Chapter 2.120


Article I. Internet Access

2.120.010    Definitions.

2.120.020    General.

Article II. Electronic Messaging Systems

2.120.030    Definitions.

2.120.040    Policy.

Article I. Internet Access

2.120.010 Definitions.

“Flame wars” means angry e-mail exchanges.

“Hacking” means attempting to break into another system on which you have no account, and is treated as malicious intent.

“Internet” means the worldwide network of networks and computers.

“Netiquette” means a word made from combining “Network Etiquette.” The practice of good manners in a network environment.

“Surfing” means random Internet browsing, normally not work related. (Res. R-26-97 (part))

2.120.020 General.

A.    When accessing the Internet, employees are representing Adams County, therefore all rules of conduct and law that apply in your regular workplace also apply on the Internet.

B.    Adams County has the right to review user accounts, workstations and file server space in order to make determinations on whether specific uses of the information systems are appropriate. Adams County may revoke an employee’s, contractor’s or volunteer’s access to the network and network services when there has been a clear violation of acceptable use principles and guidelines. In addition, where violations occur, employees, contractors and volunteers are subject to any disciplinary or corrective actions or penalties proscribed in law, rule or policy.

C.    Adams County encourages appropriate use of on-line resources. Acceptable uses include, but are not limited to:

1.    Facilitating communication with other agencies or business partners;

2.    Facilitating discussions aimed at professional development;

3.    Gathering information on industry trends;

4.    Use in grant related activities;

5.    Legal and policy research;

6.    Gaining timely access to government publications and statistics, and generally advancing the information needs of the organization.

D.    Inappropriate behavior may result in disciplinary actions ranging from verbal warnings to terminations of network services and/or employment with Adams County. The severity of the misbehavior governs the severity of the disciplinary action. Inappropriate on-line behavior in the workplace would include, but is not limited to:

1.    Unauthorized attempts to break into any computer whether of Adams County or another organization (hacking);

2.    Using county time, equipment and/or other resources for nonwork-related activity, personal gain or recreation;

3.    Sending threatening messages;

4.    Sending racially and/or sexually harassing messages;

5.    Theft, or copying, of electronic files without permission;

6.    Sending or posting Adams County confidential materials outside Adams County, or posting Adams County confidential materials inside Adams County to nonauthorized personnel;

7.    Sending chain letters through electronic mail;

8.    “Surfing” pornographic and sexually oriented sites;

9.    Random “surfing”; and

10.    “Flame wars.”

E.    Access to the Internet will be provided to Adams County employees, contractors and volunteers when deemed appropriate for their work. This is at the discretion of the department head or elected official for their department subject to resources and other limitations.

F.    Employees must use proper “netiquette” when participating in newsgroups or sending e-mail. Employees should be aware that when sites are accessed, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are recorded. Comments, including flame wars, are not anonymous. (Res. R-26-97 (part))

Article II. Electronic Messaging Systems

2.120.030 Definitions.

“Communications” is defined as a system for sending and receiving messages, as by mail and telephone. “Media” is the plural of “medium” which is defined as an agent by which something is conveyed, accomplished, or transferred. “Communication media” is that aspect of electronic messaging systems that contains the message.

“Employee” is a person who is a permanent employee, temporary employee, contractor, student intern or otherwise engaged at Adams County and has been given authorized access to any agency electronic messaging system.

“Encryption” is a method of “scrambling” data using cryptographic algorithm based on a secret key that is known only to the originating system and the destination system.

“Securing a device” means to log off the network, invoke a keyboard locking feature requiring a password, or otherwise make the device inaccessible. (Res. R-27-97 (part))

2.120.040 Policy.

A.    The county will provide electronic messaging systems, making them available to Adams County employees as required subject to resources and other limitations. Employees with assigned access to electronic messaging systems are expected to use them.

1.    Employees with access to electronic messaging systems are expected to check for messages on a frequent and regular basis and respond within a reasonable time as needed.

B.    County-owned electronic messaging systems will provide data confidentiality and integrity. Employees must use reasonable means to minimize unauthorized access to electronic messages.

1.    Employees are responsible for protecting messages from unauthorized access by maintaining password confidentiality and by securing the communications device to the extent possible before leaving it unattended.

2.    Confidential and sensitive written information must be encrypted before transmitting electronically. This applies to information sent within the county and especially information sent to external agencies.

C.    An employee’s use of county-provided communications media is restricted.

1.    Employees are expected to use county-provided communications media only for county business. However, the county recognizes the occasional need to exchange personal messages. These should be kept to a minimum, both in number and length. At no time should personal messages be sent in a way that charges the county for transmission.

2.    Employees shall not use county-provided communications media in a fashion that constitutes or involves any unlawful activity including but not limited to:

a.    Discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, marital status, religion, disability, sexual orientation or veteran’s status;

b.    Harassment, sexual and otherwise;

c.    Copyright infringement;

d.    Expression of an employee’s personal political beliefs or personal business interests.

3.    Electronic communications resources are limited and employees must manage their allotted resources in a responsible manner. This includes but is not limited to deleting old messages and downloading e-mail messages to diskettes for long-term storage.

D.    All county information technology resources, including electronic messaging systems and files, are the property of Adams County.

1.    The county may, under certain circumstances and in the course of normal business functions, access an employee’s electronic messages without authorization from the employee.

E.    Electronic messages sent globally (i.e., to “*ALL”) must be appropriate for type and content. Examples of appropriate global messages are those that pertain to normal operations of the county such as training and security alerts.

F.    Communications media shall be managed in conformance with statutes and rules.

1.    Management of the county’s electronic communications media shall conform to all applicable statutes and regulations governing public records, records retention and public disclosure. (Res. R-27-97 (part))