Chapter 6.12


6.12.010    Rates.

6.12.020    Franchise fee.

6.12.030    Occupation tax.

6.12.010 Rates.

On and after December 1, 1994, the solid waste collection rates within the city of Centralia shall be as set forth in Exhibit A (on file in the office of the city clerk) and incorporated herein by this reference. (Ord. 2000 § 2 (part), 1998: Ord. 1830 § 1, 1994: Ord. 1538 § 1, 1983).

6.12.020 Franchise fee.

A.    There is levied, pursuant to said solid waste contract as described above, a monthly street and alley maintenance, improvement and litter control fee of three thousand five hundred dollars, which fee may be described in said contract and/or specifications as a “franchise fee”; said amount to be paid by the solid waste collection contractor to the city monthly, beginning with the month of October, 1994. This amount represents reasonable reimbursement to the city for the expenses resulting from the contractor’s use of city streets and alleys for solid waste collection activities.

B.    The amount of such fee so collected shall be allocated to the street department fund for the purpose of necessary street and alley maintenance, improvement and litter control. (Ord. 2000 § 2 (part), 1998: Ord. 1830 § 2, 1994: Ord. 1538 § 1, 1983).

6.12.030 Occupation tax.

A.    As of November 1, 1983, there is levied and shall be collected by the city, license fees or occupation taxes from every “person,” as defined in CMC 6.08.020, engaged in or carrying on the business of solid waste collection within the city in an amount equal to five percent of such person’s total gross income from such business within the city. To the extent any person is performing such services pursuant to a contract with the city, gross income is defined as the total gross amount paid to the contractor by the city for such services.

B.    To the extent not inconsistent herewith, Chapter 6.08 CMC shall apply to the collection of said tax and related matters as set forth therein; provided, however, any contractor performing solid waste collection services pursuant to a contract with the city shall not be required to obtain any further license from the city under Chapter 6.08 CMC for the period such contract remains in effect.

C.    The tax so collected shall become part of the city’s general fund. (Ord. 2000 § 2 (part), 1998: Ord. 1848 § 32, 1995: Ord. 1538 § 3, 1983).