Chapter 18.230
18.230.020 License required – Health department permit – Regulations.
18.230.030 Permitted locations.
18.230.050 Compliance with law.
18.230.010 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings set forth in this section:
City-Owned Property. City property shall include all parks, open space, parcels containing city operations, buildings, rights-of-way, and all other such properties. City-owned property includes all parking lots on these properties.
“Mobile food vending” means the sale or donation of food or beverages from a mobile food vendor unit.
“Mobile food vendor unit (unit)” means an enclosed truck, trailer, or similar vehicle-mounted unit that is:
(a) A licensed motor vehicle or is capable of being moved by a licensed motor vehicle;
(b) Independent with respect to water, wastewater, and power utilities; and
(c) Used for the preparation, sale, or donation of food products and beverages.
The definition of “mobile food vendor unit” shall not include vending carts or ice cream trucks. [Ord. 20-32 § 1 (Exh. A).]
18.230.020 License required – Health department permit – Regulations.
(1) License Required. It is unlawful for any person to operate, conduct, carry on, or maintain mobile food vending without a business license. A mobile food vendor who has a valid business license from another political subdivision within the state is not required to obtain a Riverton City business license. All mobile food vendors must be able to produce a valid business license, health department food truck permit, and evidence of a successful fire safety inspection for each mobile unit upon request by a city official.
(2) Health Department Permit and Fire Safety Inspection. Prior to issuance of a Riverton City license, vendors must obtain a Salt Lake Valley health department permit. Such permit must remain in force during the license period. A vendor must also pass a fire safety inspection performed by the city, or show that it has passed a fire safety inspection by another political subdivision within the current calendar year.
(3) Business Activity to Be Temporary. All business activity related to mobile food vending shall be of a temporary nature subject to the following requirements:
(a) Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except as otherwise authorized by the city.
(b) No overnight parking is allowed. An exception may be granted by the development services director for an approved multiday event.
(c) The mobile food vending unit shall not conduct business within city limits for more than any part of 90 days per calendar year. [Ord. 20-32 § 1 (Exh. A).]
18.230.030 Permitted locations.
(1) Mobile Food Vending on Private Property. Vendors may only operate on private property with the express prior written permission of a person with authority to act on behalf of the property owner. The written permission shall include any restrictions such as specific location on the property, hours of operation, limitations on employee and/or public sales, etc. The location and use of a site may not interfere with the existing parking demand and circulation of the surrounding development. The vendor, while operating, shall produce the written permission upon request of an authorized city official.
(2) Zoning Restrictions. Mobile food vending is only permitted in commercial and light industrial zones.
(3) Limited Permitted Residential Mobile Food Vending. Mobile food vending is also permitted in residential zones, but only on public and private school property, churches, parks, or other government-owned property with the written permission of the property owner as required in subsection (1) of this section.
(4) Mobile Food Vending on City-Owned Property and in City Rights-of-Way. Mobile food vending is prohibited on city-owned property and city rights-of-way except as authorized in writing by the city. [Ord. 20-32 § 1 (Exh. A).]
18.230.040 Prohibited acts.
(1) Preparation Outside the Mobile Food Vending Unit. Vendors may prepare food and beverages outside of the unit (e.g., meat smoking, corn roasting) but such preparation shall not obstruct vehicle or pedestrian traffic nor create safety hazards to the public. Vendors, however, shall not serve food directly to customers from such outside food preparation area.
(2) Items for Sale. Only food and beverage items, and merchandise branded with the mobile food vending logos such as apparel or beverage containers, may be sold from units. The sale or distribution of other merchandise, professional or personal services, or alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
(3) Obstruction of Traffic. Placement of units or related accessories shall not obstruct or impede pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic, access to and from driveways, or clear vision lines for vehicle drivers.
(4) Drive-Through or Drive-In Service Prohibited. Units shall serve pedestrians only. Drive-through or drive-in service is prohibited. [Ord. 20-32 § 1 (Exh. A).]
18.230.050 Compliance with law.
Unit placement, mobile operation and any associated accessories must adhere to federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies. Local laws, regulations and policies include, but are not limited to, the city’s zoning ordinances, noise ordinances, stormwater regulations, and fire and building codes. [Ord. 20-32 § 1 (Exh. A).]