Chapter 20.98
20.98.010 INTENT.
The intent of the institutional (INST) zone is to provide for continued operation and facilitate managed growth of Olympic College. Growth of the College and supporting uses should be promoted in the zone while being compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods and nearby areas. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
The following uses are permitted:
(a) Co-location of wireless communications facilities per BMC 20.46.140;
(b) Community facility;
(c) General office and business services;
(d) General retail associated with an institution;
(e) Higher education and colleges;
(f) Medical offices and clinics;
(g) Outdoor athletic fields and park playground and open spaces;
(h) Parking as a principal use;
(i) Public administration;
(j) Residential uses of the following types:
(1) Group residential facility - Class I;
(2) Nursing convalescent home;
(3) Senior housing complex;
(4) Single-unit dwelling unit structure, attached or detached;
(5) Multi-unit dwelling structure;
(6) Townhouse;
(7) Duplex;
(k) Restaurants;
(l) Schools and education uses;
(m) Transportation facility;
(n) Welfare and charitable services and facility;
(o) Worship and religious facility. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 5249 §14, 2014: Ord. 5222 §22, 2013: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
Any subordinate use with a direct connection to or association with the core functions of a higher education college may be permitted by the Director as an accessory use. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
Development shall be in accord with the following standards:
(a) Minimum front yard setback: zero (0), except ten (10) feet where adjacent to any lot not within the institutional zone;
(b) Minimum side yard setback: zero (0), except when adjacent to a residential zone where a ten (10) to twenty (20) foot visual screen is required pursuant to BMC 20.50.050(b);
(c) Minimum rear yard setback: zero (0), except when adjacent to a residential zone where a ten (10) to twenty (20) foot visual screen is required pursuant to BMC 20.50.050(b);
(d) Maximum height: eighty-five (85) feet, provided all upper level setback requirements are met;
(e) Upper level setbacks: where adjacent to any lot not within the institutional (INST) zone, structures shall be set back one (1) additional foot for each additional foot of height above thirty-five (35) feet. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 5046 §36, 2008; Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
The following design standards shall be applied to all new structures and redeveloped structures. Residential development of three (3) units or fewer are exempt from this section. When development involves the remodel or expansion of existing structures, the Director may modify these requirements to reasonably fit the scope and scale of the remodel or expansion.
(a) Primary Design Features. The following criteria shall be applied to all primary building facades and facades facing public streets:
(1) Top and Base. Buildings shall convey a visually distinct base and top. A "base" can be emphasized by a different masonry pattern, more architectural detail, visible plinth above which the wall rises, storefront, canopies, or a combination. The top edge is highlighted by a prominent cornice, projecting parapet or other architectural element that creates a shadow line.
(2) Orientation. All properties adjacent to a public right-of-way shall orient structures toward the primary street, or internal campus. Properties located at intersections should orient their structures toward the intersecting corner.
(3) Minimum Transparency. At least fifty (50) percent of all facades facing the public sidewalk, or sidewalks providing circulation within a site, measured to eight (8) feet above the sidewalk or surface grade, shall be comprised of transparent windows or doors.
(4) Blank Facades. Building facades shall not present a blank facade to view from public rights-of-way, common parking areas, or residential properties. Such facades may be broken by windows, trellises, columns, variations in plane, or other devices that add variation and interest to the facade.
(5) Mechanical Equipment Screening. Rooftop and ground-level mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from public streets. Screening materials shall be architecturally similar to the primary structure.
(b) Secondary Design Features. Three (3) secondary design features are required from the following list:
(1) Multiple Roof Lines. Structures shall have at least three (3) horizontal roof lines, as viewed from the front facade.
(2) Modulation. The horizontal plane of a structure shall not extend for more than thirty (30) feet, as measured from any one (1) point of the structure, without a significant architectural variation of at least two (2) feet in depth.
(3) Facade Materials. At least three (3) different facade materials shall be incorporated into the exterior appearance of the structure (wood, brick, stucco, tile, shingles, other).
(4) Additional Transparency. An additional fifteen (15) percent transparency to what is required per subsection (a)(3) of this section.
(5) Weather Protection. Recessed or protruding building features, of no less than four (4) feet in depth, which extend along at least fifty (50) percent of the front facade.
(6) Main Entry. Pedestrian entrances are preferred from buildings facing the street. Entries shall be easily identifiable from the street or sidewalk; this can be accomplished through architectural or ornamental features.
(7) Public Amenity. Outdoor eating area, artwork, street furniture, plantings in window boxes, public trash receptacles, or other alternative public amenity approved by the Director. Any proposed amenity shall be architecturally compatible with the principal structure. Any approved amenity shall be maintained for the life of the project. (Ord. 5319 §18, 2017)
Parking shall meet the standards of Chapter 20.48 BMC. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
Landscaping shall meet the standards of Chapter 20.50 BMC. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)
Signage shall meet the standards of Chapter 20.52 BMC. (Ord. 5301 §3 (Exh. B) (part), 2016: Ord. 4950 §8 (Exh. A) (part), 2005)