2.29.060 Burial or cremation assistance.
Burial or cremation assistance through the veterans’ assistance fund shall only be available after death benefits have been paid by any other agency. Such assistance includes, but is not limited to: the Veterans’ Administration, Department of Social Security, fraternal union, personal insurance, or resources in the deceased’s estate used to defray the cost of burial or cremation. Burial or cremation benefits shall be available to eligible veterans and limited to the amount according to the veterans’ assistance fund policies and procedures. (Sec. 7, Res. 1978-01-79; amended by Sec. 5 of Res. 1991-05-01; amended by Sec. 7 of Ord. 1997-05-17; amended by Sec. 8 of Ord. 2004-07-12; amended by Sec. 2 of Ord. 2008-11-19)