Chapter 2.06
2.06.010 Committees created and established.
2.06.020 Function and purpose.
2.06.050 Administration and finance committee – Areas of responsibility.
2.06.060 Public safety committee – Areas of responsibility.
2.06.070 Public works committee – Areas of responsibility.
2.06.080 Transportation committee – Areas of responsibility.
2.06.090 Parks and recreation and cemetery committee – Areas of responsibility.
2.06.010 Committees created and established.
The following standing committees of the city council are created and established:
A. Administration and finance.
B. Public safety.
C. Public works.
D. Transportation.
E. Parks and recreation and cemetery. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.020 Function and purpose.
The standing committees shall function as advisory bodies to the council as a whole in reviewing policy matters referred to them by the council, and such other matters as the whole council by simple majority vote may direct, within their respective areas of responsibility, and formulating recommendations to the council regarding action proposed to be taken in general. The purpose of each committee shall be to review matters within its subject areas of responsibility as delineated in this chapter. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.030 Membership.
A. Each committee shall have a chairperson and at least one other member, to be appointed by the council annually upon the reorganization at the first regular or special meeting of each calendar year. It is further contemplated that the chairperson selected shall have a minimum of one year’s immediate experience with the committee chaired.
B. The mayor shall be an ex officio member of every committee.
C. The council, in organizing and reorganizing the committee assignments, shall avoid having two same council members as co-members of more than two committees or having three same council members as co-members of more than one committee. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.040 Powers and duties.
A. The standing committees shall consider, review, and make recommendations to the council concerning policy matters referred to them by the council. The mayor, committee chairpersons, and boards and commissions are encouraged to suggest policy questions to the council which should be considered by a committee. Whenever any policy matter is referred to a committee, the council should establish a date by which the committee should report its policy recommendations back to the council.
B. Each committee shall have general responsibility to investigate, collect and review appropriate information, and make recommendations to the council. Committees shall not have authority to take any action unless expressly authorized to do so by the affirmative vote of a majority of the council.
C. In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the committees shall have the power and authority to examine all records, registers, minutes, and documents pertaining to the subject matter under review or consideration, including those kept by boards and commissions of the city. The city’s officers, department heads, and board and commission chairpersons shall cooperate with and assist the committees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities and in furnishing necessary information, except where prohibited by law. In the event that any city officer, department head, or board or commission chairperson deems the release of information not in the best interest of the city, final authority for such release of information shall be vested in the mayor.
D. In the event of a conflict as to which committee has responsibility with respect to a particular subject matter or area of investigation or review, the question shall be referred to the council who, by majority vote, shall determine which committee should take responsibility for the matter in question.
E. In the appropriate place on the council agenda, any report from a standing committee shall be made by the committee chairperson or by an alternate designated by the chairperson. A minority report may be given by any committee member who dissents from the report of the majority. Oral reports shall be sufficient, unless the mayor or a majority of the council feels that a written report should be furnished. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.050 Administration and finance committee – Areas of responsibility.
The administration and finance committee shall be responsible for policy recommendations regarding the function and operation of municipal government through its department, boards, and appointive officers, both internally and through relationships with other governmental entities; public administration; council rules and procedures; matters relating to conflict of interest questions and ethics for public officials, campaign practices and expenditures; and financial analysis and auditing. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.060 Public safety committee – Areas of responsibility.
The public safety committee shall be responsible for policy recommendations regarding law enforcement, fire protection and prevention, health and safety, environmental health, animal control, and other matters involving public safety, health, and welfare. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.070 Public works committee – Areas of responsibility.
The public works committee shall be responsible for policy recommendations regarding public utilities, including but not limited to water distribution, storm drains, wastewater collection and treatment, and refuse collection and disposal. (Ord. 20-857 § 1, 2020; Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.080 Transportation committee – Areas of responsibility.
The transportation committee shall be responsible for policy recommendations regarding streets, street lighting, street signing, traffic, and parking. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.090 Parks and recreation and cemetery committee – Areas of responsibility.
The parks and recreation and cemetery committee shall be responsible for policy recommendations regarding parks, recreational facilities, and the city cemetery. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)
2.06.100 Mayor – Authority.
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to divest the mayor of any executive authority or power under the Municipal Code or the Revised Code of Washington, and particularly RCW 35A.12.090, nor shall any provision of this chapter be construed to grant any executive authority or power belonging to the mayor to any member of the council. (Ord. 06-678 § 1, 2006)