Chapter 10.10
10.10.020 Trucks and recreational vehicles.
10.10.030 Designated diagonal parking.
10.10.040 Designated straight in parking.
10.10.070 Emergency vehicles exempt.
10.10.080 Designated handicapped reserved parking space(s).
10.10.090 Designated one-way street.
10.10.100 Twenty-four-hour or 72-hour parking restriction.
10.10.110 No parking on designated streets.
10.10.120 Limitation of parking on certain streets.
10.10.130 Stopping, standing, littering, or parking prohibited in specified places.
10.10.140 Ninety-minute parking.
10.10.150 Towing away and impounding vehicle.
10.10.160 Civil infraction – Violation – Punishment.
10.10.010 Loading zones.
It is unlawful for any person to park, or leave standing or unattended, any vehicle on the:
(1) East side of Birch Street, between Roosevelt Way and Sixth Street;
(2) Twenty feet of the east side of Lincoln Street parallel to St. Rita’s Adult Family Home located at 207 Lincoln Street; for longer than the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, merchandise or food items.
(3) Or any other loading zones as designated by the public works superintendent, and approved by the town council. (Ord. 717 § 1, 2013; Ord. 570 § 1, 2002; Ord. 485 § 1, 1997)
10.10.020 Trucks and recreational vehicles.
It is unlawful to park any bus, truck with a two-ton load rating or more, or any recreational vehicle at any time on the west side of Birch Street between Roosevelt Way and Sixth Street.
Those vehicles shall park in designated parking lots located on Sixth Street between Spruce Street and Birch Street; excluding the parking lot between Birch Street and Cedar Street and the parking lot between Fir and Holly. (Ord. 485 § 2, 1997)
10.10.030 Designated diagonal parking.
On the following designated portions of the following named streets within the town, vehicle parking shall be diagonal with the curb and in designated diagonal parking spaces only:
(1) On the west side of Birch Street, between Roosevelt Way to Sixth Avenue;
(2) On the north and south side of Mead Way;
(3) In designated parking areas in Cole Park;
(4) On the north side of Civic Way between Spruce Street and Central Drive; and
(5) North and south sides of Grant Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Columbia Avenue.
All vehicles entering into diagonal parking spaces shall do so only from the right lane of traffic, and no crossing from the opposite lane shall be permitted. (Ord. 810, 2023; Ord. 485 § 3, 1997)
10.10.040 Designated straight in parking.
On the following designated portions of the following named street within the town, vehicle parking shall be straight in into designated parking spaces only:
(1) On the west side of Lincoln in front of the Town Hall; and on the north side of the Town Hall;
(2) On the west side of Lincoln Street from Columbia Avenue to Grant Street;
(3) In designated parking lots between Spruce Street and Birch Street, and the community building two parking lots located between Roosevelt Way and Aspen Street. (Ord. 485 § 4, 1997)
10.10.050 Parallel parking.
On all other streets, subject to the foregoing provisions, parking shall be parallel to the curb. (Ord. 485 § 5, 1997)
10.10.060 Double parking.
No double parking is permitted on any street. (Ord. 485 § 6, 1997)
10.10.070 Emergency vehicles exempt.
Emergency vehicles shall be exempt from all provisions of this chapter when in the performance of their duties. (Ord. 485 § 7, 1997)
10.10.080 Designated handicapped reserved parking space(s).
Certain parking spaces may be reserved and appropriately signed for vehicles of physically handicapped persons displaying special license plate, card and/or decal as provided in RCW 46.16.380, and no person shall park any vehicle in any such designated handicapped reserved parking space without displaying such special license plate, card and/or decal. (Ord. 485 § 8, 1997)
10.10.090 Designated one-way street.
Aspen Street between River Drive and Sixth Street is declared a one-way street going south. (Ord. 485 § 9, 1997)
10.10.100 Twenty-four-hour or 72-hour parking restriction.
No vehicle shall be continuously parked on any street or town-owned parking lots for a period longer than 24 hours during the months of November through March and no vehicle shall be continuously parked on any street for a period longer than 72 hours during the months of April through October. (Ord. 670 § 1, 2009; Ord. 485 § 10, 1997)
10.10.110 No parking on designated streets.
There shall be no parking at any time on the following streets:
(1) The west side of North Columbia Avenue from the entrance of the Spokane Teacher’s Credit Union to the south edge of Cole Park;
(2) On all cul-de-sacs at the end of all dead-end streets;
(3) On the west side of Aspen Street;
(4) On the north side of Sixth Street between Aspen Street and Tulip Street;
(5) On the west side of Birch Street, 60 feet from the intersection of River Drive and Birch Street;
(6) On the east side of River Drive, 300 feet from the intersection of Roosevelt Way and River Drive;
(7) The entire area of the Fiddle Creek Bridge on North Columbia Avenue. (Ord. 810, 2023; Ord. 661 § 1, 2008; Ord. 639 § 1, 2006; Ord. 619 § 1, 2005; Ord. 485 § 11, 1997)
10.10.120 Limitation of parking on certain streets.
(1) No vehicle shall be parked for more than one hour during school hours when school is in session, on the following streets:
(a) Central Drive, from Crest Drive, south to Sixth Street.
(2) No vehicle shall be parked for more than three hours in the first nine parking spaces, including handicap spaces, on the south side of Mead Way in front of Mead Park, beginning at Fir Street traveling east. (Ord. 810, 2023; Ord. 485 § 12, 1997)
10.10.130 Stopping, standing, littering, or parking prohibited in specified places.
(1) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.
(2) No person shall park a vehicle upon any street, or any town parking lot for the principal purpose of:
(a) Displaying such vehicle for sale;
(b) Washing, greasing, changing oil or repairing such vehicle, except for emergency repairs;
(c) Littering streets, parks, parking lots or other areas prohibited.
(3) The public works superintendent or the police chief are hereby authorized to determine and designate by proper temporary signs, in places in which the parking of vehicles would create a hazardous condition or cause unusual delay to traffic. (Ord. 485 § 13, 1997)
10.10.140 Ninety-minute parking.
Ninety-minute parking signs with days of week, hours of day and tow away zone on certain designated streets in the commercial area of town, and the establishment of additional parking spaces on certain designated streets as follows:
(1) Parking time limit: 90-minute parking on the west side of Birch Street between Roosevelt Way and Sixth Street; on the south side of Sixth Street between Aspen and Birch Streets; and two parking spaces north of Sixth Street on the west side of Birch Street;
(2) Installation of parking signs and requirements: 90-minute parking, tow away zone between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, for streets listed in this section. (Ord. 810, 2023; Ord. 639 § 2, 2006; Ord. 485 § 14, 1997)
10.10.150 Towing away and impounding vehicle.
If any vehicle is found parked in violation of this chapter, the police department is authorized to have said vehicle towed to an impound lot. The owner or person having vehicle in his possession shall pay all charges for towing, storage and or other charges associated with the removal of the vehicle. All towing charges shall be deemed a lien upon said vehicle until paid in full. (Ord. 485 § 15, 1997)
10.10.160 Civil infraction – Violation – Punishment.
Failure to perform any act required, or the performance of any act prohibited by this chapter is designated as a civil infraction, and any person, firm or corporation found to have committed such a civil infraction shall be assessed a monetary penalty, which penalty may not exceed $500.00 for each offense. Each day during which a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense and separate penalties may be assessed for each separate offense. Whenever a monetary penalty is imposed by a court for violation of a town ordinance, it shall be payable immediately. (Ord. 485 § 16, 1997)