Chapter 18.56
18.56.020 On-premises commercial signs.
18.56.040 Political campaign signs.
18.56.010 Prohibited signs.
The following signs shall be prohibited:
A. Signs which in the opinion of the city police department interfere with the view of traffic signs, signals, or devices and approaching or merging traffic;
B. Signs with animated parts;
C. Signs erected, maintained or painted upon trees, rocks or other natural features;
D. Obsolete or unsafe signs;
E. Signs which obstruct a view from any public or private property. (Ord. 84-335 § 11.01(1), 1984)
18.56.020 On-premises commercial signs.
“On-premises” sign means any exterior sign or device conveying a message advertising or attracting the attention of prospective patrons and which either is attached, lettered on a structure or erected freestanding on a property on which the advertised activity is located. Such signs shall conform to the following standards:
A. The maximum size of any on-premises sign for any individual use shall not exceed 30 square feet. In the case of a two-sided sign, only one side shall be used in calculating the area.
B. Signs shall not project more than six feet from the side of a building. These signs shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
C. The maximum height limit of signs on separate poles or supports shall be 30 feet.
D. The number of on-premises commercial signs shall not exceed the number of sides of the lot on which the sign is placed or erected and which abut public right-of-way. In the case where there may be more than one use on the lot, each use shall be permitted one sign per street frontage. (Ord. 84-335 § 11.01(2), 1984)
18.56.030 Real estate signs.
The area of real estate signs which advertise the sale or lease of the property on which they are located shall not exceed eight square feet, except in commercial zones where real estate signs shall not exceed 30 square feet. (Ord. 84-335 § 11.01(3), 1984)
18.56.040 Political campaign signs.
Political campaign signs may be placed 45 days prior to an election and must be removed no later than seven days after the election.
For a successful candidate in a primary election, the sign may remain between the primary and the final election. A candidate for whom the sign is displayed is responsible for its removal. (Ord. 07-714 § 1, 2007; Ord. 84-335 § 11.01(4), 1984)