Chapter 17.36


CHMC 17.36.010, 17.36.020, and 17.36.150 through 17.36.170 were deleted by Ord. 805. The original provisions of these sections derived from Ords. 74 §§ 9(A), (A)(2), (A)(3), (A)(12), (A)(14), (B); 132 § 1; 287 § 6; 354 § 2; 430 § 2; 659 § 1; and 684 § 1.

CHMC 17.36.030 through 17.36.060, 17.36.080, 17.36.120 through 17.36.140, and 17.36.180 through 17.36.210 are recodified at Chapter 17.08 CHMC.

CHMC 17.36.070, 17.36.090, 17.36.100, and 17.36.110 were repealed by Ord. 742. The original provisions of these sections derived from Ords. 74 §§ 9(A)(4), (A)(10), (A)(15); 174 § 4; 287 § 5; 299; 339; and 423 § 5.