Chapter 16.04


16.04.010    Applicability.

16.04.020    Abbreviation list.

16.04.030    Adoption by reference.

16.04.040    Additional definitions.

16.04.010 Applicability.

For the purposes of the SEPA code, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this chapter. Terms not defined in this chapter shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 18.04 BLMC. (Ord. 1701 § 5, 2023).

16.04.020 Abbreviation list.

“BLMC” means Bonney Lake Municipal Code.

“DEIS” means draft environmental impact statement.

“DOE” means Washington State Department of Ecology.

“DSEIS” means draft supplemental environmental impact statement.

“EIS” means environmental impact statement consisting of both a DEIS and FEIS.

“FEIS” means final environmental impact statement.

“FSEIS” means final supplemental environmental impact statement.

“RCW” means Revised Code of Washington.

“SEIS” means supplemental environmental impact statement consisting of a DSEIS and FSEIS.

“WAC” means Washington Administrative Code. (Ord. 1701 § 5, 2023).

16.04.030 Adoption by reference.

A. The following definitions established by WAC 197-11-220 are adopted by reference as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended:

1. Formal SEPA documents;

2. GMA;

3. Proposed GMA action;

4. GMA action;

5. Integrated GMA document.

B. The following definitions established by Chapter 197-11 WAC – Part 8 are adopted by reference as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended:

1. Act;

2. Action;

3. Addendum;

4. Adoption;

5. Affected tribe;

6. Affecting;

7. Agency;

8. Applicant;

9. Built environment;

10. Categorical exemption;

11. Closed record appeal;

12. Consolidated appeal;

13. Consulted agency;

14. Cost-benefit analysis;

15. County/city;

16. Department;

17. Determination of nonsignificance;

18. Determination of significance;

19. EIS;

20. Environment;

21. Environmental checklist;

22. Environmental document;

23. Environmental review;

24. Expanded scoping;

25. Impacts;

26. Incorporation by reference;

27. Lands covered by water;

28. Lead agency;

29. License;

30. Local agency;

31. Major action;

32. Mitigated DNS;

33. Mitigation;

34. Natural environment;

35. NEPA;

36. Nonproject;

37. Open record hearing;

38. Phased review;

39. Preparation;

40. Private project;

41. Probable;

42. Proposal;

43. Reasonable alternative;

44. Responsible official;

45. SEPA;

46. Scope;

47. Scoping;

48. Significant;

49. State agency;

50. Threshold determination;

51. Underlying governmental action.

C. Definitions for the following terms are adopted by reference from BLMC 17.10.030 as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended:

1. Divisions of land. (Ord. 1701 § 5, 2023).

16.04.040 Additional definitions.

A. “Decision maker” means the individual or entity identified in BLMC 14.30.020.

B. “Official date of issuance” means the date that the DNS was sent to the DOE, agencies with jurisdiction, and made publicly available by the city. (Ord. 1701 § 5, 2023).