Division VII. General Development Standards

Chapter 19.70


19.70.010    Purpose.

19.70.020    Application.

19.70.030    Unique structures limited.

19.70.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this division is to develop standards for the development and division of property. The standards are designed to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. [Ord. 2018-003 § 1; 2005 RLDC § 70.010.]

19.70.020 Application.

The standards established in this division shall apply to all new development, expansion or change to existing development, and to all land divisions in the rural area of Josephine County. The area involved includes all land outside of the urban growth boundary for the City of Grants Pass as shown on the official map of Josephine County. [Ord. 2018-003 § 1; 2005 RLDC § 70.020.]

19.70.030 Unique structures limited.

Items such as buses, cars, truck bodies, rail cars, and intermodal structures shall not be used for storage, office space, or human occupancy unless modified to comply with the Oregon Specialty Codes, and all appropriate permits secured for such use.

Intermodal structures such as shipping containers or other manufactured items originally designed for transport shall not be used for human occupancy unless the interior of the unit has a floor-to-ceiling minimum height of eight feet, nine inches. All shipping identification shall be removed from the walls of all intermodal structures, regardless if used for human occupancy, and painted with a rust-prohibitive paint. [Ord. 2018-003 § 1; 2005 RLDC § 70.030]