Chapter 17.90


17.90.010    Traffic generation standards.

17.90.020    Off-street parking requirements.

17.90.030    Submittal of off-street parking plans.

17.90.040    Ingress and egress standards.

17.90.050    Grading, surfacing, and drainage standards.

17.90.060    Loading and surface space requirements.

17.90.070    Access to lot.

17.90.080    Compliance.

17.90.010 Traffic generation standards.

Uses likely to generate more than 25 trips per day per acre, as determined by the town of Coulee Dam, to or from the premises shall be permitted only if the lot, parcel or tract containing the use is directly served by a public street. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.01), 2000)

17.90.020 Off-street parking requirements.

(1) Each property within the town of Coulee Dam limits is required to have off-street parking spaces in accordance with Table 17.90.1, the table of minimum parking standards, for specific uses, set forth below. However, compliance with the requirements of this chapter is limited to new construction and rehabilitation projects as defined herein. No building permits will be issued for such construction without a plan for compliance with the requirements set forth in this chapter.

Table 17.90.1 – Minimum Parking Standards


Number of Spaces

Single-family dwelling

1 per dwelling unit


1 per dwelling unit


1 per dwelling unit

Four or more units (1 building)

1 per dwelling unit1

Motel or hotel

1 per guest room

Medical/dental office

1 per 150 sq. ft. floor space

Offices with on-site customer services

1 per 400 sq. ft. floor space2

Offices without on-site customer services

1 per 800 sq. ft. floor space2

Eating and drinking establishments

1 per 200 sq. ft. floor space


1 per 500 sq. ft. floor space

1 – Applies whether building is classified as an apartment or a condo.

2 – Minimum of two per office.

(2) In cases where any of the above properties should abut or adjoin a town-owned parking area, excluding a town street with curb parking, the town-owned parking area may be substituted for up to 50 percent of the above parking requirements upon the recommendation of the planning commission, including a determination by the commission that full compliance of the intent of this title will be assured.

(3) In addition to the basic standards and requirements established by this title, the planning commission, and/or the town council, may make such other requirements or restrictions as shall be deemed necessary in the interest of public safety, health, and general welfare, facilities, entrances and exits, accessory uses and conditional exceptions. Further, performance bonds may be required in such cases where the planning commission or town council determines that such shall be necessary to guarantee proper completion of improvements within the time period specified.

(4) Joint use agreements which are not in violation of statutes and regulations may be made between adjacent property owners, and after review by the planning commission shall be filed with the town clerk.

(5) Changes in an existing land use or structure shall carry existing agreements and privileges of use forward with the new use, where said use will not endanger the public safety or inflict a loss on adjacent land owners. Projects which involve the change in use of structures within commercially zoned areas, and major remodels and other projects which entail the redevelopment of structures which existed prior to January 1, 1998, are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.

The following figure depicts the different parameters of parking stalls, access aisles and other pertinent features of parking lots:

(Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.02), 2000)

17.90.030 Submittal of off-street parking plans.

Any party developing an off-street parking lot shall submit a plan of the proposed parking area showing adjacent streets and structures and proposed traffic circulation, drainage, lighting, landscaping, fencing and screening to the building official to review for compliance with this title. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.03), 2000)

17.90.040 Ingress and egress standards.

All ingress and egress to a parking lot must be arranged such that no vehicle shall back onto a public street or otherwise cause or create unsafe or hazardous conditions for traffic on adjacent streets. All vehicles exiting a parking lot or area shall have clear vision of all traffic. Access to state highways shall require approval of an access permit and be designed and constructed to meet the standards of Chapter 47.50 RCW. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.04), 2000)

17.90.050 Grading, surfacing, and drainage standards.

All required off-street parking areas shall be graded and surfaced to a standard comparable to the street or road which services the parking area. Such standards shall be determined by the building official. The surfacing shall be dustless and drainage shall be accomplished to adequately dispose of all storm water and snow melt in an approved manner. All access lanes adjoining state rights-of-way shall meet the requirements of the state agencies administering said rights-of-way or of the town of Coulee Dam, whichever are greater. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.05), 2000)

17.90.060 Loading and surface space requirements.

Land uses which require service vehicle access for deliveries and shipments shall have an off-street loading space with access to a public thoroughfare. The size of the space shall be large enough to accommodate all servicing vehicles. No servicing vehicle shall extend into the public thoroughfare when using the loading space. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.06), 2000)

17.90.070 Access to lot.

All buildings hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public or approved private street. All buildings shall also be located on the lot to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection and required off-street parking. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.07), 2000)

17.90.080 Compliance.

(1) Compliance with the requirements of this chapter is mandatory for new construction, rehabilitation projects and major remodeling projects as defined herein. No building permits will be issued for construction without detail of plans that include off-street parking.

(2) Compliance with the requirements of this chapter may be made mandatory as a requirement for relicensing of a home occupation business if a complaint has been made with respect to congested traffic.

(3) Compliance with the requirements of this chapter is not mandatory or required for any property at its present level of development.

(4) New developments will be prohibited, if it negatively affects the adopted LOS adopted by the town, unless transportation improvements or strategies, such as traffic demand strategies (TDM), to accommodate the impacts of development are made concurrent with the development (as required under GMA). (Ord. 647 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006; Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 20.07), 2000)