Chapter 18.145


18.145.010    Purpose.

18.145.020    Provision for off-street parking.

18.145.030    General requirements for parking.

18.145.040    Calculating parking requirements.

18.145.050    Landscaping in parking areas.

18.145.060    Pedestrian access.

18.145.070    Parking structures.

18.145.080    Lighting.

18.145.090    Location of parking spaces.

18.145.100    Accessible parking.

18.145.110    Restriction on parking.

18.145.120    Minimum space requirements.

18.145.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to reduce street congestion and traffic hazards in Riverton City by requiring adequate, attractively designed facilities for off-street parking and loading as an integral part of every use of land of the city. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-005.]

18.145.020 Provision for off-street parking.

Off-street parking shall be provided for when any new building is erected or any remodeled building is enlarged or increased in capacity. Parking shall consist of asphalt or concrete surface off-street area with adequate provisions for paved ingress and egress by standard-sized automobiles as hereinafter provided. All required parking facilities shall be maintained so long as any use requiring such facilities continues. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-010.]

18.145.030 General requirements for parking.

The following requirements apply to all parking areas unless otherwise stated herein:

(1) Dimensions of Parking Spaces and Drive Aisles. The dimensions of each off-street parking space shall be nine and one-half feet by 19 feet for angled or 90-degree-angle spaces, or nine feet by 22 feet for parallel spaces exclusive of access drives or aisles. However, where stalls are located against curbed areas, stall depths may be reduced to 18 feet (nine and one-half feet by 18 feet) for angled or 90-degree spaces. Dimensions for parking spaces and drive aisles shall be as shown in Table 18.145.030. For some land uses, parking stall dimensions may deviate from Table 18.145.030 when determined appropriate or necessary by the city.

Table 18.145.030

Parking Stall and Drive Aisle Dimensions






























(2) Backing Space. Backing space must be provided such that cars will not back onto a public street or sidewalk.

(3) Grading. All parking and grading shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer for drainage.

(4) Parking Design. Parking areas shall be designed to provide orderly and safe circulation, loading, unloading, parking and storage of vehicles. All parking areas shall be landscaped, striped, marked and maintained according to approved plans.

(5) Entrance by Forward Motion. Off-street parking areas shall allow vehicles to enter and exit from a public street by forward motion only. Parking shall not be installed that allows automobiles to back out onto public streets. This regulation does not apply to parking areas serving one- and two-family residential units.

(6) Maintenance. Pavement, striping, landscaping, paintings, lighting and all other parking area components shall be maintained to prevent deterioration and safety hazards.

No tandem parking (one space blocking access behind another) shall be allowed, except for conventional single-family dwellings. [Ord. 7-6-04-2; Ord. 6-1-04-1; Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-015.]

18.145.040 Calculating parking requirements.

The following shall apply when calculating parking spaces for residential and commercial uses:

(1) Square Footage Basis. Whenever parking requirements are based on square footage, calculations shall be based on gross square footage of the building or use.

(2) Number of Employees Basis. When parking regulations are based on the number of employees, parking calculations shall use the largest number of employees who work at any one shift. Where shift changes may cause substantial overcrowding of parking facilities, the planning commission may require additional spaces.

(3) Inclusion of On-Street Parking. Available on-street parking spaces may not be used to meet the requirements set forth herein. No development plans shall be based on the assumption that excess vehicles can be parked on public streets.

(4) Multiple Uses. When a structure or parcel contains multiple uses, more than one parking standard may apply.

(5) Fractional Numbers. If, when calculating the number of parking spaces, a fractional number is obtained, one parking space shall be required for each fraction.

(6) Transportation System Management. For office and industrial uses with parking lots over 300 parking spaces, a maximum of 20 percent reduction in parking spaces may be permitted when an approved transportation system management (TSM) plan is in place. TSMs must include a minimum of one dedicated bus stop located on site and/or a van pool system. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-27-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-020.]

18.145.050 Landscaping in parking areas.

The following regulations shall apply to landscaping of off-street parking areas:

(1) Landscape Strips. All parking areas for a commercial use that are adjacent to a public street shall have a landscaped, bermed strip of not less than 10 feet placed between the sidewalk and the parking area. Trees, both deciduous and evergreen, shall be placed in the strip with spacing of no less than 30-foot intervals, and shall comply with all ratio requirements listed herein.

(2) Curbing. All landscaped areas abutting any paved surface shall be curbed. Boundary landscaping around the perimeter of the parking areas shall be separated by a concrete curb or wall at least six inches higher than the parking surface.

(3) Sight Distance. At intersections of streets, driveways, sidewalks, etc., landscaping shall be limited to a height of not more than three feet above grade. The grade at the said intersections shall not be bermed or raised for a distribution of 15 feet back from the intersection to allow for sight distance.

(4) Medians. Any traffic median or island, either on or off site, shall be fully landscaped with trees, shrubs, or, grass, or a mixture of the three. In any case, however, the landscaping shall include trees unless deemed inappropriate by the planning commission, or puts the safety of patrons, residents, or others in jeopardy by its design.

(5) Islands within Parking Areas. On double rows of parking stalls, there shall be one 40-foot by nine-foot landscaped island on each end of all parking rows, plus one 40-foot by nine-foot landscaped island to be placed at a minimum of every twentieth parking space. On single rows of parking or where it abuts a sidewalk, there shall be one 20-foot by nine-foot landscaped island a minimum of every 10 spaces, except where parking abuts a building frontage of not more than 150 feet in which case the planning commission may allow the ADA access aisle adjacent to ADA parking spaces to replace a required landscape island. Landscaped islands at the ends of parking rows shall be placed and shaped in such a manner as to help direct traffic through the parking area. There shall be a break in parking rows at a maximum of 40 parking stalls for each double row of parking for the purpose of facilitating traffic circulation on the site. Each island on double parking rows shall include a minimum of two trees per planter. Islands on a single parking row shall have a minimum of one tree per planter. The purpose of the landscaped area is to provide shade relief to the parking area and all vegetation shall be placed to this end.

(6) Boundary Strips. All landscaped boundary strips shall be a minimum of five feet in width.

(7) Site Plan – Landscape Planting Plan. All landscaping shall be completed in accordance with the approved site plan and landscape planting plan and shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building, except where weather conditions are prohibitive. In such cases an extension period of six months is permitted but all bonding shall be withheld until full compliance is determined.

(8) Parking Abutting Building. Parking which abuts the side or front of buildings shall be, as a minimum, separated in the following ways:

(a) In the front of the building by a four-foot sidewalk and a five-foot landscaped strip or as approved by the city council upon recommendation from the planning commission.

(b) On the side and rear of the building by a five-foot landscaped strip.

(9) Land Area Covered by Landscaping. All land area not occupied by buildings, structures, hard surface, vehicular driveways, or pedestrian walkways shall be landscaped and maintained in a weed-free condition.

(10) Snow Stacking. Every parking lot design shall plan for a snow stacking area to accommodate the stacking volume of a two-foot snow base over the entire parking lot. Parking lot snow removal shall include shoveling of raised walkways, where used. [Ord. 20-22 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-27-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-025.]

18.145.060 Pedestrian access.

Parking lots larger than 15,000 square feet shall provide raised or delineated walkways. The walkways shall be minimum of 10 feet wide. Parking shall include pleasant pedestrian access to building front. This shall include an unobstructed walkway to the building front a minimum 10 feet in width. Walkways shall be placed, at a minimum, through the center of the parking area and along the front of buildings to serve as pedestrian access to adjoining buildings. The center walkway shall be placed roughly at midpoint of the parking area, but shall align with the front entrance to the main building. Trees along the center walkway shall be placed a minimum of every 30 feet, but are encouraged to be offset from one another to create a feeling of greater coverage. Where parking configurations are long and narrow, the center walkway may be removed as long as there is a maximum of 250 feet to the nearest walkway. Additional elements such as pergolas, covered walkways or tree-lined walkways shall be encouraged along pedestrian access. Where the developer(s) desires to have a driveway access at the center of the parking area, a pedestrian access shall be placed on either side of the driveway. Where this is the case, the landscaping shall be a minimum of five feet in width with a minimum six-foot sidewalk. Trees shall be placed at the said intervals. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 10-27-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-030.]

18.145.070 Parking structures.

When parking structures are considered, exterior walls will include small store fronts and architectural treatments to integrate with adjacent architecture of buildings. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-035.]

18.145.080 Lighting.

Parking areas shall be adequately lit so as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises of any residential or agricultural zone and adjacent streets. Lighting arrangement and design shall be approved by the city council upon recommendation of the planning commission. All lighting fixtures shall conform to Riverton City’s adopted lighting design standards. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-040.]

18.145.090 Location of parking spaces.

For any new use, structure, or building other than a dwelling, required off-site parking, which due to the size or location of the premises cannot be provided on the premises, may be provided on other property in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Easement. If a building, structure, or improvement requiring parking is located upon a parcel under different ownership, or upon a different lot from that upon which the required parking is provided, an easement from the owner(s) of the property thus to be used shall be executed and recorded in the office of the Salt Lake County recorder in a form first approved by the city council; provided, that the dominant tenant of the building, structure, or improvement exists within said city.

(2) Shared Parking Facilities. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be primarily a daytime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use, and up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be a nighttime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily daytime use; provided, that such reciprocal parking area shall be contiguous, and the joint use of such facilities is approved by the city council and is assured by executing and recording in the office of the Salt Lake County recorder covenants as prescribed by this chapter. [Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-045.]

18.145.100 Accessible parking.

(1) Accessible Stalls to Be Provided. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided in off-street parking lots and shall count towards fulfilling the minimum requirements for automobile parking.

(2) Location and Marking. Accessible parking spaces shall be located, marked and signed according to current requirements and standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

(3) Number of Stalls. The number of accessible parking spaces shall conform to the current minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

(4) Dimensions. Accessible parking stalls shall meet current ADA dimension requirements. [Ord. 20-15 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-050.]

18.145.110 Restriction on parking.

(1) Parking for Automobile Sales. It shall be unlawful for the owner of an automobile or a property owner to park such vehicle or allow it to be parked on a vacant lot for the purpose of displaying it for sale, unless the property owner has a business license from Riverton City to sell automobiles at that location. [Ord. 19-19 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-055.]

18.145.120 Minimum space requirements.

The following minimum number of parking spaces shall be required for any new or enlarged building, or increase in seating capacity or floor area, and shall be permanently maintained:



Residential Land Uses




Two spaces per dwelling unit, enclosed in garage. Residential driveways shall be concrete a minimum of 20 ft. from garage or the entire span between the street and garage, excluding private lanes of 50 ft. or longer.


Two spaces per dwelling unit.

Accessory dwelling unit

One space per accessory dwelling unit.

Single-family condos

Two spaces per dwelling unit with one enclosed.


(A minimum of one covered space per dwelling unit.)

Efficiency unit

One and one-fourth spaces per dwelling unit.

One-bedroom units

Two spaces per dwelling unit for the first five units. One and one-half spaces per dwelling unit thereafter.

Two or more bedroom units

Two and one-half spaces per dwelling unit for the first five units. Two spaces per dwelling unit thereafter.

Boarding, rooming and lodging houses

One space per guest room or guest dwelling.

Independent senior housing

One space per dwelling unit.

Nursing homes or convalescent hospitals

Four spaces plus one-half space per bed.

Public/Semipublic Land Uses

Churches, temples, synagogues, clubs and lodges

One parking space per three and one-half fixed seats in the main assembly room; or one space per 20 sq. ft. in the main assembly room. For buildings for conferences or other nonregular congregations necessary parking determined by planning commission.

Country club, swim club or recreational use

One parking space per three persons based on the maximum anticipated capacity of all facilities capable of simultaneous use as determined by the planning director.

Governmental offices (executive, legislative, and judicial)

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.


One space per patient bed.

Libraries and museums

One space per 300 sq. ft. of floor area.

Post offices

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.

Parks, regional

Two spaces per acre or as determined by the planning commission.

Public assembly

One space per 175 sq. ft. of floor area.



Elementary and middle

Two spaces per teaching station plus 10 visitor spaces.

Senior high schools

10 spaces per teaching station, plus 10 visitor spaces.

Commercial Sales and Services Land Uses

Art gallery

One parking space per 350 sq. ft. of floor area.

Athletic club, gymnasium or fitness center, not on a school site

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.

Automobiles, new and used, boat, camper or similar vehicle sale or rentals

One parking space for each 1,000 sq. ft. of gross land area used for sales and display purposes.

Bank, financial institution, public or private utility office

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.

Barber or beauty shops

One and one-half spaces per two work stations.

Bed and breakfast establishments

One parking space per guest unit plus one parking space per owner occupant.

Billiard parlors

One space per one and one-half billiard tables.

Bus depot

One space per 100 sq. ft. of waiting room space.

Bowling alleys

Four spaces per alley.

Business or professional offices

One space per 250 sq. ft.

Car wash and lube centers

Parking spaces or reservoir parking equal to five times the capacity of the car wash or lube center.

Cinema, theater, entertainment center

One space for each four seats up to 800 seats, plus one parking space for each six seats over 800.

Cleaning or laundry use or similar personal service use (self-service)

One space per two washing machines.

Commercial service uses, repair shops, garages

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area (including display).

Convenience stores

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.

Dance halls, dance studios, skating rinks

One space per 250 sq. ft. of floor area.

Day care center, preschool

One space per staff member plus one space per 10 students.

Drive-through uses


Bank or financial

One parking space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area, plus five vehicles per drive-through station for vehicle stacking space.

Sit down, taverns, or private nonprofit clubs for consumption of food or beverage on the premises with more than 16 seats

One space per 100 sq. ft. of floor area. In addition, four spaces before the order area shall be required for vehicle stacking space.

Drive-in and fast food with 16 seats or less

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area. In addition, four spaces before the order area shall be required for vehicle stacking space.

Convenience or liquor store

One parking space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area plus a minimum of 60 ft. of stacking area to accommodate at least three vehicles at the window.

Dry cleaners

One parking space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area plus a minimum of 60 ft. of stacking area to accommodate at least three vehicles at the window.


Parking spaces as required by the specific use plus a minimum of 60 ft. of stacking area to accommodate at least three vehicles at the window.

Dry cleaners

One space per 300 sq. ft. of floor area.

Food store or supermarket

1. One parking space for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area for buildings over 10,000 sq. ft.


2. One space per each 250 sq. ft. for buildings less than or equal to 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area.

Funeral homes, mortuaries

One space per three fixed seats or one space per 20 sq. ft. of floor area in assembly room, plus one space per each commercial funeral vehicle.

Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment or repair shop

One space for each 600 sq. ft. of gross leasable area.

Heavy equipment and machinery sales

One space per 750 sq. ft. of floor area.

Hotels, motels, time-shares and other similar lodging uses as determined by the director of community development. Total per unit of the following requirements:

One space for each living or sleeping unit and one space per employee, plus parking for all accessory uses.


a. One-half space per room within each lodging unit, but not less than one space per total unit (excluding kitchens, bathrooms, closets or similar rooms as determined by the director of community development).


b. One-fourth space per total unit if the timeshare facility accommodates on-site sales activities (this requirement may be waived by the director if applicant provides adequate documentation indicating sales customers are also overnight guests at the facility).


c. One-fourth space per lock-out suite.


d. For projects under 60 units, an additional five spaces shall be provided. For projects with 60 or more units, an additional 10 spaces shall be added.


e. Parking shall be added for any accessory uses (e.g., convention centers, meeting rooms, etc.) according to requirements set forth in this chapter.

Independent elderly housing

One space per dwelling unit.

Plant nursery, garden shop

Five spaces plus one additional space per 2,000 sq. ft. of sales or display area.

Manufacturing plants, research and testing laboratories, bottling plants

One space per person employed on the highest employee shift.

Medical or dental offices, clinics

One space per 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area.



Sit down, taverns, or private nonprofit clubs for consumption of food or beverage on the premises with more than 16 seats

One space per 100 sq. ft. of floor area.

Drive-in and fast food with 16 seats or less

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area.

Retail stores, shops, etc., except as provided for in furniture and appliance retail

One space per 200 sq. ft. of retail floor space.

Planned shopping centers under unified control over 25,000 sq. ft.

1. One space per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area.


2. Parking spaces for restaurant space that exceeds 15% of the total square footage of the shopping center shall be calculated as required for restaurant.

Special care facilities

One for each three beds, patients, and residents.

Sports arenas, auditoriums, theaters, assembly halls, and meeting rooms

One space per three and one-half seats of maximum seating capacity.

Warehouse and distribution industry

One space per 2,000 sq. ft. for the first 20,000 sq. ft. of floor area, plus one space per 4,000 sq. ft. of floor area thereafter.

Wholesale establishments

One space per 500 sq. ft. of floor area.

Not listed

To be determined by city council with prior recommendation from planning commission.

[Ord. 19-21 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 8-17-99-1 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 3-3-98-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-315-060.]