Chapter 1.01
1.01.020 Title, citation, reference, amendments.
1.01.030 Codification of ordinances – Authority for service.
1.01.040 Ordinances passed prior to code adoption.
1.01.050 Effect of catchlines.
1.01.060 Effect on past actions and obligations.
1.01.070 References to ordinances in matters of record.
1.01.090 Effective date of this code.
1.01.010 Code adopted.
There is hereby adopted the Rogue River Municipal Code (RRMC), as revised, reformatted, indexed, edited, and republished by Code Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington. [Ord. 12-375-O § 1].
1.01.020 Title, citation, reference, amendments.
This code shall be known as the “Rogue River Municipal Code” and it shall be sufficient to refer to it as the “Rogue River Municipal Code (RRMC)” in any prosecution for any violation of its prohibitions or offenses or in any proceeding at law or in equity. A reference made to the title, chapter, section and/or subsection of the Rogue River Municipal Code shall apply to its current form and how it may appear with any future amendments. A reference made to any codified ordinance within this code, to this code or to any portion of the Rogue River Municipal Code shall apply to its current form and to any future amendments, corrections and/or additions to it. It shall be sufficient that any ordinance amending or repealing a provision of this code refer to the section, chapter, or title being affected without reference to the underlying ordinance. [Ord. 12-375-O § 2].
1.01.030 Codification of ordinances – Authority for service.
This code consists of all regulatory, penalty, and administrative ordinances of the city of Rogue River, Oregon, of a general and permanent character. Code Publishing Company, of Seattle, Washington, is hereby authorized to revise, index, reformat and republish such as this code of ordinances and to make and publish future editorial amendments, technical corrections, revisions, reformats and supplements that do not affect the substantive meaning of this code for the city. [Ord. 12-375-O § 3].
1.01.040 Ordinances passed prior to code adoption.
The last ordinance included in the original code is Ordinance 09-365-O, passed May 28, 2009. The following ordinances, passed subsequent to Ordinance 09-365-O, but prior to adoption of this code, are hereby adopted and made a part of this code: Ordinance Nos. 09-366-O, 09-367-O, 10-368-O, 10-369-O, 10-370-O 11-371-O, 11-372-O, 11-373-O, and 12-374-O. [Ord. 12-375-O § 4].
1.01.050 Effect of catchlines.
Title, chapter and section headings shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or affect the scope, meaning or intention of any section, chapter, or title of this code. [Ord. 12-375-O § 5].
1.01.060 Effect on past actions and obligations.
Neither the adoption of this code nor the repeal or amendments of any ordinance or part or portion of any ordinance shall affect the prosecution for ordinance violations that were committed prior to the effective date of this code adoption. The adoption of this code shall not be construed as a waiver of any license, fee, penalty, debt, forfeiture or obligation due and unpaid to the city on the date this code takes effect. All rights, fines, entitlements, duties, and proceedings existing pursuant to any ordinance on the date of the adoption of this code shall remain in effect unless specifically repealed in this code adoption. No bonds or cash required to be posted, filed or deposited pursuant to any ordinance shall in any way be made invalid by this code adoption. [Ord. 12-375-O § 6].
1.01.070 References to ordinances in matters of record.
Any reference in matters of record to any ordinance existing prior to the adoption of this code shall be construed to apply to the corresponding code provisions in effect at the time of codification. Copies of this code that have been duly certified by the city recorder shall be received without further proof as prima facie evidence of the provisions of such code in all courts and administrative tribunals of this state. [Ord. 12-375-O § 7].
1.01.080 Severability.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the city council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this code are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this code is declared unconstitutional or without effect by any final judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment or decree shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this code. [Ord. 12-375-O § 8].
1.01.090 Effective date of this code.
This code shall become effective on the effective date of Ordinance No. 12-375-O, 30 days after its adoption. The provisions of this code that are the same in substance as code or ordinance provisions that are in effect immediately before this code becomes effective are construed as restatements and continuations of the prior provisions. [Ord. 12-375-O § 9].