Chapter 9.23


9.23.010    Harassment.

9.23.020    Civil protection order.

9.23.010 Harassment.

The following statutes of the state of Washington, as the same exist or shall hereafter be amended, are adopted by reference:


9.61.230    Telephone harassment.

9.61.240    Telephone harassment – Permitting telephone to be used.

9.61.250    Telephone harassment – Offenses, where deemed committed.

9A.46.020    Definition – Penalties.

9A.46.030    Place where committed.

9A.46.040    Court-ordered requirements upon person charged with crime – Violation.

9A.46.050    Arraignment – No contact order.

9A.46.060    Crimes included in harassment.

9A.46.070    Enforcement of orders restricting contact.

9A.46.080    Order, restricting contact – Violation.

9A.46.090    Nonliability of peace officer.

9A.46.100    “Convicted,” time when.

9A.46.110    Stalking.

9A.90.120    Cyber harassment.

(Ord. 2023-31 § 1, 2023; Ord. 94-19 § 5, 1994; Ord. 91-34 § 18, 1991)

9.23.020 Civil protection order.

The following statutes of the state of Washington, as the same exist or shall hereafter be amended, are adopted by reference:


7.105.010    Definitions.

7.105.175    Service – Development of best practices.

7.105.450    Enforcement and penalties – Other than antiharassment protection orders and extreme risk protection orders.

7.105.455    Enforcement and penalties – Antiharassment protection orders.

7.105.460    Enforcement and penalties – Extreme risk protection orders – False petitions.

7.105.465    Enforcement and penalties – Knowledge of order.

7.105.470    Enforcement – Prosecutor assistance.

7.105.550    Orders under this chapter and other chapters – Enforcement and consolidation – Validity and enforcement of orders under prior chapters.

7.105.565    Proceedings additional – Filing of criminal charges not required.

7.105.570    Other authority retained.

7.105.575    Liability.

(Ord. 2023-31 § 1, 2023; Ord. 91-34 § 19, 1991)