Chapter 13.08
13.08.010 Public works design standards – Adoption and annual review.
13.08.020 Approval of alternative materials and methods by public works director.
13.08.030 Special design problems.
13.08.050 As-built plan requirements.
13.08.010 Public works design standards – Adoption and annual review.
A. The public works director is authorized to adopt, maintain, modify and enforce public works design standards (“design standards” or “standards”) for use in and throughout the city to govern all construction, modification and upgrading of public facilities in the city and work within the city’s service areas. All construction, design, detail, workmanship and materials are to be done and completed consistent with the then most current edition of the design standards. As used herein and elsewhere in this chapter, the term “public facilities” means improvements either intended by the city to be or which are city-owned, maintained, used or controlled including sewer, stormwater and water distribution facilities and equipment.
B. The city council shall adopt the standards by resolution and thereafter shall be provided at least annually a written update from the public works director or the director’s designee as to all substantive changes or alterations made to the standards by the director during the prior year. (Ord. 15-05 § 2, 2015)
13.08.020 Approval of alternative materials and methods by public works director.
A. Persons seeking approval of alternate materials or methods shall make application in writing to the public works director and shall pay all fees associated therewith as the same may be set by council resolution. Approval of any deviation from the standards must be in writing and issued by the director.
B. Any alternate material or method must either meet or exceed the minimum requirements set in the design standards for the most analogous or comparable material or method.
C. The written application is to include (but is not limited to) the manufacturer’s specifications and testing results, design drawings, calculations, reason and justification for the proposed alternative material or method.
D. Any deviations or special problems will be reviewed by the public works director on a case-by-case basis and approved in writing by the director. When requested by the public works director, full design calculations shall be submitted for the director’s review/analysis as part of any application. (Ord. 15-05 § 2, 2015)
13.08.030 Special design problems.
A. The use of items, methods or materials not covered within the design standards requires review and approval by the public works director prior to any use. The applicant must submit full design calculations, supplemental drawings and information as required by the director.
B. Applications requiring special review include but are not limited to the following:
1. Water distribution pump stations;
2. Relining of existing water mains;
3. Water pressure regulating devices;
4. Energy dissipaters;
5. Water reservoirs;
6. Water treatment plants;
7. Water flow measurement/monitoring devices. (Ord. 15-05 § 2, 2015)
13.08.040 Plan submission.
Construction plans for all privately financed public works facility improvements shall be submitted to the public works director in a format determined by the director and as specified in the design standards. (Ord. 15-05 § 2, 2015)
13.08.050 As-built plan requirements.
For all public facility improvements where plans were approved for construction, the design engineer shall submit to the director for the city’s records certified “as-built” drawings in a form approved by the director. “As-built” survey notes may be required by the director if any discrepancy is noted. Along with “as-built” drawings, the design engineer shall submit a statement certifying that all work for which plans were approved has been completed consistent with the city’s design standards. (Ord. 15-05 § 2, 2015)