Chapter 4.20
4.20.010 Developer extensions.
4.20.010 Developer extensions.
(1) A developer or property owner seeking to connect to the District water or sewer system by means of an extension of the public water and/or sewer facilities shall enter into a developer extension agreement (“DEA”) with the District. A DEA is required for the following activities:
(A) New public water main extension, including fire hydrant assemblies over 20 feet long.
(B) New or upgraded water services over two inches.
(C) Relocation, removal or abandonment of existing public water main.
(D) New public sewer main extension.
(E) Relocation, removal or abandonment of existing public sewer main.
(F) Direct connection to a King County sewer trunk line.
(G) Construction of a Type 1 or 2 sewer lift station.
(H) Work within WSDOT right-of-way.
(I) Work requiring significant right-of-way impacts or restoration, such as traffic control or repaving. This work could be for a side sewer tap, water service or fire hydrant installation.
(J) Other activities as deemed appropriate for a DEA by the Engineering & Development Director.
(2) Payment of applicable developer extension fees shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 9.05 AWWDC.
(3) Connections to the District water or sewer system that do not require a developer extension agreement shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in AWWDC Titles 5 and 6.
(4) Any developer that is a state agency or unit of local government is exempt from any DEA provision that requires a developer to secure its performance with a surety bond or other financial security device including cash or an assigned account.
(5) Any developer that is a state agency or unit of local government (“municipality”) shall have the option of: (A) complying with any DEA provision that requires a maintenance bond, or (B) agreeing to correct any defects in labor and/or materials associated with work for a period of two years from the date of execution of the DEA. The District in its sole discretion may identify “any defects” that require correction. The District is responsible for re-inspection of the work prior to the two-year anniversary date of execution. If the District identifies no defects, no further correction work will be required of the municipality. [Res. 2704 § 1, 2019].