Chapter 9.23
9.23.020 Civil protection order.
9.23.010 Harassment.
The following statutes of the state of Washington, as the same exist or shall hereafter be amended, are adopted by reference:
9.61.230 Telephone harassment.
9.61.240 Telephone harassment – Permitting telephone to be used.
9.61.250 Telephone harassment – Offenses, where deemed committed.
9A.46.020 Definition – Penalties.
9A.46.030 Place where committed.
9A.46.040 Court-ordered requirements upon person charged with crime – Violation.
9A.46.050 Arraignment – No contact order.
9A.46.060 Crimes included in harassment.
9A.46.070 Enforcement of orders restricting contact.
9A.46.080 Order, restricting contact – Violation.
9A.46.090 Nonliability of peace officer.
9A.46.100 “Convicted,” time when.
9A.46.110 Stalking.
9A.90.120 Cyber harassment.
(Ord. 2023-31 § 1, 2023; Ord. 94-19 § 5, 1994; Ord. 91-34 § 18, 1991)
9.23.020 Civil protection order.
The following statutes of the state of Washington, as the same exist or shall hereafter be amended, are adopted by reference:
7.105.010 Definitions.
7.105.175 Service – Development of best practices.
7.105.450 Enforcement and penalties – Other than antiharassment protection orders and extreme risk protection orders.
7.105.455 Enforcement and penalties – Antiharassment protection orders.
7.105.460 Enforcement and penalties – Extreme risk protection orders – False petitions.
7.105.465 Enforcement and penalties – Knowledge of order.
7.105.470 Enforcement – Prosecutor assistance.
7.105.550 Orders under this chapter and other chapters – Enforcement and consolidation – Validity and enforcement of orders under prior chapters.
7.105.565 Proceedings additional – Filing of criminal charges not required.
7.105.570 Other authority retained.
7.105.575 Liability.
(Ord. 2023-31 § 1, 2023; Ord. 91-34 § 19, 1991)