Chapter 13.45
13.45.020 Complete streets definition.
13.45.050 Intergovernmental cooperation.
13.45.060 Best practice criteria.
13.45.070 Performance standards.
13.45.010 Purpose.
The city of Buckley shall, to the maximum extent practical, scope, plan, design, construct, operate and maintain appropriate facilities for the safe accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, emergency responders, freight and users of all ages and abilities in all new construction, retrofit or reconstruction projects. Through ongoing operations and maintenance, the city of Buckley shall identify cost-effective opportunities to include complete streets practices. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.020 Complete streets definition.
A “complete street” is a road that is designed to be safe for drivers; bicyclists; transit vehicles and users; and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. The complete streets concept focuses not just on individual roads but on changing the decision-making process so that all users are routinely considered during the planning, designing, building and operating of all roadways. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.030 Exceptions.
Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and/or people of all abilities are not required to be provided when:
(1) Documented absence of current or future need exists;
(2) Nonmotorized uses are prohibited by law;
(3) Routine maintenance of the transportation network is performed that does not change the roadway geometry or operations, such as mowing, sweeping and spot repair;
(4) The cost would be disproportionate to the current need or probable future uses;
(5) In instances where a documented exception is granted by the public works/city engineer. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.040 Implementation.
(1) The city of Buckley will incorporate complete streets principles into the city’s comprehensive plan, public works standards, parks and recreation master plan, traffic circulation plan and other plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate.
(2) As feasible, Buckley shall incorporate complete streets infrastructure into existing public and private streets to create a comprehensive, integrated, connected transportation network for Buckley that balances access, mobility, health and safety needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, emergency responders, freight and users of all ages and abilities, ensuring a fully sustainable connected, integrated network that provides transportation options.
“Complete streets infrastructure” means design features that contribute to a safe, convenient, or comfortable travel experience for users, including but not limited to features such as: sidewalks; shared use paths; bicycle lanes; automobile lanes; paved shoulders; curbs; accessible curb ramps; bulb-outs; crosswalks; refuge islands; pedestrian and traffic signals; signage; street lighting, street furniture; bicycle parking facilities; public transportation stops and facilities and traffic calming devices.
(3) Complete streets may be achieved through single projects or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time. All sources of transportation funding should be drawn upon to implement complete streets. Maximum financial flexibility is important to implement complete streets principles. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.050 Intergovernmental cooperation.
The city will cooperate with other transportation agencies including Washington State Department of Transportation, Pierce County and adjoining cities to ensure the principles and practices of complete streets are embedded within their planning, design, construction, and maintenance activities. The city will specifically cooperate to ensure the transportation network flows seamlessly between jurisdictions in accordance with local and regional road, transit, bicycle and pedestrian plans. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.060 Best practice criteria.
The public works director or designee shall modify, develop and adopt policies, design criteria, standards and guidelines based upon recognized best practices in street design, construction, and operations, including but not limited to the latest editions of American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), while reflecting the context and character of the surrounding built and natural environments and enhancing the appearance of such. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).
13.45.070 Performance standards.
The city of Buckley shall put into place performance standards with measurable benchmarks to continuously evaluate the complete streets ordinance for success and opportunities for improvement. Performance standards may include transportation and mode shift, miles of bicycle facilities or sidewalks, public participation, number of ADA accommodations built, and number of exemptions from this policy approved. (Ord. 11-24 § 1, 2024).