Chapter 19.52
19.52.030 Application, review, mapping, survey, modification and extension requirements.
19.52.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure the partitioning of land in Josephine County complies with the requirements of state law and this title. It shall therefore be the requirement that no person, agent, or corporation shall partition or sell any parcel unless the parcel is created in conformance with the requirements for a final partition plat contained in this title. The term “land partition” shall mean the partition of land as defined in JCC 19.11.180 and ORS Chapter 92. [2005 RLDC § 52.010.]
19.52.020 Review authority.
The Director shall review and approve or deny partitions using quasi-judicial procedures as set forth in Chapter 19.22 JCC. [2005 RLDC § 52.020.]
19.52.030 Application, review, mapping, survey, modification and extension requirements.
The following basic application and process requirements for land divisions as set forth in Chapter 19.50 JCC, Basic Provisions, shall apply to land partitions:
A. Application procedures (JCC 19.50.030);
B. Land division review (JCC 19.50.040);
C. Tentative plan review standards and criteria (JCC 19.50.050);
D. Tentative plan map requirements (JCC 19.50.060);
E. Survey requirements (JCC 19.50.070);
F. Exclusion of contiguous property from maps (JCC 19.50.080);
G. Modifications (JCC 19.50.090);
H. Time limits and extensions (JCC 19.50.100). [2005 RLDC § 52.040.]