Chapter 10.25
10.25.010 Stop streets designated.
10.25.010 Stop streets designated.
Hereafter the following streets at such places where they intersect the streets shall be deemed stop streets and all traffic traveling thereon shall come to a complete stop before proceeding. The following are the designated stop streets:
(1) Roosevelt Way, leaving USBR gate.
(2) Fir Street at the point where it enters Mead Street.
(3) Mead Street at the point where it enters Fir Street.
(4) Mead Street at the point where it enters Roosevelt Way.
(5) Fir Street at the point where it enters Sixth Street.
(6) Birch Street at the point where it enters Sixth Street both northbound and southbound.
(7) Birch Street at the point where it enters Roosevelt Way.
(8) Central Drive at the point where it enters Crest Street.
(9) Crest Street at the point where it enters Central Drive.
(10) Civic Street at the point where it enters Central Drive.
(11) Sixth Street at the point where it enters Central Drive.
(12) And to include all stop signs entering the State Highway, except Roosevelt Way Westbound. (Ord. 585 § 1, 2003)