Chapter 16.30
16.30.010 Master plan required.
16.30.020 Submittal requirements.
16.30.030 Criteria for master plan approval.
16.30.050 Master plan approval and adoption process.
16.30.010 Master plan required.
The applicant shall prepare and submit a master plan when all the following conditions are met:
A. A development of more than 10 dwelling units is proposed; and
B. In the opinion of the public works director, streets, sidewalks, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm drain lines, or other utilities must be extended beyond the property in the future in order to service other properties within the city limits or within the urban growth boundary; and
C. No city master plan has been adopted for the streets and utilities to be extended. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:6.000].
16.30.020 Submittal requirements.
A. Area. The master plan shall include the area necessary for extension of streets and utilities to the limit of the urban growth boundary, or to intersect with other city streets and utilities, as determined by the public works director.
B. Master plan drawings shall include:
1. Scale. The master plan shall be drawn at an engineering scale sufficient, in the opinion of the public works director, to show the level of detail required for accurate master planning, and to meet the criteria for master plan approval.
2. Date and north arrow.
3. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the recorded property owner(s), the developer and the plan preparer.
4. Natural Features. Areas with trees with diameter of 12 inches or greater, large rock outcroppings, significant wildlife habitat area, etc.
5. Waterways, Floodway and Floodplain. Location, direction of flow and width of any watercourses, drainages, streams, canals, and rivers, including areas subject to flooding with mapped FEMA floodplain and floodway (if any).
6. Wetlands. Significant wet areas on the site that may qualify under the state criteria for wetlands (soil type, plant type, and presence of water). A wetlands determination and delineation may be necessary for submittal with the master plan map if so determined by the city planner.
7. Slope. Approximate topographic contour lines as follows:
a. 0 – 5% = 2 foot intervals;
b. 6 – 15% = 5 foot intervals;
c. 16%+ = 10 foot intervals;
d. Location of temporary benchmark and nearest city datum point.
8. Slope hazard areas, delineated as follows:
a. Slopes 0 – 15% = No shading;
b. Slopes 16 – 25% = Light shading;
c. Slopes 26%+ = Heavy shading.
9. Districts. Zoning district designation and boundaries, special purpose or overlay district name and boundary, city limit line and urban growth boundary line. If the master plan adjoins areas outside the urban growth boundary (UGB), show county zoning outside the UGB.
10. Proposed Uses. Generally designate proposed land uses for each area (such as single-family residential, commercial, industrial, etc.).
11. Streets. Show rights-of-way location and width, together with proposed street designation (local, collector, arterial, etc.).
12. Utilities. Show location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including:
a. Sanitary sewer mains and pumping stations;
b. Water mains, fire hydrants, reservoirs and pumping stations;
c. Storm drain lines, street crossing culverts, and natural drainage ways;
d. Irrigation district facilities;
e. Other utilities such as power, telephone, cable TV, natural gas, and cell towers.
C. Rationale of Use and Residential Densities. A statement by the applicant describing the proposed land uses, zones, and residential densities; describing how the proposed master plan fits the city’s comprehensive plan land use map; how the proposed master plan meets the policies of the comprehensive plan; how the proposed master plan fits the existing topography and natural features of the master plan area; and how the proposed master plan acts to promote and protect the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience.
D. Rationale of Streets and Utilities. A statement by the applicant describing how the proposed master plan for streets and utilities fits the city’s existing streets and utilities, meets any adopted street and utility master plan, meets the policies of the comprehensive plan, and acts to promote and protect the public health, safety, welfare and convenience. There should be a separate statement for each of the streets and each utility. The rationales shall include a discussion of the capacity of main lines serving the master plan area, both existing and proposed; whether major additional facilities need to be added (reservoirs, pumping stations, etc.); how the sewer plant capacity or the water plan capacity will be affected by the proposed master plan; and whether additional capacity will be needed as a result of the proposal. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:6.100].
16.30.030 Criteria for master plan approval.
The review body shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the master plan based upon the following criteria:
A. The master plan land uses, zones and densities conform to the policies of the city’s comprehensive plan, and integrates well with and does not cause conflict with the city’s comprehensive plan land use map.
B. The master plan allows the properties adjoining the subject property to be further developed, partitioned, or subdivided as efficiently as possible under existing circumstances, in accordance with requirements for the typical permitted uses in the proposed zones and the proposed comprehensive plan designations, and in conjunction with other development adjoining the master plan area.
C. The master plan street layout conforms to the applicable requirements of the city’s adopted transportation system plan, meets the requirements of other applicable city ordinances and state laws, and meets the need for economy, safety, efficiency, and environmental compatibility.
D. The master plan proposed utilities conforms to the applicable requirements of city adopted utility plans, meets the requirements of applicable city ordinances and state law, and best balances the need for economy, safety, efficiency, and environmental compatibility.
E. The master plan allows for the appropriate integration of natural and historic features of significant size or importance into the proposed new development.
F. The master plan complies with applicable portions of the comprehensive plan map, comprehensive plan policies, other city ordinances, and state and federal law.
Should the city council determine that the proposed master plan has major flaws and fails in its attempt to promote and protect the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience of the city of Rogue River, the city council may reject the master plan in its entirety. [Ord. 11-373-O § 8-7:6.200].
16.30.040 Phased development.
A. Phased Development of Streets and Utilities. A master plan whose full development depends upon the provision for streets and utilities that may be provided in stages shall link the stages of the proposed residential, commercial or industrial development to appropriate stages of the street and utility development. Where such a phased development is proposed, the master plan must be presented in sufficient detail to allow the city planner, public works director, city administrator and the review body to determine whether the linkage of streets and utilities with the related residential, commercial or industrial development meets the requirements of this title.
B. Regulations Applicable to Subsequent Development. Within 12 months of adoption of a master plan, the tentative plan approval for partitions, subdivisions and planned unit development within the master plan area may be reviewed against those development requirements in effect at the time of master plan adoption. All tentative plan submittals after the first 12 months following a master plan adoption are subject to modifications in the city’s comprehensive plan, changes to the adopted master plan in question, changes to other city master plans, such as but not limited to traffic plan, water plan, sanitary sewer plan, and storm drainage plan, or any changes in the implementing regulations. [Ord. 11-373-O §§ 8-7:6.310, 320].
16.30.050 Master plan approval and adoption process.
A. Master Plan Governs. Although a land division tentative plan may be submitted as the initial phase of a master plan development, the adopted master plan provides guidance and direction for subsequent development, and as such any proposed land division is subservient to the master plan.
B. Master Plan Review and Adoption Process.
1. The review and approval of a master plan shall follow the type III quasi-judicial procedures described in RRMC 16.10.030.
2. If master plan review and approval is required as part of a tentative subdivision plat or planned unit development approval, the application shall not be considered complete until the master plan is approved.
C. Revision of an Approved Master Plan. Revision of a previously approved and adopted master plan shall follow the same review procedure as submittal and review of a proposed master plan. [Ord. 23-418-O § 103; Ord. 11-373-O §§ 8-7:6.410, 420, 425].