Chapter 6.15


6.15.010    Established – Definition.

6.15.020    Refusal to show or exhibit animals unlawful.

6.15.030    Animals running at large prohibited.

6.15.040    Impoundment of animals running at large.

6.15.050    Redemption of impounded animals – Boarding fees.

6.15.060    Violation – Penalty.

6.15.010 Established – Definition.

It shall be unlawful for any person in the town of Coulee Dam to possess, harbor, shelter or keep more than four pets total, two dogs, no more than two cats, excepting veterinary hospitals and pet shops, properly licensed by the town. It shall also be unlawful for any person in the town of Coulee Dam to possess, harbor, shelter or keep more than one dangerous dog. For the purpose of this chapter, the term “pet” shall be defined as any dog or cat. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 610 § 4, 2004; Ord. 233 § 1, 1980)

6.15.020 Refusal to show or exhibit animals unlawful.

It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to show or exhibit at any reasonable time any pet in his possession or custody to any licensed inspector, police officer or health official of the town of Coulee Dam. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 233 § 2, 1980)

6.15.030 Animals running at large prohibited.

It is unlawful for any pet to run at large at any hour of the day or night within the town of Coulee Dam on any street, sidewalk, alley, way, boulevard, park, public playground or schoolground or in any other public place or building. Any animal so straying, entering, or trespassing upon such property is declared to be a nuisance. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 233 § 3, 1980)

6.15.040 Impoundment of animals running at large.

Any police officer or other officer designated by the town is authorized to impound any pet found running at large within the town of Coulee Dam. In the event capture cannot be effected, the police officer or such other officer shall be authorized to destroy such pet. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 233 § 4, 1980)

6.15.050 Redemption of impounded animals – Boarding fees.

Any impounded pet not redeemed within 72 hours shall be disposed of. A minimum daily charge of $5.00 shall be made for feeding and shelter of such pet so impounded. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 233 § 5, 1980)

6.15.060 Violation – Penalty.

Failure to perform any act required, or the performance of any act prohibited by this chapter is designated a civil infraction and any person, firm or corporation found to have committed a civil infraction shall be assessed a monetary penalty, which penalty may not exceed $300.00 for each offense. Each day during which a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense and separate penalties may be assessed for each separate offense. (Ord. 821 § 1, 2024; Ord. 359 § 8, 1988; Ord. 233 § 6, 1980)