Chapter 17.68


17.68.010    Title.

17.68.020    Application.

17.68.030    Purpose.

17.68.040    Authority.

17.68.050    Permitted primary uses.

17.68.060    Conditional uses.

17.68.070    Accessory uses.

17.68.080    Additional regulations.

17.68.090    Development standards.

17.68.010 Title.

This chapter shall be called “PFT-1 Public Facilities and Transportation Zone.” (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.020 Application.

This chapter shall apply to all uses and developments in areas zoned PFT-1. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.030 Purpose.

The PFT-1 zone is intended to implement the PFT comprehensive plan designation by identifying and designating lands needed for public services and facilities. The uses and developments permitted in this zone are compatible with, or necessary to support, residential and commercial development and typically have a commercial or institutional character. Examples of uses allowed in the PFT-1 include schools, fire stations, public offices, small scale utilities and public streets. The regulations of this chapter are intended to ensure public facilities are compatible with surrounding development patterns and encourage long-range planning and coordination between public agencies, utility providers, and various levels of government.

The PFT-1 zoning designation should be applied to all lands occupied by one of the permitted uses listed below on or before the effective date of this chapter. New lands may be designated PFT-1 consistent with the applicable policies identified in the public services and facilities element of the Burlington comprehensive plan. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.040 Authority.

This chapter is adopted pursuant to the provisions of chapters 35A.63, 36.70A, and 36.70B RCW and other applicable laws. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.050 Permitted primary uses.

Buildings, structures, and parcels of land shall only be used for the following, unless otherwise provided for in this title. In order to be considered a permitted use projects shall be listed below and must also be clearly identified in, and consistent with, the city’s adopted capital improvement plan (CIP) or the public facilities and services element of the comprehensive plan. Private utilities shall be subject to the requirements of chapter 17.90 BMC and shall not be regulated under this chapter.

A. Public housing;

B. Nursing homes;

C. Emergency housing;

D. Healthcare facilities;

E. Child day care;

F. Automobile parking and vehicle charging stations;

G. Public restrooms;

H. Emergency services;

I. Transit stops and services;

J. Public facilities, administrative and customer service;

K. Public meeting facilities;

L. Public streets, pedestrian paths, and multiuse trails;

M. Utilities, small and medium;

N. Emergency housing. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.060 Conditional uses.

A. Hospitals;

B. Schools;

C. Colleges and universities;

D. Public facilities, industrial;

E. Utilities, large, limited to overhead or underground infrastructure such as electrical wires or sewer and water lines. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.070 Accessory uses.

The following uses and developments may be authorized as accessory uses. Accessory uses shall only be permitted when incidental and subordinate to a legally established primary use.

A. Storage buildings and yards;

B. Caretaker dwellings and employee or student housing;

C. Fueling stations;

D. Picnic tables and shelters;

E. Drive-through uses;

F. Automobile parking facilities and charging stations;

G. Telecommunication macro facilities, subject to the following requirements:

1. Macro facilities may be located on buildings and structures; provided, that the immediate interior wall or ceiling adjacent to the facility is not a designated residential space.

2. The macro facility shall be exempt from review by the community development director or designee if the antenna and related components are the same color as the existing building, pole or support structure on which it is proposed to be located.

3. The shelter or cabinet used to house radio electronic equipment shall be contained wholly within a building or structure, or otherwise appropriately concealed, camouflaged or located underground.

4. Macro facilities shall comply with the height limitation specified for all zones except as follows: Omnidirectional antennas may exceed the height limitation by 15 feet, or in the case of nonconforming structures the antennas may extend 15 feet above the existing structure. Panel antennas may exceed the height limitation if affixed to the side of an existing building and architecturally blends in with the building. Placement of an antenna on a nonconforming structure shall not be considered to be an expansion of the nonconforming structure. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.080 Additional regulations.

A. Off-street parking and loading areas shall not be located between buildings and adjoining streets.

B. Public facilities directly abutting a less intensive or residential zone shall provide for a transition area and screening consistent with the requirements of chapters 17.70 and 17.81 BMC. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).

17.68.090 Development standards.

A. Lot Area and Dimension.

1. Minimum lot area: none.

2. Minimum lot width: none.

3. Minimum lot depth: none.

B. Maximum Building and Impervious Surface Coverage.

1. Building coverage: none.

2. Impervious surface coverage: 80 percent.

C. Minimum Setbacks.

1. Front: none.

2. Side: none.

3. Street: none.

4. Rear: none.

D. Maximum Setbacks.

1. Front: 10 feet.

2. Street: 10 feet.

3. Exceptions. Exceptions may be granted in the following situations:

a. To accommodate a wider sidewalk;

b. To accommodate a recessed pedestrian entrance, plaza, or additional landscaping;

c. As minimally necessary to avoid a utility easement that makes compliance with the maximum setback impossible;

d. The expansion or modification of an existing building where compliance with the maximum setback is not feasible due to the location of the existing building and the size of the proposed expansion. In such cases the expansion shall be constructed forward of the existing building line and closer to the street;

e. As minimally necessary to accommodate development on irregularly shaped lots where the street frontages are angular or curvilinear. In such instances buildings shall be located as close as possible to the street frontages;

f. For corner lots, buildings shall be located at the corner or intersection;

g. For lots with more than two street frontages, the maximum setback shall be applied to the street frontages with the highest classification. For example, if a parcel has frontage on two arterial streets and a local access street, the maximum setback shall apply to the two arterial streets;

h. Drive-through uses accessory to an authorized public use;

i. As minimally necessary to accommodate pick-up and drop-off lanes;

j. To provide access to emergency services equipment bays.

E. Maximum building height: 45 feet, except:

1. Buildings may exceed 45 feet if one foot of setback is provided from each property line for each foot the building exceeds 45 feet; and

2. An additional 15 feet of height may be permitted when parking is located under the building.

F. Fences. See chapter 17.70 BMC.

G. Parking. See chapter 17.85 BMC.

H. Landscaping. See chapter 17.81 BMC.

I. Signs. See chapter 17.95 BMC.

J. Lighting. See chapter 17.70 BMC. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023).