Chapter 9

Article I. In General

9-1    Hours open.

9-2    Cemetery superintendent responsible for enforcing regulations.

9-3    Authority of superintendent to take action to protect lots.

9-4    Prohibited acts generally.

9-5    Removal of offensive objects authorized.

9-6    Floral arrangements, removal.

9-7    Removal of rubbish.

9-8    Workers subject to superintendent’s directions.

9-9    Boisterous conduct prohibited.

9-10    Food and drinks prohibited; exception.

9-11    Reserved.

9-12    Certain conveyances prohibited in cemetery, exceptions.

9-13    Firearms prohibited.

9-14    Dogs prohibited.

9-15    Removal of soil prohibited.

9-16    Prohibited displays.

9-17    Children under fourteen to be accompanied by adult.

9-18    Soliciting business prohibited.

9-19    Entry onto private lots restricted.

9-20    Reserved.

9-21    Penalty for violations.

9-22—9-31.    Reserved.

Article II. Purchase or Transfer of Lots

9-32    Lots to be paid for in full before interment.

9-33    Transfers to third persons to be reported.

9-34    Information available from superintendent.

9-35    Authority to designate certain sections where lots not for sale except upon certain conditions.

9-36    Reversion of grave to cemetery.

9-37    Authority to increase charges of lots.

9-38—9-47.    Reserved.

Article III. Charges

9-48    Schedule of cemetery rates and charges.

9-49    Reserved.

9-50    Charges for perpetual care.

9-51    Reserved.

9-52—9-61.    Reserved.

Article IV. Monuments, Markers and Improvements

9-62    Monuments not permitted on single graves; markers allowed.

9-63    Reserved.

9-64    Foundation required for markers.

9-65    Cornerstones.

9-66    Monuments or markers may be reset.

9-67    Aboveground structures.

9-68    Enclosures prohibited.

9-69    Superintendent to designate location of materials.

9-70    Saturday work restricted.

9-71    Grading and fitting lots.

9-72    Care of lots.

9-73    Stone, concrete or gravel prohibited.

9-74    Damages to driveways, trees, shrubs, etc.

9-75    Authority to remove trees, shrubs or plants.

9-76    Lot owners permitted to plant flowers.

9-77    Special regulations for Lakeview Cemetery.

9-78—9-86.    Reserved.

Article V. Funerals and Interments

Division 1. In General

9-87    Superintendent to have control of funerals.

9-88    Funerals not to be held on Sunday, exception.

9-89    Openings to be made by cemetery employees.

9-90    Notice and permit required for interment.

9-91    Written order for disinterment required.

9-92    Receiving vault.

9-93    Removal of bodies from vault.

9-94    Authority of superintendent to make interment.

9-95    Interment in lot which has a debt against it prohibited.

9-96    Permission of lot owner required for burial of nonfamily in lot.

9-97    Work to cease during services.

9-98    Infectious diseases.

9-99    Vault design requirements.

Division 2. Cremation Garden Areas

9-100    Special regulations regarding cremation garden areas.

Division 3. Burials at Public Expense

9-101    Special regulations regarding burials at public expense.


Charter reference—Power of city council to establish, manage and control public cemeteries, § 48(XXXVI); authority to prevent trespass or injury to cemeteries, § 48(XXXIII); department of cemeteries, §§ 218220.

Cross reference—Vegetation, Ch. 29.