Chapter 16.24


16.24.010    Best interests of public.

16.24.020    Encroachment.

16.24.030    Service streets.

16.24.040    Buffer strips.

16.24.050    Subdivisions adjacent to other municipalities.

16.24.060    Building permit – Right-of-way development.

16.24.070    Building permit – Storm sewer plans.

16.24.080    Playfields and parks.

16.24.090    Preservation of natural and historic sites.

16.24.100    Relation to comprehensive plan.

16.24.110    Compliance with environmental regulations.

16.24.120    New streets and rights-of-way.

16.24.130    Parks, playgrounds and open public spaces.

16.24.140    Power and communications facilities.

16.24.150    Storm sewer provisions.

16.24.160    Permanent control monuments.

16.24.010 Best interests of public.

The proposed subdivision and its ultimate use shall be in the best interests of the public welfare and the neighborhood development of the area, and the subdivider shall present evidence to this effect when requested by the planning commission. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.020 Encroachment.

The tract to be subdivided should not be a part of or encroach upon an area or areas designated in the comprehensive plan for future public facilities. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.030 Service streets.

Lots fronting on high volume trafficways shall be provided with parallel service streets or such other medium of access as may be appropriate. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.040 Buffer strips.

Where residential subdivisions are to be developed adjacent to nonresidential use districts, buffer strips or other protective treatment shall be provided to the extent and type required by the planning commission. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.050 Subdivisions adjacent to other municipalities.

Subdivisions adjacent to other municipalities shall be considered with respect to the special subdivision standards of those municipalities as well as the requirements of the city. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.060 Building permit – Right-of-way development.

No building permit shall be issued for construction on a lot contained within a platted area until the portion of all rights-of-way adjacent to such lot have been improved and developed in accordance with the requirements of the city, unless otherwise approved by the planning commission. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.070 Building permit – Storm sewer plans.

No building permit shall be issued for construction on a lot contained within a platted area until plans for storm sewer facilities have been approved in accordance with the provisions of this title, and all amendments thereto, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the zoning regulations and all amendments thereto. (Ord. 693 § 1, 1994)

16.24.080 Playfields and parks.

The planning commission shall specify to the extent required the allocation of playfields, parks and other spaces that may be essential to a proper development of the areas or neighborhood. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.100.)

16.24.090 Preservation of natural and historic sites.

Due regard shall be shown for the preservation of outstanding natural and cultural features such as scenic spots, watercourses and historic sites. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.110.)

16.24.100 Relation to comprehensive plan.

In all respects, the subdivision will be considered in relation to the comprehensive plan, or any part thereof, or preliminary plans made in anticipation thereof. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.120.)

16.24.110 Compliance with environmental regulations.

The subdivision and any application therefor shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.04 CHMC, Environmental Policy Act. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.130.)

16.24.120 New streets and rights-of-way.

A. Rights-of-way shall conform in effect to the comprehensive plan as adopted and to the general right-of-way pattern of the city.

B. Where the comprehensive plan and/or the official district (zoning map) of the city indicate the necessity of a new right-of-way of a required width or portion thereof for street purposes, in order to complete the articulation of the general right-of-way pattern, such required right-of-way or portion thereof shall be dedicated to the city by the filing of the plat. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.140.)

16.24.130 Parks, playgrounds and open public spaces.

If required by the planning commission, all plats must provide by dedication areas for parks, playgrounds, or open public spaces, on the basis of population density. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.150.)

16.24.140 Power and communications facilities.

All electrical power transmission and distribution facilities and communication facilities within platted areas shall be installed and located underground. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.160.)

16.24.150 Storm sewer provisions.

A. All plats shall provide storm sewers for the control and disposal of surface and ground water runoff including, but not limited to, such water as may be collected from roof downspout drains, surface drains or foundation drains. Such sewers and appurtenances shall be so located and designed to meet the requirements specified by the city engineer, so as to conform to and be compatible with adjacent natural drainage ways and city storm sewer comprehensive planning.

B. All natural contours shall be maintained during development, improvement, use and/or construction within a lot, site, parcel, plat or area to the extent that natural drainage flow from or onto adjacent public or private property shall not be disrupted, blocked, increased, redirected or otherwise made detrimental to the use or maintenance of the adjacent property; provided, that this restriction shall not prevent the tiling and maintenance of a covered storm sewer under or across private property along a natural drainage course for the purpose of generally improving a particular property, in conformance with specifications and plans meeting the approval of the city engineer.

C. No effluent from a drainage system serving any home or other building or use to collect sanitary waste or garbage of any nature shall be permitted to enter, mix with, join or flow into any natural drainage course or storm sewer system whereby any contamination, foul odor or unsanitary condition does or is likely to exist. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.170.)

16.24.160 Permanent control monuments.

Except for subdivisions excluded under the provisions of this title, as now or hereafter amended, permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land being subdivided. The planning commission shall determine the number and location of permanent control monuments within the plat, if any. (Ord. 705 § 4, 1994; Ord. 693 § 1, 1994. Formerly 16.24.180.)