Chapter 18.62
18.62.030 Development standards.
18.62.040 Platting requirements.
18.62.010 Authorized.
Zero lot line planned development is authorized in the following zoning classifications; provided, that such development complies with all provisions of this chapter and all provisions of Chapter 18.68 DPMC, Planned Unit Developments:
A. The residential 3A (R-3A) zone;
B. The residential 3B (R-3B) zone;
C. The multifamily (M-F) zone; and
D. The diversified commercial (C-D) zone. (Ord. 882 § 4, 2010)
18.62.020 Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in zero lot line developments shall be as outlined in the underlying zoning classification. (Ord. 882 § 4, 2010)
18.62.030 Development standards.
Zero lot line planned development standards are as follows:
A. Site Area. The minimum site area is five acres.
B. Lot Size. The minimum lot size is 3,000 square feet.
C. Site Coverage. The maximum site coverage is 50 percent.
D. Dwelling Unit Types. Permitted dwelling unit types shall be as follows:
1. In all zoning classifications where zero lot line developments are allowed, single-family attached dwelling units of duplex design being two dwelling units with a common wall separating them.
2. In addition, in the multifamily (M-F) and diversified commercial (C-D) zones, single-family attached dwelling units of townhouse design, being up to a maximum limit of six dwelling units with common walls separating them.
E. Density. The density of the zero lot line development shall not exceed the density of the underlying zoning classification.
F. Yard Requirements. Minimum yard setback requirements are as follows:
1. Front, rear and one side setback is based on the underlying zoning classification for duplex dwelling units;
2. Common Dwelling Side. Zero feet for a dwelling unit in a duplex and for the end dwelling units in a row of attached townhouse dwelling units; zero feet on both sides for townhouse dwelling units located on the interior of a row of attached townhouse dwelling units;
3. Side setback for the end units of a row of attached townhouse dwelling units shall be 15 feet.
G. Distance Between Buildings Containing Dwelling Units. The minimum distance between buildings containing dwelling units is 15 feet.
H. Height Limitation. The height limitation is two stories, not to exceed 35 feet.
I. Openings Prohibited on Zero Lot Line Side. The wall of the dwelling located on the lot line shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units or any other type of opening; provided, however, that atriums or courts shall be permitted on the zero lot line side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three walls of the dwelling unit and a solid wall of at least eight feet in height is provided on the zero lot line. The wall shall be constructed of the same material as exterior walls of the unit. Opaque openings or high-level windows above eight feet in height shall be allowed.
J. Off-Street Parking. All parking, whether enclosed or open, and all driveways and other access ways thereto, shall be paved. In addition, the following parking space minimums shall apply:
1. Two covered and enclosed off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit are required and shall be provided on the same lot as the dwelling unit such parking serves.
2. For a development of attached townhouse dwelling units, there shall be an additional paved parking area for visitors based on the ratio of one-half parking space for each dwelling unit and any fraction shall be rounded to the next highest number. All visitor parking areas shall be situated within 300 feet of the dwelling units they are intended to serve.
Exception: If roadways within a development are dedicated to the city and meet the requirements of DPMC 17.28.050(B)(10), additional visitor parking areas are not required.
3. No paved but uncovered parking area shall be permitted to occupy any portion of any street facing setback area.
K. Open Space. Each zero lot line planned development shall provide area for common open space in accordance with DPMC 17.28.050(B)(14)(a)(ii), which shall be:
1. Concentrated in large areas and designed to provide either passive or active recreation;
2. Owned and maintained as follows:
a. If under one ownership, owned and maintained by said ownership;
b. Held in common ownership by all the owners of the development by means of a homeowners association. Such homeowners association shall be responsible for maintenance of the common open space. If such open space is not maintained in a reasonable manner, the city shall have the right to provide for the maintenance thereof and bill the homeowners association accordingly; or
c. Dedicated for public use if accepted by the city’s legislative authority or other appropriate public agency.
L. Maintenance of Common Areas. Where common ownership by a homeowners association is responsible for common open space maintenance, visitor parking areas, access drives, perimeter buffer areas, and any and all other common ownership aspects of the zero lot line planned development, there shall be a common maintenance agreement among all of the fee title dwelling unit owners. Said agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the city as to form, content, and compliance with the intent of this chapter and said agreement shall be filed of record with the Spokane County auditor and shall run with the land and be binding upon all future dwelling unit owners.
M. Walls. There shall be no contiguous walls between dwelling units. (Ord. 882 § 4, 2010)
18.62.040 Platting requirements.
All zero lot line planned developments are required to comply with DPMC Title 17, Subdivisions.
A. Each dwelling unit in a zero lot line planned development, regardless of its duplex or townhouse building design, must be located on its own lot of record with fee simple ownership.
B. Street access to the zero lot line planned development site, together with internal vehicular circulation routes therein, shall be by a network of public streets. (Ord. 882 § 4, 2010)