Street between W. Standard and W. Hartley Avenues | |
855 | 09/10/79 | Authorize city attorney to acquire property as described in condemnation suit for sewer easement (Brent Horn's) | |
856 | 10/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Wilshire Avenue (3rd/4th) | |
857 | 10/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Wilshire avenue from 3rd to 4th (LID 240) | |
858 | 10/08/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.E. 3rd Street (Ridgeway/Wilshire) | |
859 | 10/08/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.E. 3rd Street from Ridgeway to Wilshire (LID 241) | |
860 | 10/08/79 | Install stop signs on N.W. Spruce Street at W. Jennie and on S.E. 9th Street at E. Newport | |
861 | 10/22/79 | Rescinded by Res. No. 940 | |
862 | 10/22/79 | Call for feasibility report on sewer line in Block H of Hermiston Orchards | |
863 | 10/22/79 | Accept feasibility report on sewer line in Block H of Hermiston Orchards (LID 242) | |
864 | 11/05/79 | Accept bid on Series XI Bancroft Bonds | |
865 | 11/05/79 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1055 | |
866 | 11/05/79 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 7th Street from E. Newport to E. Highland Avenues | |
867 | 11/05/79 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 7th Street from E. Newport to E. Highland Avenues (LID 243) | |
868 | 12/10/79 | Superceded by Res. No. 953 | |
869 | 12/10/79 | Superceded by Res. No. 896 | |
870 | 12/10/79 | Install stop sign on N.W. Spruce Street at Beebe Avenue | |
871 | 12/10/79 | Establish no parking zone on north side of W. Standard beginning 60' west of N.W. 6th and thence west 50' (by steps at Rocky Heights) | |
872 | 01/14/80 | Install stop signs in Westview Estates | |
873 | 01/14/80 | Call for feasibility report on W. Highland water main | |
874 | 01/14/80 | Accept feasibility report on W. Highland water main (LID 244) | |
875 | 01/28/80 | Rescinded by Res. No. 942 | |
876 | 01/28/80 | Install dead-end street signs on W. Beech, W. Beebe, and W. Cherry Avenues at N.W. 2nd Street | |
877 | 01/28/80 | Initiate proceedings to vacate street rights--of-way (0.6' on N. First side and 0.5' on E. Main side of Inland Empire Bank property) | |
878 | 01/28/80 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement for railroad crossing improvement (including automatic signals) at Orchard Avenue | |
879 | 02/11/80 | Apply for project under 1981 special city allotment program (N.E. 4th Street from Main to Ridgeway) | |
880 | 03/10/80 | Call for feasibility report on paving W, June Avenue (1st/Spruce) | |
881 | 03/10/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. June Avenue (1st/Spruce) (LID 245) | |
882 | 03/10/80 | Initiate proceedings to vacate W. Dogwood Avenue from N.W. 2nd west | |
883 | 03/24/80 | Initiate proceedings to vacate north-south alley in Block 1 of Original Town West | |
884 | 03/24/80 | Call for feasibility report on W. Theater Lane sewer | |
885 | 03/24/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Theater Lane sewer (LID 246) | |
886 | 03/24/80 | Call for feasibility report on sewer to serve T.L. 101 16AC & T.L. 10500 28B | |
887 | 03/24/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on sewer to serve T.L. 101 16AC & 10500 28B (LID 247) | |
888 | 04/28/80 | Initiate proceedings to vacate north-south alley in Hal Brandt Tracts | |
889 | 04/28/80 | Install stop signs on N.W. 3rd street at W. Standard Avenue | |
890 | 05/12/80 | Authorize transfer of public property from one entity to another | |
891 | 05/12/80 | Prohibit truck traffic (gross weight greater than 5 tons) - except for in-town deliveries - on S.E. 4th Street from Highway 395 to Main Street | |
892 | 05/27/80 | Certifying tax levy election results (80-81 fiscal year) | |
893 | 05/27/80 | Certifying tax base election results (80-81 fiscal year) | |
894 | 06/09/80 | Superceded by Res. No. 921 | |
895 | 06/30/80 | Certify tax election results (80-81 fiscal year) | |
896 | 06/30/80 | Superceded by Res. No. 954 | |
897 | 06/30/80 | Reappropriate 1979-80 budgeted items | |
898 | 07/14/80 | Call for feasibility report on E. View Drive paving | |
899 | 07/14/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. View Drive paving (LID 248) | |
900 | 07/14/80 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. Spruce/W. May sewer | |
901 | 07/14/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.W. Spruce/W. May sewer (LID 249) | |
902 | 07/14/80 | Call for feasibility report on Pender Residential PUD water/sewer/enclose storm drainage ditch | |
904 | 07/14/80 | Terminate airport bond improvement fund, transfer money to airport improvement sinking funds | |
903 | 07/14/80 | Accept feasibility report on Pender Residential PUD water/sewer/enclose storm drainage ditch (LID 250) | |
905 | 07/14/80 | Direct city manager to execute agreement with State Parks and Recreation Division for Belt Park improvements | |
906 | 07/28/80 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (Senior Citizen Taxi Funding) | |
907 | 07/28/80 | Initiate proceedings to vacate utility easement in Hermiston Park Plat 1 | |
908 | 08/11/80 | Traffic control on E. Highland between Highway 395 and railroad crossing | |
909 | 09/08/80 | Call for feasibility report on Sunland Estates paving (Phase 2) | |
910 | 09/09/80 | Accept feasibility report on Sunland Estates paving (Phase 2) LID 251 | |
911 | 09/22/80 | Establish truck route on Hermiston Avenue from Highway 395 to N. First Place | |
912 | 09/25/80 | Authorize use of city land for fair use by Umatilla County Fair Board | |
913 | 10/13/80 | Prohibit truck traffic (gross weight greater than 5 tons) - except for in-town deliveries - on N.E. 7th from Main to Ridgeway, on E. Gladys from 4th to 7th and on E. Ridgeway from 4th to 7th | |
914 | 10/16/80 | Direct and authorize mayor to execute deed to U.S. Government for post office site | |
915 | 10/27/80 | Accept bid for purchase of G.O. improvement bonds for Bancroft Series XII | |
916 | 11/10/80 | Install stop signs on N.W. Spruce at Beech, E. Pine, and E. Tamarack at S.E. 9th Dr & S.E. 9th Street at E. Newport | |
917 | 11/10/80 | Accept election returns on tax base | |
918 | 12/08/80 | 1979-80 audit report deficiencies | |
919 | 12/22/80 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 7th - Hurlburt/Newport - paving | |
920 | 12/22/80 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 7th - Hurlburt/Newport - paving (LID 252) | |
921 | 01/26/81 | Superceded by Res. No. 1050 | |
922 | 01/26/81 | Terminate water bond improvement fund, transfer monies to reserve fund | |
923 | 02/09/81 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 4th Street overlay | |
924 | 02/09/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.E. 4th Street overlay from Jennie to Elm (LID 254) | |
925 | 03/09/81 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 4th Street overlay (Jennie/Elm) | |
926 | 03/09/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.E. 4th Street overlay from Jennie to Elm (LID 254) - reconsider project at request of over 50% of property owners | |
927 | 03/23/81 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Ridgeway from 7th to 8th | |
928 | 03/23/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Ridgeway from 7th to 8th (LID 255) | |
929 | 03/23/81 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 6th Street from Newport Avenue south approximately 700 feet | |
930 | 03/23/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 6th Street from Newport Avenue south approximately 700 feet (LID 256) | |
931 | 04/13/81 | Restrict parking on S. First Street from Highland Avenue south approximately 400 feet (no parking during school hours) | |
932 | 04/13/81 | Authorize FAA ADAP grant application for airport improvement, Phase II | |
933 | 04/13/81 | Support Alumax location | |
934 | 04/27/81 | Call for feasibility report on W. Sunland sewer | |
935 | 04/27/81 | Accept feasibility report on W. Sunland sewer (LID 253) | |
936 | 05/11/82 | Call for feasibility report on E. Gladys water/sewer | |
937 | 05/11/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Gladys water/sewer (LID 257) | |
938 | 05/26/81 | Certify tax levy election results (1981-82 fiscal year) | |
939 | 05/26/81 | Install stop signs on W. Poplar Avenue and S.W. 12th Street | |
940 | 06/22/81 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1036 | |
941 | 06/22/81 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1035 | |
942 | 06/22/81 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1051 | |
943 | 06/22/81 | Call for feasibility report on W. Orchard water | |
944 | 06/22/81 | Accept feasibility report on W. Orchard water (LID 258) | |
945 | 06/22/81 | Reappropriate 1980-81 budgeted items | |
946 | 07/13/81 | Accept bid for purchase of Series XIII G.O. improvement bonds from __________ | |
947 | 07/13/81 | Call for feasibility report on paving alley in Pender First Addition | |
948 | 07/13/81 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving alley in Pender First Addition (LID 260) | |
949 | 09/28/81 | Install stop signs on W. Moore at 7th and on W. Division at 7th | |
950 | 09/28/81 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (Senior Citizen Taxi Funding) | |
951 | 10/12/81 | Establish on and off-street parking time limits | |
952 | 12/28/81 | Establish no parking zone, S.W. 7th and W. Highland--Failed | |
953 | 01/11/82 | Superceded by Res. No. 1054 | |
954 | 01/11/82 | Superceded by Res. No. 977 | |
955 | 01/11/82 | Designate S.E. 7th Street from E. Highland Avenue to E. Main Street as through street, remove north/south stop signs at Newport; install east/west stop signs at Newport and Hurlburt, west bound stop sign at Pine (all at intersections of S.E. 7th) | |
956 | 02/08/82 | Accept deferred compensation plan for city employees, authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement | |
957 | 02/08/82 | Authorize interfund loan | |
958 | 02/22/82 | Rescinded by Res. No. 963 | |
959 | 04/12/82 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign oil and gas lease agreement | |
960 | 04/12/82 | Bond sale void | |
961 | 04/12/82 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.W. 11th Street from Hermiston Avenue south to city limits | |
962 | 04/12/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.W. 11th Street from Hermiston Avenue south to city limits (LID 259) | |
963 | 04/12/82 | Install east bound stop signs at Beebe, Beech, Cherry and Dogwood Avenues (all at intersection of N.E. 4th Street) (Rescind Res. No. 958) | |
964 | 05/24/82 | Accept bid of Inland Empire Bank for purchase of G. O. improvement bonds, Series XIV, directing delivery and sale thereof | |
965 | VOID | ||
966 | 05/24/82 | Certifying tax levy election results (82-83 fiscal year) | |
967 | 05/24/82 | Certifying tax base election results (82-82 fiscal year) | |
968 | 06/14/82 | Install east bound stop sign on W. Division Avenue at S.W. 10th Street | |
969 | 06/14/82 | Establish no parking along N. First Street from Elm Avenue to Theater Lane | |
970 | 06/28/82 | Authorize fund transfer from general to special assessment | |
971 | 06/28/82 | Reappropriate 1981-82 budgeted items | |
972 | 06/28/82 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 3rd Street from W. Marie to W. Elm | |
973 | 06/28/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 3rd Street from W. Marie to W. Elm (LID 261) | |
974 | 06/28/82 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Marie Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 3rd Street | |
975 | 06/28/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Marie Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 3rd Street | |
976 | 07/12/82 | Certifying tax levy election results (82-83 fiscal year) | |
977 | 07/12/82 | Superceded by Res. No. 1013 | |
978 | 08/09/82 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (Senior Citizen Taxi Funding) | |
979 | 08/09/82 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 11th sewer | |
980 | 08/09/82 | Accept feasibility report on S.W. 11th sewer (LID 263) | |
981 | 08/23/82 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 8th Place sewer | |
982 | 08/23/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 8th Place sewer (LID 264) | |
983 | 09/27/82 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 4th Street overlay (Hermiston/Locust) | |
984 | 09/27/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 4th Street overlay (Hermiston/Locust) (LID 265) | |
985 | 09/27/82 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 4th Street overlay (Locust/Orchard) | |
986 | 09/27/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 4th Street overlay (Locust/Orchard) (LID 266) | |
987 | 09/27/82 | Call for feasibility report on W. Locust Avenue overlay (3rd/4th) | |
988 | 09/27/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Locust Avenue overlay (3rd/4th) (LID 267) | |
989 | 11/22/82 | Recharge deep acquifer wells | |
990 | 10/25/82 | Accept bid of U.S. National Bank for purchase of G. O. improvement bonds, Series XV, direct delivery and sale thereof | |
991 | 10/25/82 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 4th Street overlay (Main/Ridgeway) | |
992 | 10/25/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.E. 4th Street overlay (Main/Ridgeway) (LID 268) | |
993 | 11/04/82 | Certify tax base election results (1982-83 fiscal year) | |
994 | 11/04/82 | Certify charter amendments election results (redescribe existing ward boundaries, create new council representation) | |
995 | 11/04/82 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 5th Street from Newport to Highland | |
996 | 11/04/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 5th Street from Newport to Highland | |
997 | 11/22/82 | Restrict parking on north side E. Ridgeway from N.E. 3rd west approximately 230 feet (no parking during school hours) | |
998 | 12/13/82 | Authorize city manager to acquire federal surplus property from state | |
999 | 12/13/82 | Restrict parking on east side of S.W. 7th Street by West Park School (no parking during school hours) | |
1000 | 12/27/82 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Pine Avenue from S.E. 4th to S.E. 5th | |
1001 | 12/27/82 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Pine Avenue from S.E. 4th to S.E. 5th (LID 270) | |
1002 | 01/10/83 | Call for feasibility report on east-west sewer line between E. Quince and E. Highland (Superceded by Res. No. 1005) | |
1003 | 01/10/83 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on east-west sewer line between E. Quince and E. Highland (LID 271) (Superceded by Res. No. 1006) | |
1004 | 01/24/83 | Install stop signs (east bound on W. Johns Avenue at S.W. 7th Street, north bound on S.W. 7th Street at W. Johns Avenue) | |
1005 | 03/28/83 | Call for feasibility report on sewer line between E. Quince and E. Highland (supercedes Res. No. 1002) | |
1006 | 03/28/83 | Accept feasibility report on sewer line between E. Quince and E. Highland - (LID 271) (Supercedes Res. No. 1003) | |
1007 | 03/30/83 | Certifying Transit Room Tax (Ordinance No. 1449) election results | |
1009 | 04/25/83 | Establish criteria council will follow in land use decision (present fairgrounds site) | |
1008 | 04/11/83 | Remove uncollectible ambulance bills from current accounts receivable (keep in inactive file for possible future collection) | |
1010 | 05/23/83 | Certifying tax levy election results (83-84 fiscal year) | |
1011 | 05/23/83 | Initiate proceedings to vacate N.W. 4th from W. Madrona to W. Ridgeway as platted in First Addition | |
1012 | 05/23/83 | Establish traffic controls - limited parking on south side W. Orchard/from S.W. 9th west 173' (2 hour) & 173' west of S.W. 9th west 73' (30 min); eliminate on-street parking space north side E. Hurlburt 45' east of Hwy 395 | |
1013 | 06/13/83 | Superceded by Res. No. 1060 | |
1014 | 06/27/83 | Authorize additional "911" fund transfer | |
1015 | 06/27/83 | Reappropriate 1982-83 budgeted funds | |
1016 | 08/08/83 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (Senior Citizen Taxi Funding) | |
1017 | 08/08/83 | Initiate proceedings to vacate N.W. Spruce Street from W. Beebe south 119 feet | |
1018 | 08/08/83 | Install stop signs (4-way at S.E. 8th & Quince) | |
1019 | 08/22/83 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 7th Street from W. Standard Avenue to W. Fulton Avenue | |
1020 | 08/22/83 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 7th Street from W. Standard Avenue to W. Fulton Avenue (LID 272) | |
1021 | 08/22/83 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 7th Street from W. Fulton Avenue to W. Elm Avenue | |
1022 | 08/22/83 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 7th Street from W. Fulton to W. Elm Avenue (LID 273) | |
1023 | 10/24/83 | Install stop signs (N.W. 7th at Elm, S.W. 4th at Locust) | |
1024 | 10/24/83 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue | |
1025 | 10/24/83 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue (LID 274) | |
1026 | 12/12/83 | Install stop sign on N.E. 9th Street at E. Ridgeway Avenue | |
1027 | 01/23/84 | Call for feasibility report on N.E. 5th Street overlay (Main/Ridgeway) | |
1028 | 01/23/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.E. 5th Street overlay (Main/Ridgeway) (LID 276) | |
1029 | 01/23/84 | Call for feasibility report on E. Ridgeway Avenue overlay (3rd/4th) | |
1030 | 01/23/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Ridgeway Avenue overlay (3rd/4th) (LID 276) | |
1031 | 01/23/84 | Call for feasibility report on E. Ridgeway Avenue overlay (4th/7th) | |
1032 | 01/23/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Ridgeway Avenue overlay (4th/7th) (LID 277) | |
1033 | 04/23/84 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. 11th Street overlay (Hermiston Avenue to south line of hospital property) | |
1034 | 04/23/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.W. 11th Street overlay (Hermiston Avenue to south line of hospital property) LID 278 | |
1035 | 01/23/84 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1277 | |
1036 | 01/23/84 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1261 | |
1037 | 01/23/84 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with State Highway Division for preliminary engineering study for improvement of E. Highland Avenue from Highway 395 to S.E. 8th Street (FAU 7100) | |
1038 | 02/13/84 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Highland Avenue from Highway 395 to S.E. 8th Street (FAUS project) | |
1039 | 02/13/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Highland Avenue from Highway 395 to S.E. 8th Street (FAUS project) (LID 279) | |
1040 | 03/12/84 | Eliminate utility B & I reserve fund | |
1041 | 04/09/84 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute and endorse agreement with League of Oregon Cities governing league status as unit of local government | |
1042 | 04/09/84 | Establish traffic controls (restricted parking north side of W. Jennie west of N. First Street | |
1043 | 04/23/84 | Establish traffic controls (restricted parking north side of S.E. 6th Street from 35 feet south of E. Main Street south 60 feet | |
1044 | 04/23/84 | Authorize signing land lease with Micro-Cable Communications Corp. to construct building on Butte for cable t.v. equipment | |
1045 | 05/14/84 | Designate marked pedestrian crosswalk on W. Orchard Avenue at "B" Street | |
1046 | 05/14/84 | Authorize mayor and city manager to sign deed with State Highway Division for right-of-way near airport | |
1047 | 05/14/84 | Oppose revisions in current methodology used to determine power costs, calls on BPA Administrator to withdraw proposal | |
1048 | 05/21/84 | Certify new tax base election items | |
1049 | 05/21/84 | Reappropriate 1983-84 budgeted items | |
1050 | 05/29/84 | Superceded by Res. No. 1127 | |
1051 | 06/11/84 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1116 | |
1052 | 06/11/84 | Initiate procedure to convert land from urbanizable to urban status (82.4 acres N.W. 11th Street area) | |
1053 | 06/11/84 | Initiate procedure to convert land from urbanizable to urban status (84 acres Highway 395 area) | |
1054 | 06/25/84 | Superceded by Res. No. 1075 | |
1055 | 06/25/84 | Establish cable t.v. rates, rescind Res. No. 865 | |
1056 | 07/09/84 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (Senior Citizen Taxi Funding) | |
1057 | 07/30/84 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign pipe line encroachment agreement with UPRR ( 4" water main in N. First Place crossing | |
1058 | 07/30/94 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Ridgeway Avenue from Diagonal Boulevard to N.E. 10th Street | |
1059 | 07/30/84 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Ridgeway Avenue from Diagonal Boulevard to N.E. 10th Street (LID 289) | |
1060 | 08/13/84 | Superceded by Res. No. 1076 | |
1061 | 09/17/84 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with State Highway Division for "Title II, Hazard Elimination Project - Horizontal/Vertical No Passing Zone Stripping" | |
1062 | 09/24/84 | Establish traffic controls (designate N.E. 4th from Main to Elm as through street; remove stop signs on N.E. 4th at Gladys, Ridgeway, and Jennie; install stop signs on E. Gladys, Ridgeway, Wilshire, Catherine, Jennie, Beebe, Beech, Cherry, Dogwood - all at N.E. 4th | |
1063 | 09/24/84 | Traffic controls on W. Orchard Avenue between S.W. 3rd and S.W. 4th (no parking and west bound turn-out lane) | |
1064 | 09/24/84 | Accept bid of U.S. National Bank for purchase of G.O. Bancroft Bonds, Series XVI, direct delivery and sale thereof | |
1065 | 10/22/84 | Establish building permit policy (primary structure have permits issued first) | |
1066 | 10/15/84 | Insure equal opportunity in employment and policy of nondiscrimination on basis of handicapped status | |
1067 | 10/22/84 | Support state border information center | |
1068 | 12/10/84 | Authorize mayor to sign contract with Century West Engineering for airport improvement project | |
1069 | 01/28/85 | Establish traffic controls (2 hour parking on Hurlburt and S.E. 2nd) | |
1070 | 02/11/85 | Install stop sign (southbound on N.W. 7th Street at W. Standard Avenue | |
1071 | 02/11/85 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts receivable | |
1072 | 02/25/85 | Restrict parking on S. First Street (no parking between entrances to high school student parking lot) | |
1073 | 03/25/85 | Change name of Nancy Estates Subdivision to Alderbrooke Addition and S.W. 7th Place within subdivision to S.W. Alderbrooke Place | |
1074 | 03/28/85 | Certify transit room tax election results (Ordinance No. 1543) | |
1075 | 04/08/85 | Superceded by Res. No. 1145 | |
1076 | 04/08/85 | Superceded by Res. No. 1079 | |
1077 | 05/20/85 | Establish loading zone and unloading zone in off-street parking lot (alley behind Inland Empire Bank) | |
1078 | 05/13/85 | Initiate proceeding to vacate easement in Cassens II Subdivision | |
1079 | 06/24/85 | Superceded by Res. No. 1115 | |
1080 | 06/24/85 | Reappropriate 1984-85 budgeted items | |
1081 | 07/22/85 | Call for feasibility report on paving north side W. Division Avenue from S.W. 7th Street west 135 feet | |
1082 | 07/22/85 | Accept feasibility report on paving north side W. Division Avenue from S.W. 7th Street west 135 feet (LID 281) | |
1083 | 07/22/85 | Establish computer inventory control of all City materials and equipment | |
1084 | 08/12/85 | Oppose federal tax reform provisions | |
1085 | 08/26/85 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Dogwood Avenue from N. First Street to N.E. McNary Street | |
1086 | 08/26/85 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Dogwood Avenue from N. First Street to N.E. McNary Street (LID 282) | |
1087 | 08/26/85 | Establish west bound one-way traffic in alley between W. Hermiston and W. Ridgeway from N.W. 2nd to N.W. 3rd | |
1088 | 08/26/85 | Call for feasibility report on overlay on N.E. 5th Street from Main Street to Gladys Avenue | |
1089 | 08/26/85 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on overlay on N.E. 5th Street from Main Street to Gladys Avenue (LID 283) | |
1089 | 11/04/85 | Establish traffic controls (no parking on north and south sides of E. Elm Avenue from N. First Street east 40 feet) | |
1090 | 08/26/85 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute deed to sell land to Beck Construction Company (Alora Heights, Block 1, Lot 30) | |
1091 | 11/25/85 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Hartley Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th Street | |
1092 | 11/25/85 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Hartley Avenue from N. First Place to N.W. 7th Street (LID 284) | |
1093 | 10/14/85 | Eligibility for federal surplus property | |
1094 | 10/14/85 | Endorse North Morrow County site for Superconducting Super Collider research and testing facility | |
1095 | 10/28/85 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute documents of title to sell Lot 19, South Hill Addition to Wayne Beck | |
1096 | 10/28/85 | Request Economic Development Commission & State to assist in financing J&L Wood Products project | |
1097 | 11/04/85 | Establish 10 foot fire lane in off-street parking lot (west 10 feet of Lot 4, Block 8, Original Town East) | |
1100 | 11/25/85 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) | |
1099 | 11/04/85 | Extend JB's Taxi Service franchise for five years to January 26,1991 | |
1101 | 12/23/85 | Establish utility easements in Alora Heights Subdivision | |
1102 | 01/13/86 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts receivable | |
1103 | 01/27/86 | Reappropriate 1985-86 budgeted items | |
1104 | 01/27/86 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute deed to sell Lot 16, Block 1, South Hill Addition | |
1105 | 01/27/86 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Cornell Place from N. First Street east 170 feet | |
1106 | 01/27/86 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Cornell Place from N. First Street east 170 feet (LID 285) | |
1107 | 03/24/86 | Oppose reduction in AMTRAK service | |
1108 | 04/14/86 | Provide workers' compensation insurance for community service work | |
1109 | 04/14/86 | Support onsite destruction of chemical weapons at UAD | |
1110 | 04/14/86 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 6th Street from Main Street south to alley | |
1111 | 04/14/86 | Accept feasibility report on paving S.E. 6th Street from Main Street south to alley (hearing waived) (LID 287) | |
1112 | 05/12/86 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute deed to sell Lot 13, Block 1, Alora Heights | |
1113 | 05/19/86 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute deeds to sell Lots 4 and 8 in South Hill Addition | |
1114 | 06/09/86 | Membership in City/County - CIS Workers' Compensation Self-Insured Group | |
1115 | 06/09/86 | Superceded by Res. No. 1141 | |
1116 | 06/23/86 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1239 | |
1117 | 07/28/86 | Call for feasibility report on overlay on S.W. 7th Street from W. Orchard Avenue to W. Highland Avenue | |
1118 | 07/28/86 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on overlay on S.W. 7th Street from Orchard Avenue to W. Highland Avenue (LID 286) | |
1119 | 07/28/86 | Call for feasibility report on paving west side of N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue | |
1120 | 07/28/86 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving west side of N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue (LID 288) | |
1121 | 07/28/86 | Establish traffic controls (no parking on north side of W. Orchard Avenue from a point 105 feet east of S.W. 2nd Street east 30 feet) | |
1122 | 08/25/86 | Propose application for enterprise zone designation | |
1123 | 09/08/86 | Call for feasibility report to pave N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue | |
1124 | 09/08/86 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing to pave N.W. Spruce Street from W. June Avenue to W. Jennie Avenue (LID 289) | |
1125 | 09/22/86 | Initiate proceedings to vacate street (north half W. Ridgeway from N. First west 325 feet) | |
1126 | 09/22/86 | Accept Bancroft applications and include in current G.O. Bancroft improvement issue to be considered under Ord. No. 1605 | |
1127 | 10/13/86 | Superceded by Res. No. 1206 | |
1128 | 10/30/86 | Accept bid of U.S. National Bank for purchase of G.O. Bancroft Bonds, Series XVII | |
1129 | 11/03/86 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) | |
1130 | 12/08/86 | Name airport terminal "Harper Airport Terminal" | |
1131 | 02/09/87 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1146 | |
1132 | 02/09/87 | Establish loading zone and prohibitive parking zone (in front of 236 E. Newport Avenue) | |
1133 | 02/09/87 | Grant encroachment easement to Michael S. & Jackie M. Wheelhouse | |
1134 | 03/09/87 | Reappropriate 1986-87 budgeted items | |
1136 | 04/13/87 | Remove north-south bound stop signs on S.E. 8th at E. Quince, install east-west bound stop signs on E. Pine at S.E. 8th | |
1135 | 03/23/87 | League of Oregon Cities/Department of Transportation roadway analysis | |
1137 | 04/27/87 | Eliminate insect control reserve fund | |
1138 | 05/26/87 | N.E. Cornell Place utility assessment (water/sewer) | |
1139 | 05/26/87 | Implement procedure to amend comp plan map designation for land on north side of E. Jennie Avenue approximately 690 feet east of N.E. 4th Street | |
1140 | 06/08/87 | Install north-south bound stop signs on S.E. 6th Street at E. Newport Avenue | |
1141 | 06/22/87 | Superceded by Res. No. 1156 | |
1142 | 06/22/87 | Reappropriate 1986-87 budgeted items | |
1143 | 07/14/87 | Superceded by Res. No. 1148 | |
1144 | 07/21/87 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts receivable | |
1145 | 08/10/87 | Install north-south bound stop signs on S.E. 6th Street at Hurlburt | |
1146 | 08/10/87 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1270 | |
1147 | 09/28/87 | Establish traffic control (no parking space on N.W. 7th Street at Rocky Heights School driveway) | |
1148 | 09/28/87 | Superceded by Res. No. 1155 | |
1149 | 10/26/87 | Establish prohibited parking on north side of W. Theater Lane from Highway 395 North west 20 feet | |
1150 | 09/28/87 | Designate marked pedestrian crosswalk on W. Orchard Avenue 335 feet east of S.W. 11th Street | |
1151 | 10/26/87 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute deed to sell Lot 3, South Hill Addition (4N28 14BC Tax Lot 1400) | |
1152 | 11/02/87 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 87-88 | |
1153 | 11/23/87 | Change street name (B Street to S.W. 10th Street) | |
1154 | 12/14/87 | Concerns to FCC re: cable t.v. rate increase | |
1155 | 12/28/87 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1192 | |
1156 | 12/28/87 | Superceded by Res. No. 1170 | |
1157 | 12/28/87 | Establish loading zone on S.W. 7th Street from W. Juniper Avenue south 80' | |
1158 | 01/25/88 | Support Umatilla Basin Project | |
1159 | 02/08/88 | Support Oregon Trail Tourism Council activities | |
1160 | 02/08/88 | Support existing Hanford Reserve | |
1161 | 02/22/88 | Reappropriate 1987-88 budgeted items | |
1162 | 03/14/88 | Reappropriate 1987-88 budgeted items | |
1163 | 03/14/88 | Support additional funding for county fair | |
1164 | 04/11/88 | Establish traffic control on south side of W. Jennie Avenue adjacent to N. First Street (by Frasu's) | |
1165 | 04/11/88 | East-west bound stop signs on W. Elm Avenue at N. First Place (in opposition to removing) | |
1166 | 04/25/88 | Oppose proposed regulations to require federally approved pavement management system | |
1167 | 04/25/88 | Support ability of state and local governments to self governance (Salt Cave Dam in Klamath Falls) | |
1168 | 05/09/88 | Restrict loading in east-west alley from N.E. 2nd Street east 75 feet | |
1169 | 05/23/88 | Accept offer to purchase Lot 7, South Hill Addition/Paul Burns | |
1170 | 07/27/88 | Superceded by Res. No. 1177 | |
1171 | 07/11/88 | City/County Insurance Services Trust (CIS) membership agreement (General and Auto Liability) | |
1172 | 07/25/88 | Designate handicapped parking spaces on north side Main at First (front of Inland Empire Bank) | |
1173 | 08/08/88 | Provide worker's compensation insurance coverage to all volunteers and community service workers at an assumed wage of $800 per month | |
1174 | 08/08/88 | Authorization to acquire municipal credit cards | |
1175 | 08/08/88 | Designating compact parking spaces on W. Hermiston Avenue and E. Main Street at intersection streets | |
1176 | 08/22/88 | Adopt policy for review and approval of sign permits | |
1177 | 08/22/88 | Superceded by Res. No. 1187 | |
1178 | 09/12/88 | Extend loading zone on east side of S.W. 7th Street by West Part School | |
1179 | 09/12/88 | Reappropriate 1988-89 budgeted items (detention) | |
1180 | 09/12/88 | Designate hours for Hodge Park | |
1181 | 09/26/88 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 88-89 | |
1182 | 10/10/88 | Authorization to acquire federal surplus property from Oregon State Agency for Surplus Property | |
1183 | 10/10/88 | Initiate proceedings to vacate street right-of-way (S.E. Port Drive in Village Port Addition) | |
1184 | 11/07/88 | Reappropriate 1988-89 budgeted items (land transaction) | |
1185 | 11/28/88 | Call for feasibility report on paving W. Beebe Avenue from N. First Street to N.W. Spruce Street | |
1186 | 11/28/88 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving W. Beebe Avenue from N. First Street to N.W. Spruce Street (LID 290) | |
1187 | 12/12/88 | Adopt compensation plan for city employees (supercedes Res. No. 1177) Superceded by Res. No. 1194 | |
1188 | 01/09/89 | Establish prohibited parking 20 feet on either side of Senior Center entrance located on south side of W. Orchard Avenue | |
1189 | 01/09/89 | Urge continuation of Army Depot Activity mission | |
1190 | 03/13/89 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts receivable | |
1191 | 05/08/89 | Authorize mayor and Recorder to sign lease agreement with UPRR for Maxwell Siding | |
1192 | 05/22/89 | Adopt employee handbook dated May 22 as employee policies of City, rescind Res. No. 1155 | |
1193 | 05/22/89 | Call for feasibility report on industrial development, Section 24 | |
1194 | 06/26/89 | Adopt compensation plan for city employees (supercedes Res. No. 1187) (rescinded & superceded by Res. No. 1196) | |
1195 | 06/26/89 | Reappropriate 1988-89 budgeted items | |
1196 | 08/14/89 | Adopt compensation plan for city employees for FY 1989-90 (rescinds & supercedes Res. No. 1194) | |
1197 | 09/25/89 | Establish new ambulance rates, accept Medicare assignment (superseded by Res. No. 1324) | |
1198 | 09/25/89 | Authorize mayor or designated rep to sign/submit EDA funding application | |
1199 | 09/25/89 | Sources of funding as local match for EDA funding application conditions | |
1200 | 10/05/89 | Accept feasibility report on Hermiston Port, Unit One improvements (LID 291) | |
1201 | 11/07/89 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 89-90 | |
1202 | 11/07/89 | Authorize mayor & city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) FY 89-90 | |
1203 | 12/11/89 | Establish trust account to receive drug forfeitures for law enforcement activities ($10,000 cap) | |
1204 | 01/08/90 | Establish library trust fund (Felthouse donation) | |
1205 | 01/08/90 | Express appreciation to Emma Felthouse for library donation | |
1206 | 01/08/90 | Approve taxi fare increase (supercedes Res. No. 1127) (superseded by Res. 1355) | |
1207 | 02/26/90 | Authorize Community Development Block Grant application | |
1208 | 02/26/90 | Request assistance to Legal Advocacy Review Committee (Hospital suit) | |
1209 | 03/12/90 | Establish no parking on south side of E. Hurlburt Avenue between S.E. 5th & S.E. 6th Streets (adjacent to Newport Park) | |
1210 | 03/12/90 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1277 | |
1211 | 03/12/90 | Establish new sewer billing category | |
1212 | 03/12/90 | Authorize mayor and recorder to execute agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for underground 36 inch sewer pipeline encroachment | |
1213 | 03/12/90 | Adopt new charter and refer to voters on May 15 | |
1214 | 03/26/90 | Authorize extension and costs for installation of sewer lateral in S.E. 2nd Street between E. Hurlburt and E. Newport Avenues | |
1215 | 04/09/90 | Call for feasibility report on overlay project - N.E. Sunset Drive from E. Wilshire to N.E. 7th, N.E. Reeder Drive from E. Wilshire to E. Catherine and E. Wilshire Avenue from N.E. 4th to N.E. Sunset | |
1216 | 04/09/90 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on overlay project - N.E. Sunset Drive from E. Wilshire to N.E. 7th, E. Reeder Drive from E. Wilshire to E. Catherine & E. Wilshire Ave from N.E. 4th to N.E. Sunset Drive (LID 292) | |
1217 | 04/23/90 | Establish parking for handicapped on north side of Gladys Avenue in front of Methodist Church on Sundays only from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm | |
1218 | 05/14/90 | Name public street right-of-way (W. Jennie Avenue west of N.W. 11th) | |
1219 | 05/14/90 | Agree to conditions for use of Newport Park for well site | |
1220 | 05/21/90 | Accept right-of-way for segments of Highland Avenue | |
1221 | 06/11/90 | Superceded by Res. No. 1238 | |
1222 | 06/04/90 | Recommending Roundhouse Corporation project to Oregon Business Development Fund | |
1223 | 06/25/90 | Reappropriate 1989-90 budget items | |
1224 | 07/09/90 | Appropriate unanticipated grant from Lifeguard | |
1225 | 07/16/90 | Adopt new charter and refer to voters on November 6 | |
1226 | 07/23/90 | Establish on-street loading zone (west side S.W. 2nd between Hermiston & Locust Avenues from alley north 20 feet) | |
1227 | 08/27/90 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current lists of accounts receivable | |
1228 | 09/24/90 | Recognize error on zoning map (4N28 24A, Tax Lots 702 & 703) - area north & east of Highway 395 South | |
1229 | 09/24/90 | City/County Insurance Services Trust (CIS) membership agreement (self insurance pool for property coverage) | |
1230 | 10/08/90 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 90-91 | |
1231 | 10/22/90 | Authorize creation of trust account for well No. 6 | |
1232 | 10/31/90 | Accept bid of PaineWebber for Bancroft Series XVIII | |
1233 | 11/08/90 | Call for feasibility report on paving alley between Hurlburt & Newport from S.E. 2nd Street east 300 feet | |
1234 | 11/08/90 | Accept feasibility report on paving alley between Hurlburt & Newport from S.E. 2nd Street east 300 feet (LID 293) | |
1235 | 11/08/90 | Expend funds from street construction reserve to cover improvement liens | |
1236 | 11/08/90 | Declare City-owned hangar at airport surplus property | |
1237 | 11/26/90 | Accept jurisdiction of Highland Avenue | |
1238 | 12/10/90 | Superceded by Res. No. 1256 | |
1239 | 12/10/90 | Charges for solid waste collection (rescinds Res. No. 1116) (rescinded by Res. No. 1334) | |
1240 | 01/14/91 | Joint resolution on intergovernmental cooperation (Cities & County) (rescinded by Res. No. 1328) | |
1241 | 02/11/91 | Establish D.A.R.E. trust & agencies account | |
1242 | 02/25/91 | Establish weapons replacement fund & agencies account | |
1243 | 02/25/91 | Establish marriage license fees trust & agencies account | |
1244 | 03/25/91 | Call for feasibility report on E. Highland Avenue water main (140' east of S.E. 9th Dr. to S.E. 10th St., and S.E. 10th St. from E. Highland Ave. north 350') | |
1245 | 03/25/91 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Highland Avenue water main (140' east of S.E. 9th Dr. to S.E. 10th St., and S.E. 10th St. from E. Highland Avenue north 350') (LID 294) | |
1246 | 03/25/91 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Highland Avenue from S.E. 8th Street to S.E. 10th Street | |
1247 | 03/25/91 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving E. Highland Avenue from S.E. 10th Street (LID 295) | |
1248 | 03/25/91 | Establish on-street handicapped parking (south side of Hermiston Ave. 70' east of east right-of-way line of S.W. 6th St.; thence east 140') | |
1249 | 03/25/91 | Call for feasibility report on E. Elm Avenue sidewalk from Hwy. 395 to N.E. 4th Street | |
1250 | 03/25/91 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Elm Avenue curb/gutter/sidewalk from Hwy. 395 to N.E. 4th Street (LID 296) | |
1251 | 04/08/91 | Declare as surplus property and authorize sale (Kilcup Addition, Block B, Lot 4) | |
1252 | 04/22/91 | Authorize extension and costs for sewer line in E. Highland & S.E. 9th | |
1253 | 05/13/91 | Certify eligibility to receive state-shared revenue | |
1254 | 05/13/91 | Call for feasibility report on E. Jennie Avenue paving from 300' west of N.E. 6th Street to 120' east of N.E. 6th Street | |
1255 | 05/13/91 | (LID 297) Rescinded by Res. No. 1276 | |
1256 | 06/24/91 | Superceded by Res. No. 1284 | |
1257 | 06/14/91 | Install southbound stop sign on Kelli Boulevard at Feedville Road | |
1258 | 06/16/91 | Contract review board authorizing exemption from competitive bid procedures for purchase of rinsate holding tanks & related hardware (airport project AIP #3-41-0024-03) | |
1259 | 06/24/91 | Declare as surplus property and authorize sale (Village Port) | |
1260 | 06/24/91 | Proposing to grant exception to Policy 6 in comp plan to convert land from urbanizable to urban status (Nazarene Church) | |
1261 | 06/24/91 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1278 | |
1262 | 07/01/91 | Corporate Surety Bond | |
1263 | 08/12/91 | Accept donation of land from Spectrum Properties, Inc. (Lots 13, 14, 15 & 16, Block 8, Newport Addition) | |
1264 | 08/26/91 | Rescinded by Res. No. 1290 | |
1265 | 08/26/91 | Install westerly bound stop signs on Shannon Way at Campbell Drive and Kelli Boulevard and easterly bound stop sign on Shannon Way at Kelli Boulevard | |
1266 | 09/23/91 | Authorize costs for sewer extension in W. Highland Avenue/S.W. 13th Street | |
1267 | 10/14/91 | City/County Insurance Services Trust (CIS) membership agreement (general and auto liability) | |
1268 | 10/14/91 | Authorize mayor and city recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 91-92 | |
1269 | 10/14/91 | Call for feasibility report on E. Main Street improvements from Hwy. 395 to E. 5th Street | |
1270 | 10/14/91 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Main Street improvements from Hwy. 395 to E. 5th Street (LID 298) | |
1271 | 11/25/91 | Establish traffic controls (one hour parking on south side of E. Highland at Hodge Park and no parking during school hours on south side of W. Highland from S. First west approximately 385 feet) and rescind Res. No. 1146 | |
1272 | 11/25/91 | Accept County offer to transfer portion of E. Elm Avenue from Highway 395 to N.E. 4th Street to City | |
1273 | 11/25/91 | Support Oregon Transportation Plan and role City's transportation resources play | |
1274 | 12/23/91 | Initiate proceedings to vacate sewer easement (Nazarene property/ S.W. 13th Street) | |
1275 | 12/23/91 | Designate GEODC as Economic District Organization | |
1276 | 01/13/92 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on E. Jennie Avenue paving from 300' west of N.E. 6th Street to 120' east of N.E. 6th Street (LID 297) - (rescinds Res. No. 1255) | |
1277 | 02/24/92 | Establish new water rates (rescinds Res. No. 1035 & 1210) (superseded by Res. 1436) | |
1278 | 02/24/92 | Establish new sewer rates (rescinds Res. No. 1261) (superseded by Res. 1454 | |
1279 | 02/24/92 | Appropriate unanticipated grant from Economic Development Administration | |
1280 | 03/09/92 | Superceded by Res. No. 1283 | |
1281 | 03/09/92 | Terminate HFI Infrastructure Fund, transfer remaining monies to Water/Sewer Improvement Reserve Fund | |
1282 | 03/09/92 | Certify eligibility to receive State shared revenues | |
1283 | 04/27/92 | Establish criteria for appointing standing committees (budget, planning commission, library board, parks & recreation, airport advisory and recreation projects fund advisory) (Supercedes Res. 1280) | |
1284 | 05/11/92 | Superceded by Res. No. 1285 | |
1285 | 06/22/92 | Adopt compensation plan for FY 92-93 (Supercedes Res. No. 1284) (superseded by Res. 1303) | |
1286 | 06/22/92 | Appropriate unanticipated grant from FAA | |
1287 | 07/13/92 | City/County Insurance Services Trust (CIS) membership agreement (Workers' Compensation) | |
1288 | 07/27/92 | Reappropriate 1992-93 budgeted items | |
1289 | 07/27/92 | Appropriate unanticipated grant from State Traffic Safety Division | |
1290 | 07/27/92 | Rescind Res. No. 1264 establishing traffic controls | |
1291 | 08/24/92 | Propose granting exception to Policy 6 in comprehensive plan and converting land from urbanizable to urban status | |
1292 | 00/14/92 | Support Oregon Drinking Water Act of 1981 and adopt May 1990, Fifth Edition, Cross Connection Control Manual as guidelines for cross connection control program | |
1293 | 09/28/92 | Install stop signs north-south bound on N. W. 3rd Street at W. Hartley Avenue | |
1294 | 10/26/92 | Install stop signs north-south bound on S. E. 3rd Street at E. Newport Avenue (pursuant to area concerns and police recommendation) | |
1295 | 10/26/92 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 92-93 | |
1296 | 10/26/92 | Call for feasibility report on improving E. Newport Avenue from S.E. 5th to S.E. 10th Streets (FAILED) | |
1297 | 10/26/92 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on improving E. Newport Avenue from S.E. 5th to S.E. 10th Streets (LID 299) (FAILED) | |
1298 | 11/09/92 | Authorize costs of w/s lines in Sunnyvale Heights Subdivision | |
1299 | 11/09/92 | Establish traffic controls (one hour parking on south side of E. Main Street from S.E. 4th Street east 50 feet) | |
1300 | 11/09/92 | Grant exception to Section 7, Ordinance 1647, for one year for temporary facility in Highlander Center | |
1301 | 11/09/92 | Grant exception to Section 17 in Appendix "A" of Ordinance 1770 until July 1, 1993 for temporary placement of recreational vehicles in mobile home parks | |
1302 | 12/14/92 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts receivable | |
1303 | 12/14/92 | Adopt compensation plan for FY92-93 (effective 01/01/93) (Supercedes Res. No. 1285) (superceded by Res. No. 1312) | |
1304 | 12/14/92 | Provide for public interest to become consideration in setting Endangered Species Act laws | |
1305 | 12/28/92 | Support Oregon State Police office in Umatilla | |
1306 | 01/25/93 | Authorize extension and costs for water line in E. Highland Avenue from approximately 110' east of S.E. 9th Drive to S.E. 10th Street and north approximately 237' in S.E. 10th Street | |
1307 | 03/22/93 | Propose granting exception to Policy 6 in comprehensive plan and converting land from urbanizable to urban status (HID property) | |
1308 | 03/22/93 | Call for feasibility report on W. Elm Avenue curb/gutter & sidewalk/paving from N. First Place to N. First Street | |
1309 | 03/22/93 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Elm Avenue curb & gutter/sidewalk/paving from N. First Place to N. First Street (LID 300) | |
1310 | 04/26/93 | Propose converting property south of airport from urbanizable to urban status (Able/City) | |
1311 | 04/26/93 | Authorize contract review board to consider criteria for determining acquisition of computer equipment | |
1312A | 05/10/93 | Install north-south stop signs on N.W. Spruce Street at W. Cherry Avenue and N.E. McNary Street at E. Dogwood Avenue | |
1312 | 06/14/93 | Adopt compensation plan for FY93-94 (effective 07/01/93)(Supercedes Res. No. 1303) (superseded by Res. 1343) | |
1313 | 06/28/93 | Implement water conservation plan | |
1314 | 06/28/93 | Reappropriate 1992-93 budgeted items | |
1315 | 07/12/93 | City/County Insurance Services Trust membership | |
1316 | 07/12/93 | Install north-south stop signs on S.E. 5th Street at E. Newport Avenue | |
1317 | 07/26/93 | Propose converting property on N.E. 10th Street north of Elm from urbanizable to urban status (County Squire Estates) | |
1318 | 07/26/93 | Authorize bond refunding | |
1319 | 08/30/93 | Call for special election on general obligation bonded indebtedness to finance City's portion of regional water system improvements | |
1320 | 09/13/93 | Designate hours of operation in Victory Square Park (in accord with Ord. No. 1588) | |
1321 | 09/27/93 | Establish traffic controls (parking for police vehicles only on east side of S.E. 4th Street from E. Newport Avenue south to county building driveway access) | |
1322 | 10/11/93 | Install east-west stop signs on W. Standard Avenue at N.W. 7th Street | |
1323 | 10/11/93 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park | |
1324 | 11/22/93 | Establish ambulance rates, supercedes #1197 | |
1325 | 12/13/93 | Appropriate unanticipated grant for gang related activities | |
1326 | 12/13/93 | Appropriate unanticipated grant for tree planting project | |
1327 | 12/13/93 | Install north bound stop sign on N.W. 7th Street at W. Standard Avenue | |
1328 | 01/10/94 | Joint resolution on intergovernmental cooperation (cities and county) (supercedes Res. #1240) | |
1329 | 01/10/94 | Authorize mayor & recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 Program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 93-94 | |
1330 | 01/10/94 | Support proposed manufacturing project on Kelli Blvd. on Port property | |
1330A | 01/24/94 | Call for feasibility report on improving E. Gladys Avenue from 250 feet east of N.E. 9th Street to N.E. 10th Street (LID failed) | |
1331 | 01/24/94 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on improving E. Gladys Avenue from 250 feet east of N.E. 9th Street to N.E. 10th Street (LID 301) (LID Failed) | |
1332 | 02/14/94 | Call for feasibility report on improving W. Beech Avenue from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 | |
1333 | 02/14/94 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on improving W. Beech Avenue from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 302) (c/g/sw/p) | |
1334 | 02/14/94 | Charges for solid waste collection (rescinds #1239) (superseded by Res. 1460) | |
1335 | 03/07/94 | Authorize issuance and negotiated sale of G.O. Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 1994 | |
1336 | 03/14/94 | Establish marked pedestrian crosswalks, eliminate present crosswalk at Armand Larive Junior High School | |
1337 | 03/28/94 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1993-94 fiscal period | |
1338 | 05/23/94 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1994-95 | |
1339 | 05/23/94 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1994-95 | |
1340 | 05/23/94 | Levy tax for fiscal period 1994-95 | |
1341 | 05/23/94 | Authorize lease-purchase acquisition and other activities for Hermiston Community Center | |
1342 | 05/23/94 | Assume state electrical inspection program | |
1343 | 06/13/94 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 94-95 (supersedes Res. 1312) superseded by Res. 1361 | |
1344 | 06/13/94 | Approve interfund loan for purchase of community center properties | |
1346 | 06/27/94 | Authorize intergovernmental agreement with Port of Umatilla pursuant to ownership and operation of regional water system | |
1345 | 06/27/94 | Oppose proposal to reroute U.S. Highway 395 | |
1347 | 06/27/94 | Reappropriate 1993-94 budgeted items | |
1348 | 07/25/94 | Authorize issuance of G.O. bonds, series 1994 (amended by Res. 1350) | |
1349 | 08/08/94 | Membership in City/County Insurance Services trust liability risk sharing pool | |
1350 | 08/15/94 | Amend Res. 1348 authorizing issuance and negotiated sale of G.O. Bonds Series 1994 | |
1351 | 08/22/94 | Install north-south stop signs at intersection of S.W. 10th Street & W. Division Avenue | |
1353 | 09/26/94 | Initiate proceedings to convert property on the north side of W. Theater Lane from urbanizable to urban status (Cimmiyotti/Gifford/Hendrickson) | |
1352 | 09/12/94 | Authorize city manager to proceed with community center financing | |
1354 | 09/26/94 | Appropriate unanticipated grant from Oregon Department of Forestry | |
1355 | 10/10/94 | Approve taxi fare increase (supersedes Res. 1206) (superseded by Res. 1393) | |
1356 | 10/10/94 | Establish fire hydrant water rates (amends Res. 1277) (superseded by Res. 1436) | |
1357 | 10/10/94 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (superseded by Res. 1375) | |
1358 | 11/14/94 | Receive and appropriate unanticipated grant for funding gang enforcement related activities | |
1359 | 11/14/94 | Install stop signs on W. Sunland Avenue | |
1360 | 11/28/94 | Eliminate "pick-up" of employee contributions to PERS in favor of withholding for all eligible City employees effective December 1, 1994 | |
1361 | 11/28/94 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1994-95 (supersedes Res. 1343) (superseded by Res. 1377) | |
1362 | 11/28/94 | Establish pre-tax status of PERS contribution of 6% of salary | |
1363 | 02/27/95 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1994-95 fiscal period | |
1364 | 03/13/95 | Install south bound stop sign on N.W. 12th Street at W. Hartley Avenue and north and south bound stop signs on N.E. McNary Street at E. Beech Avenue | |
1365 | 03/13/95 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 94-95 | |
1366 | 03/27/95 | Appoint Planning and Administrative Assistant Aaron Henson as Enterprise Zone Manager (superseded by Res. 1461) | |
1367 | 04/10/95 | Install west bound stop sign on W. Lathrop Avenue at S.W. 10th Street and east bound stop sign on S.W. 10th Place at S.W. 10th Street | |
1368 | 05/08/95 | Outline request for proposal (RFP) procedures | |
1369 | 04/24/95 | Initiate proceedings to convert property along east bank of Umatilla River south and west of S.W. 17th Street from urbanizable to urban status (Hermiston Christian Center et al.) | |
1370 | 04/24/95 | Initiate proceedings to convert property west of Highway 395 South and south of the "A" Line Canal from urbanizable to urban status (Hadley/Sheets) | |
1371 | 05/22/95 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1995-96 | |
1372 | 05/22/95 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1995-96 | |
1373 | 05/22/95 | Levy and categorize taxes for fiscal period 1995-96 | |
1374 | 06/12/95 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1994-95 fiscal period | |
1376 | 06/12/95 | Authorize approval and execution of revised and restated intergovernmental regional water system agreement | |
1375 | 06/12/95 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (supersedes Res. 1357) (superseded by Res. 1396) | |
1377 | 06/26/95 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1995-96 (supersedes Res. 1361) (superseded by Res. 1384) | |
1378 | 06/26/95 | Establish official newspapers for legal publications (Hermiston Herald and East Oregonian) | |
1379 | 06/26/95 | Reappropriate 1994-95 budgeted items | |
1380 | 07/24/95 | Membership in City/County Insurance Services Trust Workers' Compensation Group | |
1381 | 08/28/95 | Reappropriate 1995-96 budgeted items | |
1382 | 09/25/95 | Change street name (W. Bailey Avenue to W. Johanna Avenue) | |
1383 | 10/09/95 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1995-96 fiscal period | |
1384 | 10/23/95 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1995-96 (supersedes Res. 1377) | |
1385 | 10/23/95 | Establish northbound one-way traffic on N.W. 7th Street between W. Ridgeway and W. Standard Avenues | |
1386 | 11/27/95 | Receive and appropriate unanticipated grant for funding youth recreation facilities | |
1387 | 11/27/95 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park | |
1388 | 11/27/95 | Adopt Order, Decree and Money Judgment to conclude Mull Tin Shop vs. City of Hermiston | |
1389 | 12/18/95 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park (superseded by Res. 1411) | |
1390 | 01/22/96 | Initiate proceedings to convert property east of E. 10th Street south of and adjacent to Sandstone Middle School from urbanizable to urban status (Peterson/Antonsen) | |
1391 | 01/22/96 | Initiate proceedings to convert nine parcels of property bounded by E. Punkin Center Road, Highway 395, W. Theater Lane and N.W. Geer Road from urbanizable to urban status (City initiated) | |
1392 | 02/26/96 | Authorize reimbursement to Hermiston School District for a 10-year period for installation costs of a 12-inch water main in N.E. 10th Street and Diagonal Boulevard (superseded by Res. 1394) | |
1393 | 02/26/96 | Approve separation of taxi fares (Classic Cab - regular fares; Hermiston Senior & Disabled Transit - senior/disabled citizen ticket fares) (supersedes Res. 1355) (superseded by Res. 1622) | |
1394 | 03/18/96 | Authorize reimbursement to Hermiston School District for a 15-year period for installation costs of a 12-inch water main in N.E. 10th Street and Diagonal Boulevard (supersedes Res. 1392) | |
1395 | 03/18/96 | Authorize mayor and recorder to sign agreement with Public Transit Division for Section 18 program (senior citizen taxi funding) for FY 95-96 | |
1396 | 03/25/96 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (supersedes Res. 1375) (superseded by Res. 1398) | |
1397 | 04/08/96 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1995-96 | |
1398 | 05/13/96 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (supersedes Res. 1396) (superseded by Res. 1421) | |
1399 | 05/20/96 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1996-97 | |
1400 | 05/20/96 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1996-97 | |
1401 | 05/20/96 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 1996-97 | |
1402 | 06/10/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Cherry Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 PROJECT FAILED | |
1403 | 06/10/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Cherry Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 303) PROJECT FAILED | |
1404 | 06/10/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Dogwood Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (superseded by Res. 1440) | |
1405 | 06/10/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Dogwood Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 304) (superseded by Res. 1441) | |
1406 | 06/10/96 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. Spruce Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from W. Elm Avenue to W. Cherry Avenue (superseded by Res. 1442) | |
1407 | 06/10/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.W. Spruce Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from W. Elm Avenue to W. Cherry Avenue (LID 305) (superseded by Res. 1443) | |
1408 | 06/10/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Beech Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 170 feet east of N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (superseded by Res. 1444) | |
1409 | 06/10/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Beech Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 170 feet east of N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 306) (superseded by Res. 1445) | |
1410 | 06/10/96 | Authorize issuance of revenue bonds not exceeding $750,000 to finance additional costs of regional water system | |
1411 | 06/10/96 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park (supersedes Res. 1389) (superseded by Res. 1425) | |
1412 | 06/24/96 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1996-97 (supersedes Res. 1384) (superseded by Res. 1477) | |
1413 | 06/24/96 | Reappropriate 1995-96 budgeted items | |
1414 | 06/24/96 | Propose annexation to Hermiston Rural Fire Protection District | |
1415 | 07/22/96 | City/County Insurance Services Trust membership - property | |
1416 | 07/22/96 | Call for election on November 5, 1996 on annexation to Hermiston Rural Fire Protection District | |
1417 | 07/22/96 | Install west bound stop sign on S.E. Opal Court at S.E. 7th Street | |
1418 | 08/26/96 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over E. 10th Street from Diagonal Boulevard to E. Highland Avenue from Umatilla County to City of Hermiston | |
1419 | 08/26/96 | Establish two 10-minute parking spaces in front of 125 S.E. 4th Street | |
1420 | 08/26/96 | Support continuation of Pioneer Amtrak line from Portland to Denver | |
1421 | 09/23/96 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (supersedes Res. 1398) (superseded by Res. 1623) | |
1422 | 10/14/96 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 12th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 135' north of S.W. Poplar Place to W. Orchard Avenue (superseded by Res. 1446) | |
1423 | 10/14/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 12th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 135' north of S.W. Poplar Place to W. Orchard Avenue (LID 307) (superseded by Res. 1435) | |
1424 | 10/14/96 | Support annexation/consolidation of City of Hermiston and Hermiston Rural Fire District | |
1425 | 10/14/96 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park (supersedes Res. 1411) (superseded by Res. 1481) | |
1426 | 10/14/96 | Change street name from E. Vista Avenue to E. Holt Avenue | |
1427 | 10/28/96 | Install east-west bound stop signs on W. Joseph Avenue at S.W. 15th Street | |
1428 | 10/28/96 | Call for feasibility report on paving only of west side of S.W. 8th Street from W. Duane Avenue to W. Division Avenue (superseded by Res. 1448) | |
1429 | 10/28/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving only of west side of S.W. 8th Street from W. Duane Avenue to W. Division Avenue (LID 308) (superseded by Res. 1449) | |
1430 | 10/28/96 | Select Gelco Services, Inc. dba Insituform Technologies to rehabilitate unacceptable pipe fittings at Well #2 | |
1431 | 11/04/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Catherine Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (superseded by Res. 1450) | |
1432 | 11/04/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Catherine Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 309) (superseded by Res. 1451) | |
1433 | 11/04/96 | Propose annexation to Hermiston Rural Fire Protection District | |
1434 | 11/04/96 | Remove uncollectible ambulance accounts from current list of accounts | |
1435 | 11/04/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 12th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 135 feet north of S.W. Poplar Place to W. Orchard Avenue (LID 307) (supersedes Res. 1423) (superseded by Res. 1447) | |
1436 | 11/25/96 | Increase fire hydrant water rates (supersedes Res. 1277 & 1356) (superseded by Res. 1453 effective 07/01/97) | |
1437 | 12/09/96 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over S.E. 10th Street between S.E. Columbia Drive and Feedville Road from Umatilla County to City of Hermiston | |
1438 | 12/09/96 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over E. Airport Road between Highway 395 South and S.E. 10th Street from Umatilla County to City of Hermiston | |
1439 | 12/23/96 | Authorize issuance of revenue bonds not exceeding $750,000 to finance construction of street improvement projects | |
1440 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Dogwood Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (supersedes Res. 1404) | |
1441 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Dogwood Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 310) (sSupersedes Res. 1405) | |
1442 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on N.W. Spruce Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from W. Elm Avenue to W. Dogwood Avenue (supersedes Res. 1406) | |
1443 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on N.W. Spruce Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from W. Elm Avenue to W. Dogwood Avenue (LID 311) (supersedes Res. 1407) | |
1444 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Beech Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 170 feet east of N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (supersedes Res. 1408) | |
1445 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Beech Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 170 feet east of N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 312) (supersedes Res. 1409) | |
1446 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on S.W. 12th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 135' north of S.W. Poplar Place to W. Orchard Avenue (supersedes Res. 1422) | |
1447 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.W. 12th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from 135 feet north of S.W. Poplar Place to W. Orchard Avenue (LID 313) (supersedes Res. 1435) | |
1448 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on paving only of west side of S.W. 8th Street from W. Duane Avenue to W. Division Avenue (supersedes Res. 1428) | |
1449 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving only of west side of S.W. 8th Street from W. Duane Avenue to W. Division Avenue (LID 314) (supersedes Res. 1429) | |
1450 | 12/23/96 | Call for feasibility report on W. Catherine Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (supersedes Res. 1431) | |
1451 | 12/23/96 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on W. Catherine Avenue curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from N.W. Spruce Street to Highway 395 (LID 315) (supersedes Res. 1432) | |
1452 | 12/23/96 | Support the Columbia Basin Softball Association and authorize the use of the City's tax identification number for grant applications | |
1453 | 01/13/97 | Establish new water rates effective July 1, 1997 (supersedes Res. 1436) (Superseded by Res. 1632) | |
1454 | 01/13/97 | Establish new sewer rates effective July 1, 1997 (supersedes Res. 1278) (Superseded by Res. 1633) | |
1455 | 01/13/97 | Support continuation of Amtrak passenger train service across Oregon | |
1456 | 01/13/97 | Authorizing issuance of revenue bonds and directing publication of notice of interest to issue revenue bonds in compliance with the Uniform Revenue Bond Act and evidencing its official intent to reimburse capital expenditures (water reservoir and other improvements) | |
1457 | 01/27/97 | Inclusion of properties outside of city limits in S.W. 12th Street paving project (LID 313) | |
1458 | 01/27/97 | Authorize mayor to sign all necessary documents for construction of a water storage reservoir on the Hermiston Butte | |
1459 | 02/10/97 | Establish land use applications fees effective immediately and rescind any previously established fees (rescinded by Res. 1637) | |
1460 | 02/10/97 | Establish charges for solid waste collection effective 04/01/97 (rescinds Res. 1334) Rescinded by Res. 1505 | |
1461 | 02/24/97 | Authorize city manager to appoint a local enterprise zone manager (supersedes Res. 1366) | |
1462 | 03/24/97 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1996-97 fiscal period | |
1463 | 03/24/97 | Adopt Water Master Plan | |
1464 | 03/24/97 | Adopt Wastewater Master Plan | |
1465 | 03/24/97 | Establish reserve funds (Superseded by Res. 1504) | |
1466 | 03/24/97 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1997-98 | |
1467 | 04/14/97 | Establish utility deposit (supersedes Res. No. 754) | |
1468 | 04/14/97 | Initiate proceedings to convert property south of E. Theater Lane and east of N.E. 4th Street from urbanizable to urban status (Chapman/Howland) | |
1469 | 04/28/97 | Resolution relative to overexpenditure in the regional water fund | |
1470 | 04/28/97 | Authorize issuance and negotiated sale of not to exceed $4,500,000 utility system revenue bonds, series 1997; designate an underwriter and bond counsel; and authorize execution of a bond purchase agreement | |
1471 | 04/28/97 | Establish “no parking” on west side of S.E. 4th Street from E. Main Street south approximately 75 feet | |
1472 | 05/12/97 | Oppose C&B Livestock, Inc. expansion and authorize direct intervention in administrative proceedings | |
1473 | 05/12/97 | Oppose C&B beef packing plant and authorize appropriate civil litigation on behalf of the city | |
1474 | 06/09/97 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1997-98 | |
1475 | 06/09/97 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1997-98 | |
1476 | 06/09/97 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 1997-98 | |
1477 | 06/09/97 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1997-98 (supersedes Res. 1412) (superseded by Res. 1513) | |
1478 | 06/23/97 | Request to ODOT for “Use of Exhaust Brakes Prohibited” signs on Hwy. 395 South | |
1479 | 06/23/97 | Reappropriate 1996-97 budgeted items | |
1480 | 06/23/97 | Appeals of land use decisions | |
1481 | 07/14/97 | Establish hours of operation at Hodge Park (supersedes Res. 1425) | |
1482 | 07/14/97 | Initiate proceedings to convert property lying south of Punkin Center Road, west of N.W. Geer Road and north of Hensel Road (Dack et al.) | |
1483 | 07/14/97 | Establish ambulance rates (supersedes Res. 1324) | |
1484 | 07/28/97 | Membership in City/County Insurance Services trust liability risk sharing pool (to 6/30/2000) | |
1485 | 08/11/97 | Reappropriate 1997-98 budgeted items | |
1486 | 09/08/97 | Adopt methodology and establish fee for wastewater system development charges | |
1487 | 09/08/97 | Adopt methodology and establish fee for water system development charges | |
1488 | 09/08/97 | Install west bound stop sign on W. Fulton Avenue at N.W. 7th Street | |
1489 | 10/13/97 | Initiate proceedings to convert property on the southeast corner of S.E. 10th Street and E. Pine Avenue (Karnowski) | |
1490 | 11/10/97 | Establish “20 minute parking” area on west side of S.W. 10th Street beginning approximately 200 feet south of W. Hermiston Avenue and extending south approximately 100 feet | |
1491 | 11/24/97 | Establish water system cross connection regulations | |
1492 | 11/24/97 | Adopt declarations of restrictive covenants for Village Port Subdivision | |
1493 | 12/08/97 | Propose annexation to Hermiston Rural Fire District | |
1494 | 12/08/97 | Electrical service comparative analysis | |
1495 | 12/22/97 | Refer ballot measure on annexation to Hermiston Rural Fire District to voters | |
1496 | 12/22/97 | Authorize issuance and negotiated sale of not to exceed $750,000 local improvements revenue bonds, Series 1997; designate bond counsel; and authorize execution of a bond purchase agreement (Amended by Res. 1518) | |
1497 | 01/26/98 | Extend Cascade Natural Gas franchise for 90 days | |
1498 | 02/09/98 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1997-98 fiscal period | |
1499 | 02/23/98 | Call for feasibility report on S.E. 8th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from E. Highland Avenue to E. Evelyn Avenue | |
1500 | 02/23/98 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on S.E. 8th Street curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving from E. Highland Avenue to E. Evelyn Avenue (LID 316) | |
1501 | 02/23/98 | Inclusion of properties outside of city limits in S.E. 8th Street paving project (LID 316) | |
1502 | 03/09/98 | Support refinement of HUES study pursuant to Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility infrastructure financial impacts | |
1503 | 04/13/98 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1998-99 | |
1504 | 04/13/98 | Establish reserve funds (supersedes Res. 1465) (superseded by Res. 1627) | |
1505 | 04/27/98 | Establish charges for solid waste collection effective June 1, 1998 (rescinds Res. 1460) | |
1506 | 04/27/98 | Extend Cascade Natural Gas franchise for 60 days from April 27, 1998 | |
1507 | 04/27/98 | Install east and west bound stop signs on E. Hurlburt Avenue at S.E. 6th Street | |
1508 | 05/11/98 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over Elm Avenue between N.W. 11th Street and Diagonal Road and over N.W. 11th Street between W. Elm Avenue and W. Hermiston Avenue from Umatilla County to City of Hermiston | |
1509 | 05/11/98 | Authorize City Manager Edward Brookshier to execute administrative and technical documents with agencies of the United States of America and the State of Oregon | |
1510 | 06/22/98 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1998-99 | |
1511 | 06/22/98 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1998-99 | |
1512 | 06/22/98 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 1998-99 | |
1513 | 06/22/98 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1998-99 (supersedes Res. 1477) (superseded by Res. 1530) | |
1514 | 06/08/98 | Refer ballot measure on electric service in the City to voters and express support for the measure | |
1515 | 06/22/98 | Terminate funds and transfer monies to Hermiston Fire & Emergency Services District | |
1516 | 06/22/98 | Transfer fire and emergency vehicles and equipment to Hermiston Fire & Emergency Services District | |
1517A | 06/22/98 | Reappropriate budgeted items in the 1997-98 budget | |
1517 | 07/13/98 | Authorize transfer of TCI cable franchise to Falcon/TCI Partnership | |
1518 | 07/13/98 | Amend Res. 1496 pertaining to issuance and sale of not to exceed $750,000 local improvements revenue bonds | |
1519 | 07/13/98 | Establish hours of operation at Hermiston Skate Park and Newport Park basketball courts | |
1520 | 08/24/98 | Initiate proceedings to convert property lying east of Highland Summit Subdivision and south of Sandstone Middle School (Pacific Western Homes) | |
1521 | 08/10/98 | Adopt Building Codes Agency electrical permit inspection fee increase | |
1522 | 08/10/98 | Authorize entering into a Management, Operation, Repair and Maintenance Agreement with Umatilla Electric Cooperative subject to approval by City voters | |
1523 | 08/24/98 | Accept jurisdiction of E. Theater Lane from Highway 395 to N.E. 10th Street | |
1524 | 08/24/98 | Install east bound stop sign on E. Theater Lane at N.E. 10th Street | |
1525 | 09/28/98 | Establish “no parking” on the east side of S.W. 9th Street between W. Highland Avenue and W. Pine Avenue | |
1526 | 09/28/98 | Oppose Ballot Measure 67, “The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act” | |
1527 | 10/12/98 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over S.E. 9th Street between E. Highland Avenue and S.E. Port Drive from Umatilla County to City of Hermiston | |
1528 | 10/12/98 | Approve assignment of certain leases between TCI of Northern New Jersey, Inc. and the City of Hermiston | |
1529 | 10/12/98 | Support passage of BMCC November bond issue | |
1530 | 10/26/98 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal year 1998-99 (supersedes Res. 1513) (superseded by Res. 1557) | |
1531 | 11/09/98 | Install north bound stop sign on N.E. 7th Street at E. Jennie Avenue | |
1532 | 11/09/98 | City manager performance review criteria and employment contract | |
1533 | 11/09/98 | Support mayors of the Columbia Basin Region of Oregon in opposition to breaching of dams or lowering of impoundments below current operating levels on lower Snake River and Columbia River | |
1534 | 11/23/98 | Amend Res. No. 1283 pertaining to appointment criteria for parks and recreation committee | |
1535 | 12/21/98 | Install east and west bound stop signs on E. Elm Avenue at N.E. 4th Street | |
1536 | 12/21/98 | Support restoration of Amtrak’s Pioneer Route | |
1537 | 01/25/99 | Authorize submittal of a $807,570 funding application to the State of Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Enhancement Program | |
1538 | 01/25/99 | Provide for a code of ordinances, revising, amending, restating and codifying certain existing general ordinances and to provide for a substantive legal review of ordinances | |
1539 | 01/25/99 | Declare public need to acquire electrical power facilities to provide service to existing and future city residents and authorize the acquisition of such facilities through negotiation or condemnation | |
1540 | 01/25/99 | Authorize the execution of definitive agreements for the acquisition, management, operation, repair and maintenance of power facilities and for acquisition of power for the facilities | |
1541 | 02/22/99 | Authorize execution of the first amendment to the Facilities Acquisition Agreement relating to the acquisition of certain power facilities | |
1542 | 02/22/99 | Oppose the drawdown of the John Day Pool and oppose breaching of the John Day Dam | |
1543 | 03/15/99 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1998-99 fiscal period | |
1544 | 03/15/99 | Accept jurisdiction of S. Townsend Road from the north side of the Maxwell Canal bridge to Diagonal Road (Hwy. 207) | |
1545 | 03/15/99 | Refer to city voters a proposed measure to amend the charter of the City of Hermiston to institute a primary election system for certain city offices in certain circumstances | |
1546 | 03/15/99 | Refer to city voters a proposed measure to amend the charter of the City of Hermiston to authorize the passage of ordinances by title only in certain circumstances | |
1547 | 03/22/99 | Install stop signs on W. Hartley and W. Alder Avenues, N.W. 10th Street, N.W. 9th Place and N.W. Butte Drive | |
1548 | 03/22/99 | Support restoration of Amtrak service between Boise and Portland (“The Northwest Experience”) | |
1549 | 04/12/99 | Rename portion of W. Main Street lying west of Highway 395 to W. Locust Avenue and portion of W. Gladys Avenue lying west of Highway 395 to W. Hermiston Avenue | |
1550 | 04/12/99 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 1999-00 | |
1551 | 04/12/99 | Reappropriate budgeted items in the 1998-99 budget | |
1552 | 04/26/99 | Install east bound stop sign on E. Hurlburt Avenue at S.E. 10th Street | |
1553 | 04/26/99 | Adopt health insurance premium conversion benefit plan | |
1554 | 05/24/99 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 1999-00 | |
1555 | 05/24/99 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 1999-00 | |
1556 | 05/24/99 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 1999-00 | |
1557 | 05/24/99 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 1999-00 (supersedes Res. 1530) (superseded by Res. 1593) | |
1558 | 05/24/99 | Install south bound stop sign on N.E. Alora Drive at E. Theater Lane | |
1559 | 05/24/99 | Authorize reimbursement to Highland Vista, Inc. for a 10-year period for installation costs of sewer, water and paving along properties fronting on E. Hurlburt Avenue | |
1560 | 05/24/99 | Establish rate of $.10/gallon for disposal of on-site waste (septic tank and portable toilet) at City’s treatment plant | |
1561 | 05/24/99 | Authorize actions pursuant to acquisition of PacifiCorp electrical distribution facilities | |
1562 | 06/14/99 | Support approval of an Oregon Business Development Fund project proposal by Ivan Cook | |
1563 | 06/14/99 | Install south bound stop sign on S.E. 9th Street at S.E. Port Drive | |
1564 | 06/14/99 | Request Umatilla County Commission to conduct a study of County capital facilities and defer proposed capital facilities expenditures in County Courthouse for six months | |
1565 | 06/14/99 | Support proceeding with chemical weapons incineration at the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility without delay | |
1566 | 06/14/99 | Ratify and reaffirm declaration of public need to acquire electrical power facilities to provide service to existing and future city residents and authorize the acquisition of such facilities through negotiation or condemnation | |
1567 | 06/28/99 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1998-99 fiscal period | |
1568 | 06/28/99 | Recognize and address Y2K problems | |
1569 | 08/09/99 | Call for feasibility report on improving E. Gladys Avenue from 250 feet east of N.E. 9th Street to N.E. 10th Street | |
1570 | 08/09/99 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on improving E. Gladys Avenue from 250 feet east of N.E. 9th Street to N.E. 10th Street (LID 317) | |
1571 | 08/09/99 | Urge Governor Kitzhaber to veto House Bill 2050 which would exempt centrally-assessed utilities from the intangible personal property tax | |
1572 | 08/23/99 | Call for feasibility report on improving N.E. 9th Street from E. Main Street to E. Ridgeway Avenue | |
1573 | 08/23/99 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on improving N.E. 9th Street from E. Main Street to E. Ridgeway Avenue | |
1574 | 11/09/99 | Authorize establishing an account with Local Government Investment Pool for payment of right-of-way acquisition (N.E. 4th Street extension) | |
1575 | 11/09/99 | Support development of a Hat Rock National Park Site Interpretive Center | |
1576 | 11/22/99 | Extend the 11-09-98 city manager employment agreement and increase compensation of the city manager (superseded by Res. 1615) | |
1577 | 01/20/00 | Authorize the termination of the Definitive Agreements between the City and Umatilla Electric Cooperative and initiate a request for proposals process for the acquisition of operational assistance for the municipally-owned electric system | |
1578 | 01/24/00 | Urge the Governor, the Oregon State Legislature and the U.S. Army to immediately adopt a policy to allow the Commander of the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility the authority to notify and activate Hermiston area warning systems in the case of a chemical incident with the potential to extend beyond the facility boundaries | |
1579 | 01/24/00 | Supplement and adjust budget for 1999-00 fiscal period | |
1580 | 01/24/00 | Accept jurisdiction of Diagonal Road (County Road #601/State Highway #333) from N.E. 10th Street to Townsend Road | |
1581 | 02/14/00 | Oppose the breaching of dams or lowering impoundments below current operating levels on the Snake and Columbia Rivers | |
1582 | 02/28/00 | Install stop signs in Highland Summit Subdivision | |
1583 | 02/28/00 | Install stop signs on N.W. 3rd Street/W. Marie Avenue and N.E. 7th Street | |
1584 | 03/13/00 | Accept jurisdiction of W. Orchard Avenue (County Road 1238) from the west boundary of Viewcrest Addition to S.W. 11th Street) | |
1585 | 03/27/00 | Support US 395 North Corridor Plan | |
1586 | 03/27/00 | Adopt schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits (superseded by Res. 1609) | |
1587 | 04/10/00 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2000-01 | |
1588 | 04/24/00 | Initiate proceedings to convert property lying east of N.E. 4th Street and south of Pheasant Run Subdivision (Cook) | |
1589 | 04/24/00 | Authorize City to apply for a Local Government Grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for Theater Sports Phase II improvements | |
1590 | 05/08/00 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 2000-01 | |
1591 | 05/08/00 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 2000-01 | |
1592 | 05/08/00 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 2000-01 | |
1593 | 05/08/00 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2000-01 (supersedes Res. 1557) (Superseded by Res. 1634) | |
1594 | 05/08/00 | Reappropriate budgeted items in the 1999-00 budget | |
1595 | 06/12/00 | Reappropriate budgeted items in the 1999-00 budget | |
1596 | 06/26/00 | Declare public need to acquire certain real property from John Schnell for the E. 4th Street extension project and authorize the acquisition of such real property through condemnation | |
1597 | 07/10/00 | Install stop signs in southwest Hermiston in conjunction with new elementary school construction | |
1598 | 07/10/00 | Install stop signs on N.W. Spruce Street at Jennie, W. Linda Avenue at 11th, and N.W. 12th Street and N.W. 12th Place at Linda | |
1599 | 07/24/00 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $600,000 DVS Community Development Block Grant | |
1600 | 07/24/00 | Authorize power sale contract negotiations with Bonneville Power Administration | |
1601 | 08/14/00 | Exempt development agreement and certain agreements relating to a combustion project to be developed by the City, the Tribes and EWEB from competitive bidding/proposal/quote requirements | |
1602 | 08/14/00 | Call for an election to submit to qualified city voters on the question of contracting a general obligation bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to finance construction and equipping of a swimming pool facility, pay all costs incidental thereto and evidencing its official intent to reimburse capital expenditures | |
1603 | 09/25/00 | Install north and south bound stop signs on S.E. 4th Street at E. Highland Avenue | |
1604 | 09/25/00 | Authorize issuance and negotiated sale of General Obligation Water Refunding Bonds, Series 2000, to advance refund all or a portion of the City’s outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 1994; designate an authorized representative, underwriter and bond counsel; authorize appointment of a paying agent, bond registrar, escrow agent and expert advisor; authorize execution of a bond purchase agreement and escrow agreement; and authorize submittal of an advance refunding plan to the State Treasurer | |
1605 | 10/09/00 | Amend Employee Handbook to add Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a City holiday with pay | |
1606 | 11/13/00 | Install stop signs on W. Cherry/Beech/Beebe/Dogwood Avenues and on E. Catherine Avenue and N.E. 7th Street | |
1607 | 10/09/00 | A resolution endorsing actions to protect and restore endangered salmon runs in Puget Sound, and supporting the removal of structures interfering with Puget Sound salmon runs | |
1608 | 10/09/00 | Affirm policy that the City’s law enforcement personnel shall not use excessive force against individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations | |
1609 | 10/09/00 | Adopt a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits and supersede Resolution No. 1586 (superseded by Res. 1616) | |
1610 | 10/23/00 | Declare public need to acquire certain real property from William Arlin Phillips for the E. 4th Street extension project and authorize the acquisition of such real property through condemnation | |
1611 | 10/23/00 | Fair housing resolution pertaining to DVS grant | |
1612 | 11/13/00 | Appropriate proceeds from Bond Refunding | |
1613 | 11/13/00 | Appropriate Law Enforcement Block Grant | |
1614 | 11/27/00 | Supplement and adjust budget for 2000-01 fiscal period | |
1615 | 11/27/00 | Extend the 11-09-98 city manager employment agreement and increase the compensation of the city manager (Supersedes Res. 1576) Superseded by Res. 1652 as to term of agreement only | |
1616 | 12/18/00 | Adopt a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits and supersede Res. No. 1609 (to add fees for park registrations) (superseded by Res. 1617) | |
1617 | 01/08/01 | Adopt a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits and supersede Res. No. 1616 (add fees pertaining to Title XVII – Telecommunication registration, etc.) (superseded by Res. 1706) | |
1618 | 01/08/01 | Declare public need to acquire certain real property from Rx Hermiston (Rite Aid) for the S.E. 4th Street and E. Highland Avenue signalization project and authorize acquisition of such real property through condemnation | |
1619 | 01/22/01 | Authorize City to apply for ODOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program grant for improvement of south side of E. Main Street from E. 7th Street to E. 10th Street | |
1620 | 01/22/01 | Establish “no parking” on the south side of W. Linda Avenue between N.W. 12th Street and N.W. 13th Street, and on the west side of S.E. 6th Street from E. Highland Avenue north 550 feet | |
1621 | 02/12/01 | Support construction of motor speedway in Boardman area | |
1622 | 02/26/01 | Approve taxi fare increase for Classic Cab (supersedes Res. 1393) (superseded by Res. 1625) | |
1623 | 02/26/01 | Establish community center rental rates and related policies (supersedes Res. 1421) | |
1624 | 03/12/01 | Grant 10-year telecommunications system franchise to Eastern Oregon Telecom, LLC | |
1625 | 03/26/01 | Approve taxi charges for designated taxi service provider and senior/disabled transit service provider (supersedes Res. 1622) (superseded by Res. 1716) | |
1626 | 04/09/01 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2001-02 | |
1627 | 04/09/01 | Establish reserve funds (supersedes Res. 1504) (superseded by Res. 1662) | |
1628 | 04/23/01 | Authorize City to apply for local government grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for improvements to Hodge Park | |
1629 | 05/14/01 | Adopt budget for fiscal period 2001-02 | |
1630 | 05/14/01 | Make appropriations for fiscal period 2001-02 | |
1631 | 05/14/01 | Levy and categorize tax for fiscal period 2001-02 | |
1632 | 06/11/01 | Establish new water rates effective July 1, 2001 (supersedes Res. 1453) | |
1633 | 06/11/01 | Establish new sewer rates effective July 1, 2001 (supersedes Res. 1454) (superseded by Res. 1636) | |
1634 | 06/11/01 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2001-02 (supersedes Res. 1593)(superseded by Res. 1649) | |
1635 | 06/11/01 | Accept $1,715 grant offer from the Oregon Department of Aviation for development at the airport | |
1636 | 06/25/01 | Establish new sewer rates effective July 1, 2001 (supersedes Res. 1633) | |
1637 | 06/25/01 | Establish land use applications fees effective July 26, 2001, and rescind Res. 1459 | |
1638 | 06/25/01 | Establish “no parking” on the east and west sides of N.E. 4th Street between E. Elm Avenue and E. Theater Lane | |
1639 | 06/25/01 | Reappropriate budgeted items for the 2000-01 budget | |
1640 | 07/16/01 | Authorize execution of an asset purchase agreement to acquire from PacifiCorp specified electrical distribution facilities serving the City of Hermiston | |
1641 | 07/30/01 | Authorize execution of a management, operation and maintenance services agreement with Umatilla Electric Cooperative | |
1642 | 09/10/01 | Authorize interim financing for electric distribution system costs | |
1643 | 09/24/01 | Supplement and adjust budget for 2001-02 fiscal period | |
1644 | 09/24/01 | Establish building permit fees effective October 25, 2001 (Repealed by Res. 2037) | |
1645 | 09/24/01 | Establish rates and associated fees for the distribution and sale of electric energy by the City of Hermiston, Oregon d/b/a Hermiston Energy Services (HES) (Superseded by Res. 1710) | |
1646 | 09/24/01 | Authorize an amendment to the Asset Purchase Agreement between the City of Hermiston, Oregon and PacifiCorp and execution of a Transition Services Agreement | |
1647 | 10/08/01 | Establish rates and associated fees for the distribution and sale of electric energy by the City of Hermiston, Oregon d/b/a Hermiston Energy Services (HES) (Superseded by Res. 1710) | |
1648 | 10/08/01 | Install south bound stop sign on N.E. North Street at E. Oregon Avenue | |
1649 | 10/15/01 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2001-02 effective July 1, 2001 (supersedes Res. 1634)(superseded by Res. 1669) | |
1650 | 10/15/01 | Authorize the City to enforce Ord. No. 1795, requiring payment of telecommunications franchise fees, through legal action or otherwise | |
1651 | 10/22/01 | Establish rates and associated fees for the distribution and sale of electric energy by the City of Hermiston, Oregon d/b/a Hermiston Energy Services (HES) for Schedules L1, L2, L3, L4 and U1 (Superseded by Res. 1710) | |
1652 | 11/05/01 | Extend the 11-9-98 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Res. No. 1615 as to term of agreement only) (superseded by Res. 1687 as to term of agreement only) | |
1653 | 11/26/01 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $6,170 LLEG (Local Law Enforcement Block Grant) | |
1654 | 11/26/01 | Amend Employee Handbook to add computer system usage policies | |
1655 | 11/26/01 | Authorize mayor to execute an amendment to the agreement with the League of Oregon Cities governing the League status as a unit of local government | |
1656 | 12/17/01 | Authorize reimbursement to Gene D. Edwards, Geraldine E. Edwards and William H. Hill for a 10-year period for water main installation costs along properties fronting on W. Poplar Avenue | |
1657 | 12/17/01 | A resolution pertaining to the proposed formation of a park and recreation district | |
1658 | 02/11/02 | Authorize creation of the Funland Playground Reconstruction trust account in the amount of $344,000 and authorize expenditure of such funds, in conjunction with the Funland Steering Committee, for repair and replacement of playground equipment and for design services | |
1659 | 02/11/02 | Oppose ODOT’s proposed placement of median barrier on Highway 395 South from S.E. Port Drive to south limits of the City of Hermiston’s urban growth boundary | |
1660 | 03/11/02 | Declare public need to acquire certain real property from Rena Alexander and Union Pacific Railroad for the First Place and W. Hermiston Avenue signalization project and authorize acquisition of such real property by purchase or through condemnation | |
1661 | 04/08/02 | Membership in City County Insurance Services Trust | |
1662 | 04/08/02 | Establish reserve funds (supersedes Res. 1627) (repealed and superseded by Res. 1696) | |
1663 | 04/08/02 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2002-03 | |
1664 | 04/08/02 | Support commencement of chemical agent disposal operations at Umatilla Chemical Depot | |
1665 | 05/13/02 | Supplement and adjust budget for 2001-02 fiscal period | |
1666 | 05/20/02 | Authorize an amendment to the Umatilla Tribal Generating Project Development Agreement (Wanapa Energy Center) | |
1667 | 05/20/02 | Authorize City Manager to participate on the Board of Directors of the Wanapa Energy Center Environmental Foundation | |
1668 | 06/10/02 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, and categorize the tax for fiscal period 2002-03 | |
1669 | 06/10/02 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2002-03 effective July 1, 2002 (supercedes Res. 1649) (superseded by Res. 1705) | |
1670 | 06/10/02 | Install stop signs at the intersections of S.W. 7th Street/W. Johns Avenue and W. Hartley Avenue/N.W. 6th and 7th Streets | |
1671 | 06/10/02 | Establish parks and recreation development reserve fund | |
1672 | 06/10/02 | Reappropriate budgeted items for the 2001-02 budget | |
1673 | 06/24/02 | Reappropriate budgeted items for the 2001-02 budget | |
1674 | 07/08/02 | Approve issuance of tax-exempt obligations to finance electric distribution system costs | |
1675 | 08/26/02 | Accept unanticipated Traffic Enforcement Grant | |
1676 | 08/26/02 | Amend Employee Handbook pertaining to use of personal credit cards , city vehicles, travel awards and personal credit card incentives | |
1677 | 09/23/02 | Establish Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project reserve fund | |
1678 | 09/23/02 | Install stop signs on S.E. 8th Street at E. View Drive, E. Highland Avenue and E. Newport Avenue | |
1679 | 09/23/02 | Establish the terms and limits for revenue obligations, authorize the issuance of the City’s variable rate demand Electric System Revenue Obligations, Series 2002A and Series 2002B, and entry into a Letter of Credit, and establish the terms under which future parity obligations may be issued | |
1680 | 09/23/02 | A resolution pertaining to the formation of a park and recreation district and submission of that question to the November 5, 2002 election | |
1681 | 10/14/02 | A resolution authorizing rejection of all bids opened on September 23, 2002, for the E. Catherine Avenue storm drain system improvements and rebidding the project | |
1682 | 10/28/02 | Authorization for inclusion in the Oregon Savings Growth Plan (OSGP) (457 deferred compensation plan) | |
1683 | 10/28/02 | Establish “no parking” on the west side of N.E. 4th Street between E. Ridgeway Avenue and E. Elm Avenue | |
1684 | 10/28/02 | Install north and south bound stop signs on S.W. 7th Street at W. Division Avenue | |
1685 | 10/28/02 | Oppose proposed FERC/SMD changes to the Northwest electricity system | |
1686 | 11/04/02 | Adopt codes for the City’s building inspection program in accordance with Section 153.03 of the Hermiston Code of Ordinances | |
1687 | 11/12/02 | Extend the 11-9-98 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Res. No. 1652 as to term of agreement only) (superseded by Res. 1714 as to term of agreement only) | |
1688 | 11/25/02 | Urge the Oregon Legislature to provide exemptions from mandated public safety answering point consolidation for those cities and districts that believe such consolidation will adversely affect their ability to provide essential public safety services within their communities | |
1689 | 11/25/02 | Install north and south bound stop signs on N.E. 4th Street at E. Jennie Avenue | |
1690 | 12/09/02 | Authorize reimbursement to Prancing Horse LLC for a 10-year period for water line oversizing for properties in St. Johns Estates Phase 1 abutting S.W. 7th Street | |
1691 | 12/23/02 | Adopt Hermiston Energy Services (HES) Customer Service Policies, Rates and Associated Fees manual (superseded by Res. 1695) | |
1692 | 02/24/03 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $9,265 LLEBG (Local Law Enforcement Block Grant) | |
1693 | 02/24/03 | Authorize the League of Oregon Cities to coordinate the filing of an appeal on the City's behalf, through outside counsel, from the rate increase received from PERS | |
1694 | 03/10/03 | Authorize execution and delivery of a financing agreement and escrow agreement; declare intent to reimburse expenditures; and related matters (for outdoor swimming pool) | |
1695 | 04/14/03 | Adopt Hermiston Energy Services (HES) Customer Service Policies, Rates and Associated Fees manual (supersedes Res. 1691) (Superseded by Res. 1710) | |
1696 | 04/28/03 | Establish reserve funds (repeals and supersedes Res. 1662) | |
1697 | 04/28/03 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2003-04 | |
1698 | 04/28/03 | Declare an emergency under ORS 279.015(4)(a) and exempt the E. Catherine Avenue storm drain system improvements project from competitive bids | |
1699 | 04/28/03 | Support efforts among the Bureau of Reclamation, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon State University and the City for development of the “Oxbow” river front area | |
1700 | 05/12/03 | Supplement and adjust budget for fiscal year 2002-03 | |
1701 | 05/12/03 | Authorize City to apply for local government grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for development of the Hermiston Outdoor Pool Project | |
1702 | 05/12/03 | Grant 10-year telecommunications system franchise to Morrow Development Corporation | |
1703 | 05/19/03 | Establish St. Johns Estate Access Street Reserve Fund | |
1704 | 06/09/03 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, and categorize the tax for fiscal period 2003-04 | |
1705 | 06/09/03 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2003-04 effective July 1, 2003 (supercedes Res. 1669) | |
1706 | 06/09/03 | Adopt a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits effective June 9, 2003 (Supersedes Res. 1617) | |
1707 | 06/23/03 | Reappropriate budgeted items for the 2002-03 budget | |
1708 | 07/14/03 | Designate the Hermiston public safety center as the Bob Shannon Safety Center | |
1709 | 07/14/03 | Terminate Bancroft Bond Redemption Fund and transfer remaining monies to the General Fund effective June 30, 2003 | |
1710 | 07/28/03 | Adopt the “Hermiston Energy Services (HES) Customer Service Policies, Rates, and Associated Fees” manual as amended August 1, 2003 to become effective August 1, 2003 (supersedes Resolution Nos. 1645, 1647, 1651 and 1695) | |
1711 | 08/11/03 | Support Agape House capital campaign for new facility | |
1712 | 10/27/03 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $7,000 Traffic Enforcement Grant | |
1713 | 10/27/03 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $10,000 OECDD distribution center/warehouse marketing plan grant | |
1714 | 10/27/03 | Extend the 11-9-98 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Res. No. 1687 as to term of agreement only) | |
1715 | 10/27/03 | Accept grant offer of State of Oregon through the Oregon Department of Aviation in the maximum amount of $10,000 to be used under the Federal Aid to Municipalities Program Project No. 5-7-0012-0 in the development of Hermiston Municipal Airport. | |
1716 | 02/23/04 | Approve taxi charges for designated taxi service provider and senior/disabled transit service provider (supersedes Res. 1625) | |
1717 | 03/08/04 | Accept unanticipated Traffic Enforcement Grant | |
1718 | 03/08/04 | Adopt a schedule of fees and charges for various services at the Hermiston Family Aquatics Center effective March 8, 2004 | |
1719 | 03/22/04 | Accept grand from ODOT specific to reimbursement of overtime expended in enforcement activities on Highway 395 for grant period March 15 through September 30, 2004 | |
1720 | 03/22/04 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2004-2005 | |
1721 | 04/26/04 | Support Columbia River Channel deepening project | |
1722 | 04/26/04 | Authorize City to make application for an enterprise zone | |
1723 | 04/26/04 | Call for feasibility report on paving S.E. 9th Street to E. Main Street to E. Newport Avenue | |
1724 | 04/26/04 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving S.E. 9th Street from E. Main Street to E. Newport Avenue (LID 319) | |
1725 | 04/26/04 | Call for feasibility report on paving N.W. 3rd Street from W. Elm Avenue to W. Marie Avenue | |
1726 | 04/26/04 | Accept feasibility report, call for hearing on paving N.W. 3rd Street from W Elm Avenue to W. Marie Avenue (LID 320) | |
1727 | 04/26/04 | Install North bound stop sign at the intersection of N.W. 9th Street and Ridgeway Avenue | |
1728 | 04/26/04 | Call for feasibility report on paving E. Newport Avenue from S.E. 7th Street to S.E. 9th Street | |
1729 | 04/26/04 | Accept feasibility report, call for a hearing on paving E. Newport Avenue from S.E. 7th Street to S.E. 9th Street (LID 321) | |
1730 | 04/26/04 | Amend Resolution 1486 pertaining to the adoption of a methodology and establish a fee for its wastewater system development charge | |
1731 | 05/10/04 | Keep Building Codes current with State Codes (supersedes Res. 1686) | |
1732 | 05/24/04 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $32,000 grant for the Simplot facility and Economic Development Assessment project | |
1733 | 06/14/04 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, and categorize the tax for fiscal period 2004-05 | |
1734 | 06/14/04 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2004-2005 effective July 1, 2004 (supercedes Resolution 1705) | |
1735 | 06/28/04 | Supplement and adjust the total budget for fiscal period beginning July 1, 2003 | |
1736 | 06/28/04 | Initiate amendments to comprehensive plan and UGB | |
1737 | 10/11/04 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $5,000 traffic safety grant-DUII | |
1738 | 10/11/04 | Establish water rates for reduced monthly minimum charge (supersedes resolution 1632) | |
1739 | 10/11/04 | Establish sewer rates for reduced monthly minimum charge (supersedes resolution 1636) | |
1740 | 10/11/04 | Support for Governor’s Meth Plan | |
1741 | 10/25/04 | Accept and appropriate unanticipated $2,500 Traffic Safety Grant-DUII | |
1742 | 11/08/04 | Extend the 11-9-98 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Res. No. 1714 as to term of agreement only) | |
1743 | 11/22/04 | Accept grant from the State of Oregon through the Oregon Department of Aviation in the amount of $6,536 to be used in the development of the Hermiston Airport | |
1744 | 12/13/04 | Request transfer of jurisdiction over certain county roads within the City of Hermiston. | |
1745 | Skipped number | ||
1746 | 02/14/05 | Install stop signs at designated locations in Overlook area | |
1747 | 02/14/05 | Appropriate grant in amount of $43,100 awarded to Hermiston Public Library to provide outreach to senior citizens | |
1748 | 02/14/05 | Appropriate grants in the amount of $7,673 for the specific purpose of purchasing bulletproof vests and additional portable report writing equipment | |
1749 | 02/14/05 | Appropriate grant in the amount of $6,285 for the specific purpose of developing the Belt Park arboretum | |
1750 | 02/14/05 | Oppose importation of chemical weapons from outside the State of Oregon to the Umatilla Chemical Depot | |
1751 | 03/28/05 | Install stop signs at designated locations | |
1752 | 03/28/05 | Increase compensation for classified employees effective January 1, 2005, (supersedes resolution No. 1734) | |
1753 | 04/11/05 | Supplemental budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 | |
1754 | 04/25/05 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2005-2006 | |
1755 | 04/25/05 | Repeal Resolution No. 1662 and establish designated reserve funds | |
1756 | 04/25/05 | Install stop signs at designated locations intersecting with SW 6th Street | |
1757 | 04/25/05 | Adopt methodology and establish fee for its wastewater system development charge (supersedes Resolution No. 1486) | |
1758 | 04/25/05 | Adopt methodology and establish fee for its water system development charge (supersedes Resolution No. 1487) | |
1759 | 04/25/05 | Authorize initiation of a text amendment to the zoning ordinance | |
1760 | 05/23/05 | Grant telecommunications system franchise to Windwave Technologies, Inc, DBA Windwave Communications | |
1761 | 05/23/05 | Grant telecommunications system franchise to EZ Wireless, LLC | |
1762 | 06/20/05 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, and categorize the tax for fiscal period 2005-06 | |
1763 | 06/20/05 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2005-2006 effective July 1, 2005 (supercedes Resolution 1734) | |
1764 | 06/27/05 | Install stop signs at specific locations intersecting with SW 7th Street | |
1765 | 07/11/05 | Adopt draft of City of Hermiston Vision Statement | |
1766 | 07/25/05 | Authorize extension of letter of credit for the City's electric system revenue obligation | |
1767 | 08/22/05 | Authorize acquisition of right-of way (Street zoning) | |
1768 | 08/22/05 | Install stop signs at the intersection of SW 8th St. & W Johns Avenue | |
1769 | 09/12/05 | Authorize fixed rate electric system revenue obligations to refund the city's variable rate electric system | |
1770 | 09/12/05 | Resolution amending the “Rules of Order and Procedure for the City Council” | |
1771 | 10/10/05 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager employment agreement (supersedes resolution 1742 as to term of agreement only) | |
1772 | 12/27/05 | Accept & appropriate unanticipated $2,500 traffic safety grant - DUII | |
1773 | 01/23/06 | Proposing certain land from urbanizeable status to urban status - Mark Zoller, American Dev. | |
1774 | 01/23/06 | Authorize the removal of two parking spaces, creation of turn lane and installation of a median strip of E Main Street near NE 3rd Street | |
1775 | 03/27/06 | Resolution to support partial funding for McKenzie Park | |
1776 | 03/27/06 | Support partial funding for Umatilla River Trail boat ramps | |
1777 | 03/27/06 | Grant telecommunications system franchise to M2 Machmedia, LLC | |
1778 | 04/24/06 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2006-07 | |
1779 | 04/24/06 | Install stop signs at designated areas | |
1780 | 05/22/06 | Receive unanticipated traffic safety grant for DUII in amount of $2,000 | |
1781 | 05/22/06 | Restrict parking on the east side of SW 7th Street by West Park School (supercedes resolution 999) | |
1782 | 06/12/06 | Supplemental budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 | |
1783 | 06/26/06 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2006-2007 effective July 1, 2006 (supercedes resolution #1763) | |
1784 | 06/26/06 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, and categorize the tax for fiscal period 2006-2007 | |
1785 | 07/10/06 | Working toward inclusive communities in partnership with the National League of Cities | |
1786 | 07/24/06 | Provide aquatic center passes for all permanent city employees and elected officials | |
1787 | 07/24/06 | Accept grant offer of State of Oregon through the Oregon Department of Aviation in the maximum amount of $20,092 to be used under the Federal Aid to Municipalities Program Project No. 3-41-0024-004 in the development of Hermiston Municipal Airport. | |
1788 | 08/28/06 | Receive grant in the amount of $2,240 through the Umatilla County Special Library District for the purpose of implementing the Up and Away Program | |
1789 | 08/28/06 | Receive unanticipated Traffic Safety Grant for DUII in the amount of $3,000 | |
1790 | 08/28/06 | Adopt rules for regulation of commercial air cargo operations at the Hermiston Municipal Airport | |
1791 | 10/09/06 | Install stop signs at specific locations intersecting with W Cody Avenue | |
1792 | 10/09/06 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager employment agreement (supersedes resolution No. 1771 as to term of agreement only) | |
1793 | 10/23/06 | Proposing to convert certain land from urbanizeable status to urban status | |
1794 | 11/13/06 | Receive bequest in the amount of $20,000 from estate of Mary Paul for the specific purpose of supporting the Hermiston Public Library | |
1795 | 11/13/06 | Prohibiting the operation of remote control locomotives by railroads operation withing the City of Hermiston | |
1796 | 11/13/06 | Supporting the Oregon Legislative Assembly's adoption of legislation to create the Oregon Oasis Project | |
1797 | 11/13/06 | Recreational immunity for all city parks | |
1798 | 01/08/07 | Authorize water and sewer system revenue refunding bond and a master water and sewer revenue bond declaration | |
1799 | 01/08/07 | Receive grant in the amount of $19,885 from the Collins Foundation, for the specific purpose of providing volunteer coordinator support for library services operated by community volunteers | |
1800 | 02/12/07 | Declaring an emergency, exempting the E Elm Avenue and NE 4th Street storm drain improvement project from competitive bids | |
1801 | Not Used | ||
1802 | 03/26/07 | Supplemental budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007 | |
1803 | 03/26/07 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2007-08 | |
1804 | 03/26/07 | Exercise the power of eminent domain for the acquisition of certain property (4th St and Elm St storm drainage) | |
1805 | 04/05/07 | Support grant application to Oregon Parks and Recreation Department's local government grant program | |
1806 | 04/05/07 | Award construction contract for West Joseph Avenue Extension to Blue Mountain Paving Co | |
1807 | 05/14/07 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax, categorize the tax for fiscal period 2007-2008 | |
1808 | 05/14/07 | Adopt the National Incident Management System (NIMS) | |
1809 | 05/14/07 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2007-2008 effective July 1, 2007 (supersedes Resolution No. 1783) | |
1810 | 05/14/07 | A trade resolution to retain local jobs | |
1811 | 05/21/07 | Adopt employee handbook dated May 21, 2007 as employee policies of City, rescind Resolution No. 1192 | |
1812 | 05/21/07 | Install stop signs at intersection of SW River Hill Drive and West Sunland Avenue | |
1813 | 06/11/07 | Adopt alcohol use policies for McKenzie Park | |
1814 | 06/25/07 | Keep Building Codes current with State Codes (supercedes Resolution No. 1731) | |
1815 | 07/09/07 | Support the Northwest's dams and hydro system | |
1816 | 07/23/07 | Amend Section 62.B of the “Rules of Order and Procedure for the City Council of the City of Hermiston, Oregon” to increase the amount and length of advertising City Council vacancies | |
1817 | 09/10/07 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2007-2008 effective July 1, 2007 (supersedes Resolution No. 1809) | |
1818 | 09/24/07 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager employment agreement (supersedes resolution No. 1792 as to term of agreement only) | |
1819 | 10/08/07 | Adopt Hermiston Energy Services customer service policies, rates, and associated fees manual as amended October 8, 2007 and superseding Resolution No. 1695 | |
1820 | 10/22/07 | Install stop sign at the intersection of E Main Street and SE 13th Street | |
1821 | 11/05/07 | Expand the Hermiston enterprise zone (Snack Alliance Project) | |
1822 | 11/26/07 | Install stop signs in St Johns Estate - Phase 5 | |
02/11/08 | Support Senate Bill 294, a bill to re-authorize Amtrack | ||
02/11/08 | Receive unanticipated Economic Development Block Grants | ||
02/11/08 | Adopt 2008 Park Master Plan | ||
02/11/08 | Adopt grievance policy for disability discrimination | ||
02/25/08 | Supplemental budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008 | ||
02/25/08 | Support the Northeast Oregon Business and Economic Growth Project | ||
03/24/08 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2008-2009 | ||
03/24/08 | Support application to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s local government grant program for partial funding for Highland Park Development | ||
04/14/08 | Supplement and adjust the total budget for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 2007 | ||
04/28/08 | Establish charges for solid waste collection effective July 1, 2008 ( rescinds Resolution No. 1505) | ||
05/12/08 | Declare an emergency and exempt the replacement of variable frequency drives at the river pump station from competitive bids | ||
06/09/08 | Adopt the budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize the tax, for fiscal yr 2008-09 | ||
06/09/08 | Adopt compensation plan for fiscal period 2008-09 effective July 1, 2008 (supersedes Resolution #1817) | ||
06/23/08 | Supplement and adjust the total budget for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 2007 | ||
06/23/08 | Terminate sewer plant repair and reserve fund | ||
07/14/08 | Authorize borrowing 1,5000,000 for City water and sewer system | ||
07/14/08 | Establish new water rate schedules, effective August 1, 2008 (supersedes Resolution 1738) | ||
07/14/08 | Establish new sewer rate schedules, effective August 1, 2008 (supersedes Resolution 1739) | ||
07/28/08 | Impose Park and Recreation System Development Charges on new development applicable at the time of application for a building permit | ||
07/28/08 | Establish a System Development Charge for the park and recreation system and adjust the water and wastewater SDC’s (supersedes Resolution No. 1757 and 1758) (repealed by Resolution 2191) | ||
08/11/08 | Rename a portion of NE 7th Street (between E Theater Lane and E Punkin Center Ave) to NE 8th Street | ||
08/25/08 | Adopt Skate Park and Riverfront Park hours | ||
10/13/08 | Establish Wastewater Construction Fund for fiscal year 2008-2009 | ||
10/13/08 | Install stop signs at specific locations intersecting NE 8th Street | ||
10/13/08 | Establish a “No Parking” zone at the west end of Hermiston Avenue | ||
11/24/08 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager employment agreement (supersedes resolution No. 1818 as to term of agreement only) | ||
12/22/08 | Support special district to maintain and fund 450 MHZ radio system | ||
01/26/09 | Support application for grant funding from DLCL | ||
03/09/09 | Authorize loan from the Special Public Works Fund by entering into a loan contract with Oregon Economic and Community Development Department | ||
03/09/09 | Agree to extend enterprise zone abatement for 5-years to Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc | ||
03/23/09 | Supplement and adjust the budget for fiscal year 2008-2009 | ||
04/13/09 | Reappropriate expenditures into the 2008-09 budget | ||
04/27/09 | Establish reserve funds (supersedes resolution No. 1755) | ||
04/27/09 | Elect to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2009-10 | ||
05/26/09 | City “Pick up” of employee contribution to PERS | ||
1858 | 05/26/09 | Authorize reimbursement to Dickehoof Properties, Inc (tabled until later date) | |
05/26/09 | Employee pay freeze for the 09-10 fiscal year | ||
06/08/09 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize tax for fiscal year 2009-10 | ||
06/08/09 | Consent to Charter Communications Chapter 11 restructuring | ||
08/10/09 | A resolution adopting a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits and superseding resolution No. 1706 | ||
08/24/09 | Implement a fee for the review of civil engineering drawings | ||
08/24/09 | Acknowledge support for the City of Hermiston periodic review work program | ||
09/14/09 | Establish a “No Parking” zone on West Harper Road | ||
10/26/09 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Resolution No. 1848 as to term of agreement only). | ||
11/09/09 | Approve taxi charges for designated taxi service provider (supersedes Resolution No. 1716) | ||
11/23/09 | Establish reimbursement assessment for off-site utility extensions for Big 5 Sporting Goods | ||
12/28/09 | Electing application for entry to the Oregon Public Employees Retirement System State and Local Government Rate Pool | ||
01/25/10 | Establish rate of .25/gallon for disposal of on-site waste (septic tank and portable toilet) at City’s Treatment Plant (supersedes Resolution No. 1560) | ||
02/08/10 | Calling for an election on the question of issuing General Obligation Bonds for the Higher Education Center | ||
02/22/10 | Support Application to Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s Local Government Grant Program for partial funding for Highland Park (Highland Summit Subdivision) Development | ||
02/22/10 | Support Application to Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grant Program for partial funding for Victory Square Park Rehabilitation | ||
03/22/10 | Rename portions of street to SW Cedar Drive | ||
04/12/10 | Authorize the City to enter into a loan agreement with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality through its Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund. | ||
05/24/10 | Elect to receive State Revenues | ||
05/24/10 | Reinstate step in range increases for eligible employees | ||
05/24/10 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize tax for fiscal year 2010-2011 | ||
06/14/10 | Supplement and adjust the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009 | ||
07/12/10 | Acquisition of Rights-of-Way for the Recycled Water Plant | ||
10/11/10 | Extend November 9, 1998 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Resolution No. 1866 as to term of agreement only) | ||
11/08/10 | Authorize the establishment of a health reimbursement arrangement/voluntary employees beneficiary association (“HRA VEBA”) plan | ||
11/08/10 | Authorize loan agreement with Oregon Department of Environmental Quality through its Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund | ||
11/22/10 | Establish a “No Parking” and “School Zone” for vehicular and pedestrian traffic at BMCC Learning Center Campus | ||
02/14/11 | Establish a “School Zone” on West Orchard Avenue for vehicular and pedestrian traffic between 6th Street and 7th Street | ||
02/14/11 | Delegate authority to the City Manager to act as the purchasing manager for the Joseph Pump Station project and declaring an emergency | ||
02/28/11 | Supplement and adjust budget for fiscal period beginning July 1, 2010 | ||
04/11/11 | Corrective amendment to Resolution No. 1880 | ||
04/25/11 | Adopt Revised Standard Plans and Specifications for Streets and Sewers | ||
05/09/11 | Elect to receive State Revenues for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 | ||
05/09/11 | Install Stop Signs at SW 9th Street and W Joseph Avenue | ||
06/13/11 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize the tax for fiscal year 2011-12 | ||
06/13/11 | Adopt compensation plan for classified employees for fiscal period 2011-2012 effective July 1, 2011 (supersedes Resolution #1835) | ||
09/01/11 | Honor 10th Anniversary of 9/11/01 | ||
09/12/12 | Authorizing the issuance and negotiated sale of General Obligation Water Refunding Bonds | ||
09/26/12 | Authorize Mayor to sign any and all documents necessary to complete and land exchange between City and Hermiston School District | ||
10/10/11 | Affordable Housing Resolution as required by Community Development Block Grant process to comply with the Fair Housing Act | ||
10/10/11 | Create “one way” street on NW 7th Street from W Ridgeway Avenue to W Standard Avenue | ||
10/24/11 | Permanent easement and temporary construction easement together with such access and other related rights in the real property of LGW Ranch, Inc as needed to accomplish a public purpose | ||
10/24/11 | Extend the November 9, 1998 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Resolution No. 1881 as to term of agreement only). | ||
12/12/11 | Adopt compensation plan for classified employees for fiscal period 2012-2013 effective July 1, 2012 (supersedes Resolution #1893) | ||
01/09/12 | Stop Sign resolution - NW Eucalyptus Drive | ||
04/23/12 | Authorize the Mayor to sign documents necessary to terminate certain leases for football practice field between the City of Hermiston, Umatilla County and the Hermiston School District | ||
04/23/12 | Authorize the Mayor to sign documents necessary to relinquish the City of Hermiston’s right of reversion to the fairgrounds property and to preserve its perpetual easements for sewer and domestic waterlines | ||
04/23/12 | Authorize the Mayor and the City Manager to sign agreements allowing the Eastern Oregon Trade and event Center authority to approve lease for food booth and to find location for the thrift shop operated by the Good Shepherd Health Care System Auxiliary | ||
05/14/12 | Approve grant agreement for Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center and authorize City Manager to sign documents | ||
06/11/12 | Support for Neighborhood Association | ||
05/14/12 | Provide for an addition to the City of Hermiston Employee Handbook | ||
05/21/12 | Elect to receive State Revenues for Fiscal Year 2012-13 | ||
05/21/12 | Establish Reserve Funds | ||
05/21/12 | Adopt budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize the tax | ||
05/21/12 | Adopt compensation plan for classified employees for Fiscal Year 2012-13 | ||
05/121/12 | Resolution Supporting the Morrow Pacific Project | ||
06/11/12 | Hermiston Franchise Agreement with Charter | ||
08/13/12 | Resolution authorizing Mayor to sign any and all documents necessary to transfer 75 acres of City Property to the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center Authority | ||
08/27/12 | Stop Sign resolution for intersections at SW 7th St and SW Sandy Drive | ||
09/24/12 | Develop and implement a Umatilla County 10-year plan to end homelessness | ||
10/22/12 | Establish charges for solid waste collection effective January 1, 2013 (rescinds Resolution No. 1832) | ||
11/26/12 | Execute Franchise Agreement with Xayo Group, LLC | ||
12/10/12 | Extend the November 9, 1988 City Manager Employment Agreement (supersedes Resolution No. 1900 as to term of agreement only) | ||
12/10/12 | Authorize the City Manager to apply for a recreational trail easement and seek grant funding related to the Oxbow Property controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation | ||
1/14/13 | Authorize the Mayor to sign any and all documents necessary to convey that certain 75 acres of land to the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Authority pursuant to the EOTEC Intergovernmental Agreement | ||
1/28/13 | Stop sign resolution - install stop signs east bound at E. Montana Avenue and NE 6th Place; and west bound at W. Catherine Avenue and NW Spruce Street | ||
1/28/13 | Condemnation resolution authorizing the City of Hermiston to continue negotiations with the property owners but to also proceed with condemnation proceedings. | ||
1/28/13 | Approving and authorizing execution of a franchise agreement with Pacificorp D.B.A. Pacific Power | ||
3/25/13 | Adopt budget, supplemented and adjusted in the amount of $1,765,000 for the fiscal year 2012-13 beginning July 1, 2012 | ||
3/11/13 | Budget transfer in the amount of $40,000 from Capital Outlay to Materials and Services for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 2012 | ||
3/11/13 | Bond refunding; authorizing the issuance and negotiated sale of full faith and credit obligations to advance refund the City’s outstanding full faith & credit obligations, series 2003 | ||
3/25/13 | Approving and authorizing execution of a franchise agreement with Lightspeed Networks, Inc. | ||
4/8/13 | Designate the playground at Victory Square as the Mayor Bob Severson Memorial Playground | ||
4/22/13 | Authorizing an extension of the existing agreement which expires in May until a new franchise agreement can be reached with Inland Development Corporation, a telecommunications franchise | ||
4/22/13 | Authorizing an extension of the existing agreement which expires in May until a new franchise agreement can be reached with Windwave Communications, a telecommunications franchise | ||
4/22/13 | Authorize an extension of the existing agreement which expired February 22, 2013 until a new franchise agreement can be reached with US West Communications (CenturyLink) | ||
4/22/13 | Supporting presenting the formation of a new fire district to the voters | ||
6/10/13 | Receive state revenues for fiscal year 2013-14 | ||
6/10/13 | Establish reserve funds | ||
6/10/13 | Adopt the budget, make appropriations, impose the tax and categorize the tax for fiscal year 2013-14 | ||
6/10/13 | Adopt compensation plan for classified employees for fiscal period 2013-2014 effective July 1, 2013 (supersedes Resolution #1912) | ||
6/10/13 | Authorizing investment of monies in the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) | ||
6/10/13 | Adoption of a new franchise agreement with Qwest/CenturyLink | ||
6/10/13 | Adopt a resolution approving and authorizing execution of a franchise agreement with EZ Wireless, LLC. | ||
6/10/13 | Authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City the acceptance of the deed from the Lamberts | ||
6/10/13 | Authorizing the Mayor to sign any and all documents necessary to convey an undivided one-half interest in certain real property to the County of Umatilla pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Trade Center Gateway Property | ||
7/22/13 | Approving and authorizing execution of a franchise agreement with Inland Development Corporation | ||
7/22/13 | Approving and authorizing execution of a franchise agreement with Windwave Communications | ||
8/26/13 | Adopts written investment policy | ||
8/26/13 | Adopts financial policies | ||
9/9/13 | Supporting capital improvement bond renewal measure by Blue Mountain Community College | ||
10/28/13 | Establish new sewer rate schedules, effective January 1, 2014 (supersedes Resolution 1840) | ||
10/28/13 | Establish new water rates, effective January 1, 2014 (supersedes Resolution 1839) | ||
12/23/13 | Amends Rules of Order and Procedure for the City Council pertaining to service on more than one board or commission | ||
3/24/14 | Supplement and adjust the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 | ||
2/24/14 | Approving an agreement between the City and Hermiston Senior Center Board of Directors | ||
3/24/14 | Authorizing the issuance and negotiated sale of water and sewer system revenue bonds | ||
4/28/14 | Adopting and ratifying procedure for hiring a city manager | ||
6/9/14 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2014-15 | ||
6/9/14 | Establish reserve funds (repeals Resolution 1936) | ||
6/9/14 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes tax and categorizes for fiscal year 2014-15 | ||
6/9/14 | Adopts compensation plan for classified employees effective July 1, 2014 (supersedes Resolution 1938) | ||
6/9/14 | Rescinds certain parking regulations and establishes new restrictions | ||
6/9/14 | Requests Hermiston Enterprise Zone be designated for electronic commerce | ||
7/14/14 | Supports efforts to pass long-term funding program for transportation | ||
8/11/14 | Requests Umatilla County Wasteshed’s recovery goal remain at 20 percent | ||
8/25/14 | Grant agreement with Federal Aviation Administration for airport taxiway rehabilitation | ||
8/25/14 | Creates gas utility department and city gas utility | ||
9/8/14 | Grant agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for airport taxiway rehabilitation | ||
11/10/14 | Schedules public hearing on street vacation | ||
11/24/14 | Readopts written investment policy (supersedes Resolution 1946) | ||
11/24/14 | Adopts revised financial policies (supersedes Resolution 1947) | ||
11/24/14 | Authorizes interfund loan | ||
12/8/14 | Approves agreement for community service group kiosk | ||
1/12/15 | Approves agreement for construction of new senior activity center facility | ||
2/9/15 | Calls election to submit to city voters a new home rule charter | ||
2/9/15 | Calls election to submit to city voters amendment to new home rule charter | ||
3/9/15 | Authorizes submission of application to renew Hermiston Enterprise Zone | ||
3/9/15 | Adopts Hermiston Energy Services customer service policies, rates, and associated fees manual as amended March 9, 2015 and superseding Resolutions No. 1645, 1647, 1651, 1695 and 1819 | ||
3/23/15 | Supplement and adjust the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 | ||
3/23/15 | Establish reserve funds (repeals Resolution 1957) | ||
3/23/15 | Authorizes interfund loan from general fund to reserve fund | ||
4/27/15 | Accepts recommendation of senior advisory group to establish Aspen site as future location of senior activity center | ||
4/27/15 | Declares new senior activity center be named "Harkenrider Center" | ||
4/27/15 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 1862) | ||
5/13/15 | Supplement and adjust the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 | ||
7/27/15 | Terminates 9-1-1 communication fund | ||
5/11/15 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 1982) | ||
6/8/15 | Adopts compensation plan for classified employees effective July 1, 2015 (supersedes Resolution 1959) | ||
5/11/15 | Authorizes city staff to issue RFQ for design of natural gas distribution facilities | ||
5/26/15 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for pavement maintenance at Hermiston Municipal Airport | ||
5/26/15 | Authorizes agreement with FAA for preventative maintenance at Hermiston Municipal Airport | ||
6/8/15 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2015-16 | ||
6/8/15 | Establish reserve funds (repeals Resolution 1978) | ||
6/8/15 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes tax and categorizes for fiscal year 2015-16 | ||
5/22/15 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges for on-site wastewater disposal (supersedes Resolution 1870) | ||
7/27/15 | Declares discrimination in housing prohibited and city support of and assistance with fair housing | ||
8/24/15 | Authorizes agreement with Ascent Architecture and Interiors to design Harkenrider Center | ||
8/10/15 | Grant agreement with Federal Aviation Administration for airport taxiway relocation | ||
8/24/15 | Prohibits marijuana sale, warehousing, production and processing | ||
8/24/15 | Authorizes construction contract award for airport taxiway rehabilitation to Columbia Pacific Construction, Inc. | ||
9/14/15 | Intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for traffic signal installation | ||
10/12/15 | Intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for improvements to U.S. Highway 395 | ||
12/14/15 | Stop sign installation at E. Hurlburt Ave. and SE 13th St. | ||
11/23/15 | Supports presenting question to voters regarding formation of fire district | ||
11/23/15 | Adopts deferred compensation plan | ||
11/23/15 | Adopts employee handbook | ||
2005 | Not approved | ||
12/14/15 | Appoints pool of pro tem municipal court judges | ||
12/14/15 | Supplements and adjusts budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 | ||
12/14/15 | Authorizes grant agreement; supplements 2015-2016 budget | ||
12/14/15 | Authorizes EOTEC authority board to enter into financing agreements | ||
12/28/15 | Adopts financial policies (supersedes Res. 1969) | ||
12/28/15 | Adopts investment policy (supersedes Res. 1968) | ||
12/28/15 | Establishes Ridgeway site as location for Harkenrider Center | ||
2/8/16 | Authorizes agreement with Good Shepherd Medical Center | ||
2/8/16 | Authorizes opportunity fund agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for traffic signal installation | ||
2/8/16 | Authorizes EOTEC authority board to enter into financing agreements | ||
2/22/16 | Approves utility easement grant | ||
2/22/16 | Approves utility easement grant | ||
3/14/16 | Intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for trail installation (Repealed by 2041) | ||
3/14/16 | Names Greenwood Park | ||
4/11/16 | Supplements and adjusts budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 | ||
4/11/16 | Authorizes interfund loan | ||
4/11/16 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 1991) | ||
4/25/16 | Stop sign installation at Joshua Court and SW 10th Street | ||
5/9/16 | Establishes charges for solid waste collection effective July 1, 2016 (rescinds Resolution No. 1918) (rescinded by Res. 2141) | ||
5/9/16 | Supplements and adjusts budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 | ||
6/13/16 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2016 (supersedes Resolution 1986) | ||
6/13/16 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2016-2017 | ||
6/13/16 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2016-2017 | ||
6/13/16 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2022) | ||
6/13/16 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 1993) | ||
6/13/16 | Authorizes reimbursement of capital expenditures | ||
6/13/16 | Funds transfer | ||
6/13/16 | Adopts Hermiston Energy Services customer service policies, rates, and associated fees manual as amended June 13, 2016, and superseding Resolutions No. 1645, 1647, 1651, 1695, 1819 and 1976 | ||
7/11/16 | Authorizing the issuance and negotiated sale of electric system revenue bonds | ||
8/22/16 | Hermiston School District ground lease for senior center | ||
8/22/16 | Safety center lease with Umatilla County Fire District No. 1 | ||
8/22/16 | Establishes new fee schedule for building official (repeals Res. 1644) (superseded by Resolution 2187) | ||
9/12/16 | Franchise agreement with Fatbeam, LLC | ||
9/12/16 | Stop sign installation at NW 5th Street and W. Madrona Ave. | ||
9/26/16 | Stop sign installation at E. McNary Street and NE Beebe Ave. | ||
10/24/16 | Intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for trail installation; repeals Res. 2018 | ||
11/14/16 | Adopts financial policies (supersedes Res. 2010) | ||
11/14/16 | Adopts investment policy (supersedes Res. 2011) | ||
11/14/16 | Supplements city budget | ||
11/28/16 | Declares property surplus | ||
11/28/16 | Waives electric fees for former Umatilla County Fairgrounds | ||
12/12/16 | Amends rules of order and procedure for city council (rescinded by Resolution 2095) | ||
1/23/17 | Keep building codes current with state codes (supersedes Resolution No. 1814) (superseded by Resolution 2082) | ||
1/23/17 | Establishes new sewer rate schedules, effective March 1, 2017 (supersedes Resolution 1949) | ||
1/23/17 | Establishes new water rates, effective March 1, 2017 (supersedes Resolution 1950) | ||
2/13/17 | Issuance of credit obligations to finance water and sewer capital improvements | ||
2/13/17 | Recommends restoring recreational immunity rights | ||
2/27/17 | Supports transportation funding package in 2017 legislative session | ||
2/27/17 | Opposes Governor’s proposed elimination of Oregon State Police Drug Enforcement Section and Pendleton Forensics Laboratory | ||
3/20/17 | Adopts employee handbook | ||
3/20/17 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/24/17 | Awards public contract to General Pacific, Inc. | ||
6/12/17 | Supplements city budget | ||
6/12/17 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2017 (supersedes Resolution 2026) | ||
6/12/17 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2017-2018 | ||
6/12/17 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2017-2018 | ||
6/12/17 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2029) | ||
6/26/17 | Hermiston Franchise Agreement with Charter (supersedes Resolution 1914) | ||
7/24/17 | Accepts transfer of Steelhead Park | ||
7/24/17 | Exercises power of eminent domain for W Highland Trail | ||
8/14/17 | Approves Umatilla County order to initiate formation of Umatilla County Extension Service District | ||
9/11/17 | Cascade Natural Gas fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | Charter Communications resolution amendment | ||
9/11/17 | Eastern Oregon Telecom fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | EZ Wireless, LLC, fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | Inland Development Corporation fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | Windwave Communications fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | M2 Machmedia, LLC, fee increase | ||
9/11/17 | Amends Art. III of the Hermiston Energy Services Manual | ||
9/11/17 | Dedicates franchise fee increase to street fund | ||
9/25/17 | Infill application fee | ||
9/25/17 | Supports nomination of Ryan Bounds to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and urging confirmation | ||
9/25/17 | Approves storm water easement grant | ||
11/13/17 | Designates city-owned property eligible to meet off-street parking requirements | ||
11/13/17 | Accepts jurisdiction of a portion of W. Highland Avenue | ||
11/27/17 | Expands boundaries and changes name of enterprise zone | ||
12/11/17 | Keep building codes current with state codes (supersedes Resolution 2048) (superseded by Resolution 2186) | ||
12/11/17 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 1985) | ||
1/8/18 | Approves execution of long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
1/22/18 | Supports government assisted housing programs | ||
2/26/18 | Intent to reimburse capital expenditures | ||
3/12/18 | Memorandum of understanding with Umatilla County to establish shared financial obligations for water storage and distribution improvements | ||
3/12/18 | Loan documents for construction of water storage and distribution improvements | ||
3/12/18 | Approves mayor’s signature on Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center dissolution documents | ||
3/26/18 | Awards construction contract to Sineco Construction, LLC | ||
4/9/18 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/9/18 | Authorizes work order with Anderson Perry & Associates, Inc. | ||
4/9/18 | Adopts a schedule of fees and charges for various services at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center effective April 9, 2018 | ||
5/4/18 | Supplements city budget | ||
5/29/18 | Amends rules of order and procedure for city council (rescinds Resolution 2047) | ||
6/11/18 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2018-2019 | ||
6/11/18 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2018 (supersedes Resolution 2059) | ||
6/11/18 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2062) | ||
6/11/18 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2018-2019 | ||
6/11/18 | Adopts employee handbook | ||
6/25/18 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation | ||
8/13/18 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 2083) | ||
7/23/18 | Authorizes loan from special public works fund | ||
7/23/18 | Appoints Nate Rivera as director to Northwest Requirements Utilities board of directors | ||
8/13/18 | Authorizes property acquisition | ||
8/27/18 | Designates locations for stop sign installation | ||
8/27/18 | Authorizes participation in Buyboard National purchasing cooperative interlocal participating agreement | ||
8/27/18 | Adopts schedule of fees and charges (supersedes Resolution 2102) | ||
9/10/18 | Grants exemption from competitive bid requirements for design-build method of contracting for EOTEC County fair building and RV park development | ||
9/10/18 | Readopts financial policies (supersedes Resolution 2042) | ||
9/10/18 | Readopts written investment policy (supersedes Resolution 2043) | ||
10/8/18 | Establishes new sewer rates, effective March 1, 2019 (supersedes Resolution 2049) | ||
10/8/18 | Establishes new water rates, effective March 1, 2019 (supersedes Resolution 2050) | ||
10/8/18 | Adopts joint facility use agreement with Hermiston School District | ||
10/22/18 | Authorizes participation in the interlocal purchasing system (“TIPS”) | ||
11/26/18 | Increases ticket prices for the senior and disabled citizen taxi ticket program | ||
12/10/18 | Adopts Hermiston Energy Services customer service policies, rates, and associated fees manual as amended December 10, 2018, and superseding Resolutions No. 1645, 1647, 1651, 1695, 1819, 1976 and 2033 | ||
4/8/19 | Adopts policy for adjusting water and sewer utility billings to account for water leaks | ||
4/22/19 | Grant application for development of skateboard and teen adventure park | ||
4/22/19 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/22/19 | Approves grant of stormwater easement | ||
5/13/19 | Designates E. McKinney Ave. as public road | ||
6/10/19 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2019-2020 | ||
6/10/19 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 | ||
6/10/19 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2098) | ||
6/10/19 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2019 (supersedes Resolution 2097) | ||
6/24/19 | Initiates formation of local improvement district | ||
6/24/19 | Authorizes city manager to act as certified officer and signing authority in regards to the Northeast Regional Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Program | ||
7/8/19 | Establishes intent to form Local Improvement District #322 | ||
7/8/19 | Establishes street design and development standard specific to rights-of-way within Local Improvement District #322 | ||
7/8/19 | Adopts employee handbook dated July 1, 2019 as employee policies of city | ||
8/12/19 | Adopts execution of a contract with Hermiston Transportation, LLC, to carry out the WORC Program | ||
8/12/19 | Establishes authorized organizational representative to apply for grants | ||
8/26/19 | Supports passage of school bond measure | ||
10/14/19 | Readopts financial policies and investment policy (supersedes Resolutions 2110 and 2111) (superseded by Resolution 2135) | ||
10/14/19 | Schedules public hearing on street vacation | ||
10/14/19 | Approves long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
2138 | Number not used | ||
11/25/19 | Supplements city budget | ||
11/25/19 | Adopts minimum standards for commercial operators, authorized operators, and airport tenants at the Hermiston Municipal Airport (superseded by Resolution 2188) | ||
1/13/20 | Establishes charges for solid waste collection effective February 1, 2020 (rescinds Resolution 2024) (superseded by Resolution 2259) | ||
1/27/20 | Authorizes property acquisition | ||
2/10/20 | Appoints additional pro tem municipal judge | ||
3/23/20 | Adopts statement of intent to reimburse capital expenditures from the proceeds of a proposed borrowing | ||
4/27/20 | Authorizes city manager to accept grant for engineering services to design the 2021 Apron Reconstruction Project | ||
4/27/20 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/27/20 | Schedules public hearing on right-of-way vacation proceedings | ||
4/27/20 | Supports grant application submittal to Oregon Park and Recreation Department for development of a teen adventure and skateboard park | ||
4/27/20 | Authorizes city manager to apply for and accept grant from the FAA for airport operations | ||
4/27/20 | Authorizes mayor to send support to League of Oregon Cities to revise its bylaws to create a People of Color Caucus | ||
5/26/20 | Amends zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan to comply with the requirements of HB 2001 and 2003 | ||
5/26/20 | Establishes authorized organizational representative to apply for grants | ||
5/26/20 | Supports direct federal emergency support to reopen and rebuild local American economies | ||
6/8/20 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2020-2021 | ||
6/8/20 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 | ||
6/8/20 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2125) (repealed by Resolution 2184) | ||
6/8/20 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2020 (supersedes Resolution 2126) (superseded by Resolution 2185) | ||
6/22/20 | Readopts financial policies and investment policy (supersedes Resolution 2135) (superseded by Resolution 2190) | ||
6/22/20 | Adopts volunteer handbook | ||
7/13/20 | Adopts employee handbook | ||
7/27/20 | Designates locations for stop sign installation | ||
7/27/20 | Awards library basement remodel construction contract to Knerr Construction | ||
8/10/20 | Financing agreement | ||
8/10/20 | Adopts parks, recreation and open space plan | ||
8/24/20 | Authorizes credit financing agreement for refinancing outstanding obligations of the city | ||
9/28/20 | Supplements city budget | ||
11/9/20 | Adopts Hermiston Energy Services customer service policies, rates, and associate fees manual as amended November 9, 2020, and superseding Resolution Nos. 1645, 1647, 1651, 1695, 1819, 1976, 2033 and 2217 [2117] | ||
11/9/20 | Adopts use of deadly physical force plan | ||
11/9/20 | Adopts intergovernmental agreement for mutual aid and cooperation among law enforcement agencies | ||
11/23/20 | Funds transfer | ||
12/14/20 | Adopts master fee schedule | ||
2/8/21 | Awards city hall construction contract to Griffin Construction | ||
3/8/21 | Appoints pro-tem municipal judge | ||
3/8/21 | Authorizes franchise agreement; supersedes master fee schedule (supersedes Resolution 2171) (superseded by Resolution 2187) | ||
3/22/21 | Authorizes city manager to accept grant from Federal Aviation Administration for airport apron reconstruction | ||
2176 | (Number not used) | ||
4/12/21 | Authorizes economic development loan and security agreement related to Funland Playground | ||
4/26/21 | Adopts sanitary sewer system master plan (supersedes Resolution 1464) | ||
5/10/21 | Supplements city budget | ||
5/24/21 | Authorizes contract to Tapani, Inc., for South Hermiston Industrial Park local improvement district site improvements | ||
6/14/21 | Awards parking lot construction contract to Granite Construction | ||
6/14/21 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2021-2022 | ||
6/14/21 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2021-2022 | ||
6/14/21 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2156) (repealed by Resolution 2224) | ||
6/14/21 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2021 (supersedes Resolution 2157) (superseded by Resolution 2225) | ||
6/14/21 | Keeps building codes current with state codes (supersedes Resolution 2082) (superseded by Resolution 2249) | ||
6/14/21 | Updates building department and library fees (supersedes Resolutions 2037 and 2174) (superseded by Resolution 2202) | ||
6/14/21 | Amends minimum standards for commercial operators, authorized operators, and airport tenants at the Hermiston Municipal Airport (supersedes Resolution 2140) | ||
6/28/21 | Designates street right-of-way as E. Cook Avenue | ||
6/28/21 | Readopts financial policies and investment policy (supersedes Resolution 2158) (superseded by Resolution 2226) | ||
6/28/21 | Establishes system development charges (repeals Resolution 1842) | ||
7/12/21 | Adopts Umatilla County multijurisdictional natural hazards mitigation plan | ||
7/26/21 | Designates speed limit | ||
7/26/21 | Designates locations for stop sign installation | ||
7/26/21 | Adopts emergency plan | ||
9/13/21 | Business loan agreement | ||
9/13/21 | Designates speed limit | ||
9/13/21 | Designates speed limit | ||
9/13/21 | Approves pipeline crossing agreement | ||
10/25/21 | Immediate opportunity fund grant agreement, Oregon Department of Transportation | ||
11/8/21 | Adopts revised design standards and specification manual | ||
12/13/21 | Updates airport fees (supersedes Resolution 2187) (superseded by Resolution 2205) | ||
12/13/21 | Belt Park Greenway Trail agreement | ||
12/13/21 | Participation in national opioid settlement | ||
1/10/22 | Updates water and sewer utility fees (supersedes Resolution 2202) (superseded by Resolution 2207) | ||
1/24/22 | Awards contract for purchase and installation of back up generator | ||
1/24/22 | Amends design standard and specifications manual; updates water and sewer utility fees (supersedes Resolution 2205) (superseded by Resolution 2213) | ||
2/14/22 | Customer allocation agreement with Umatilla Electric Cooperative | ||
2/28/22 | Establishes economic development incentive program | ||
2/28/22 | Expands boundaries of enterprise zone | ||
3/14/22 | Authorizes contract to California Skateparks for construction of skatepark facility | ||
3/14/22 | Supports grant application submittal to Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for development of a teen adventure park | ||
3/14/22 | Amends master fee schedule; updates water and sewer utility fees (supersedes Resolution 2207) (superseded by Resolution 2219) | ||
3/14/22 | Awards construction contract to Tapani, Inc. | ||
3/28/22 | Authorizes full faith and credit pension obligation | ||
4/25/22 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/25/22 | Awards contract for sewer lift station reconstruction project | ||
4/25/22 | Accepts jurisdiction of a portion of County Road No. 1202 (E. Airport Road) and County Road No. 1211 (S. Ott Road) | ||
5/9/22 | Amends master fee schedule; updates fees for municipal court and Hermiston Family Aquatic Center (supersedes Resolution 2213) (superseded by Resolution 2231) | ||
5/9/22 | Authorizes engineering services agreement | ||
5/23/22 | Awards contract for purchase of water line and water line appurtenances | ||
6/13/22 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2022-2023 | ||
6/13/22 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2022-2023 | ||
6/13/22 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2184) (repealed by Resolution 2279) | ||
6/13/22 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2021 (supersedes Resolution 2185) (superseded by Resolution 2280) | ||
6/27/22 | Readopts financial policies and investment policy (supersedes Resolution 2190) | ||
6/27/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Morrow County to provide information technology services | ||
6/27/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Umatilla County Fire District No. 1 to provide information technology services | ||
6/27/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Umatilla to provide information technology services | ||
7/11/22 | Authorizes city manager to accept grant from Federal Aviation Administration for environmental assessment | ||
7/11/22 | Amends master fee schedule; updates fees for Community Center (supersedes Resolution 2219) (superseded by Resolution 2252) | ||
7/11/22 | Supplements city budget | ||
7/11/22 | Supports application to Business Oregon for infrastructure financing | ||
7/11/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Stanfield to provide information technology services | ||
7/25/22 | Awards contract for NW 3rd Street roadway improvements | ||
8/22/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Echo to provide information technology services | ||
9/12/22 | Adopts goal to reduce traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries | ||
10/10/22 | Approves long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreements | ||
9/26/22 | Approves long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
9/26/22 | Approves long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
10/24/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with cities of Umatilla, Stanfield and Echo and Umatilla County on regional homelessness assistance project | ||
11/14/22 | Authorizes application for Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | ||
11/14/22 | Franchise agreement with Fatbeam, LLC | ||
11/14/22 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Pendleton to provide information technology services | ||
11/14/22 | Franchise agreement with CenturyTel of Eastern Oregon, Inc. d/b/a Century Link | ||
11/28/22 | Approves exercise of eminent domain to acquire real property interests for sewer line improvements | ||
12/12/22 | Awards contract for construction of regional water system improvements | ||
2248 | (Pending) | ||
1/9/23 | Keeps building codes current with state codes (supersedes Resolution 2186) (superseded by Resolution 2292) | ||
1/9/23 | Awards contract for water system improvements | ||
1/9/23 | Supplements city budget | ||
1/9/23 | Amends master fee schedule; updates building department fees and water and sewer utility fees (supersedes Resolution 2231) | ||
1/23/23 | Adopts employee handbook | ||
1/23/23 | Adopts revised design standards and specifications manual | ||
2/13/23 | Amends long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
2/13/23 | Amends long-term rural enterprise zone abatement agreement | ||
2/13/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Trail Library District to provide information technology services | ||
2/27/23 | Awards contract for North 1st Place roadway improvements | ||
2/27/23 | Amends master fee schedule; updates fees and charges for garbage and recycling services (supersedes Resolution 2141) (superseded by Resolution 2317) | ||
2/27/23 | Appoints pro-tem municipal judge | ||
3/13/23 | Awards contract for construction of extension of East Penney Avenue | ||
3/27/23 | Supplements city budget | ||
3/27/23 | Assesses latecomer fees in conjunction with Diamond Run subdivision public improvements | ||
3/27/23 | Assesses latecomer fees in conjunction with Hermiston mini-storage project on East Elm Avenue public improvements | ||
4/10/23 | Amends intergovernmental agreement with city of Umatilla to provide information technology services | ||
4/10/23 | Approves Adopt Your Street management agreement | ||
4/24/23 | Supplements city budget | ||
4/24/23 | Franchise agreement with Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC | ||
4/24/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Horizon Project, Inc. to provide information technology services | ||
5/8/23 | Approves exercise of eminent domain to acquire real property interests for roadway improvements | ||
5/8/23 | Names Horizon Park | ||
5/22/23 | Authorizes installation of stop signs | ||
6/12/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Umatilla Fire District No. 1 for renovations and seismic retrofit to Public Safety Center | ||
6/12/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Pilot Rock to provide information technology services | ||
6/12/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Milton-Freewater to provide information technology services | ||
6/12/23 | Establishes “No Parking Zones” on SW 3rd Street | ||
6/12/23 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2023-2024 | ||
6/12/23 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2023-2024 | ||
6/12/23 | Establishes reserve funds (repeals Resolution 2224) | ||
6/12/23 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2023 (supersedes Resolution 2225) (superseded by Resolution 2329) | ||
2281 | (Pending) | ||
6/26/23 | Supports submission of application to TGM program for funding to update Transportation System Plan | ||
7/10/23 | Establishes “No Parking Zones” on East Fourth Street | ||
2284 | (Pending) | ||
6/26/23 | Adopts findings in support of alternative contracting method for renovation or remodel at City Hall, the public library, and the Harkenrider Center | ||
8/14/23 | Authorizes city manager to execute agreement with CB Construction, Inc. for construction manager/general contractor services | ||
2287 | (Pending) | ||
2288 | (Pending) | ||
2289 | (Pending) | ||
8/28/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Umatilla Rural Fire Protection District to provide information technology services | ||
9/11/23 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with Umatilla County to establish municipal court intervention program | ||
10/23/23 | Keeps building codes current with state codes (supersedes Resolution 2249) | ||
2293 | (Pending) | ||
2294 | (Pending) | ||
10/23/23 | Renews intergovernmental agreement with city of Pendleton to provide information technology services | ||
2296 | (Pending) | ||
11/13/23 | Supports Loma Vista affordable housing project | ||
2298 | (Pending) | ||
2299 | (Pending) | ||
12/11/23 | Authorizes property acquisition | ||
1/1/24 | Returns prosecution of A misdemeanors to municipal court | ||
1/8/24 | Amends master fee schedule; updates fees and charges for various city services (supersedes Resolution 2259) (superseded by Resolution 2305) | ||
1/8/24 | Territory allocation agreement with Umatilla Electric Cooperative (supersedes Resolution 2208) | ||
1/8/24 | Dedicates franchise fees to street reserve fund (supersedes Resolution 2075) | ||
1/22/24 | Amends master fee schedule (supersedes Resolution 2302) | ||
2306 | (Pending) | ||
1/12/24 | Consents to inclusion of territory in Umatilla County Road District | ||
1/12/24 | Authorizes financing agreements for capital projects | ||
1/12/24 | Establishes no parking zones on West Dogwood Avenue | ||
1/12/24 | Adopts revised Public Works Standards, Technical Specifications, and Standard Drawings manual | ||
1/12/24 | Adopts immunity from liability for use of trails or structures in public easement or improved right-of-way provided in ORS 105.668 | ||
2312 | (Pending) | ||
1/26/24 | Supplements budget for fiscal period beginning July 1, 2023 | ||
1/26/24 | Authorizes city manager to apply for local government grant | ||
2315 | (Pending) | ||
3/11/24 | Awards contract for construction of Aviation T-Hangars at Hermiston Municipal Airport | ||
3/11/24 | Amends master fee schedule; updates fees and charges for garbage and recycling services (supersedes Resolution 2259) (superseded by Resolution 2332) | ||
2318 | (Pending) | ||
4/22/24 | Amends intergovernmental agreement with Morrow County for ongoing information technology services | ||
4/22/24 | Approves guaranteed maximum price amendment for contract with CB Construction, Inc. for civic projects | ||
5/13/24 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Pendleton to provide information technology services | ||
2322 | (Pending) | ||
2323 | (Pending) | ||
5/28/24 | Appoints municipal court judge pro-tem | ||
6/10/24 | Authorizes installation of stop signs | ||
6/10/24 | Election to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2024-2025 | ||
6/10/24 | Adopts budget, makes appropriations, imposes and categorizes tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 | ||
6/10/24 | Establishes reserve funds | ||
6/10/24 | Adopts compensation plan for classified and exempt employees effective July 1, 2024 (supersedes Resolution 2280) | ||
6/24/24 | Authorizes installation of stop signs | ||
6/24/24 | Provides for transfer of appropriations | ||
7/8/24 | Amends master fee schedule (supersedes Resolution 2317) | ||
7/22/24 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement with city of Heppner to provide information technology services | ||
8/12/24 | Establishes that the city undertake vacation proceedings by its own motion | ||
8/26/24 | Adjusts schedule of fees and charges for various city services | ||
8/26/24 | Amends rules and order of procedure for city council | ||
9/9/24 | Adopts a procedure and establishes a program for sale of individual parcels of a class of city-owned property | ||
9/23/24 | Approves the enterprise zone school support fee agreed to by Hermiston and Stanfield School Districts | ||
9/23/24 | Authorizes installation of stop signs | ||
2340 | (Pending) | ||
10/28/24 | Adopts findings in support of alternative contracting method for construction of at least one monument sign | ||
10/28/24 | Authorizes temporary easement | ||
10/28/24 | Approves guaranteed price amendments for the CMGC contract with CB Construction | ||
10/28/24 | Authorizes intergovernmental agreement | ||
11/12/24 | Adjusts a schedule of fees and charges for various city services | ||
11/25/24 | Accepts a jurisdiction of a portion of W Gettman Road between SW 11th Street and the Union Pacific Railroad | ||
11/25/24 | Adopts employee handbook dated November 25, 2024, as city employee policies | ||
12/9/24 | Authorizes city staff to initiate proceedings to adjust the franchise fee structure with PacifiCorp | ||
12/9/24 | Adopts Hermiston Energy Services customer policies, rates and associated fees manual | ||
12/9/24 | Adopts Hermiston Safety Action Plan | ||
1/13/25 | Allows city manager to sign community development block grant documents related to Business Oregon Project No. C24009 | ||
1/13/25 | Approves intergovernmental agreement amendment | ||
1/30/25 | Adjusts city fees and charges schedule for various city services | ||
1/30/25 | Amends 2024 budget |