Chapter 11.50


11.50.010    Definitions.

11.50.020    Skateboards—Negligent operation of skateboards prohibited.

11.50.030    Skateboards—Prohibited area.

11.50.040    Skateboards—Night riding.

11.50.050    Violation—Penalty.

11.50.010 Definitions.

A.    “Skateboard” means a short board composed of lumber, plastic or other substitute to which is attached a set of roller-skate or similar wheels.

B.    “Riding” a skateboard means that a person is standing, with one or both feet touching the skateboard, crouching, sitting or lying upon the skateboard while it is in motion.

C.    “To operate in a negligent manner” means the operation of a skateboard in such a manner as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property. Examples of operating a skateboard in a negligent manner include but are not limited to a failure to obey all traffic control devices, failing to yield right-of-way to pedestrians and/or vehicular traffic and failure to comply with the rules of the road. (Ord. 1679 § 2 (part), 1989).

11.50.020 Skateboards—Negligent operation of skateboards prohibited.

It is unlawful for any person to operate a skateboard in a negligent manner, as defined in this chapter, upon any public street, public sidewalk or publicly owned parking lot within the city of Centralia. (Ord. 1679 § 2 (part), 1989).

11.50.030 Skateboards—Prohibited area.

No person shall ride or operate a skateboard in the area included within the following described boundaries, including the boundary streets so designated:

A.    Area 1—Cherry on the south to Hanson on the north and Tower on the east to Pearl on the west and including Iron to Pearl from Locust to Main;

B.    Area 2—Locust on the south to Girard on the north and Berry or westerly toe of slope on the west to Seminary Hill Road at city limits line on the east;

C.    Area 3—East 3rd Street and extending to Ham Hill Road on the south to Marion Street on the north and North Gold Street on the west to Sky Meadows Drive on the east. (Ord. 1679 § 2 (part), 1989).

11.50.040 Skateboards—Night riding.

No person shall ride or operate a skateboard upon a street, sidewalk or publicly owned parking lot in the city during the hours between a half hour after sunset and half hour before sunrise without wearing a reflective device on both the front and back of the skateboard rider. (Ord. 1679 § 2 (part), 1989).

11.50.050 Violation—Penalty.

Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a civil infraction, and upon a finding of a violation thereof, shall be subject to a monetary penalty of not more than two hundred fifty dollars.

Any wilful failure to respond to a notice of infraction under this chapter shall be punishable as provided in this code. (Ord. 1679 § 2 (part), 1989).