Chapter 18.43
18.43.010 Description and purpose.
18.43.040 Yards and site coverage.
18.43.060 Existing property subject to MU zone.
18.43.010 Description and purpose.
The mixed use zone (MU) is intended to provide for a mix of complementary designed and located residential uses, including single-family and multifamily uses, attached and detached, condominiums and special living facilities, with the opportunity for retail and services. It is the intent of the MU zone to provide sites designed for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle access and circulation and connections to the adjacent land uses. It should also be compatible with nearby residential and public facilities and to prevent nuisances such as noise and traffic from accompanying areas. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)
18.43.020 Permitted uses.
A. In the MU zone the following uses shall be permitted:
1. Single-family and two-family dwellings.
2. Apartments and condominiums.
3. Group homes and assisted living facilities and their associated ancillary services.
4. Recreational facilities of a noncommercial nature, including parks and playfields.
5. Hospitals and medical and health care uses including, but not limited to: out-patient clinics, continuing/long-term care services, hospice services, laboratories, medical research facilities, and emergency medical services.
6. Art galleries and museums.
7. Bed and breakfast coupled with residential dwellings.
8. Child day care centers.
9. Offices.
10. Preschools.
11. Public uses and facilities (government buildings, library, postal facilities, etc.).
12. Houses of religious worship including, but not limited to, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, convents and related uses. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)
18.43.030 Design standards.
A. Nonresidential.
1. All primary building pedestrian entrances and storefront windows shall face onto the primary street serving the site. If the site has multiple street frontages, the more pedestrian-oriented street shall take precedence.
2. The design character of an individual building should be compatible (share similar features such as color, scale, massing and height) with its neighbors but may also include other features or characteristics that are different.
3. Parking. The parking requirements shall be determined by combining the requirements of the residential and the commercial uses, as established in Chapter 18.74 DPMC.
4. Off-street parking shall not be located in the front yard setback and shall be located to the side or rear of the building(s).
5. All open storage shall be enclosed by a fence or wall six feet in height, which obscures the view of the open storage area from adjoining properties and streets. As an alternative to a fence or wall, the city may permit the planting of a solid evergreen hedge at least six feet in height (such as green arborvitae shrubs). No open storage shall exceed the height of its perimeter screening feature along the front property line or a property line that adjoins a residential use or zone.
6. All outdoor trash, garbage, and refuse storage areas shall be screened on all sides from public view and, at a minimum, shall be enclosed on three sides with a six-foot-high concrete block or masonry wall, or a solid fence, with a solid gate for access installed on the fourth side.
7. Drive-up, -in or -through facilities are not permitted, except for the roof covering over an entry way that is used as a drop-off site for access to the building.
B. Residential.
1. Provisions of the multifamily zone, and specifically DPMC 18.64.050, Building site area, 18.64.060, Floor area ratio, and 18.64.070, Signs, shall be utilized in determining building construction on the site.
2. Off-Street Parking and Private Storage Space.
a. Single-family and two-family dwellings, apartment units and condominiums shall be provided two covered and enclosed parking spaces per unit.
b. Group homes and assisted living facilities shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per three units, plus one parking space for each staff for the facility. In addition, there shall be an additional paved parking area for visitors based on the ratio of one-half parking space for each dwelling unit and any fraction shall be rounded to the next higher number.
c. All parking areas, driveways and approaches which lead onto a street shall be provided with hard surface improvements.
d. A minimum of 90 cubic feet of private storage space shall be provided for each dwelling unit outside of such unit, unless a private attached garage, serving only the unit, is provided; such storage space shall be fully enclosed and lockable. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)
18.43.040 Yards and site coverage.
The following yard (setback) areas and site coverage standards shall be observed by all primary and accessory uses permitted in the mixed use (MU) zone:
A. Street Frontage Yard. The minimum setback from any street, fronting or flanking, shall be 25 feet.
B. Rear Yard. Rear yards shall have a minimum depth of 15 feet.
C. Side Yard. Side yards shall have a minimum depth of 15 feet.
D. Site Coverage. No maximum. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)
18.43.050 Height limits.
A. The maximum height for buildings, structures, and uses shall be two stories or 35 feet, whichever is higher. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)
18.43.060 Existing property subject to MU zone.
Any property that is zoned “hospital use zone” on the effective date of this chapter shall thereafter be considered located in the “mixed use zone.” (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018)