Chapter 16.36


16.36.010    Title conflict.

16.36.020    Definitions.

16.36.030    Mobile home (MH) zone intent.

16.36.040    Major subdivision requirements.

16.36.050    General requirements.

16.36.060    Effective date.

16.36.010 Title conflict.

In any case where provisions of this chapter are found to be in conflict with a provision of any other code provision of the town of Eatonville, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, building ordinances, fire ordinances, safety ordinances, or health ordinances, the provisions which, in the judgment of the town, establish the highest standard for the promotion and protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the people shall prevail. In the case of any other code provision which establishes a lower standard for the promotion and protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the people, the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to prevail. (Ord. 87-5 § 1, 1987).

16.36.020 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context of subject matter clearly requires otherwise, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the indicated meanings.

A. “Enforcing agency” means the town of Eatonville.

B. “Factory-built housing” means a structure constructed of factory-assembled parts that are transported to the building site and assembled at the building site, which meets the requirements of the International Building Code, and which bears an insignia issued by a state or federal regulatory agency indicating that the manufactured home complies with all applicable construction standards of the International Building Code. The completed structure is not mobile and should not be considered a mobile/manufactured home. Factory built housing shall not be regulated by this title. Factory built housing shall be considered a single-family dwelling and governed by the appropriate requirements of the Eatonville Municipal Code.

C. “Mobile home park” means a lot, parcel or tract of land, improved or unimproved, under the ownership or management of one or more persons, which is utilized as the location for six or more mobile/manufactured homes for dwelling or sleeping purposes.

D. “Mobile home subdivision” is similar to a mobile home park, but with spaces or lots reserved for sale as residential sites for manufactured homes.

E. “Mobile/manufactured home” means a residential unit on one or more chassis for towing to the point of use and designed to be used with a foundation as a dwelling unit on a year-round basis, and which bears an insignia issued by a state or federal regulatory agency indicating that the manufactured home complies with all applicable construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition of a manufactured home. The unit shall be certified for transportation on public streets by the State Department of Labor and Industries. The terms “mobile home” and “manufactured home” are considered to be interchangeable in the context of this title. A commercial coach, recreational vehicle, or motor home is not a mobile/manufactured home.

F. “Recreational vehicle” means a vehicular type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use, with or without motive power, of such size and weight as not to require a special highway movement permit and certified as approved as such by the Department of Labor and Industries. Recreational vehicles shall include but are not limited to campers, motor homes, travel trailers and camping trailers. (Ord. 87-5 § 2, 1987).

16.36.030 Mobile home (MH) zone intent.

The purpose of the MH zone is to provide a zone where single-family mobile homes may be located within the town. This zone and the following regulations shall, by their essence, provide a home buyer a greater range of choice of housing types without conflicting with other residential subdivisions. This zone will serve as a floating zone. The MH zone is enacted for any area in the town zoned mobile home park (MHP). In addition, the mobile home zone is enacted for any area in the town zoned multiple residential; however, mobile home use in this zone shall be by conditional use only as regulated by Chapter 18.04 EMC. (Ord. 87-5 § 3, 1987).

16.36.040 Major subdivision requirements.

Unless specifically stated in this chapter, a mobile home subdivision shall conform in all ways to the requirements of a major subdivision contained in EMC Title 17. All other property development standards shall conform to appropriate ordinances unless specifically stated in this chapter. (Ord. 87-5 § 4, 1987).

16.36.050 General requirements.

The following requirements shall be followed for all mobile/manufactured housing.

A. Permitted Uses. The following are permitted in an MH zone:

1. Accessory uses appurtenant to permitted uses;

2. One private garage, not to exceed 1,000 square feet in area, for each residence;

3. Recreational equipment, including camping trucks, motor homes and camping trailers, not exceeding 25 feet in length; boats, boat trailers and similar equipment may be parked or stored on the premises;

4. Single-family mobile homes which comply with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations governing the construction specifications and standards for all new mobile homes and which bear an insignia issued by HUD indicating that the mobile home complies with HUD regulations.

B. Prohibited Uses. No uses other than those listed as permitted uses shall be allowed in a mobile home subdivision unless specific allowances are made for such uses on the subdivision plat.

C. Size of Subdivision. The minimum size of the subdivision shall be 10 acres.

D. Setbacks.

1. The minimum front yard setback shall be 25 feet.

2. The minimum side yard setback shall be eight feet.

3. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 25 feet.

4. The minimum setback for accessory buildings shall be eight feet from any lot line.

E. Lot Size. The minimum lot size shall be 6,000 square feet. The ratio of width to depth shall be width greater than depth.

F. Building Heights. No building shall be constructed over two stories or 20 feet, whichever is higher.

G. Fences, Walls and Hedges. Fences, walls and hedges shall conform to the current fence regulations of the town; however, the council may require fencing not exceed six feet and/or landscaping of adequate height for screening purposes, taking into consideration any traffic safety problems which might be created by the height of the fencing and/or landscaping.

H. Landscaping. The area within the required front yard setback shall be landscaped within one year of occupancy and maintained.

I. Removal of Wheels and Tongue. All mobile homes placed in a mobile home subdivision shall have their wheels and tongues removed.

J. Permanent Foundation Setup. All mobile homes placed in a mobile home subdivision shall be placed on permanent continuous footing and foundations constructed according to applicable International Building Code requirements and anchored to the mobile home by a method approved by the building official.

K. Mobile Home Size. The minimum square footage for a mobile home placed in a mobile home subdivision shall be 900 square feet, calculated exclusive of tongue. (Ord. 87-5 § 5, 1987).

16.36.060 Effective date.

The ordinance codified in this chapter shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication as provided by law. (Ord. 87-5 § 6, 1987).