Chapter 17.10


17.10.010    Preliminary plat.

17.10.020    Final plat.

17.10.030    Improvements and dedications.

17.10.040    Recordation and limitations.

17.10.050    Geographic information system.

17.10.010 Preliminary plat.

(1) Preliminary Consultation. Each person who proposes to subdivide land in the jurisdiction of the city shall prepare a site analysis and a concept plan, and request a consultation with planning department staff before preparing any plats, charts, or plans, in order to become familiar with the city subdivision requirements and existing master plans for the territory in which the proposed subdivision lies, and to discuss the proposed plan of development of the tract.

(2) Preapplication Conference Submission. Submission for consultation with planning staff shall include one copy of a concept plan at a scale of no less than one inch equals 50 feet, and one 11-inch by 17-inch reduction of the plan with the following information:

(a) A site analysis plan showing the following features to within 500 feet of any portion of the subject property:

(i) Significant natural and manmade features;

(ii) The property boundaries of the proposed subdivision;

(iii) The names of adjacent property owners;

(b) A concept plan illustrating the proposed name of the subdivision, a proposed lot and street layout, a description of those portions of the property which are included in the most recent flood insurance rate maps prepared by FEMA, and the total acreage of the entire tract proposed for subdivision; the total number of lots proposed and the proposed gross or net density of the subdivision.

(3) Zoning Requirements. Before the preliminary plat is submitted for processing, the subdivider shall comply with all zoning ordinances regulations to accommodate intended lot size and type of development.

(4) Development Review Committee (DRC). Before submittal of an application, preliminary plats shall be reviewed by the development review committee. Plats which have not been reviewed by the development review committee (DRC) shall not be reviewed by the planning commission.

(5) Preliminary Plat Filing. A preliminary plat shall be prepared in conformance with the standards, rules, and regulations contained herein and shall be submitted to the Riverton City planning department and any other special service districts which provide service to the area proposed for development.

(6) Preliminary Plat Application Fee. At the time of filing the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall pay to the city a nonrefundable fee. The city council shall prescribe by resolution from time to time the amount of such fee, which shall be for the purpose of defraying expenses incidental to and in connection with the checking and reviewing of such preliminary subdivision plats.

(7) Preliminary Plat Requirements. The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale not smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, and shall be on standard 22-inch by 34-inch (“D” size) paper. The plat shall include:

(a) The proposed name of the subdivision and approximate address (there shall be no duplication of subdivision names within the city and all names shall be approved by the city).

(b) The subdivision location as forming a part of a larger tract or parcel. Where the plat submitted includes only a portion of a larger tract or only a part of a parcel or parcels of the same owner, a schematic plan of a prospective major street system shall be prepared showing logical connections to and through the larger parcel in conformance with the adopted transportation master plan. The preliminary plat shall show all adjoining property owners.

(c) Sufficient information to accurately locate the property shown on the plat including the nearest section corner tie. A copy of the county ownership plat relating to the proposed subdivision and a legal description of the parcel must also be submitted.

(d) The names and addresses of the subdivider(s), the engineer or surveyor of the subdivision, and the owners of the land immediately adjoining the land to be subdivided.

(e) Contours at two-foot intervals to show the topography of the land.

(f) The boundary lines and total acreage of the tract to be subdivided including total acreage proposed for subdivision as well as the boundary lines of adjacent tracts within 200 feet of any part thereof, showing ownership and property monuments.

(g) The location, dimensions, and other details of all existing streets and other important features such as utility easements, railroad lines, watercourses (including irrigation canals and ditches), canal weirs, exceptional topography, bridges and buildings within the tract or within 200 feet thereof.

(h) Existing sanitary sewer lines, storm drains, water supply mains, secondary water lines, and surface water control structures within the tract or within 200 feet thereof. A commitment in writing may be required from the appropriate agencies that utility services will be available for the project.

(i) The locations, widths, and other dimensions of proposed public streets, private streets, alleys, utility easements, parks, other open spaces and lots, with proper labeling of spaces dedicated to the public or designated for private use.

(j) The flood hazard boundary per the Federal Flood Insurance Administration and as approved by the Salt Lake County Flood Control District, when applicable.

(k) When any new development creates an incompatible land use there shall be a fenced and/or landscaped area along the entire lot(s) adjacent to the incompatible use created by the new development compliant with RCC 18.155.080.

(l) North arrow, scale, date, name of project, and sheet number shown on each sheet of the plans (i.e., one of five sheets).

(m) A tentative plan for providing street lighting in the subdivision.

(n) A review copy of proposed protective covenants.

(o) Compliance with existing zoning and conformance with the city’s general plan including the transportation and future land use elements.

(p) A preliminary storm drainage study and plan by which the subdivider proposes to handle stormwater drainage.

(q) The proposed layout, dimension and numbering of all lots, including a surveyor’s certificate indicating compliance of all lots with zoning requirements.

(r) Fencing as required along appropriate subdivision boundaries, including where adjacent to incompatible uses or canal easements.

(s) The proposed methods of providing all secondary water systems relating to the properties, including a full consideration of all runoff water conditions and any adjacent canal weirs that will need access provided.

(t) Traffic analyses and studies as required.

(u) Plan showing any required landscaping and/or park strip tree planting, including an irrigation plan for all publicly maintained facilities or areas.

(v) Special attention for entries from an arterial into the proposed subdivision shall consist of landscaping and/or formal entry signs or some form of demarcation as to the entry of that subdivision.

(w) Repealed by Ord. 15-23.

(x) Copies of any agreements with adjacent property owners relevant to the proposed subdivision, including disposition of all ditches, weirs, waterways, etc., that are on or directly adjacent to the proposed project.

(y) Evidence of how the subdivision provides linkages and/or connections to surrounding neighborhoods for vehicles and pedestrians, including, but not limited to, the use of stub streets, trails, pedestrian walkways or other paths.

(z) A soil report, based upon adequate test borings and excavations, shall be required prior to preliminary approval of any subdivision plat.

(aa) Satisfactory evidence that all utilities and services will be available for the subdivision and the utilities and easements therefor have been reviewed by the utility companies.

(bb) The subdivider shall comply with all other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and shall provide evidence of such compliance if requested by the city.

(8) Complete Preliminary Plat. A preliminary plat application shall not be deemed complete until all submittals are accepted by the planning department and the planning director together with the city engineer have agreed that the application is complete. At such point, the city staff shall have four weeks to complete the initial review and redline the drawings to ensure evidence compliance with city ordinances and specifications.

(9) Notification. Once all redlines have been corrected, the planning department shall mail to all owners of property located within 300 feet of the boundary of the proposed subdivision a written notice of the time, date, and place where the planning commission will review and consider the subdivision proposal. The subdivider shall have the sole responsibility to provide mailing information to the planning department for each and all property owners within 300 feet for mailing the required notice. The written notice shall also advise the property owner that he/she has the right to be present and to comment on the proposed subdivision.

(10) Preliminary Plat Approval. The preliminary plat shall be reviewed during a public hearing by the planning commission and shall approve; approve with conditions; or deny the plat based on the regulations found within this section within 45 days after its presentation to the commission. If modified, the planning commission shall take action within 45 days of the presentation of the latest modification. If approved, the city shall provide written approval with whatever conditions are attached. If the preliminary plat is not approved, the planning commission shall indicate its disapproval in writing and reasons therefor by a similarly signed copy. Upon the planning commission’s action, the subdivider is authorized to proceed with the preparation of the final plat.

(11) Time Limitation. Approval of the preliminary plat by the planning commission shall be effective for a maximum period of one year after approval unless upon application of the subdivider the planning commission grants an extension. If the final plat has not been submitted within one year, or within the approved extension period (a maximum of six months), the preliminary plan must again be submitted to the planning commission for reconsideration. However, preliminary approval of a large tract shall not be voided; provided, that the final plat of the first phase is submitted for final approval within the one-year period unless changes in the original preliminary plat are required to accommodate changes in planning objectives advocated by the city. [Ord. 15-23 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 15-02 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2-3-98-1 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-325-020-A.]

17.10.020 Final plat.

(1) Final Plat Application Fee. At the time of submitting the final plats, the subdivider shall pay to the city a nonrefundable fee. The city council shall prescribe, by resolution, from time to time, the amount of such fee, which shall be for the purpose of defraying expenses incidental to checking and reviewing the plat and engineering inspections of the future subdivision.

(2) Final Approval. After compliance with the provisions for preliminary plat approval, the subdivider shall submit all required application materials, including four full-size copies of the proposed final plat for review by staff.

(3) Submittal Process for Final Approvals.

(a) The subdivider shall provide in addition to all required application material four copies of a complete set of profiles, construction and design data of all streets, existing and proposed, and all utilities to be constructed within the subdivision, and furnish such information to the city with the final plat for review. These shall be prepared by a registered engineer not employed by the city. All construction drawings and details shall conform to the city’s adopted regulations and the Riverton City Standard Specifications and Plans Manual. All construction drawings and details must be approved by the city engineer before his signature is entered on the final plat. The city engineer shall determine the amount of bond or other security to assure construction of improvements.

(b) Unless otherwise indicated during preliminary plat approval, after approval and recommendation by the city staff, the final plat shall be submitted to the planning commission for consideration at a regularly scheduled public meeting. Upon their vote of approval the commission shall authorize the mayor to sign the final plat which is to be attested by the city recorder.

(4) Final Plat Requirements. The final plat shall be prepared on Salt Lake County recorder’s office approved medium and specifications. The plat shall be so drawn that the top of the sheet faces either north or west, whichever accommodates the drawing. The plat shall include the following information:

(a) A subdivision name, approved by the county recorder, and the general location of the subdivision in bold letters.

(b) Repealed by Ord. 15-23.

(c) A north arrow, scale of the drawing, and the date.

(d) Accurately drawn bearings and dimensions of all boundary lines of the subdivision. These lines should be slightly heavier than street and lot lines.

(e) The widths, lengths, bearings, and curve data on centerlines of proposed streets, alleys and easements.

(f) The boundaries bearing the dimensions of all portions within the subdivision as intended to be dedicated to the use of the subdivision as intended to be dedicated to the use of the public.

(g) The lines, dimensions, bearings, and numbers of all lots, blocks and parts reserved for any reason within the subdivision.

(h) Lot Numbers. All lots are to be numbered consecutively as approved by the city.

(i) The developer shall provide an address number to each residential structure as approved by Salt Lake County. Addresses may not end in zeros. The subdivider may provide names for streets, but such names shall be cleared through the Salt Lake County auditor’s office by the subdivider and approved by the city.

(j) Repealed by Ord. 15-23.

(k) Parcels of land to be dedicated as public parks or to be permanently reserved for private common open space shall also be titled “public park” or “private common open space,” whichever is applicable.

(l) The plat shall be drawn utilizing the Riverton City standard plat template for all subdivision plats.

(m) At the time of submission for approval by the city, the final plat shall bear notation by all outside agencies from which a signature is required, and shall remain in the city’s possession until recorded. [Ord. 15-23 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2-3-98-1 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-325-020-B.]

17.10.030 Improvements and dedications.

(1) Requirements Before Recordation. The improvements required by this title shall be constructed, installed and maintained by the subdivider until accepted by the municipality prior to recording the final plat in the office of the county recorder, unless the construction, installation, and maintenance is guaranteed in the manner provided in this title. Improvements shall not be installed or constructed until their design and specifications have been approved by the city.

(2) Guarantee of Improvements. In lieu of the actual completion and acceptance by the city council of the improvements required by this title, the subdivider shall guarantee the installation and construction of the required improvements within one year from the date of recordation of the final plat by one or more of the following methods:

(a) Bonds. In order to ensure that the development will be constructed to completion in an acceptable manner, the applicant (owner) shall enter into a bond agreement to guarantee construction of dedicated improvements. Said bond agreement shall include either an escrow deposit, letter of credit, or surety bond issued by a bonding company licensed to do business in the state of Utah, which posts or deposits a financial guarantee with the city in an amount equal to 100 percent of the costs to construct dedicated improvements, as estimated by the city engineer. All financial instruments offered to the city to ensure the construction of public improvements shall be approved as to legal form by the city attorney. The agreement and escrow deposit shall assure timely construction and installation of all required public improvements. Developer may not seek release of individual public improvements from coverage under the bond agreement before all public improvements are ready to be dedicated. The developer may request partial bond releases of whole categories of improvements within the bond. Ninety percent of the entire bond may be released when 100 percent of the site is complete, inspected, accepted by the city and approved by the city council. The remaining 10 percent will be held to insure that the improvements shall be maintained in a state of good repair for a period of 12 months from the date of completion and acceptance by the city inspector for all improvements bonded. The final release must receive approval by the city council.

(b) Inadequate Bond. If the bond proceeds are inadequate to pay for the cost of the completion of the improvements according to the city’s standard of specifications for whatever reason, including previous reductions, the subdivider shall be responsible for the deficiency and no further building permits shall be issued in the subdivision until the improvements are completed or, with the city council’s approval, a new, satisfactory bond has been executed and delivered to the city or other satisfactory arrangements have been made to insure completion of the remaining improvements.

(c) Electronic Version of As-Constructed Drawings. Prior to acceptance of the subdivision, as-constructed drawings shall be turned in to the city engineer in both an electronic format which is acceptable to the city engineer and in 22-inch by 34-inch drawings.

(3) Acceptance of Dedicated Streets and Improvements. The dedication of the streets and other improvements required by this title shall be deemed an offer by the subdivider which shall be kept open for at least two years and may not be withdrawn during that time. The city shall accept the offer of dedication only if it finds that the subdivider has constructed, installed and maintained the improvements required by Riverton City Standard Specifications and Plans Manual and the improvements comply with the minimum requirements of Riverton City Standard Specifications and Plans Manual at the time of acceptance. [Ord. 15-23 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 07-13 § 1; Ord. 9-26-06-1 § 1 (Exh. C); Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2-3-98-1 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-325-020-C.]

17.10.040 Recordation and limitations.

(1) Responsibility for Recordation of Plat. When finally approved, the city recorder shall be responsible for recording subdivision plats. The subdivider shall pay for all recording fees at the time of recordation. No final plats shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder, and no lots included in such final plat shall be sold or exchanged, unless and until the plat is properly approved, signed, and accepted by the city.

(2) Changes on Plats without Approval. It shall be unlawful for any person to change the lines, drawings, lot sizes or shapes, or any other provision of a plat after it has received approval by any person whose approval is required. Any plat that is changed in violation of this subsection is void and the subdivider may, upon conviction thereof, be punished to the extent of the law for violation of a misdemeanor. In addition, the city may compel the person recording the plat to withdraw the plat from the county recorder’s office or to file a notice, or the city may itself file a notice that the recordation of the plat is void. [Ord. 15-23 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2-3-98-1 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-325-020-D.]

17.10.050 Geographic information system.

(1) Purpose. The requirements contained herein relate to the submission of data to the city for further development of the city’s geographic information system, in order to facilitate the planning and management of the city.

(2) Submission Requirements. At the time of the applicant’s 90 percent bond release, the applicant shall provide as-built drawings in formats described in subsection (4) of this section. If the applicant for the bond release is not the original applicant of record for a project, the applicant for the bond release shall still bear responsibility for submission of GIS data to the city as described herein. These drawings shall include the following:

(a) Roadway system (stop signs, stop lights, street signs, street lights, speed limit signs, centerlines, curb and gutter, sidewalks).

(b) Culinary water system (fire hydrants, water meters).

(c) Secondary water system (secondary water stop and wastes).

(d) Lots (closed boundary, lot number, lot size, address).

(e) Dedicated land (parks, trails).

(f) Landscape (trees).

(3) The city reserves the right to request further information as directed by the city engineer.

(4) Data Formats. Electronic data formats of data required by this section shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the city engineer.

(5) Construction Projects. Construction projects extending into the public right-of-way, where underground utilities could be identified, shall be required to submit geographic data on the utility or item in the aforementioned formats. The city reserves the right to request further information as directed by the city engineer.

(6) Exemptions. Single-lot residential projects or applications that are not installing new or modifying existing utilities are exempt from GIS submittal requirements. Construction projects limited to single service laterals are also exempt. [Ord. 15-23 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 5-1-01-1 § 1 (Exh. B). Code 1997 § 12-325-020-E.]