Chapter 18.64


18.64.010    Intent.

18.64.020    Permitted uses.

18.64.030    Area and density.

18.64.040    Approval procedure.

18.64.050    Plans required.

18.64.060    Design standards and criteria.

18.64.070    Improvement requirements.

18.64.080    Required documents.

18.64.090    Special provisions.

18.64.010 Intent.

The intent of these regulations is to establish guidelines dealing specifically with design, construction and operation of mobile home parks. These provisions shall be supplemental and in addition to the general requirement for large-scale developments. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.1.]

18.64.020 Permitted uses.

Permitted uses within a mobile home park shall be limited to the following:

A. One-family mobile homes and manufactured homes.

B. Caretaker dwellings.

C. Customary accessory uses including, but not limited to, carports and storage buildings on individual pad sites for use by the occupants. Also, park and recreation areas, office structures, laundries and similar service facilities incidental to the operation of the park. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.2.]

18.64.030 Area and density.

Mobile home parks shall have a minimum area of two and one-half acres and a maximum density of seven dwelling sites per acre. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.3.]

18.64.040 Approval procedure.

Same as required under MMC 18.56.050. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.4.]

18.64.050 Plans required.

Preliminary plans of mobile home parks shall be submitted to the planning commission. Said plans shall show the following information:

A. Proposed layout of the park.

B. Location and site of mobile homes, pad sites and other buildings and structures.

C. Location and site of existing and proposed water, secondary irrigation and sewer lines and other utilities.

D. Typical cross-sections of roads.

E. Location and dimensions of curbs and sidewalks.

F. Drainage features showing how the surface drainage will be handled.

G. Layout and location of improvements of a typical mobile home space.

H. General planting plans showing the areas to be landscaped and the types of plants and architectural features to be used.

I. Tabulations showing:

1. Total number of acres in the proposed development.

2. Number of mobile homes.

3. Number of mobile homes per acre.

4. Number of off-street parking spaces.

5. Percentage of the area to be used for off-street parking.

6. Percentage of area to be devoted to roadways.

7. Percentage of area to be devoted to parks, playgrounds, and other common facilities.

8. Any other data or information required by the planning commission. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.5.]

18.64.060 Design standards and criteria.

A. There shall be architectural unity and harmony within the development and with the surrounding area.

B. Grouping and spacing of pad sites and buildings shall provide for a restful and uncrowded environment. Landscaped area, rather than off-street parking areas, shall be the dominant feature of the development.

C. Not less than 10 percent of the gross area of the project shall be designated for parks and playgrounds for the use of occupants. The land covered by vehicular roads and off-street parking and the yards surrounding mobile homes which constitute open space appurtenant to individual mobile home sites and area devoted to service buildings shall not be included in computing the required area for parks and playgrounds.

D. All mobile home buildings used for human occupancy when completed shall be served by a water system and sewage disposal system which have been approved by the town health authority.

E. Each pad site shall be served by the pressurized irrigation system.

F. The mobile home park shall be in one ownership and shall remain in one ownership.

G. A combined area of at least 100 square feet for each mobile home space shall be provided for the storage of boats, campers, etc. Said storage must be enclosed within a sight-obscuring fence of six to eight feet in height.

H. Off-street parking space shall be provided at the rate of two parking spaces per mobile home space contained within the park.

I. At least two foot-candles lighting shall be required along all roadways.

J. All mobile homes shall be set back at least 10 feet from all roadways which are part of the development and at least 30 feet from any public street.

K. Roadways (curb to curb) must be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic as follows:

1. Minor Roadways. For two-way traffic where parking is allowed on only one side of the roadway, at least 30 feet in width.

2. Collector and Entrance Roadways. At least 36 feet in width.

L. Roll type curbs must border the sides of streets.

M. A strip of land at least 15 feet wide surrounding the mobile home park shall be landscaped to afford privacy to the development; provided, however, that a sight-obscuring fence six feet to eight feet in height may be substituted for up to eight feet of the required landscaped strip.

N. Fences and walls within the front yard shall not exceed two feet in height.

O. No mobile home or add-on shall be located closer than 15 feet to the nearest portion of any other mobile home or add-on, except when a four-hour fire-resistive wall having a height of at least eight feet separates them, in which case the distance apart may be reduced to 10 feet.

P. In addition to mobile homes, the development may include a launderette, club house, and other nonprofit or public recreation buildings.

Q. All mobile homes shall be skirted around the entire structure, so as to conceal the space underneath.

R. All roads shall be surfaced in accordance with town standards as directed by the planning commission or its authorized representative.

S. All utilities shall be placed underground, except for transformers and other necessary appurtenances.

T. In addition to meeting the above requirements, all mobile home parks shall also conform to current State Health Department requirements for mobile home parks. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.6.]

18.64.070 Improvement requirements.

The following improvements shall be installed in all developments. Said improvements shall meet minimum town standards and shall be completed within one year from the date of final approval of the project by the town council; except that, upon a showing of good and sufficient cause, the town council may authorize an extension of the time limit for a period up to six months. Financial assurances guaranteeing the construction of all required improvements shall be required as a condition of approval. Said assurances shall be in accordance with the provisions in Chapter 18.72 MMC.

A. Streets, driveways and parking areas which shall be graded, graveled and hard-surfaced.

B. Drainage and flood control structures and facilities.

C. Water and sewer mains, both on site and off site, complying with the utility requirements of the town. Also extensions to the pressurized irrigation system.

D. Fire hydrants.

E. Electric and telephone lines (which shall be placed underground).

F. Landscaping.

G. Sprinkling or other suitable irrigation systems.

H. Fences, walls and all other common areas, facilities, systems and structures proposed for the development as shown on the final plans.

I. Recreation vehicle storage area.

J. Street lighting. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.7.]

18.64.080 Required documents.

The following documents shall be prepared and submitted by the developer for each development:

A. Evidence of satisfaction of requirements relating to the pressurized irrigation system.

B. Written evidence from the health authority that the proposed park complies with applicable Health Department requirements. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.8.]

18.64.090 Special provisions.

A. Prerequisite to the operation of any mobile home park shall be the obtaining of an annual license which shall be issued only after inspection by the zoning administrator. It shall be unlawful to operate a mobile home park without first obtaining a license and said license shall be refused or revoked upon failure of the owner and/or operator to maintain the park in accordance with the standards and requirements as herein set forth.

B. Each space within a mobile home park shall be used for only one mobile home at the same time. No lot or space shall be rented or leased for a period of less than 30 days. [Ord. 2024-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1998-99-A § 10-6-5.9.]