Chapter 17.20


17.20.010    Purpose.

17.20.020    Permitted uses.

17.20.030    Conditional uses.

17.20.040    Uses permitted with special standards.

17.20.050    Accessory uses.

17.20.060    Area, width, and yard requirements.

17.20.070    Garage requirement.

17.20.080    Coverage.

17.20.090    Driveway.

17.20.100    Street liability.

17.20.110    Hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist.

17.20.010 Purpose.

To stabilize and protect the suburban characteristics of the district and to promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright:

A. Residential Uses.

1. Single-family dwelling, detached;

2. Family daycare;

3. Residential care home.

B. Public and Institutional Uses.

1. Public works utilities storage yards; includes vehicle and equipment storage, maintenance, and repair;

2. Religious institutions and houses of worship;

3. School, preschool-kindergarten;

4. School, secondary;

5. Transportation facilities; includes construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities located within right-of-way controlled by a public agency, consistent with the transportation system plan;

6. Utility structures and facilities, city-planned projects; i.e., utilities identified by an adopted city master plan or development review approval. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.030 Conditional uses.

The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted when authorized in accordance with Chapter 17.100 RRMC:

A. Residential Uses.

1. Residential care facility;

2. Household solar panels.

B. Public and Institutional Uses.

1. Child daycare center;

2. Community garden;

3. Clinic, outpatient only;

4. Emergency services; includes police, fire, ambulance;

5. Hospital, including acute care center;

6. Public parks and open space, including playgrounds, trails, nature preserves, athletic fields, courts, swim pools, and similar uses;

7. Utility structures and facilities, regional projects; project is not part of an adopted city master plan or development review approval;

8. Wireless communication facilities.

C. Commercial Uses.

1. Bed and breakfast inn. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.040 Uses permitted with special standards.

The following uses are permitted when found to be in compliance with their relevant special standards criteria contained in this code:

A. Residential Uses.

1. Accessory dwelling unit;

2. Manufactured home;

3. Home occupation;

4. Solar panels (for incidental);

5. Backyard hens, subject to the requirements below:

a. Hens kept for backyard use are allowed, but not to the scale allowed in the R-E zone. A maximum of four hens are allowed at any single-family dwelling with a lot size 6,000 square feet or larger. No roosters are allowed to be kept within the city limits. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.050 Accessory uses.

The following uses are permitted as accessory to an existing use in the R-1 district:

A. Residential Uses.

1. Accessory uses and structures (including, but not limited to, garages, workshops, pools).

B. Other Uses.

2. Solar panels (for incidental use). [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.060 Area, width, and yard requirements.

The following measurements indicate minimum lot and yard standard requirements:


Corner Lot Area (sq. ft.)

Lot Area (sq. ft.)

Lot Width

Corner Lot Width

Front Yard

Side Yard

Rear Yard







5' per story








5' per story


Provided, however, that side yards abutting a street shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width. The maximum building height is 40 feet. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.070 Garage requirement.

All single-family dwelling construction, manufactured dwelling units, the replacement of any existing dwelling unit or major remodeling (50 percent or more of the replacement cost of existing dwelling unit) shall have a minimum of a two-car attached or detached garage, for a total of two spaces per dwelling unit. Garages fronting on the street side yard of a corner lot shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.080 Coverage.

The maximum permitted aggregate building coverage shall be 50 percent of the lot area. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.090 Driveway.

All dwellings shall have a durable surface driveway suitable for maneuvering beginning from a city-maintained street to the garage serving the dwelling unit(s). It shall also be required to pave the portion of the public right-of-way being used as ingress/egress to the property. Loose material that can migrate into city streets is not acceptable without at least a 12-foot apron of a durable surface. Any private road beginning from a city-maintained street shall also be paved with a durable surface. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.100 Street liability.

Any developer working in any public right-of-way within the city limits shall provide the city with a certificate of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the city as an additional insured. Public utilities are exempt from this section. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.20.110 Hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist.

Any developer developing in the city limits may be required to pay for a state of Oregon licensed hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist who is hired by the city to review the development plans to ensure that all requirements and specifications of the city are met. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].