Chapter 2.34


2.34.010    Purpose.

2.34.020    Building department established.

2.34.030    Building official designated.

2.34.040    Powers and duties of building official.

2.34.050    Inspectors and assistants.

2.34.060    Building permit fees.

2.34.070    Superseded.

2.34.080    Repealed.

2.34.090    Repealed.

2.34.100    Repealed.

2.34.110    Repealed.

2.34.120    Repealed.

2.34.130    Repealed.

2.34.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide for a building department, designate the building official and provide for a board of appeals. (Ord. 1669 § 1, 2009; Ord. 955 § 1, 1980).

2.34.020 Building department established.

There is established in the city a department known as the building department which shall be under the jurisdiction of the building official. (Ord. 955 § 2, 1980).

2.34.030 Building official designated.

The mayor of the city shall appoint and designate the person chosen through normal hiring procedures to serve as the building official for the city. (Ord. 1210 § 1, 1992; Ord. 955 § 3, 1980).

2.34.040 Powers and duties of building official.

The building official shall have all of the powers and duties as provided for in the International Building Code as adopted by the city, as well as those powers and duties explicitly defined by the city. (Ord. 1669 § 2, 2009; Ord. 955 § 4, 1980).

2.34.050 Inspectors and assistants.

The mayor shall appoint through the city’s usual hiring procedures such inspectors and assistants to the building official as may be authorized by the city council. The city council may, as need requires, by resolution appoint such additional inspectors and assistants as are necessary and authorize the mayor to enter into a contract with individuals, firms or other agencies, to assist and provide services for the building department. (Ord. 1669 § 3, 2009; Ord. 955 § 5, 1980).

2.34.060 Building permit fees.

Application fees, building permit fees and building inspection fees shall be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15.04 BMC. All fees collected shall be deposited by the finance director in the general fund for the city. (Ord. 1669 § 4, 2009; Ord. 955 § 6, 1980).

2.34.070 Board of appeals – Designated.

Superseded by Ord. 1854. (Ord. 1669 § 5, 2009; Ord. 1210 § 2, 1992; Ord. 955 § 7, 1980).

2.34.080 Qualifications of members.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 8, 1980).

2.34.090 Secretary.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 9, 1980).

2.34.100 Terms of office.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 10, 1980).

2.34.110 Rules.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 11, 1980).

2.34.120 Organization.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 12, 1980).

2.34.130 Quorum – Meetings.

Repealed by Ord. 1210. (Ord. 955 § 13, 1980).