Chapter 12.16


12.16.010    Purpose.

12.16.020    Definitions.

12.16.030    Principles applied within the former city boundaries.

12.16.040    Principles applied outside the former city boundaries.

12.16.050    Way-of-travel names.

12.16.060    Assignment of addresses.

12.16.070    Signage.

12.16.080    Powers and duties of the department.

12.16.090    Violation – Penalty – Hearing.

12.16.100    Repealed.

12.16.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to grant the department the sole authority to assign road names and numbers, and address structures within the city. This chapter generally maintains existing road names and numbers and provides a method for assigning new names and numbers. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.020 Definitions.

The following words or phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless where used the context clearly indicates to the contrary:

A. “Alley” means a public or private way-of-travel 20 feet or less in width not designated or improved for general travel and used as a means of secondary access or to the rear of residential, business or other property.

B. “Avenue” means a way-of-travel which runs generally north and south.

C. “Boulevard” means a way-of-travel that meanders and crosses several grids separated by a maintained planting area.

D. “Circle” means a short way-of-travel which begins and returns back to end on itself.

E. “Court” means a way-of-travel under two grid blocks long ending in a dead end or cul-de-sac.

F. “Department” means the department of planning and community development for the city.

G. “Designate” means to name a way-of-travel whether by name or number.

H. “Drive” means an irregular or diagonal way-of-travel over two grid blocks in length.

I. “Lane” means a privately owned way-of-travel.

J. “Loop” means a short drive which begins and ends on the same street.

K. “Official Map” means the Kitsap County Community Development Addressing System Map Book, dated July 1, 1977.

L. “Place” means a way-of-travel which is off the grid.

M. “Road” means a way-of-travel which heretofore has been designated as a road.

N. “Street” means a way-of-travel which runs generally east and west.

O. “Way” means a way-of-travel which meanders through several grids.

P. “Way-of-travel” means a roadway of whatever sort, including but not limited to, avenues, boulevards, circles, courts, drives, lanes, loops, places, tracts and ways, which is capable of carrying vehicular traffic. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.030 Principles applied within the former city boundaries.

Within the boundaries of the city of Winslow, as they existed on February 27, 1991, the department shall apply the following principles:

A. All ways-of-travel shall be designated by names, assigned at intervals of one-sixteenth of a mile from the base or meridian lines herein established.

B. The base line for way names shall be Winslow Way and shall bear the suffix “E” (east) on the east side of Madison Avenue and the suffix “W” (west) on the west side of Madison Avenue.

C. Ways-of-travel running generally east-west, north of Winslow Way shall bear the suffix “NE” (northeast) on the east side of Madison Avenue and “NW” (northwest) on the west side of Madison Avenue.

D. Ways-of-travel running generally east-west, south of Winslow Way shall bear the suffix “SE” (southeast) on the east side of Madison Avenue and “SW” (southwest) on the west side of Madison Avenue.

E. The meridian line for ways-of-travel, running generally north-south shall be Madison Avenue and shall bear the suffix “N” (north) on the north side of Winslow Way and the suffix “S” (south) on the south side of Winslow Way.

F. Ways-of-travel running generally north-south, north of Winslow Way shall bear the suffix “NE” (northeast) on the east side of Madison Avenue and “NW” (northwest) on the west side of Madison Avenue.

G. Avenues and places running generally north-south, south of Winslow Way shall bear the suffix “SE” (southeast) on the east side of Madison Avenue and “SW” (southwest) on the west side of Madison Avenue.

H. Block or grid numbering pattern shall be as follows:

1. Beginning at the east-west base line of Winslow Way (the zero point), all blocks or grids shall be numbered from one, with consecutively increasing numbers both to the north and to the south.

2. Likewise, beginning at the north-south base line of Madison Avenue (the zero point), all blocks or grids shall be numbered from one, with consecutively increasing numbers both to the east and to the west.

I. House or premises numbers shall be determined by adding two digits to the grid number in which such structure is located.

J. Consecutive numbers shall be assigned on ways or places running east-west for each 22-foot interval commencing from the nearest avenue intersection with the numbers beginning at the end of the block nearest the meridian.

K. Consecutive numbers shall be assigned on avenues or places running north-south for each 22-foot interval from the nearest way intersection with the numbers beginning at the end of the block nearest the base line.

L. In the assignment of numbers, the department may take into consideration: driveways, principal entrances, topography and existing field conditions.

M. The houses or premises located on the south and/or west side of such ways-of-travel shall receive odd numbers and the premises or houses on the north and/or east side of such ways shall receive even numbers. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.040 Principles applied outside the former city boundaries.

Outside the boundaries of the old city of Winslow, as they existed on February 27, 1991, the department shall apply the following principles:

A. The baseline shall be that shown in the Official Map.

B. Each numbered block in the system shall equal 330 feet.

C. Ways-of-travel running generally east and west shall have a prefix of NE (northeast) and the numbers will run from 4000 on the west to 12800 on the east.

D. Ways-of-travel running generally north and south shall have a suffix of NE (northeast) and the numbers will run from 1200 on the south to 17400 on the north.

E. Numerical Designations of Buildings and Real Property.

1. Structures designated by this chapter shall be designated numerically. The first numerals of such designation shall consist of the grid block number as shown by the Official Map in which the building or property is situated, for example, 80, 176. The last two numerals of such designation shall be determined by adding one digit for no less than 10 feet of distance as measured from the nearest, numerically lowest grid block but in any event the last two numerals shall be proportionally equivalent to the actual distance between grid blocks between which the building or property is situated, for example 02, 09, 52, 93.

The complete numerical designation for a building may be, for example, 8002 or 17652.

2. For measurement purposes in determining the last two numerals of the numerical designation, the location of the main entrance to the property on which the building is situated shall be considered.

3. Except as provided in subsection 4 below, even numerical designations shall be assigned to the north and east sides of ways-of-travel and odd numerical designations shall be assigned to the south and west sides of ways-of-travel. The geographic direction of a way-of-travel shall be determined by observing its overall length and noting its general or predominant direction. When possible even and odd numerical designations shall be assigned consecutively and opposite one another.

4. Buildings situated on a circle, court, or loop shall be numbered consecutively beginning at the point of origin and proceeding progressively around such circle, court or loop.

5. Buildings with multiple tenantable or habitable units may receive one numerical designation. Individual units may be designated by suffixed letters or numbers, at the discretion of the department. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.050 Way-of-travel names.

A. The department shall designate all public or private ways-of-travel, now existing or hereafter created; provided, that no name shall be assigned to a private way-of-travel unless the same serves two or more properties other than the tract of which it is a portion and unless an easement has been granted by recorded deed. When a private way-of-travel has branches that have more than three houses or lots on a branch, the way-of-travel shall be assigned a name.

B. New ways-of-travel shall be identified within the confines of the new definitions.

C. Extensions of existing ways-of-travel may bear the name and designation of the existing way-of-travel. Those extending outside the former city limits of the city of Winslow may be assigned the Kitsap County designations and numbers.

D. Ways-of-travel, designations and names existing prior to the adoption of this chapter shall remain the same except if, in the opinion of the department, such a change is necessary to reduce or eliminate potential confusion or promote public safety, or upon application of a majority of persons having ownership of adjacent properties. Ways-of-travel, names and designations called out on old plot plans that do not conform to this chapter may be changed to conform.

E. Only entire way-of-travel lengths or distinct major portions of ways-of-travel shall be separately renamed by the city. For purposes of this chapter, “distinct major portions” shall mean a separate portion of a way-of-travel identifiable by either a directional shift of at least 45 degrees or an interrupted interval of at least one quarter mile.

F. Applications for way-of-travel names or name changes shall contain the signatures of the majority of persons having ownership in properties addressed on the way-of-travel to be designated.

G. Notice of proposed name changes shall be mailed to all property owners on the way-of-travel at least 20 days prior to action by the city.

H. When choosing a name, the department shall consider any applicant’s preferences, local history and culture, location and developmental characteristics of the way-of-travel, and the impact of the change on existing businesses or residences and on emergency vehicle responsiveness. The department may reject names which are offensive or objectionable to the community or which could be confusing.

I. Any decision of the department is final unless within 10 days of the decision, the decision is appealed to the city council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.060 Assignment of addresses.

A. The department shall assign addresses at the time of issuance of building permits. The department shall then notify the U.S. Postal Service and Fire District No. 2, and other appropriate agencies.

B. Should the department find that any building, structure or premises is not provided with an address, is not correctly addressed, or is not using the correct address, the department shall notify the owner, agent or renter of the building, structure or premises of the correct address. The address shall be properly placed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter by the effective date shown on the notice. It shall be unlawful for any owner, agent or renter to display, advertise or use the wrong address after notification by the department.

C. Whenever there is a doubt or difference of opinion as to the correct road designation or correct address, the road designation or address shall be determined by the department and shall be guided by the specific provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.070 Signage.

A. The owner, occupant or renter of any addressed building, structure or premises shall conspicuously display the address of each building or each front entrance immediately above, on or at the side of the proper door so the number can be plainly seen from the adjacent way-of-travel.

B. If the building is not clearly visible from an adjacent way-of-travel, the numbers shall be displayed at the main entrance from the way-of-travel and each branch of private ways-of-travel.

C. Numbers shall be easily legible against a contrasting background and shall be at least three inches in height if a residential use or individual multifamily unit, and at least five inches high if a commercial use. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.080 Powers and duties of the department.

A. The department is authorized and empowered to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to implement and effect this chapter and to insure the proper operation of the addressing and grid system.

B. The department shall maintain maps and files which catalog names or numerical designations of ways-of-travel and numerical designations of buildings. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.090 Violation – Penalty – Hearing.

A. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this chapter, or affixing to or displaying upon any house or building any numbers other than those assigned to the house or building, shall be assessed a civil penalty in an amount of not more than $100.00 for each violation.

B. When the department determines that a violation exists, the department director may issue a notice of civil penalty to the person responsible for the violation. The notice shall include the name and address of the person responsible for the violation, the street address or other description of the building, structure or premises affected by the violation, a description of the violation and the required corrective action, the date, time and location of an appeal hearing before the hearing examiner which is at least 10 days from the date of the notice, a statement indicating that the hearing will be canceled and no monetary penalty assessed if the department director approves the completed corrective action at least 48 hours prior to the hearing, and a statement that the monetary penalty may be assessed as ordered by the hearing examiner.

C. The department director shall serve the notice of civil penalty upon the person to whom it is directed, either personally or by mailing a copy of the notice to such person at their last known address. If the person to whom the notice is directed cannot after due diligence be so served, the notice shall be served by posting a copy of the notice conspicuously on the affected property or structure.

D. The person to whom a notice of civil penalty is issued will be scheduled to appear before the hearing examiner not less than 10 days after date of the notice. The hearing will be canceled and no monetary penalty assessed if at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled hearing the department director approves the completed corrective action. At any hearing, the hearing examiner shall determine whether the city has established by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation has occurred and that the required correction is reasonable and shall affirm, vacate or modify the city’s decision regarding the alleged violation and the required corrective action. The hearing examiner shall mail a copy of the written decision to the appellant and to the department director within 30 days of the hearing. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be final unless, within 10 days after filing of the decision, an aggrieved party appeals the hearing examiner’s decision by writ of review to the county superior court.

E. Payment of the monetary penalty pursuant to this chapter does not relieve the person to whom the notice of civil penalty was issued of the duty to correct the violation. Any monetary penalty assessed must be paid to the city within 10 days from the date of mailing of the hearing examiner’s decision or a notice from the city that penalties are due. The city attorney or designee is authorized to take appropriate action to collect the monetary penalty. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)

12.16.100 Severability.

Repealed by Ord. 2003-24. (Ord. 92-28 § 2, 1992)