Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1890 | 1-22-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1893 | 2-26-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1897 | 3-18-96 | Declaring the annexations of certain lands and outlining new boundaries |
1899 | 4-22-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1900 | 5-13-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1902 | 6-10-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1903 | 6-24-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1908 | 7-22-96 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1927 | 4-14-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1928 | 4-14-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1933 | 6-23-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1934 | 7-14-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1935 | 7-14-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1936 | 7-28-97 | Declaring the annexation of certain lands and outlining new boundaries |
1940 | 10-13-97 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1943 | 11-10-97 | Declaring territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts as annexed and outlining new boundaries |
1945 | 11-24-97 | Declaring the annexation of certain lands and outlining new boundaries |
1948 | 2-23-98 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts |
1957 | 4-27-98 | Declaring certain territory from the city’s rural fire and library districts annexed |
1959 | 6-22-98 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the county’s library district |
1961 | 7-27-98 | Declaring an annexation of territory from the county’s library district |
1963 | 8-10-98 | Declaring an annexation of territory from the county’s library district |
1964 | 8-24-98 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1966 | 9-14-98 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1968 | 10-12-98 | Amending Ord. 1963 and outlining boundaries |
1970 | 10-12-98 | Declaring certain land to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
1973 | 10-26-98 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1974 | 10-26-98 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the county’s library district |
1975 | 10-26-98 | Proposing to withdraw territory from the county’s library district |
1980 | 11-23-98 | Annexing lands from the Umatilla County’s library district and outlining new boundaries |
1981 | 11-23-98 | Annexing lands from the Umatilla County’s library district and outlining new boundaries |
1982 | 11-23-98 | Declaring certain land to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
1986 | 3-22-99 | Declaring certain land to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
1988 | 4-12-99 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1989 | 4-12-99 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1990 | 5-10-99 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
1994 | 6-28-99 | Declaring certain land to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2000 | 11-22-99 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed, outlining new boundaries, and withdrawing said lands from the county’s library district |
2001 | 11-22-99 | Proposing to annex territory from the county’s library district |
2006 | 1-24-00 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2008 | 3-13-00 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2011 | 4-24-00 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2013 | 4-24-00 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2017 | 5-23-00 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2022 | 9-25-00 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2025 | 11-13-00 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2026 | 12-11-00 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2032 | 4-9-01 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2033 | 5-14-01 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2037 | 6-11-01 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2038 | 6-25-01 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2039 | 7-23-01 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2040 | 8-13-01 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2043 | 9-24-01 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2044 | 9-24-01 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2047 | 11-26-01 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2052 | 2-25-02 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2055 | 5-13-02 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2059 | 7-22-02 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2071 | 7-14-03 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2073 | 8-25-03 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2075 | 9-22-03 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2076 | 10-13-03 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2078 | 11-10-03 | Proposing to annex new territory from the county’s library district |
2079 | 12-22-03 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2088 | 6-14-04 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2089 | 7-26-04 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2094 | 10-25-04 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2100 | 12-13-04 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2101 | 1-24-05 | Amending Ord. 2100 to correct the legal description of land annexed |
2102 | 2-14-05 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2105 | 4-11-05 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2106 | 4-25-05 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2108 | 6-13-05 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2113 | 1-9-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2114 | 2-13-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2115 | 2-13-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2116 | 2-27-06 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2117 | 3-27-06 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2120 | 5-22-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2121 | 7-10-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2122 | 7-24-06 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2124 | 8-14-06 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2125 | 9-25-06 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2126 | 10-23-06 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2131 | 3-26-07 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2132 | 4-9-07 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2133 | 5-21-07 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2135 | 6-11-07 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2137 | 6-11-07 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2140 | 7-23-07 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2141 | 7-23-07 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2143 | 9-10-07 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2144 | 10-22-07 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2146 | 1-14-08 | Proposing to annex new territory from the countys library district |
2147 | 2-25-08 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2148 | 5-19-08 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2149 | 6-23-08 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2150 | 8-11-08 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2153 | 1-12-09 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2156 | 7-13-09 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2161 | 9-14-09 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2168 | 1-24-11 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2169 | 2-28-11 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2170 | 3-14-11 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2172 | 5-9-11 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2173 | 5-23-11 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2174 | 6-27-11 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2183 | 3-12-12 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2188 | 4-23-12 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2193 | 10-8-12 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2195 | 11-26-12 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2196 | 3-11-13 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city from the county’s library district |
2199 | 5-13-13 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries, withdrawing lands from Umatilla County library district |
2203 | 7-22-13 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city of Hermiston, withdrawing said territory from the Umatilla County library district |
2205 | 8-26-13 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries |
2208 | 10-14-13 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city of Hermiston, withdrawing said territory from the Umatilla County library district |
2210 | 11-25-13 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2211 | 11-25-13 | Proposing to annex new territory to the city of Hermiston, withdrawing said territory from special districts, dispensing with an election and calling for a public hearing on the proposed annexation and withdrawal |
2212 | 12-9-13 | Amends Ord. 2199, declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries, withdrawing lands from certain special districts |
2213 | 12-9-13 | Amends Ord. 2205, declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries, withdrawing lands from certain special districts |
2214 | 1-27-14 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2225 | 3-23-15 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2226 | 3-23-15 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2228 | 4-27-15 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2238 | 2-22-16 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2247 | 8-14-17 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2266 | 10-22-18 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2272 | 3-11-19 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2275 | 4-22-19 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2277 | 5-28-19 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2290 | 11-25-19 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2297 | 3-9-20 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2312 | 10-26-20 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed to the city, outlining the new boundaries, describing said property, withdrawing said lands from special districts |
2315 | 1-11-21 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries, withdrawing lands from certain special districts |
2317 | 1-11-21 | Declaring certain lands to be annexed and outlining new boundaries, withdrawing lands from certain special districts |
2318 | 1-25-21 | Annexing certain real property abutting SW 3rd St, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2333 | 11-22-21 | Annexing certain real property abutting SE 9th St and E View Drive, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2335 | 1-24-22 | Annexing certain real property abutting E Jennie Ave, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2337 | 2-28-22 | Annexing certain real property approximately 180 feet east of N First St, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2339 | 7-25-22 | Annexing certain real property approximately 260 feet east of N First St, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2342 | 11-14-22 | Annexing certain real property on NW Sjoren Lane, west of NW 11th St, withdrawing said real property from special districts |
2349 | 9-25-23 | Annexing certain real property on W Angus Ave and SE 9th St, describing said real property, withdrawing said real property from special districts and designating zoning |
2357 | 3-11-24 | Annexing certain real property abutting E Highland Ave and SE 10th St, describing said real property, withdrawing said real property from special districts and designating zoning |