40.620.060    Fire District Impact Fee Component

The impact fee component for fire districts shall be separately calculated for each participating fire district using the following formula:

FIF = (A × B)/C

A.    “FIF” means the fire impact component of the total development impact fee.

(Added: Ord. 2024-02-03)

B.    “A” means the total estimated twenty (20) year expenditure attributable to new growth included in the district’s capital facilities plan.

(Added: Ord. 2024-02-03)

C.    “B” means the percentage of annual calls by land use category, either residential or nonresidential, included in the district’s capital facilities plan.

(Added: Ord. 2024-02-03)

D.    “C” means the projected growth by number of units per land use category included in the district’s capital facilities plan.

(Added: Ord. 2024-02-03)