Chapter 2.40
2.40.020 Historic and Natural Resources Plan.
2.40.040 Removal of, or injury to, public trees.
2.40.010 Created.
There is hereby created a five-member board to be known as the “parks and natural resources board.” The members of said board shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the town council. The members of such board will serve without compensation. At least four of the five board members must be residents of the town of Coulee Dam. The term of office of such board members shall be four years, except that the first five members of such board shall be appointed for differing terms as follows: one member to serve for a period of one year, two members to serve for a period of two years, one member to serve for a period of three years and one member to serve for a period of four years. Thereafter, board members shall be appointed to four-year terms. Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled as soon as practical by appointment of the mayor and confirmation of the town council. The board shall elect its own chairperson from among its members. The chairperson must be a resident of the town of Coulee Dam. The duties of the board shall be as follows:
(1) To advise the mayor and town council on all matters pertaining to parks, recreation, natural resources, historic preservation, or other related causes, actions, plans, rules and regulations.
(2) To provide oversight and advice to the mayor, town council, and planning commission for all parks plans, plans for the preservation or enhancement of natural and/or historic features, and/or other related planning efforts as may be determined by the town council.
(3) To work with the mayor and town clerk-treasurer each year to prepare a preliminary budget pertaining to parks, recreation, natural resources, and historic preservation for town council consideration.
(4) To review the annual work program as it relates to parks, recreation, natural resources, and historic resources/preservation and advise the mayor as to the most efficient and cost-effective implementation.
(5) To advise the planning commission on the development of land use, shorelines, building, and other plans and regulations impacted or affected by parks, recreation, natural resources, historic preservation and the implementation/enforcement thereof.
(6) To provide the town and its citizens with information and educational materials relating to landscaping and/or historical preservation enhancing methods, opportunities, and suggestions. (Ord. 726 § 1, 2014)
2.40.020 Historic and Natural Resources Plan.
The town hereby adopts the “Historic and Natural Resources Plan for Coulee Dam” (April 8, 1998). A copy of the plan shall be filed in the office of the Coulee Dam town clerk and kept there for public examination and reference. This plan shall be reviewed for best practice, contemporary content, and changing community plans at least every four years and updated and readopted as may be appropriate. No changes may be made to the plan without town council concurrence and adoption. (Ord. 726 § 2, 2014)
2.40.030 Tree committee.
There is hereby created a four-member committee to be known as the “tree committee.” Two of the members of said committee shall be appointed by the chairperson of the parks and natural resources board, one member shall be appointed by the mayor, and the fourth member shall be the town clerk. The duties of the committee shall be as follows:
(1) To consider applications of individuals or governing bodies for the removal of public trees, removal or alteration of historic or natural resource features, and to make recommendations to the mayor (or his designee) and/or town council, as applicable, within 30 days of the date of application.
(2) To consider the following in reviewing any application for the removal of public trees:
(a) Trees generally increase property values, enhance our parks and rights-of-way, and buffer traffic noise.
(b) Trees remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen, purify the water and the air, reduce soil erosion, offer shelter to wildlife, and (among other things) provide shade and wind barriers.
(c) The general health of the tree(s) as may be determined by reasonable prudence and/or a certified arborist if necessary.
(d) The impact of the tree(s) on the public infrastructure including sidewalks, storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems.
(3) To make recommendations to the full body of the parks and natural resources board as may be applicable or requested. (Ord. 726 § 3, 2014)
2.40.040 Removal of, or injury to, public trees.
The removal of, or injury to, public trees without approval from the town shall be considered a civil infraction. A violation of this chapter, including the provisions of the Historic and Natural Resources Plan for Coulee Dam, shall be deemed a civil infraction and any person, agency, firm, or corporation found to have committed such a civil infraction shall be assessed a monetary penalty not to exceed $300.00 for each offense; in addition to such imposition of penalty, anyone violating this chapter shall be liable for all costs of damage and injury proximately caused by the violation. (Ord. 726 § 4, 2014)