Chapter 18.76
18.76.020 Permitted uses – Parking.
18.76.010 Established.
The Historic Overlay (HO) Zone has been established to provide regulations for those areas, districts, sites and buildings in the Helper area which have been designated as having significant character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of Helper City, the state of Utah or the nation. More specifically the objectives of the Historic Overlay Zone are:
A. To preserve the integrity of historic buildings.
B. To preserve the historic feel and character of the Helper City Main Street and other identified areas.
C. To reduce the parking regulations and promote walkability.
D. To promote and encourage historic building facades when building preservation is not possible. [Ord. 2017-10].
18.76.020 Permitted uses – Parking.
A. All uses shall be the same as the underlying zoning district unless specified here.
B. Parking standards shall follow those listed in Chapter 18.80 HMC and Table 18.80.010 under the title of Number of Parking Spaces Required. [Ord. 2017-10].
18.76.030 Guidelines.
A. Establishment of Guidelines. Guidelines for exterior design criteria may be adopted by the planning commission upon the recommendation of the historic committee to aid applicants in formulating plans for development or redevelopment relating to designated historic resources.
B. Application of Guidelines. When adopted the guidelines shall apply to the following instances:
1. All rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction of or addition to the exterior of any improvement which constitutes all or part of a historic area, historic district, landmark site, or a building of historic importance.
2. A demolition or relocation of any improvement which is all or part of a building within a historic area, historic district, landmark site or a building of historic significance.
3. New construction within a historic area or district, upon any landmark site or on the property associated with a building of historic significance.
4. Any signs placed on any building within a historic area or district, upon any landmark site, or on the property associated with any building of historic significance.
5. Any fences, walls, and major landscaping elements within a historic area or district, on a landmark site, or on the property associated with a building of historic significance.
C. Compliance with Guidelines. Compliance with the adopted guidelines by any property owner shall be voluntary except in the case where a contract of compliance has been agreed to by the property owner of a building or site within a designated historic district, of a landmark site, or of a building of historic significance. [Ord. 2017-10].