Chapter 12.25


12.25.010    Purpose.

12.25.020    Definition.

12.25.030    Complete streets infrastructure.

12.25.040    Exceptions.

12.25.010 Purpose.

The town of Coulee Dam shall, to the maximum extent practicable, plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain appropriate facilities for the safe accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users, emergency responders, freight haulers, and users of all ages and abilities, and all new construction, retrofit or reconstruction projects. (Ord. 816 § 1, 2024)

12.25.020 Definition.

As used in this chapter, “complete streets infrastructure” means design features specific to individual transportation projects and the transportation system as a whole, which contribute to a safe, convenient and comfortable travel experience for all system users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users, emergency responders, freight haulers, and users of all ages and abilities. Complete street infrastructure may include, but is not limited to, features such as sidewalks, shared use paths, bicycle lanes, automobile lanes, paved shoulders, landscaping, curb extensions, accessible curb ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian and traffic signage/signals, bicycle and motor vehicle parking options, transit stops, traffic calming devices and pavement striping. (Ord. 816 § 2, 2024)

12.25.030 Complete streets infrastructure.

(1) Applicability. This chapter applies to the planning, design and construction of new, retrofit, or reconstructed roadways within the public right-of-way of the town of Coulee Dam, and to the extent allowed by law, to new private roadways within the town.

(2) Policy. The town of Coulee Dam shall incorporate complete streets infrastructure into new, retrofit or reconstructed roadways to complete a comprehensive, integrated, and connected transportation network. To the extent feasible, the town of Coulee Dam should identify cost-effective opportunities to support complete street objectives through ongoing operations and maintenance.

(3) Design Criteria. The town shall adopt and maintain design criteria, standards and guidelines based on recognized best practices for street design, construction, and operations, including but not limited to the latest editions of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidebooks, Washington State Department of Transportation Design Manual, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Design guidelines should emphasize context-sensitive design, reflective of the character of the surrounding built and natural environments. (Ord. 816 § 3, 2024)

12.25.040 Exceptions.

(1) This chapter shall not apply to routine maintenance of the transportation network that does not change the roadway geometry or operations, as determined by the public works superintendent.

(2) Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists and/or transit users may be excluded from a transportation project when:

(a) There is a documented absence of current or future needs;

(b) Nonmotorized facilities are prevented by law;

(c) The costs will be disproportionate to the current need or probable future uses;

(d) The improvements require more space than is physically available; or

(e) The addition of facilities results in adverse impacts on environmental resources such as streams, wetlands, historic or cultural resources above and beyond the impacts of current existing facilities.

(3) Decisions to grant an exception on the basis of the criteria listed in this section shall be made by the town council following a recommendation by the mayor. The mayor’s recommendation should follow consultation with the public works superintendent. (Ord. 816 § 4, 2024)