14.20.140 Sanitary regulations.
(1) All parts of the pool subject to this chapter, including their premises and appurtenances, shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times while the pool is open to bathers.
(2) Operator or Attendant. All pools shall be maintained and operated by one (1) or more persons familiar with the equipment and appurtenances and having a good understanding of the principles of swimming pool operation. The operator or attendant shall require a careful observance of the sanitary regulations.
If at any time the pool water does not conform with the requirements for clarity and residual chlorine, the operator shall cause the pool to be immediately closed to use until the requirements are satisfied.
(3) Operating Records. At all swimming pools and wading pools, full records shall be kept pertaining to operation and sanitation. The record shall include: amount of various chemicals used daily, times of emptying and cleaning the pool, when each filter is backwashed or cleaned; the results of all tests made of the quality of the water, and the results of disinfectant residual tests. These records must be available for inspection by Clark County public health.
(4) Communicable Disease. No person having skin lesions. sore or inflamed eyes, or who is wearing a bandage of any kind, or having mouth, nose or ear discharges, or who is known to the health officer and to the operator to be a carrier of any communicable disease shall use any pool subject to this chapter.
(5) Pollution of Pool Prohibited. Urinating, expectorating, blowing the nose, or depositing into the pool any foreign matter which will pollute the pool water is prohibited.
(6) Swim Clothing. The swimming in street clothing or other such clothing which may pollute the pool water with foreign matter is prohibited in pools subject to this chapter.
(7) Lifesaving and First Aid Facilities. Every swimming pool shall be equipped with one or more light but strong poles with blunt ends and not less than twelve feet in length for making reaching assists or rescues, and one or more throwing buoys having sixty (60) feet of three-sixteenths (3/16) inch manila rope attached, placed in easily accessible racks adjacent to the pool. In addition, there shall be displayed prominently a list of emergency service telephone numbers. (Res. No. 76-04-07, 1976; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 2006-09-13)