The Citizen Involvement Program of Marion County will insure the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. The program consists of:

1.    Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners, Planning Commission, Planning staff, Committee for Citizen Involvement, Area Advisory Committees and general public.

2.    Revitalization of existing Area Advisory Committee system.

3.    Methods and techniques for the education of the public concerning land use planning and communication of information and technical data necessary for meaningful citizen input into the planning process.

4.    Methods and techniques for the collection, analysis and evaluation of citizen input.

5.    Provision for the disclosure of the rationale behind land use decisions.


The responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners, Planning Commission, Planning staff, Committee for Citizen Involvement, Area Advisory Committees and general public are covered in the rules to govern the conduct of business of the Area Advisory Committees (Appendix B).

Revitalization of Area Advisory Committees

Fourteen Area Advisory Committees (AAC) were appointed by the Board of Commissioners in 1967 to involve citizens in the planning and zoning process. During the following two years these committees were an integral part of the program to develop a Countywide zoning program. However, since that time, participation of AAC members has fallen off and is in need of being revitalized.

The program will recognize the existing Area Advisory Committees and will again use the AAC system as the primary mechanism for citizen involvement. Their immediate responsibility will be in the update of the County Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Goals of the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) and subsequently to remain involved in local land use decisions, identifying and communicating public attitude and periodically reviewing the Comprehensive Plan.

Subsequent AAC Meetings

AAC meetings will be held as often as necessary to provide public input on the Comprehensive Plan Update and other land use issues of local interest. The AAC will be given sufficient time to respond to Planning Commission requests through cooperation with the Planning staff in the collection and analysis of public input and subsequent review of staff alternatives as outlined in the following sections. AAC meetings will be held in accordance with the Rules to Govern Conduct of Business of the Marion County Area Advisory Committees (Appendix B).

Public Education and Information

The general public shall be provided, through the mass media and more intensively through the AAC, the necessary education and technical information assistance to provide meaningful input on land use decisions. The Planning staff will provide technical, financial and human assistance to the AAC in performing this function. The extension office should assist in providing necessary educational material for AAC use.

Methods and Techniques

Direct Mailings

Direct mailings, because of cost factors, will be utilized on a broad scale only for the initial education of the public and solicitation of new AAC members. Use of this method on a local basis may be warranted depending upon the importance of the issue as determined by the AAC.

Direct mail will be utilized in maintaining communication with AAC members and those citizens contributing input as discussed in the citizen input section.

Mass Media

The mass media will be utilized primarily for giving general background information, informing the public of the opportunity to be involved in the planning process and, most importantly, to announce AAC meetings, Planning Commission meetings and the location of more detailed information. The above information will be provided two weeks prior to each AAC meeting.

Public Information Center

Information that would assist citizens in identifying and comprehending the issues will be made available at a library or other suitable public place and also in the County Planning Department. The mass media will be utilized to advertise these locations in conjunction with AAC meeting announcements.

This information will be updated by the Planning staff prior to consideration of new issues and as deemed necessary by the AAC.

The Planning Department will keep AAC meeting records including any minutes and also a summary of public input and a written record of the rationale used to reach land use policy decisions. Methods for analysis, summarization of input and disclosure of decision rationale is covered in subsequent sections.

Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups, to include educational institutions, will be advised by direct mail of the opportunity to be involved in the planning process. Educational and informational material shall be made available by the Planning staff with instructions to channel input through the AAC system. Direct mail will be necessary only for initial contact with reliance on the mass media thereafter.

Agencies and Institutions

Local institutions, such as elementary and secondary schools, community colleges and universities shall be requested to provide education on land use planning as part of their curriculum. The Marion County extension office should provide assistance and coordinate local AAC educational efforts with the Planning Department.

Area Advisory Committees (AAC)

The primary method for education of the public and dissemination of technical information will be through the AACs. The Planning staff will provide the necessary manpower, finances and education so that the AAC may function to meaningfully involve citizens in all phases of planning.

Education of AAC members will be an ongoing process with representatives of each AAC attending regularly scheduled planning seminars, the cost to be covered by funds appropriate for citizen involvement. The ongoing training of AAC members will obviate the need for staff presence at most AAC meetings.

Collection, Analysis and Evaluation of Citizen Input

It is the intent of the program to establish the Area Advisory Committee as the primary channel through which citizen input will be collected prior to the formal public hearing process. Citizen input from individuals, special interest groups, etc. will be collated with the input from the AAC during the preliminary planning phase before formal hearings are scheduled by the Planning Commission.

Collection of Input

Area Advisory Committee

Upon definition of an issue and request for AAC input, the chronology of planning activities will be as follows:

1.    Announcement via mass media defining the issue, the location of the public information center where background information is provided and inviting interested citizens to attend the AAC meeting.

2.    Presentation of the issue by a Planning staff representative or qualified AAC member at the AAC meeting. All pertinent background information, data, etc., concerning the problem is presented and a request for AAC input made. Requested input is summarized and a majority vote is taken to gain a specific recommendation.

3.    The final AAC recommendation is forwarded to the Planning Commission and, with the summary of public input, placed in the public information center.

The AAC process as described may be amended to suit various situations, e.g., joint AAC meetings may better satisfy Countywide issues, and a condensed sequence of meetings and workshops may satisfy well-defined local issues.

Public Hearings

Formal public hearings conducted by the Planning Commission and/or Board of Commissioners will comply with existing methods and applicable State statutes. However, handling of public input should conform to methods outlined in this section.

Analysis of Input

Public input, whether through the AAC or public hearings, will be analyzed in a systematic manner which does not allow mixing, weighing, or evaluating the input. Different kinds of input will be summarized separately, e.g., the results of workshops will not be combined with individual letters; responses of special interest groups will not be combined with individual opinions, etc. This approach will allow for evaluation based on the unique implication of the type of input.

The Planning staff will employ some type of content analysis which provides for quantitative summaries of opinions expressed and qualitative descriptions of reason given to support opinions.

Evaluation of Input

A systematic analysis of input will provide the decision making body with the best position from which to consider and weigh the various sources and content of citizen input. It is not within the scope of this program to indicate the weight given to citizen input, but rather to suggest guidelines for its consistent consideration.

1.    Assumptions concerning the weighing of public input should be made clear, e.g., if secondary input such as form letters will be regarded as less important than primary input such as personal letters; if quality of input outweighs quantity, etc.

2.    Indicate how citizen input through the Citizen Involvement Program relates to other factors, such as legal, fiscal, political and environmental considerations, etc.

3.    The method of evaluation should be consistent and logical, making for a comprehensive record of how citizen involvement was treated in the decision making process.

Disclosure of Rationale Behind Land Use Decisions

A full disclosure of the rationale behind decisions at the various levels of planning will help maintain public confidence in the decision-making body. It will also aid public understanding of, and reaction to, subsequent higher levels of decision-making. The rationale used by the Planning staff, Area Advisory Committees (AAC), Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners shall be made a part of the public record and be communicated directly to the AAC and contributing citizens.