Chapter 13.08
13.08.030 Connection procedure.
13.08.050 Application requirements.
13.08.080 Shut off for nonpayment of bills.
13.08.090 Damage resulting from shut off.
13.08.100 Obstruction of water meters and fire hydrants.
13.08.110 Use of fire hydrants.
13.08.120 Satellite system management agreements.
13.08.010 Use procedures.
Whenever the owner or occupant of any premises connected with the city’s water supply system desires to use water, he shall notify the city and request that water be turned on at the premises. (Ord. 97-36 § 2, 1997; Ord. 82-20 § B(1), 1982)
13.08.020 Rates.
The monthly rates and charges for city water users shall be set forth in Section 12(B) of the city’s fee schedule, as amended by ordinance passed by the city council. (Ord. 2011-26 § 2, 2011: Ord. 82-20 § B(2), 1982)
13.08.030 Connection procedure.
A. If the premises abuts an existing water main, the city will make the service connection at a location mutually agreed by the owner and the city. The service connection shall include the connection to the main, a stop valve, service pipe, and a meter setter. The meter setter will be in a meter box located generally near the edge of the public right-of-way, close to the connection to the water main. The service connection fittings will be within the control and maintenance responsibility of the city. The owner shall provide the continuation of the service pipe from the meter setter to the premises, which shall be in his control and maintenance responsibility.
B. If the premises does not abut an existing water main, the owner shall arrange a mutually acceptable service connection and service pipe route with the department of public works and adjacent property owners for passage of his service pipe. If extension of an existing water main is required, the owner shall contract with the city or a licensed bonded contractor to have the extension constructed. The owner shall be required to enter into a developer agreement with the city for such main extension. Any and all extensions four inches or greater to the city water main system shall be constructed using ductile iron pipe, class 50 or better. If the city constructs the extension, the owner shall pay the actual cost of the extension plus 25 percent for the city’s engineering, inspection, and overhead. The service connection shall be installed as described above, and its installation shall be separate from any water main extension contract. Every house supplied with city water must have its own separate service connection with the city main, and the premises so supplied will not be allowed to supply water to any other premises; provided, that such restriction shall not apply to services already installed except as herein provided, unless, in the judgment of the city for the good of the service or to settle disputes, it is found necessary to enforce such provisions as to connections already made. (Ord. 94-29 § 11, 1995; Ord. 82-20 § B(3), 1982)
13.08.040 Meters required.
A. All connections to the city’s water system, other than for fire protection, shall be metered by a city water meter of one of the types approved by the city.
B. When more than one building, duplex, mobile home or separate dwelling is connected to one meter, each such building, duplex, mobile home or separate dwelling must be provided with separate shutoff valves in good working order, so that such unit may be shut off without disturbing service to the remaining units. Every such separate unit not already equipped with the shutoff valve as provided in this subsection must be so equipped at the owner’s expense as soon as the defect is known or found to exist.
C. No water meter shall be removed or in any way disturbed except by an authorized representative of the city.
D. All meters shall be and remain the property of the city and shall be removed only by the city when the use of water on the premises is to be entirely stopped or the service connection discontinued or abandoned.
E. On and after March 1, 1999, a person applying to connect to the city’s water system or to change his or her use of the city’s water system shall provide a separate city water meter for each separate category of use.
F. A person applying to connect to the city’s water system or to change his or her use of the city’s water system may connect more than one building, place of business, duplex, mobile home or separate dwelling to one city water meter; provided, that all buildings, duplexes, mobile homes or separate dwellings connected to one city water meter shall have one owner or owner’s association who shall be legally responsible for the payment of the corresponding city utility water bills. A change in ownership or owner’s association which would result in property owned by more than one owner or owner’s association being connected to a single city water meter shall require the installation of additional city water meters pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.
G. A city water meter shall be sized to provide for a maximum rate of continuous water flow that is less than the water meter manufacturer’s published maximum continuous flow rate and that is less than the maximum flow rate as established by the American Water Works Association. A city water meter shall be sized to provide for a maximum rate of intermittent water flow that is less than the water meter manufacturer’s published maximum intermittent flow rate.
H. A person whose property is connected to the city’s water system shall apply for city approval to install a larger city water meter or to install additional city water meters when a condition is known or reasonably anticipated that will cause the maximum rate of continuous water flow to be greater than the water meter manufacturer’s published maximum continuous flow rate or the maximum flow rate established by the American Water Works Association, or will cause the maximum rate of intermittent water flow to be greater than the water meter manufacturer’s published maximum intermittent flow rate.
I. A person whose property was connected to the city’s water system on or before February 28, 2003, and has a single line serving both a required fire sprinkler system and domestic needs may, at that person’s option and expense, install a double-check backflow prevention device and thereafter pay monthly charges based on the size of the line serving only that person’s domestic needs. (Ord. 2006-09 § 1, 2006: Ord. 2003-14 § 1, 2003: Ord. 99-20 § 1, 1999; Ord. 98-24 § 1, 1999; Ord. 82-20 § B(4), 1982)
13.08.050 Application requirements.
A. The owner of property within the city’s water service area as identified in the city’s comprehensive plan requiring water service shall not be allowed to install a well if the distance from the property to an existing water main, with capacity to serve the property, is 300 feet or less. The distance shall be measured as a straight-line distance from the end of the main to the nearest corner or edge of the property to be served. The owner of the property shall apply to the city for water service, extend the water main, install hydrants and connect the property to the city’s water system in accordance with this title. In addition, the owner of property containing a building or structure for human occupancy or other use necessitating water service, which is within the city’s water service area and which is located within 300 feet of a water main, and whose water supply has been certified by the local health officer to be a health hazard, shall apply to the city for water service, extend the water main, install hydrants, and connect the property to the city’s utility system in accordance with this chapter.
B. Within the city’s water service area, an owner of property requesting water service shall be required to extend an existing water main with capacity to serve the property if:
1. The distance from the property to the main is 300 feet or less in all cases.
2. The distance from a plat or PUD to the main is greater than 300 feet where water is available for firefighting in accordance with Resolution 98-34, as amended.
All water main extensions shall be sized and configured in accordance with the city’s water system plan and the city’s design and construction standards and specifications.
C. A person applying to request city water system capacity availability, to connect to the city’s water system, or to change his or her use of the city’s water system, shall request approval on a printed form to be provided by the city. The application shall contain the subject parcel tax account, owner, agent, application purpose, current or previous site use, and proposed site use information. The applicant shall complete and attach to the application a project summary in the format required by the city, a cross-connection control analysis form to be provided by the city, and a site plan at one-half drawing scale showing proposed water mains and water meters for all applications other than for a change in use that does not require a building permit. Water meter size engineering data for all proposed uses other than for single-family residential shall be attached to the application in the format required by the city. The application shall be signed by the owner of the premises to be served, or the owner’s duly authorized agent, and shall be filed with the city. The applicant shall pay all related application and processing fees and costs, as established by resolution or ordinance of the city council. (Ord. 2006-09 § 2, 2006: Ord. 2002-02 § 1, 2002: Ord. 94-29 § 12, 1995; Ord. 82-20 § B(5), 1982)
13.08.060 Emergency shut off.
Whenever an emergency exists affecting the water supply in the city, which emergency shall be declared by the mayor or in his/her absence the deputy mayor, and it becomes necessary to curtail the use of water through regulation and control thereof, a proclamation shall be issued declaring the emergency and setting forth the rules under which water shall be used. The proclamation shall be published in the official newspaper of the city and copies of the proclamation shall be mailed to each water customer. Such notices and regulations established thereby shall be subject to change and shall be in full force and effect throughout until the emergency has passed. (Ord. 82-20 § B(6)(a), 1982)
13.08.070 Temporary shut off.
Water service may be temporarily discontinued at any time without notice to the customers, for the purpose of making repairs, extensions or any other necessary work, and the city shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from interruption of service or the failure of the water supply, or failure to give water users notice thereof. Whenever possible, and in cases where it has advance notice thereof, the city shall attempt to notify all customers to be affected by any interruption of service, in the official city newspaper or by a canvass by employees of the city of areas affected. (Ord. 82-20 B(6)(b), 1982)
13.08.080 Shut off for nonpayment of bills.
Water service to customers with delinquent water service accounts may be discontinued until such accounts are paid, but only after notice to the customer that his account is delinquent, which notice shall inform the customer of the city’s intention to discontinue service until the delinquent account is paid and of the city’s procedures whereby customers can contest water service bills, and after affording the customer an opportunity to contest the delinquent account. (Ord. 82-20 § B(6)(c), 1982)
13.08.090 Damage resulting from shut off.
The city shall not be responsible for any damage such as bursting boilers supplied by direct pressure or the breaking of any pipe of fixtures, stoppages or the interruption of water supply or any other damage resulting from the shutting off of water. (Ord. 82-20 §B(6)(d), 1982)
13.08.100 Obstruction of water meters and fire hydrants.
It is unlawful for any person to obstruct the access to any fire hydrant or water meter by placing around or thereon any stone, brick, lumber, dirt, or other material or to park or stand vehicles or any obstruction within 15 feet of any fire hydrant, or draw or attempt to draw any water therefrom, or to wilfully or carelessly injure the same. The responsibility of preventing obstruction or removing any such obstruction shall be that of the abutting property owner. (Ord. 82-20 § B(7), 1982)
13.08.110 Use of fire hydrants.
No persons, other than properly authorized employees of the city or fire department, shall operate fire hydrants unless proper arrangements have been made with the city for payment for such water and permission has been granted by the city. It is unlawful for any person knowingly to use water for lawn or garden sprinkling and irrigation purposes on any premises receiving water from the city water system during the progress of a fire conflagration or other emergency within the city limits. (Ord. 82-20 § B(8), 1982)
13.08.120 Satellite system management agreements.
The city may enter into satellite system management agreements, as described in the city’s water system plan, to provide technical and managerial expertise to small water systems. (Ord. 94-29 § 10, 1995)