Division 3. Establishment of Land Use Zones and Overlays

Chapter 17.15


17.15.010    Establishment of zoning districts and overlays.

17.15.020    Official map.

17.15.030    Data maps.

17.15.040    Interpretation of data maps.

17.15.050    Effect of data maps.

17.15.060    Zone boundary change.

17.15.070    Interpretation of zone boundaries.

17.15.080    Annexed property.

17.15.090    Compliance.

17.15.010 Establishment of zoning districts and overlays.

In order to classify, segregate and regulate the use of land, buildings and structures and to protect resource lands and critical areas according to the provisions of this title, the town of Coulee Dam and its projected growth area are hereby divided into the following use zones and overlays:




First Residential


Second Residential


Third Residential


Special Residential






Government Entity


Resource Lands Overlay


Critical Areas Overlay

(Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.01), 2000)

17.15.020 Official map.

This title shall consist of the text herein and, as though contained herein, that map identified as the town of Coulee Dam comprehensive zoning map. Such map shall be approved by the town council and shall contain the signatures of the mayor and the town clerk as verification of the approval of the town council. The map shall be kept on file at the office of the town clerk. This title and all of its terms are to be read and interpreted in light of the contents of said map. In cases where there may be conflicts of interpretation between the map and the text of this title, the text of this title shall prevail. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.02), 2000)

17.15.030 Data maps.

Resource lands and critical areas are hereby designated on a series of data maps maintained at the Coulee Dam Town Hall. These maps contain the best available graphic depiction of resource lands and critical areas and will be updated as reliable data becomes available. These maps are for information and illustrative purposes only and are not regulatory in nature.

The resource lands and critical areas data maps are intended to alert the development community, appraisers, and current or prospective property owners of a potential encounter with a use or development limiting factor based on the natural systems. The presence of a critical area or resource designation on the data maps is sufficient foundation for the designated town official (i.e., the town clerk, or his or her designee) to order an analysis for the factor(s) identified prior to acceptance of a development application as being complete and ready for processing under the Coulee Dam Municipal Code. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.03), 2000)

17.15.040 Interpretation of data maps.

The planning commission of Coulee Dam is hereby declared the administrator of this title for the purpose of interpreting data maps. An affected property owner or other party with standing has a right to appeal the administrative determination of the town of Coulee Dam planning commission.

The data maps are to be used as a general guide to the location and extent of resource lands and critical areas. Resource lands and critical areas indicated on the data maps are presumed to exist in the locations shown and are protected under all the provisions of this title. The exact location of resource lands and/or critical areas shall be determined by the town of Coulee Dam based on the results of field investigations that are supplied by the applicant and as a result of field investigations performed by qualified professionals using the definitions found in Chapter 17.10 CDMC. All development applications are required to show the boundary(ies) of all resource lands and critical areas on a scaled drawing prior to the development application being considered “complete” for processing purposes. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.04), 2000)

17.15.050 Effect of data maps.

The conclusion by the administrative authority that a parcel of land or a part thereof, that is the subject of a proposed development application is within the boundary(ies) of one or more critical areas or resource lands as shown on the data maps, shall serve as cause for additional investigation and analysis to be conducted by the applicant. The site-specific analysis shall be limited to those resource lands and critical areas indicated on the data maps. In the event of multiple designations, each subject matter will be addressed independently and collectively for the purpose of determining development limitations and appropriate mitigating measures. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.05), 2000)

17.15.060 Zone boundary change.

Changes to the boundaries of the zones shall be made by ordinance of the town council adopting an amended zoning map. At the time of amendment, the adopted changes shall become part of the unified development code. In adopting zone boundary changes, the procedures described in Chapter 17.215 CDMC shall be followed. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.06), 2000)

17.15.070 Interpretation of zone boundaries.

In interpreting the boundaries of any zone on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply:

(1) Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following street or alley lines, the centerline of a street or alley right-of-way, or lot lines, such lines shall be determined to be the boundaries of the zone.

(2) Where a zone boundary line divides an unsubdivided property, unless the location of the boundary is indicated by dimensions, the boundary line shall be determined by measurement on the map utilizing the scale appearing on the map.

(3) Any lands located within an alley or street that has been vacated shall acquire the zoning classification of the property to which it reverts.

(4) When a lot is subdivided and recorded subsequent to zoning of an area in which it is located, and when the boundary line of a zone longitudinally bisects said lot, the boundary shall be considered as following the lot line so that the lot is placed wholly into the classification which applies to the major portion of the lot.

(5) When a zone boundary line equally bisects a lot, the entire lot shall acquire the most restrictive use classification and the requirements of that zone classification.

(6) When a zone boundary line bisects a lot and this boundary line parallels or approximately parallels the street on which the lot fronts, the total lot shall acquire the same zone classification as the front portion of the lot.

(7) Where physical features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the official zoning map, or in other circumstances not covered by the above subsections of this section, the planning commission shall interpret the boundaries. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.07), 2000)

17.15.080 Annexed property.

All property which may hereafter be annexed to the town of Coulee Dam pursuant to Chapter 35.14 RCW, laws of the state of Washington, shall be zoned consistent with the land use designations of the town of Coulee Dam comprehensive plan, as it now exists or is hereafter amended, at the time of the annexation. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.08), 2000)

17.15.090 Compliance.

Except as otherwise provided for in this unified development code, no building or land shall hereafter be used, subdivided or occupied, and no building or part thereof shall be erected, moved or altered, unless in conformity with the regulations herein specified for the zone in which it is located. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 3.09), 2000)