Chapter 8.24


8.24.010    Open burn season dates.

8.24.020    Open burn with a burn permit.

8.24.030    Closed burn season dates.

8.24.040    Exceptions during closed burn season.

8.24.050    Emergency closer.

8.24.060    Nuisance.

8.24.010 Open burn season dates.

A. Open burn season dates are as follows: November 1st to May 31st.

B. Mayfield Town residents are allowed to burn yard waste debris during open burn season without a burn permit from a designated fire official.

C. Yard debris consist of natural vegetation consistent of dried material that is flammable, that has grown and/or came to stop in said property.

D. Not considered yard debris: natural vegetation that is not considered dried material and/or flammable.

E. Not natural vegetation: any material that is made of chemicals and/or produced in factories.

F. It is asked and recommended the property owner notifies the Sanpete County Sheriff Dispatch Center of the planned burn before the open burn takes place.

G. All burning during open burn dates shall be done in a safe manner.

H. The burn site shall be clear both vertically and horizontally of all flammable material both natural and manmade. The burn site shall be scraped down to bare mineral soil for at least two times the size of the material pile that is planned to be burnt.

I. There shall be at least one standard size shovel dedicated to the use of suppression maintained at the burn site until the fire has been extinguished to the point of no smoke and cooled to the touch.

J. There shall be at least five gallons of water and/or a five-pound or above class ABC fire extinguisher maintained at the burn site until the fire has been extinguished to the point of no smoke and cooled to the touch.

K. No open burning on a day that a red flag warning has been issued for the area of Mayfield Town.

L. Burning during open burn season shall not relieve an individual from personal liability due to neglect or incompetence. Where the fire escapes control of the burn pile and necessitates fire control action or does injury to property of another. This may be held prima facie evidence that the fire was not safe. [Ord. 2021-1.]

8.24.020 Open burn with a burn permit.

A. Open burn with a burn permit season dates are as follows: October 1st to October 31st.

B. Mayfield Town residents are allowed to burn yard waste debris during the following dates: October 1st to October 31st if the owner of the property secures a burn permit for Mayfield Town from the fire chief or assistant fire chief or, if the fire chief or assistant fire chief is not available, a designated official from Mayfield Town.

C. The property owner that has secured a burn permit can only use the said burn permit for the property address that is designated on the said burn permit.

D. The said burn permit can only be used for the designated date or dates assigned to the burn permit. If the open burn that the said burn permit could not be used the property owner can contact the city fire official to have the burn permit updated for another date or dates.

E. In the case of a red flag warning, burn permit is void of use for the date and/or dates that correspond with the red flag warning.

F. The property owner that secures a burn permit shall follow all descriptions and rules of the open burn allowances.

G. Burning during closed burn season with a burn permit shall not relieve an individual from personal liability due to neglect or incompetence. Where the fire escapes control of the burn pile and necessitates fire control action or does injury to property of another. This may be held prima facie evidence that the fire was not safe. [Ord. 2021-1.]

8.24.030 Closed burn season dates.

June 1st to September 30th: Mayfield Town residents are not allowed to have an open burn during the closed burn season of any flammable material including yard debris. [Ord. 2021-1.]

8.24.040 Exceptions during closed burn season.

A. Any local fire, state fire, or federal fire officials in the performance of official duty.

B. Devices for the primary purpose of preparing food such as outdoor grills and fireplaces.

C. Fires used solely for recreational purposes pending the following guidelines are followed:

1. Where such fires are under control of a responsible adult of 18 years old or older, the fire is contained in a pit 18 inches deep into mineral soil absent of roots or any other organic materials or solid ring made of noncombustible material that is at least 18 inches in height or a minimum of 10-inch sides on a manufactured fire pit with a spark arrestor screen with spacing of holes no larger than one-half inch that will contain the wood or coals while shielding the ashes from being blown by the wind.

2. Maintain 18-inch depth of the pit by removing build up ash and other material. Maintain the manufactured fire pit clean of excess ash. Assure disposed ash and/or unburned materials are completely extinguished.

3. Campfires must be at least 15 feet away from any combustible vegetation or structures, vertically or horizontally. Flame resistant material as part of the landscaping is excluded.

4. At least one standard size shovel must be dedicated and immediately available on site for suppression.

5. Five gallons of water or a five-pound or above class A or ABC rated fire extinguisher dedicated and immediately available on site for suppression.

6. Campfires must be completely extinguished, cold to the touch, when not attended.

7. Combustible material used in the campfire is clean, dry wood or charcoal.

8. No recreational fire on a day that a red flag warning has been issued for Mayfield Town. Red flag warnings are determined by the National Weather Service.

9. No recreational fire before 9:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. on weekdays. No recreational fire before 9:00 a.m. or after 11:00 p.m. on weekends.

D. Burning under an exception during closed burn season shall not relieve an individual from personal liability due to neglect or incompetence. Where the fire escapes control of the burn pile and necessitates fire control action or does injury to property of another. This may be held prima facie evidence that the fire was not safe. [Ord. 2021-1.]

8.24.050 Emergency closer.

Mayfield Town officials and fire officials will conduct a meeting to determine if conditions are unsafe to have outdoor open fire for the general public of Mayfield Town because of weather and/or vegetation conditions.

This ban includes open fires burning during the open fire burn dates, burn permits issued by the designated fire official, devices for the primary purpose of preparing food such as outdoor grills and fireplaces, and fires used solely for recreational purposes. [Ord. 2021-1.]

8.24.060 Nuisance.

Any fire during open burn period and during closed burning period can be determined by the fire chief or assistant fire chief or designated official from Mayfield Town as a nuisance fire. If a fire is determined by a nuisance fire the individual that has the said fire will be asked to immediately extinguish the fire to the point of no smoke and cool to the touch of hand. [Ord. 2021-1.]