Chapter 5.25


5.25.010    Purpose.

5.25.020    Scope and definitions.

5.25.030    Procedure for licensing.

5.25.040    Minimum standards.

5.25.010 Purpose.

To better regulate day care centers, preschools, and businesses that care for groups of children for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Riverton. [Code 1997 § 9-4-61.]

5.25.020 Scope and definitions.

This chapter outlines minimum standards and requirements that any child day care center, preschool, and other business caring for groups of children must comply with.

Certain child care centers that fall under the definition of the Division of Family Services of the state of Utah must comply with the Division of Family Services licensing requirements as well.

(1) The state’s definition of “child day care center” is as follows:

Group care is a service to children who need daytime care away from their own homes.

Under the provisions of Title 55, Chapter 9, Utah Code Annotated 1953, the Public Welfare Commission is responsible for the licensing of persons and organizations providing day care for children. The law provides that no day nursery, person, association, corporation, institution or agency shall provide care and supervision for three or more children under 14 years of age, in lieu of care and supervision provided by parents in their own home, for periods of more than four but less than 24 hours in any one day without having in full force a license issued in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Public Welfare Commission. Excluded from the licensing provisions is care given to children in homes of parents, legal guardians, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, or in centers provided by boards of education or parochial educational institutions.

(2) Preschool. Care for three hours or less is limited to 12 or less per session.

(3) A child day care center in Riverton City shall for the purposes of this chapter be the same as the state’s definition. [Code 1997 § 9-4-62.]

5.25.030 Procedure for licensing.

(1) Application must be made at the city office for the business license and, if located in a residential zone, for a conditional use permit.

(2) Submit along with the completed applications the required fees and a site plan of the property showing the following:

(a) Boundaries and dimensions of the lot.

(b) Home or building location.

(c) Location of child care and play areas inside and outside of structure.

(d) Location of other structures, play equipment, and other important features on the lot.

(e) Location of existing and/or proposed fences on and around the lot. Indicate type of fence and height.

(f) Location of adjacent properties, i.e., existing homes, vacant lots, etc.

(g) Address the impacts of parking/unloading and loading on the neighborhood and, if necessary, establish guidelines for the parents to follow to negate these impacts.

(3) Request inspections by the Riverton City building inspector and a Salt Lake Valley health inspector to check applicable building and health code regulations.

(4) Attend planning commission meeting to present your application and site plan for a recommendation.

(5) Attend city council meeting to present your application for approval or denial.

(6) If approval is granted, pay $47.00 per inspection at the city office so a final inspection can be made.

(7) Purchase business license from the city recorder when all requirements have been met. A state certificate of licensing must be presented at this time when applicable.

(8) A yearly inspection will be required for renewal of the business license. An inspection fee at the current fee schedule will be required.

(9) Proof of no criminal background.

(10) Initial health evaluation, including evaluation for history of infectious diseases which could easily be transmitted. Test for tuberculosis. [Amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 9-4-63.]

5.25.040 Minimum standards.

(1) The building shall meet all applicable building, fire and life safety codes.

(2) Of those attending to the children there shall be at least one person present with an up-to-date certificate of first aid training, including CPR and Heimlich maneuver.

(3) Approval shall be given in writing by the Salt Lake Valley health department as to environmental health standards.

(4) A six-foot-high solid fence (board, block or chain link with slats) is required to completely enclose the backyard property or the designated child care playground area.

(5) All open ditches and other safety hazards within the child care area must be eliminated.

(6) Abide by the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act. No smoking.

(7) Safe Transportation. Advance permission from parents for trips; children in transport shall be protected by a safety belt.

(8) Age appropriate immunizations.

(9) Follow all state and federal guidelines.

(10) This is a permitted use in commercial zones and is permitted with a conditional use permit in all residential zones. [Amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 9-4-64.]