Chapter 2.10


2.10.010    Meetings.

2.10.020    Regular meetings falling on holidays.

2.10.030    Special meetings.

2.10.040    Adjournment.

2.10.050    Continuance.

2.10.060    Study sessions.

2.10.070    Executive sessions.

2.10.080    Open meetings.

2.10.090    Quorum.

2.10.100    Order of business.

2.10.110    Placing items on agenda generally.

2.10.120    Items to be acted on generally.

2.10.130    New business.

2.10.140    Reading of minutes.

2.10.150    Sergeant-at-arms.

2.10.160    Speaking by council members generally.

2.10.170    Administrative staff and city employees addressing council or public.

2.10.180    Impertinent or slanderous remarks – Unauthorized remarks – Demonstrations.

2.10.190    Questions of personal privilege.

2.10.200    Expressing and recording dissents or protests.

2.10.210    Public members addressing the council.

2.10.220    Voting generally.

2.10.230    Reconsideration of actions taken.

2.10.240    Ordinances – Two readings required.

2.10.250    Robert’s Rules of Order.

2.10.010 Meetings.

The council shall meet in regular session on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers. [Ord. 18-401-O § 1; Ord. 99-290-O § 1; Ord. 98-281-O § 1; Ord. 381 § 1, 1983].

2.10.020 Regular meetings falling on holidays.

If and when the regular meeting date of the council falls on a legal holiday, as defined by ORS Chapter 187, as now or hereafter constituted, which by this reference is incorporated in and made part of this chapter, the council shall meet on the following Thursday, or the prior Thursday if the month has no additional Thursdays, in the council chambers at 6:00 p.m., and such meeting shall be a regular meeting. [Ord. 23-418-O § 1; Ord. 98-281-O § 2; Ord. 381 § 2, 1983].

2.10.030 Special meetings.

Special meetings of the council may be called at any time on the request of two members of the council, by the mayor, or by the mayor pro tem of the council in the mayor’s absence, by giving notice of the meeting to the council members and the public in a manner and for such time as the exigencies of the case may permit, but with a view to obtaining the largest possible attendance of council members. [Ord. 381 § 3, 1983].

2.10.040 Adjournment.

Adjournment will be by regularly adopted motion only. [Ord. 381 § 4, 1983].

2.10.050 Continuance.

Any meeting may be adjourned and reconvened to a time, place and date certain, but not beyond the next regular meeting. [Ord. 381 § 5, 1983].

2.10.060 Study sessions.

Study sessions of the council shall be held in accordance with state statutes whenever special circumstances require such a session, and such session shall be called by either the mayor or two council members. [Ord. 381 § 6, 1983].

2.10.070 Executive sessions.

Executive sessions may be held during regular or special meetings, so long as appropriate statutory limitations are met. Any executive sessions held during study sessions shall also meet appropriate statutory tests. [Ord. 381 § 7, 1983].

2.10.080 Open meetings.

All meetings other than executive sessions shall be open to the public. [Ord. 381 § 8, 1983].

2.10.090 Quorum.

A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum for its business. The mayor pro tem, in the absence of the mayor, shall be considered a councilman for quorum purposes. [Ord. 381 § 9, 1983].

2.10.100 Order of business.

The order of business at each council meeting shall be in accordance with the agenda prepared by the city recorder. Items may be taken out of the following order with the consent of the majority of the council members:

A. Call to order.

B. Pledge of allegiance.

C. Approval of minutes.

D. Committee reports.

E. Public input.

F. Old business.

G. New business.

H. Other business.

I. Adjournment. [Ord. 381 § 10, 1983].

2.10.110 Placing items on agenda generally.

Any person wishing to place an item on the agenda shall advise the city recorder’s office no later than 1:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the meeting at which the person wishes the item to be considered. [Ord. 381 § 11, 1983].

2.10.120 Items to be acted on generally.

Normally, only those items on the agenda shall be acted upon by the council. Matters deemed to be emergencies or of an urgent nature by the mayor, a council member or city attorney may be submitted for council consideration and action. [Ord. 381 § 12, 1983].

2.10.130 New business.

The mayor or a council member may bring before the council any new business under the “other business” portion of the agenda. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal action on such matters shall be deferred until a subsequent council meeting unless deemed urgent. [Ord. 381 § 13, 1983].

2.10.140 Reading of minutes.

Unless the reading of the minutes of the previous council meeting is requested by a majority of the council, such minutes may be approved without reading if copies thereof have been previously furnished to each council member. [Ord. 381 § 14, 1983].

2.10.150 Sergeant-at-arms.

A. A sergeant-at-arms may be designated when appropriate.

B. It shall be the duty of the sergeant-at-arms to assist the presiding officer, as appropriate, to maintain the order and decorum at all meetings. [Ord. 381 § 15, 1983].

2.10.160 Speaking by council members generally.

Every council member desiring to speak shall address the questions to the mayor, who shall be entitled to either answer the inquiry or designate a staff member or committee chairman to do so. [Ord. 381 § 16, 1983].

2.10.170 Administrative staff and city employees addressing council or public.

Members of the city’s administrative staff and other city employees desiring to address the council or members of the public shall first be recognized by the chair and shall address such remarks to the chair. The staff may respond to questions or comments by the council of members of the public with permission of the chair, but shall always do so in a polite, tactful manner. [Ord. 23-418-O § 2; Ord. 381 § 18, 1983].

2.10.180 Impertinent or slanderous remarks – Unauthorized remarks – Demonstrations.

Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous during a council meeting shall be removed from the room if so directed by the presiding officer; and such person may be barred from further remarks before that session of the council. Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted. Disorderly conduct at council meetings may be prosecuted upon appropriate complaint signed by the presiding officer. [Ord. 381 § 19, 1983].

2.10.190 Questions of personal privilege.

The right of a council member, staff member or member of the public to address the council on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which the person’s integrity, character or motives are assailed, questioned or impugned. [Ord. 381 § 20, 1983].

2.10.200 Expressing and recording dissents or protests.

Any member of the council shall have the right to express dissent from or to protest any action of the council immediately following the vote on the action and to have the reason entered in the minutes. [Ord. 381 § 21, 1983].

2.10.210 Public members addressing the council.

A. Any public member desiring to address the council shall stand and wait to be recognized by the presiding officer. After recognition, the person’s name and address shall be stated for the record and the remarks shall be limited to the question under discussion. All remarks and questions shall be addressed to the presiding officer and not to any individual council member, staff member or other person. No person shall enter into any discussion without being recognized by the presiding officer.

B. Any public member addressing the council shall be limited to five minutes unless further time is granted by the presiding officer. No public member shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one subject until every other public member choosing to speak thereon has spoken.

C. After a motion has been made or after a public hearing has been closed, no public member shall address the council without first securing permission from the majority of the council. [Ord. 381 § 22, 1983].

2.10.220 Voting generally.

A. The vote on every motion shall be taken by voice vote or roll call and entered in full upon the record.

B. A roll call vote shall be used for all ordinances, resolutions, and orders for payment of money. Any other questions before the council shall not require a roll call vote unless requested by any member of the council. It shall not be in order for members to explain their vote during roll call. Any member may change his or her vote prior to the next order of business.

C. Where not otherwise controlled by Charter provision, the concurrence of a majority of the members of the council present at a council meeting shall be necessary to decide any question before the council. [Ord. 381 § 23, 1983].

2.10.230 Reconsideration of actions taken.

Any member who voted with the majority may move for a reconsideration of an action at the same or the next following regular meeting. Once a matter has been reconsidered, no motion for further reconsideration thereof shall be made without unanimous consent of the council. [Ord. 381 § 24, 1983].

2.10.240 Ordinances – Two readings required.

A. Every ordinance shall, before being put upon its final passage, be read in open council meeting on two different days.

B. An ordinance may be enacted at a single meeting of the council by unanimous vote of all council members present, upon being read first in full and then by title.

C. Any of the readings may be by title only if no council member present at the meeting requests to have the ordinance read in full or if a copy of the ordinance is provided for each council member and three copies are provided for public inspection in the office of the city recorder not later than one week before the first reading of the ordinance and if notice of their availability is given forthwith upon the filing, by written notice posted at the City Hall and two other public places in the city or by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. An ordinance enacted after being read by title alone may have no legal effect if it differs substantially from its terms as it was thus filed prior to such reading, unless each section incorporating such a difference is read fully and distinctly in open council meeting as finally amended prior to being approved by the council.

D. Upon the final vote on an ordinance, the ayes and nays of the council members shall be taken and entered in the record of proceedings.

E. Upon the enactment of an ordinance, the recorder shall sign it with the date of its passage and his/her name and title of office, and within three days thereafter the mayor shall sign it with the day of his/her signature, his/her name and the title of his/her office. [Ord. 85-118-O § 1; Ord. 381 § 25, 1983].

2.10.250 Robert’s Rules of Order.

The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the guidelines for conduct of council meetings, except in those cases where specific provisions contrary to Robert’s Rules of Order are provided herein. [Ord. 23-418-O § 3; Ord. 381 § 26, 1983].