Chapter 1.20


1.20.010    Annexation policy plan.

1.20.010 Annexation policy plan.

A. General Annexation Criteria. In accordance with the provisions of Section 10-2-400, Utah Code Annotated 1953, the town of Mayfield hereby adopts the following criteria for consideration of possible annexations:

1. Because Mayfield is concerned with maintaining its small-town charm and controlling growth to a slow rate, annexing more land to the town should be cautiously approved and made on a case-by-case basis.

2. Areas to be annexed must fall within the locations designated for future annexation in the annexation policy plan of Mayfield Town as shown on the expansion area map attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter.

3. The character of the community is mixed residential, commercial, and agricultural. Any annexed land should be compatible with the existing community character.

4. Mayfield Town should derive a benefit from the annexation proposal. There are areas marked on the map that show where land could be annexed in the future for residential and industry which Mayfield Town feels would be beneficial to our community at large.

5. The town favors eliminating or not creating islands and peninsulas of unincorporated territory, promoting efficient delivery of services, encouraging equitable distribution of community resources, and giving consideration to the tax consequences to property owners within the area to be annexed.

6. Mayfield Town does not favor the annexation of areas for which it does not have the capability to provide municipal services. Utilities will only be guaranteed when they are for property within the current Mayfield Town boundaries.

7. Mayfield Town requires that water be provided with any farmland that is annexed to Mayfield Town boundaries and be made available for the development. At least a one-quarter share of water per half acre should be required. Approval from the Mayfield Irrigation Company will be required on the annexation proposal of farmland before town approval. Any nonfarmland must make the required acquisition of water to accompany the lot size and water requirements as set in Mayfield Town Code.

8. Mayfield Town requires that any annexed land follows a reflection of the subdivision policy which requires the user to provide utility services, road, traffic control, and other needs. Mayfield will not allow any building on annexed land until road, water, sewer, fire hydrant and other adequate services are put in by the lot owners.

9. All annexation petitions must comply with the requirements of Section 1-2-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953.

B. Procedures for Submission of an Annexation Request. The following steps reflect a general summary of the requirements and procedures for the processing of an annexation request in Mayfield Town:

1. An annexation petition accompanied by an annexation plat must be submitted to the town recorder. Said petition shall:

a. Be signed by private property owners of record which covers a majority of the area to be annexed. Said owners shall also represent at least one-third of the assessed valuation of the private aggregate properties to be annexed, as reflected on the last assessment rolls.

b. Represent an area contiguous to the existing corporate limits of Mayfield Town and shown to be within the areas designated for the annexation in the annexation policy plan of Mayfield Town.

c. Include annexation plat prepared by an engineer or surveyor licensed in the state of Utah.

d. Dedicate up to five of the signers of the petition as sponsors, one of whom shall be designated as the contact sponsor.

2. The town recorder shall impose fees to recover the costs of processing said petition, as established by the town council, and within 14 days, place the petition on the agenda for consideration with the planning and zoning board. After determining its approval or disapproval, the proposal will go to the town council for approval at the next available town council meeting.

3. The town council will review the annexation petition and accept or deny the petition.

4. If approved, the town recorder will certify that it meets the annexation policy set by the town and send any required notices, including a written notice to the town council.

5. The town council, within 10 days after receipt of the recorder’s notice of certification, shall publish a notice of the proposed annexation at least once a week for three consecutive weeks. Within 20 days after the receipt of the recorder’s notice of certification, the council must mail written notice of the proposed annexation to each affected entity as defined in state law. The notice shall explain how a written protest is to be filed within 30 days after the date of the council’s receipt of the certification.

6. If no protest is filed during the designated protest period, the council may set a public hearing, after a minimum seven days’ notice, and consider an ordinance to grant the proposed annexation. If a protest is filed, the county boundary commission shall hold a hearing on the protest within 30 days. The council may deny the proposed annexation at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Required notices will be sent if the petition is denied.

7. Upon receipt of the county boundary commission’s decision, the council may deny or approve the proposed annexation subject to the boundary commission’s decision. [Ord. 2017-18-3.]